131 entries in Cards / Principles / Locator Cards / Thick Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Al Baker Your Pulse Tells spectator's index finger finds card, thick card ("click")
Also published here 1935 14
Single Card Force thick card
1937 127
Crescent Locator Card piece cut out and glued on card
1938 78
Double Locator Card Court Loator Card ("Master Card") and Pip Locator Card, pieces glued on card
1938 79
Silk Locator Card
1938 79
Eclipse Locator Card shallow card glued on normal card
1938 79
Harry Bertall, Adolphe "Magicus" Blind La Carte Clef extra pips glued on card
Related to
  • Léopold Figner's "Die Detektivkarte" in "Offenbarungen aus dem Reiche der Kartenkunst"
Apr. 1941 1
Tony Kardyro The Routine Supreme introduction with comments on the thick card as a key card
Related to 1941 5
Tony Kardyro Locating the Key Card thick key card
  • First Method
  • Second Method
1941 6
Tony Kardyro To Bring Selected Card Second From Top thick key card
1941 7
Tony Kardyro To Bring Selected Card Second From Bottom thick key card
1941 7
Tony Kardyro Shuffling the Cards with thick key card
1941 7
Tony Kardyro Mental Card Discovery card next to thick card can be glimpsed when riffling through deck
1941 8
Tony Kardyro Card in Pocket card is found by performer behind his back and put in spectator's pocket
1941 9
Tony Kardyro A Total Mystery spectator cuts off cards, counts them and replaces them, performer later cuts same amount
Related to 1941 9
Tony Kardyro Chosen Card in Selected Pile selection lost, three piles made, selection is found in chosen pile
1941 9
Tony Kardyro Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips several cards chosen and replaced, performer finds all of them in his pocket
Related to 1941 10
Tony Kardyro Routine Using the "Total Mystery" and "Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips" combination of both routines
1941 10
Tony Kardyro Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips (Second Effect) five cards named, removed and then lost, deck put in spectator's pocket and found there by performer
1941 11
R. M. Jamison 57 two times performer knows where selection is, when spectator turns up cards and names them
May 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 125)
James G. Thompson Jr. Pip Pip cutting at a thick card, pips
Oct. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 161)
Art Lyle Pocket Location four card location, two thick cards
Feb. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 171)
Dr. William T. Palchinas Skill-Nil! combination of several routines, here as Palchanis
  • Pay Off (Walter Gibson)
  • One Good Trick (Walter Gibson)
  • A Total Mystery (Tony Kardyro)
  • Total Mystery / Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips (Tony Kardyro)
  • Card-Incidence (Charles Terraneau)
Related to Aug. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 183)
Hen Fetsch Click Locator Card thick card only glued at center
1949 1
Eddie Joseph How to Make Your Locator Card thick card, one and a half card thick
1949 12
Al Koran Koran's Miracle Blindfold Act multi-phase routine performed genuinely blindfolded, comprised of the following effects
Variations 1952 72
Al Koran Effect No 1. "Sense of Touch" performer blindfolded, selected card is located by feel in tabled spread
1952 73
Al Koran Effect No. 2. "Stop - By Power of Thought" performer blindfolded
1952 74
Al Koran Effect No. 3. "Three Times Three" performer blindfolded, three cards lost in three piles and located
1952 74
Al Koran Effect No. 6. "Force Superb" performer blindfolded, card chosen and performer finds it in his pocket
1952 76
R. M. Jamison The Mystic Card of Fu message appears on a blank card, which names position of selection in deck
May 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 308)
Alex Elmsley All Backs Routine cutting to Aces presentation
VariationsAlso published here 1954 193
Jerry Andrus Geiger Counter Routine chosen card appears face up, in second phase a card is moved along spread, clicking sound changes at selection
Related toVariations 1957 3
Edward Marlo Reverse Fingertip Control forcing thick or short card, riffled from the back to the front, two methods
1970 64
Jon Racherbaumer Pardon My Backs! with thick double backer
Summer 1970 210
Edward Marlo Dribble Coincidence two decks, three phases
Related to Oct. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Dribble Force thick card
Oct. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Dribble Concept Continued two decks are dribbled and spectator calls stop, eight aces, double back thick card
Related to Nov. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Carlhorst Meier Ein Psycho-Kartenprogramm multi-phase routine performed genuinely blindfolded, comprised of the following effects
Inspired byRelated toVariations Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Carlhorst Meier Experiment 1: Die Übertragung eines "Stop" Befehls performer blindfolded, card chosen and lost, performer deals through cards and stops at selection
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Carlhorst Meier Experiment 2: Hellsehen performer blindfolded, card chosen and lost, performer finds it while spreading through the deck while spectator looks at faces
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
David Solomon Toss-in Triumph no card reversed after Triumph, indicator is tossed next to selection
1978 33
Thick Card
1978 34
Walter "Sonny" Day Minerve on the thick card, different cuts
Mar. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 3)
H. E. Burnside Cutting the Aces
Mar. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Walter "Sonny" Day Fastest Trick In the World
