87 entries in Paper / Envelopes / Marked
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Der Hellseher several spectators chose cards and seal them in envelopes, performer divines the cards inside, marked envelopes
Related to 1896 80
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 26, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 70
Oswald Rae The Impossible Possible using a Spirit Box, name of card written down on paper and locked in box, blank card in envelope changes to that card
1926 22
Theodore Annemann Pseudo-Psychometry personal items in envelopes, see also page 404
Related toVariationsAlso published here June 1935
The Jinx (Issue 9)
Franklin M. Chapman Sixth Sense? Joker and three other cards are sealed in envelope and mixed, performer always finds Joker, secretly small bead is added in one envelope
1936 2
R. M. Jamison Bingo-Bonds bill in one of five bills, four spectators can spell the word "Bingo" and get the envelope they arrive at, with a stand
Dec. 1943 25
Theodore Annemann Pseudo-Psychometry personal items
Also published here 1944 150
Milbourne Christopher Super Psychometry with envelopes, nail nicks
May 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Theodore Annemann Envelope Marking Method
1951 18
Bob Somerfeld On Second Thought spectator named dead person before the show, later envelope with dead name is found by performer and name divined
Related to 1952 5
Aage Darling Pin Up Girl Test five men select a picture of a girl and put them in envelopes, medium divines who chose which picture
1953 22
Aage Darling Suprema medium does psychometry routine with five objects in envelopes
1953 26
Aage Darling Symbol Test spectator selects a ESP card and puts all five cards in envelopes, performer finds correct envelope and divines symbol
1953 30
Eugene Gloye Fitting the Pieces six cards are chosen and torn in half, each spectator keeps one half and the other is sealed in envelope, performer divines cards in envelope and locates owner of other half, last piece is burnt and card is found restored in envelope
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Eine wunderbare Übereinstimmung four cards in envelopes
Also published here 1961 149
George B. Anderson Pseudo Psychometry Improved spectator can chose some envelopes from a bunch, cyclical marking system
1968 24
Nathan Stark Dyna-Mental card selected and placed in envelope, placed among other envelopes is found and divined
Magick (Issue 61)
Stephen Minch Psychometry Worldly Rampant Pseudo Psychometry with tarot cards
Related to 1974 40
Gerald Kosky A Few Psychometry Ideas
1975 127
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 26, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
Also published here 1975 223
Al Mann Thoughts Amock Book Test three books, three words are predicted
1977 14
Gerald Kosky PSI-Stebbins three spectator select a ABC card and seal it in an envelope, Alphabet Stebbins
Magick (Issue 189)
Karl Fulves The Lock Mystery three keys and one lock, keys in envelopes, performer divines which envelope contains the fitting key
1977 129
George B. Anderson The Water Witch dowsing rod made of coat-hangers, finding water in a box and pseudo psychometry
Magick (Issue 219)
Larry Becker The Vampire Spell signed card in one of five envelopes, envelopes shuffled and word spelled for times, remaining envelope contains card, vampire presentation
1978 105
Thomas Alan Waters Eraser's Edge method to mark an envelope
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychometry)
Thomas Alan Waters Stampede method to mark an envelope
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychometry)
Thomas Alan Waters Post Facto method to mark an envelope
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychometry)
Thomas Alan Waters Cornered method to mark an envelope
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychometry)
Thomas Alan Waters Branded method to distinguish different envelopes
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychometry)
Basil Horwitz Challenge Thought a name, color and a symbol are noted on a card and sealed in an envelope, performer returns correct envelopes and then divines content
Related toAlso published here 1981 49
Neil Somerville Hidden Image pseudo psychometry, ESP cards wrapped with aluminium foil and sealed in envelopes
Magick (Issue 293)
Stephen Tucker, David Britland Adder spectator write numbers on paper in envelope, performer removes some they add up to any named number
Also published here Feb. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Stephen Tucker Enveloped with instruction sheet, three envelopes
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Dennis Draginis Photo Session photos of members of the audience are made with polaroid camera, then wrapped in foil and put in envelope, pseudo psychometry
Mar. 1983
Magick (Issue 317)
Piet Forton Der Wunderschlüssel keys in envelopes
1983 7
Piet Forton Das Zauberpfeiflein whistle starts to make sounds, different sport results in envelopes, whistle divines only possible one
1983 9
Basil Horwitz Challenge Thought, Version II word and symbol written on cards and sealed in envelope, both are divined by performer
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1984 65
Karl Fulves The Hometown Test No. 20, letters put in paper bag, performer takes them out and divines what's written on them and by whom
Inspired by 1985 40
Bruce Bernstein Impossible Bank Nite five envelopes, one contains bill, numbered envelopes, instructions which one shall not be burnt
VariationsAlso published here 1985 28
Bruce Bernstein 21st Century Psychometry pseudo psychometry, envelopes
Also published here 1985 35
Jack Bridwell Dots ESP cards are chosen and placed inside envelopes, performer divines symbols and allocates them correctly, à la Pseudo Psychometry
June 1986
Magick (Issue 373)
David Berglas E.S.P. Logie multiple prediction routine, six spectators with envelopes stand behind six numbers, one spectator chooses one object among six and puts the rest in an order, selection matches the number, order matches and selection and number was predicted beforehand
Also published here 1987 3
Ray Grismer Pseudo-Psychometry punch-marked envelopes
1988 20
Ted Karmilovich Sense-Sations! photos are placed inside envelopes, spectator selects one with sad story among happy pictures
VariationsAlso published here July 1989
Magick (Issue 425)
Hanussen Q&A questions written down and sealed in envelopes
July 1990
Magick (Issue 442)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Images symbol cards are chosen and placed in envelopes, performer allocates symbols to spectators and gives brief readings
July 1990
Magick (Issue 442)
