81 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Four-of-a-Kind & Aces Effects / Production & Appearance / Color Changing Back Kicker
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Piet Forton Color Change Aces Aces appear one by one in packet of blue backed cards, blue backed cards disappear, then Aces change into red backs
1967 9
Milton Kort Rosini's Aces Off Color Aces lost, they turn over at once, then change back color
Inspired by 1970 7
Milton Kort Four Ace Assembly assembly, then the Aces change back color as surprise
1970 9
Milton Kort Off Color Center Dealing center deal demo with Aces which change back color as climax
Variations 1970 17
Milton Kort Cutting the Aces, Off Color color-changing back kicker
1970 37
Allan Ackerman Axing the Aces backs of Aces change color
1971 24
Derek Dingle The DD Color-Changing Aces
Related to 1971 18
Father Cyprian Embarrassed Collectors "(Sleightly Off-Color)"
Aces change back color after collectors routine
  • Phase I: Showing The Aces
  • Phase II: Selection And Control
  • Phase III: Handling The Ace Packet
    • Variation 1: Break and Buckle
    • Variation 2: Mario Handlings
Variations 1971 28
Father Cyprian Chickee, The Cops Aces change back color after collectors routine, duplicate selection
  • Drag - Drop Variation
1971 34
Jerry K. Hartman For (Embarrassed) Collectors Only variation of above using Faro, Aces’ backs change color at the end
  • Alternate Handling: see p. 19, “Card Carriers”
Inspired by 1972 18
Derek Dingle Color-Full aces lost and found, color changing backs, change to kings
1973 90
Lin Searles Blue Aces spectator finds aces two times, then they change back color
Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Derek Dingle Royal Triumph "Progressive Triumph" with color changing back kicker, simplified handling
Inspired by 1973
Innovations (Issue 2)
John Carney Chameleon Aces Aces cut to, Aces change back color, then rest of deck
1973 (ca.) 6
Edward Marlo The Off Color Collectors collector cards change back at the end
1974 11
Karl Fulves Technicolor Cards performer cuts to four Aces, but they have different back color, then he cuts to correct Aces but then deck changes color
  • The Magician Cuts to the Aces
  • The Gambler Cuts to the Aces
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1974
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Horace E. Bennett Am I Blue cutting to four Aces, different colored back kicker
Inspired by 1975 83
Karl Fulves Royal Blue in red-backed packet four Aces appear one by one, they have different backs
Inspired by 1976
Epilogue (Issue Special No 5)
John Carney Chameleon Aces aces cut to, aces change back color, then rest of deck
1976 2
Darwin Ortiz Mucker's Miracle performer deals himself four Aces from a spectator-shuffled deck, they are then (optionally) shown to have different-colored backs
Related to 1976 7
David Bornstein Pay Up performer switches cards with spectators, yet is left with four Aces, color changing backs kicker
Inspired byRelated to 1978
The Chronicles (Issue 11)
Jerry K. Hartman Easy Reader Magician cuts to four Aces one by one, then show that Aces have odd colored backs
Inspired by
  • "My Friend The Gambler" (Father Cyprian, Lecture Notes #2)
Also published here
1978 34
Geoffrey Scalbert Die Falschspielerbrille by "Scalbert", apparently marking on back of cards which can only be seen with glasses, then marks can be seen for everybody
Related toAlso published here
  • "Abracadabra" Vol. 62, Nr. 1609. 1976.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 1)
Marc DeSouza Let's Fake a Deal Aces cut to, five hands dealt and dealer receives Royal Flush, repeat with four hands, then everyone gets a good hand, then a hand changes back color, shrinks to smaller cards, and get blank
Inspired by
  • "I Cheat At Poker" (T.G. Murphy, manuscript)
1979 1
Father Cyprian, Edward Marlo, Audley Walsh Factory Guaranteed Opener 1. Magician locates four Aces from blue deck (Marlo sequence)
2. Spectator locates four Aces, backs of Aces are revealed to be red (credit to Audley Walsh)
3. Aces are placed into card case with the Joker, the Aces change into blue backs
1979 2
Father Cyprian The Spectator Cuts the Aces performer cuts to Aces really, "painting" the Aces on spectator's hand (friction), color changing back kicker
1980 21
Father Cyprian Multiple Surprises Ace cutting with color changing back kicker, different colors, four double backers
1980 46
Gene Maze Cutting Colors color changing back climax
1980 58
Jimmy Ray Ace Color Change cutting to four Aces, then backs change color
1980 28
Jean-Jacques Sanvert, Derek Dingle Colorful Ace Control Ace production with color-changing back kicker
Feb. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Notes by Karl Fulves "Poker Triumph" variation, with color changing back kicker for four-of-a-kind
1981 12
Derek Dingle New Double Color-Changing Aces
Related to 1982 76
Derek Dingle Pegas Aces
1982 86
Derek Dingle Royal Triumph "Progressive Triumph" with color changing back kicker
VariationsAlso published here 1982 147
Mike Bornstein Color Poker Triumph deck shuffled face up into face down, Royal Flush is produced which then turns out to be with different colored backs, triumph ending
1982 35
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Color-Ace-tion in 4th Ace production, then backs of Aces change visual
Mar. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Michael J. Gerhardt Color Changing Deck four Queens cut to, they catch selection, Queens change back color, rest of deck as well
1983 13
Jerry Sadowitz Sparrows Tears spectator touches four cards: kings, four other selections turn out to have red backs, back color switches places then
1984 37
David Britland The Blues Brothers assembly with Aces, color changing back kicker
Inspired byVariations 1984 9
Ace Triumph No. 86, optional color-changing back kicker for Aces
1984 129
Michael Powers The Fly a signed selection sandwiched between two black queens travels between the two red queens altough both pairs are secured by rubber bands, with color changing back kicker
Related toVariations 1990 60
Jerry K. Hartman Force Four card sandwiched in middle switched as sandwich is pulled out of deck, also with four cards sandwiched
Inspired by 1991 43
Jerry K. Hartman Easy Reader Magician cuts to four Aces one by one, then show that Aces have odd colored backs
Also published here 1991 420
Jerry K. Hartman Marked Men spectator finds four Aces one by one, then show that Aces have odd colored backs
Related to 1991 421
Jerry K. Hartman Standout spectator finds four Aces one by one, then show that Aces have blank backs
Inspired by
  • Father Cyprian's "My friend the Gambler" in "You Are Magic Lecture Notes Nr. 2"
Related to
1991 665
Gary Kurtz Spectator Color Changing Aces spectator touches four cards, they are the aces, then they have large Xs on the backs
Also published here 1992 19
René Lavand Triple Predicrtion prediction of three selected card, backs of selections change color and rest of the deck too
1993 182
Gene Maze Ezam Aces three cards put on each of the face-up aces, they turn face down, then face up again, then backs change color
1994 168
David Regal The Wrong Ones!