Mar. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Rovi Your Card Plus Four Aces selection is found reversed in the deck, first the four aces and the joker are produced
1980 11
Daryl Martinez Flexible Blue/Red Cards Across with two handkerchiefs
1980 13
Turnover Switch on the deck
1980 15
Jimmy Ray Making the Key Card locator card, piece glued to center of card
1980 10
Jimmy Ray Side by Side card is reversed in deck next to selections
1980 12
Jimmy Ray Side Peek riffle force with thick card, routine simple reverse
1980 15
Jimmy Ray Side Swindle card is found by feeling sides of the deck
1980 17
Alex Elmsley Lauter Rückseiten Routine with Ace production
Also published here June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Roy Johnson Mythical Princess two cards are found, clock theme, prediction with sucker element
1984 17
Gary Ouellet Key Cards on different Key Card concepts
1. The Short Card
2. The Corner Short
3. The Long Card
4. The Thick Card
5. The Jimmy Ray Card
6. The Kornwinder and similar cards
1986 13
Stephen Tucker Aces from the Fore pip is removed from card and thrown on table where it appears as an Ace, repeated
1987 8
Thick Card Dribble Force
1988 21
Rolf Andra Ein Normal- und ein Riesenkartenspiel reversed card in jumbo deck as prediction
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 2)
Roy Johnson Instant Aces
1989 82
Alex Elmsley All Backs with Aces cutting to Aces presentation
Also published here 1991 259
Larry Becker 2 O'Thoughts two versions of the clock trick
  • Mind Mirror
  • Cardology
1992 297
Larry Becker, Carlhorst Meier Hour of Destiny with prediction engraved in watch, credit information
Related toVariations 1992 305
Karl Norman The Karl Norman Key Card Routine locator card with piece of other card glued on it
Related to May/June 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 11)
The Split Card part of other card glued on back
1994 19
Edward Marlo The Inexplicable Reverse spectator shuffles before four Aces are shown reversed together in center, thick double backer
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Feb. 1977
1995 317
Edward Marlo Spectator's Shuffle spectator shuffles one half, then the other, some cards secretly transferred
1995 317
Edward Marlo The Inexplicable Result Aces lost in different parts of the deck, spectator shuffles, Aces found reversed together in deck
1995 318
Edward Marlo The Clean Up selected card found by performer in pocket
1995 321
Bob King Repeat Triumph thick double backer
1995 25
Claude Rix Je suis formidable! deck is memorized and named numbers or cards are known by performer
1995 68
Karl Fulves Thickset four cards glued together
1996 116
Karl Fulves No-Break Cull using thick or short card
1996 119
Roy Johnson Blitztransposition
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 1)
Christian Scherer Ganz einfach deck under handkerchief held by spectator, performer reaches under silk and produces selection
Inspired by 1997 24
Christian Scherer Fernseh-Asse performer cuts to the aces one by one
1997 34
Christian Scherer Spektraldruck blank deck turns into normal deck
1997 140
Bob King Princess for Magicians five cards, one thought of, all cards put in pocket, performer removes four, last one is selection
1998 11
Bob King Spectator Cuts and Cheats spectator cuts to the Aces three times, then they change back color
1998 13
Christian Scherer Sensitive Finger five phases blindfold routine with sense of touch presentation
  • 1. finger print, by touch
  • 2. think stop
  • 3. rising card under handkerchief, magnetism presentation
  • 4. card identity divination
  • 5. location of selection
Inspired byRelated to 1999 9
Ellis Stanyon The "Ruffle" Force No. 30, with thick card
1999 18
Ellis Stanyon The "Ruffle" Force with an Ordinary Pack No. 4, step or thick card
1999 193
Ellis Stanyon The "Ruffle" Force with Double Card No. 9, thick card
1999 274
Steve Bedwell Where have you been all my life? about the possibilities of thick cards
Related to 2000 1
Steve Bedwell Introduction
  • It's even cheap to make!!!
2000 3
Steve Bedwell Single Card Control using thick card
2000 5
Steve Bedwell Pinky Pulldown Location of thick card
2000 6
Steve Bedwell The TC Multiple Control using thick card, selections made via dribbling
2000 8
Steve Bedwell TC Multiple Lift using thick card
2000 12
Steve Bedwell Ambitious Card Sequence using thick card
2000 13
Steve Bedwell The TC Dribble Force using thick card
2000 17
Steve Bedwell CARDiac Emergency dream card plot, card with emergency sticker on back
Inspired by
  • "Emergency Card" (Randy Wakeman)
2000 18
Steve Bedwell Stacked Thoughts three selections divined, one found with "think stop" procedure when cards are spread in front of spectator's eyes
2000 22
Steve Bedwell Bibliography
2000 28
Tony Bartolotta Without a Clue No. 80, some cards hidden, card cut to and lost, found by performer
2001 120
Tony Bartolotta Number Affinity No. 81, two cards at their positions change
2001 121
Rob James Tweaked Cannibals visual handling of Collectors finale
Aug. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Rob James To make a thick card
Aug. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Peter McLanachan Half-Past Middles pseudo center deal demonstration with thick cap card
July 2002
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Al Baker Your Pulse Tells spectator's index finger finds card, thick card ("click")
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Second Book)
Bob King Repeat Triumph using a thick double backer
2003 20
Bob King Color Cut color changing back kicker
Inspired byAlso published here 2005 13
John M. Jarvis, Roberto Giobbi The Birthday Card gag, calendar card is chosen
Inspired by
  • John M. Jarvis’s “Birthday Card” in "The Linking Ring", Vol. 69, No. 1, Jan. 1989, p. 73.
