76 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Super-Senses / Sense of Touch / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To Distinguish the Court Cards by Touch preparing by "bending" edges slightly upwards with knife
1876 69
Die Karten in der Brusttasche No. 1, deck placed in breast pocket of spectator, selections from another deck inserted in pocketed deck, performer takes them out by touch, one deck slightly bigger
1895 3
Hugo Schrader Die getrennten und wieder vereinten Paare four King-Queen pairs on table, put together and cut by spectator, Kings and Queen separated under table by performer, cut again, then performer brings out pairs from under table
Oct. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Gleiche Gedanken (Erste Ausführung) two cards are selected from a deck, performer finds same card in second deck placed in his pocket
VariationsAlso published here 1910 6
The Pocket-Picking Trick card located in spectator's pocket
1911 105
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Feingefühl in den Fingerspitzen. No. 13, shuffled deck placed in handkerchief, performer names six card and finds them inside bundle, then six cards vanish and appear back in the deck, duplicates
1926 45
Graham Adams The Torn Pack and Tricks Therewith two cards selected and returned, then whole deck torn in two halves, two cards counted to in both "halves", they match and are one selection, everything mixed in a hat and both halves found by touch
1931 27
Al Baker Unsight and Unseen finding two chosen cards in pocket, short pack
VariationsAlso published here 1935 20
Franklin M. Chapman Sixth Sense? Joker and three other cards are sealed in envelope and mixed, performer always finds Joker, secretly small bead is added in one envelope
1936 2
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine seltsame Uebereinstimmung shuffled deck in handkerchief, performer names three cards and removes them from the deck without looking, second deck with numbers on back, numbers on backs of the three removed card match with the actual date
Also published here
  • "Magie" 1931.
Oct. 1940
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 2&3)
Lu Brent How'd He Find It! selected card is taken out from the packet by touch
June 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 12)
Art Lyle The Similarity Is In the Difference spectators write names on blank cards, deck in pocket, cards are found
Oct. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 44)
Eugene Bernstein Sensitive Fingers five selected cards are found by touch alone
1945 72
Teral Garrett Dark Eyes four Aces in enveloppes are ascertained behind the back, unusual method involving sugar, salt and Aspirin
1945 91
Warren Wiersbe, Bob Hummer Double Separation packet shuffled face-up face-down, then statement over condition made and colors separated
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1946 11
Rudolf "Wernoli" Büchel Nicht was man macht... sondern wie... "Phantom-Trick" posed as problem, cards put in bag and shuffled with other cards, performer removes selections, followed by french translation "?? Problème??
Related to 1946
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Wernoli Liebe Freunde! solution for "Phantom-Trick", selections are found in bag
Related to 1946
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Bill Nord Touching Tricks card is selected and replaced, deck placed inside pocket and card removed, repeated with named card, card found reversed in the deck
Oct. 1948 468
Bob Hummer, John Scarne Sensitive Fingertips No. 17, Performer unmixes a packet of cards that has been shuffled face up/down. Shown to have odd number of cards in packet
1950 36
Bob Hummer Topsy-Turvy Deck No. 26, Deck of face up/down cards split into two by performer, each half has equal number of face up cards
1950 49
Peter A. McDonald Which Way? almost the same as Lonley Card
Inspired by 1950
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 11 No. 5)
Toni Koynini Switch It deck shuffled face-up/face-down, performer sorts cards out behind his back except free selection, deck switch
  • The Basic Switch
  • Switch It
  • Alternative Routine
1951 5
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Ein prämierter Kartentrick four pieces of torn selection are found among other pieces in handkerchief
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Al Koran Effect No. 6. "Force Superb" performer blindfolded, card chosen and performer finds it in his pocket
1952 76
Dr. William Weyeneth Unglaubliches Fingerspitzengefühl deck in hat, performer finds Aces
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 1)
Tony Corinda (4) Psychic Sorting Ghost Deck, performer divides deck in to red and black by touch, then sorts the red into hearts and diamonds and odd and even
Related to 1958 45
Dr. Stanley Jaks Extrasensibilität ten cards are shuffled in ten other cards face up into face down, behind back performer is able to divide cards so amount of face up cards is the same in both packets
Also published here 1961 129
Harry Lorayne Hummer Addition spectator reverses some cards, below table magician reverses more so named total is achieved, as kicker all are one color
Inspired byAlso published here 1965 30
Karl Fulves Four from Eight Problems with Cards - No. Six
two torn up cards mixed up in bag, performer removes four pieces which make up one card
Related toVariations Sep. 1966 55
George de Ghetto Four from Eight solution with restoration finish
Inspired by Dec. 1966 69
Charles T. Jordan An Unpublished Trick cards face-up and face-down sorted by touch
Related to
  • p. 158 for correction
Jan. 1968 150
Robert Page, Bob Hummer Hummer of a Trick! face-up and face-down cards separated by performer behind back
Inspired byVariations Aug. 1968 197
Don Nielson Sense of Touch comedy routine with cards, case and knife in bag, with a jumbo card, p. 241 for further reference, p. 246 for idea by Robert Eagle
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here Nov. 1968 217
Edward Marlo Out of Sight fingertip peeked at card is located from fan by sense of touch
1970 86
Edward Marlo Startling Climax two cards selected, first found in pocket, transforms in second card
Inspired by 1970 121