Sep. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 9)
David Regal Still The Wrong Ones!
Sep. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 9)
Gary Kurtz Spectator Color Changing Aces spectator touches four cards, they are the aces, then they have large Xs on the backs
Also published here 1995 21
Ken Krenzel The Last Heist four touched cards are jacks, distributed and come together, repeat, they change back color
Related to 1997 152
Alex Elmsley The Colour-Changing Faro Shuffle first published in Jerry Sadowitz' "The Crimp", five times performer cuts to a card, royal flush but with different colored back
1997 9
Bruce Cervon A Tinge of Color
Related toVariations 1998 146
Bruce Cervon A Tinge of Color II
1998 158
Alex Elmsley Oyster Shells performer removes Aces from face-down deck apparently by help of special glasses, spectator wears glasses and apparently can now see marked cards which are red-backed cards in blue-backed deck, then they change into blue backed cards, sucker moment
Related toVariations 1998 58
Bob King Spectator Cuts and Cheats spectator cuts to the Aces three times, then they change back color
1998 13
Bob King Turnabout is Foul Play Ace through Four in a row on the table, one card is moved to other end, they still are in order, repeat, color changing back kicker
1998 28
Joshua Jay A Discreet Displacement Ace Location Four spectators touch four random cards, shown to be Aces, and all Aces have different colored backs as a surprise ending
Related to 1999 41
David Regal The Wrong Ones Produce four Aces, then deck changes color (includes variation where deck goes back to new deck order as well)
  • Routine One
  • Routine Two
1999 37
Joshua Jay A Simple Ace Trick spectator touches four cards, they are the Aces, they change back colors, Discreet Displacement application
Jan. 1999
Onyx (Issue 6)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson I Spy four Jacks show up, eventually their backs change color, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Carl Mercurio Litmus Test spectator chooses a King from a blue-backed deck, while dealing face-down through the deck three cards visibly change to red-backed cards, they are the missing Kings and selected King is now also red-backed, Second Deal as color change
2003 15
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson I Spy four Jacks show up, eventually their backs change color, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 2004 144
David Jade Cutting Off Colors color changing back kicker
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 2004
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 7)
Bob King Color Cut color changing back kicker
Inspired byAlso published here 2005 13
Roger Crosthwaite An Off-Colour Deal Aces are lost and dealt to performer in four-handed game, they change their back color as a kicker
Inspired by 2006 53
Bruce Cervon A Tinge of Color cut Aces face-up
Related to 2007 14
Bob King Color Cut color changing back kicker
Inspired byAlso published here 2010 124
Nick Trost Color Eureka - A New Handling color changing deck Triumph, credit information
Inspired by
  • "Color Eureka" (Nick Trost, The New Tops, Aug. 1965)
2013 739
William Goodwin Color Shake visual color changing deck, using Shake Change, whole deck with divided backs
2014 17
Karl Fulves Short Cuts color changing back kicker, short double backer
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Allan Ackerman Surprise Bluff Aces color changing back kicker of Aces
Inspired byAlso published here 2019 75
Satish Marksman Aces
Apr. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 4)
Allan Ackerman Surprise Bluff Assembly color changing back kicker of Aces
Also published here 2022
Output (Issue 21)
David Jade Cutting Off Colors color changing back kicker
Also published here 2022 280
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Vallarino's Everywhere and Nowhere card is selected in red deck, four blue-backed Aces change one at a time to match the selection, then they all change to Queens and their backs change to red
2022 254
Scott Baird Techni-Lean Travellers spectator selects four cards, they are shown to be a four-of-a-kind, their backs change color, then an Open Travelers routine is performed with them
Inspired by Apr. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Jason Connolly Aces for Alicja Ace production with Triumph for last Ace
  • Bonus idea 1: Colour Ace Cutting (color changing backs of the Aces)
  • Bonus idea 2: Named Card Triumph
Aug. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Friedrich Roitzsch Luminous Readers performer removes Aces from face-down deck apparently by help of special glasses, spectator wears glasses and apparently can now see marked cards which are red-backed cards in blue-backed deck, then they change into blue backed cards, sucker moment
Inspired by 2023 16
Allan Ackerman Surprise Bluff Aces color changing back kicker of Aces
Inspired byAlso published here 2024 187