2008 62
Patrick Dessi Quid de la carte clé? on various key cards
  • Les cartes redimensionnées
    • La carte courte
    • La carte étroite
    • La carte épaisse
  • Les cartes amputées
    • La carte au pouce
  • Les cartes déformées
    • La carte doublement cornée
2009 91
Alexander de Cova Ultimative Kartenkontrolle thick card for multiple card control
Related to 2010 15
Bob King Color Cut color changing back kicker
Inspired byAlso published here 2010 124
Alexander de Cova Die dicke Berta thick wide card by glueing two card together slightly off
  • Herrstellung
  • Das Prinzip
Related toAlso published here Nov. 2012 34
Max Nelson Super Duper Card gaffed card that is thick, double backer and has a rising card gaff built into it
  • Thick Card
  • Double Backer
  • Rising Card
  • The Card That Selects You (selection shoots out of deck)
  • Switch-a-Roo
  • Big Bullet (card shoots out from incomplete faro condition)
2012 10
Sveroni Homing Card à la Sveroni card to pocket routine, three phases with fake expanation
2013 29
Alexander de Cova Ein Horror Kartentrick packet cut off and cased, performer divines number of cards blindfolded
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 2013 430
Ichiro Moriya One-Armed Tibetan Gambler performer tries to cut to four Aces, four cards are not Aces but form a Royal Flush when card previously selected by spectator is added
2013 158
Daniel Celma Blindfold Act 6 phases, blindfolded seeing with the fingertips
Also published here 2014 31
Alan Shaxon The Thick Card
  • Making The Thick Card
  • Using The Locator
  • Controlling A Chosen Card
  • Shuffling The Pack
  • Controlling Multiple Cards
  • Double Lift
  • Forcing A Cards
  • Palming The Top Or Bottom Card
  • Locating A Thought Of Card
  • The Peek
2014 95
Alan Shaxon Neither Has This One back of one selection temporarily changes color
2014 98
Alan Shaxon The Biddle Surprise Biddle trick
2014 99
Alan Shaxon Card Stab deck wrapped in paper
2014 100
Alan Shaxon One-Eyed Jack Sandwich sandwiched card transposes with card in pocket
2014 100
Alan Shaxon Hour of Destiny with prediction engraved in watch and correct time predicted, Hunter watch
Inspired by 2014 105
Alan Shaxon Ultimate Nudist Deck evolved version of routine from 1970
Inspired by
  • "New Nudist Deck" (Edward Victor, Harry Baron's "My Best Card Trick", 1953, p. 20)
Related to
2014 130
Daniel Celma Blindfold Act 6 phases, blindfolded seeing with the fingertips
Also published here 2015 62
Alexander de Cova Die dicke Berta thick wide card by glueing two card together slightly off
  • Herrstellung
  • Eine andere Präparation
  • Das Prinzip
Also published here 2015 98
Alexander de Cova Horror-Kartentrick packet cut off and cased, performer divines number of cards blindfolded
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 109
Alexander de Cova Blindfold Card Act discussion of blindfolded card magic acts and example tricks and techniques, see following entries
  • Zur Geschichte (credit information)
  • Technik
  • Die Augenbinde
  • Meine Augenbinde
  • Techniken mit den Spielkarten
  • Anweisungen
Inspired by 2015 171
Alexander de Cova Die dicke Karte thick card and cutting to thick card
  • Das Abheben zur dicken Karte
2015 179
Alexander de Cova Das neue Spiel things to do when opening a new deck
  • Die Markierte Karte
  • Das Duplikat
  • Die Dicke Berta
2016 190
David Solomon Ten-Hand Poker Deal Aces on top, two shuffles
Inspired by 2018 60
Tom Gagnon Gagnon Stocks Erdnase jogging specific card while riffling through the deck, controlled with Gagnon Spread Control
Inspired by 2019 161
Tom Gagnon Heavy Breather breather glued onto another card, thick breather
2019 328
Mark Gibson Murder Mystery five cards with the words liar, liar, truth, truth, murderer on them are distributed amongst five spectators in envelopes, question "are you the murderer" is used to divine all words
Oct. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 10)
Mark Gibson Dead Test
Oct. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 10)
Prakash Puru Reverse Cull Handling with side-steal start for thick cards
Apr. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 4)