Juan Tamariz, Dr. Alfredo Florensa El Fabuloso Tacto del Mago shuffled deck in bag, a card is named and performer removes several cards which add up to named card and first card is from same suit, binary five-card set-up that combines to any card
1973 37
Edward Marlo Color Sense seeing with fingertips, red / black, shuffled deck in case, reflection on card case
Related to 1975
Magick (Issue 121)
Z-Ray No. 11, card marked on face is cut in deck, performer deals through cards face-down and stops at marked card
1976 19
Karl Fulves 5-4 spectator turns cards over from a packet of 18 cards, behind back performer splits packet and knows relation of face-down and face-up cards in each half
Related toAlso published here Sep. 1979
The Talon (Issue 5)
Val Evans Tacto Finismo Efecto N°2, cutting packets of even or odd numbers
1980 25
Stephen Tucker I Rise deck in case is placed in spectator's pocket, performer removes card, rising card gimmick
Related to Oct. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 18)
Revelación en Bolsillo del Espectador application B, card is located in spectator's pocket
1983 6
Harry Lorayne Hummer Addition spectator reverses some cards, below table magician reverses more so named total is achieved, as kicker all are one color
Also published here Oct. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Dai Vernon Nerves on Edge feeling face up and face down behind back
1988 215
Bruno Haber Option Four selection is torn in quarters with some other cards, performer locates pieces of selection in bag
Feb. 1989
Magick (Issue 417)
Karl Fulves Needle in a Haystack finding odd-backed cards by sense of touch in gambling shoe
Swindle Sheet (Issue 7)
Karl Fulves Face Value cards shuffled face-up/face-down, cards dealt into performers hand until he calls stop, number of face-down cards then equals face-up cards
Inspired byRelated to 1992 25
Santo Dreifaches Kartenfinden three selections found in cloth bag, using Kong Case
Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Claude Rix Les cartes en poche cards from shuffled deck are placed in various pockets and named cards are removed quickly
1995 61
Bob Farmer Spin To Win Again face-up/face-down distribution bet when removing a bunch of cards from under a tray, parity
Related to Aug. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Marty Kane Mish Mosh Tell-A-Vision suits of cards are divined, with fingers, then separation by spectator
Inspired by 1997 1262
Christian Scherer Ganz einfach deck under handkerchief held by spectator, performer reaches under silk and produces selection
Inspired by 1997 24
Adrian "Ramblar" Guerra And Now... Two Cards from the Pocket finding two chosen cards in pocket
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 7
Christian Scherer Sensitive Finger five phases blindfold routine with sense of touch presentation
  • 1. finger print, by touch
  • 2. think stop
  • 3. rising card under handkerchief, magnetism presentation
  • 4. card identity divination
  • 5. location of selection
Inspired byRelated to 1999 9
Lewis Jones Red Alert One deck is dealt in four hands, colors of one hand can be divined
2000 160
Lewis Jones Strip tease stripper functionality shown by locating a single card, but uses normal deck
2002 25
Al Baker Unsight and Unseen finding two chosen cards in pocket, short pack
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Second Book)
Robert Cassidy The Psychic Touch card is named and signed, deck placed inside bag, performer wears a glove and finds selection
Related to 2003 6
Lewis Jones The Director's Cut cutting named number from deck
Inspired by
  • James McKnight's "Fast Counting the Cards" in Joe Berg's "The Berg Book"
2006 143
Steve Beam Si Kick cut pile behind back, then performer asks question about thought selection and always removes cards which do not match, red or black etc.
Variations 2006 163
Roberto Giobbi Digital Dexterity selected card is produced while deck is in pocket, to switch decks
2006 100
Mark Levy Pitch Black Triumph can only be performed in totally dark room
2007 466
Benjamin Earl Fingertip Memory named card instantly produced from shuffled deck
2007 16
Miguel Gómez Las cartas al peso card is located in pocket, then weighing the cards, last phase with packet in handkerchief
2007 101
Juan Manuel Marcos Cartas al tacto weighting card, three phases, finding selections
Related to 2008
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Stripper Notes
  • using stripper deck as one-way deck in tabled row
  • separation by touch (face-up/face-down)
Prolix (Issue 8)
Patrick Page The Pocket Card Index standard type and Q5 model, named cards are produced from pocket
Related to 2011 94
Nick Trost Producing Poker, Blackjack and Gin Hands deck riffle shuffled by spectator, performer takes deck under the table and takes out good hands
Inspired by
  • "Any Card Called For Hanky" (U. F. Grant, D. Robbins & Company's magazine Magic Is Fun, No. 7, Oct.-Dec. 1947)
2011 664
Nick Trost Four-Game Challenge two decks riffle shuffled by spectator, performer takes decks under the table and takes out good hands for different games
Inspired by 2011 667
Warren Wiersbe, Bob Hummer Follow-Up Trick packet shuffled face-up face-down, then statement over condition made and colors separated
Also published here 2011 728
Daniel Celma Blindfold Act 6 phases, blindfolded seeing with the fingertips
Also published here 2014 31
Dr. Stanley Jaks Extrasensibility ten cards are shuffled in ten other cards face up into face down, behind back performer is able to divide cards so amount of face up cards is the same in both packets
Also published here 2014 145
Daniel Celma Blindfold Act 6 phases, blindfolded seeing with the fingertips
Also published here 2015 62
Dani DaOrtiz, Miguel Ángel Gea, Juan Tamariz Identical Thoughts
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
two cards are selected from a deck, performer finds same card in second deck placed in his pocket, handling with different back colors
Inspired by Nov. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 11)
Luis Piedrahita Cortando Cartas al Peso weighing the cards, three phases, first phase amount of cards is named, second phase named number is cut and as climax spectator cuts named number of cards
El Manuscrito (Vol. 8 No. 31)
Ramón Riobóo I Always Miss, So I Never Miss You divine selection by taking cards out of deck behind the back that always have the opposite characteristic to the selection
Inspired by 2019 231