Basil Horwitz Gedankenübertragung x3 a name, color and a symbol are noted on a card and sealed in an envelope, performer returns correct envelopes and then divines content
Also published here July 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Ted Karmilovich Picture Perfect postcards in envelopes, image of chosen one is drawn by performer
Sep. 1991
Magick (Issue 460)
Basil Horwitz Gedankenübertragung X2 word and symbol written on cards and sealed in envelope, both are divined by performer
Also published here June 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 2)
Ted Karmilovich Sense-Sations photos are placed inside envelopes, spectator selects one with sad story among happy pictures
Also published here 1991 40
Ted Karmilovich The Tell-Tale Tear envelopes with paper that contain different words, chosen words are transmitted by spectators to performer
Oct. 1992
Magick (Issue 479)
Larry Becker Psych-ZIP objects in envelopes, pseudo psychometry, using ZIP marking principle
1992 388
Kurt Bai Color Cards in Mentalism various effects with four color cards which are placed inside envelopes
  • A real psychic test of the students
  • Demo of my psychic abilities
  • Test of one student
  • Making heroes of many students
July 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Richard Mark Into the Fourth Dimension three envelope test, name, hobby and zodiac sign, symbol duplication as finale
Sep. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 125, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
Also published here 1992 156
Ted Karmilovich Mind Maze instructions inside envelopes, one selected is duplicated by performer, muscle reading presentation
Related to June 1993
Magick (Issue 490)
Martin Preston Mother Knows Best five mothers place a picture of their child in envelopes, they all find their correct envelope, numbered envelopes
Jan. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 7)
Raimo Patronen Psychic Ad several ads in envelopes, one is selected and divined by performer
May 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 11)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Sport Psychometry cards of various sports are placed in envelopes, performer divines who picked what sport
Sep. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Basil Horwitz ESP Challenge Mind Control blindfolded, three spectator select an ESP symbol and seal it up, performer hands correct envelope to each spectator, divines symbol and shows correct prediction
1994 31
Ted Lesley Thoughts Untouched name and symbol written on cards and sealed in envelope, both are divined by performer
Inspired by 1994 81
Karl Fulves Behind Closed Doors II No. 45, four or five coins in envelope given to medium in other room who divines the chosen coin, second method
Related to 1995 64
David Britland, Stephen Tucker Der Addierer spectator write numbers on paper in envelope, performer removes some they add up to any named number
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 4 & 5)
Jack Dean Affinity polaroid picture of couple placed inside envelope and mixed with other envelopes, envelope is found by spectator
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Basil Horwitz The Super ESP Body Language Test pseudo psychometry with writings and ESP card divination
1997 66
Ted Lesley Psychokinetic Banknight signed bill in one of four envelopes, several lighters, three envelopes are burnt, envelope with bill remains and last lighter does not work
July 1997 10
Bruce Bernstein Hummer Psychometry three people seal person object in envelopes, they are switched while performer's back is turned, correct allocation
Also published here 1997 34
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Psychic Feedback five spectator select an ESP card and seal them in an envelope, after the envelopes are shuffled the envelopes are returned to the correct owner
1999 5
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Psychic Feedback Plus After envelopes are handed out correctly, ESP sign is divined
1999 6
Philip T. Goldstein Con-Clue-Sion “Clue” game theme, spectators think of a person, weapon and room, envelopes are randomly eliminated until down to one and inside is the correct prediction of all three items
Inspired by 1999
Labyrinth (Issue 9)
Richard Mark Image Of Coincidence photo and envelope are selected, content of envelope matches foto
2000 99
David Berglas ESPacology multiple prediction routine, six spectators with envelopes stand behind six numbers, one spectator chooses one object among six and puts the rest in an order, selection matches the number, order matches and selection and number was predicted beforehand
VariationsAlso published here 2002 429
Lee Earle Sense of Intuition five envelopes with pictures of situations that trigger different emotions, divination of content, scent/aroma marking method
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 14)
Docc Hilford Number 6 spectator writes down three pieces of information and puts billets in three envelopes, envelopes are hidden in different pockets of spectator, performer divines content and places, with Hot Seat elements
Related to 2005 6
Paolo Cavalli The Watermark Codex method to mark envelopes, invisible marks which can be activated when being used
2006 2
Jon Allen Thumb Tack Marking thumb tip with thumb tack to mark envelopes on the fly
2009 132
Patrick Page Multiple Revelations six different ways of divination when multiple cards are selected
  • 1. bunch of cards as divined
  • 2. bunch of cards are distributed to several people, cards are divined
  • 3. bunch of card is divined plus an unknown card in pocket
  • 4. selection in bunch of cards is divined
  • 5. prediction of last card of bunch of cards which is turned over (Billy McComb, Ken de Courcy)
  • 6. cards in envelopes are divined
Related to 2011 88
Ted Karmilovich Sensations photos in envelopes, spectator finds envelope which depicts place where accident happened, with newspaper clipping
2011 7
Bruce Bernstein Hummer Psychometry three people seal person object in envelopes, they are switched while performer's back is turned, correct allocation
Also published here 2012 14
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein's Bank Nite five envelopes, one contains bill, numbered envelopes, instructions which one shall not be burnt
Also published here 2012 81
Bruce Bernstein Hummer Psychometry three people seal person object in envelopes, they are switched while performer's back is turned, correct allocation
Also published here 2012 159
Bruce Bernstein 21st Century Psychometry pseudo psychometry, envelopes
Also published here 2012 163
Dr. Stanley Jaks A Wonderful Correspondence four cards in envelopes
Also published here 2014 100
Alexander de Cova ESPacology 2 nine spectators on chairs on stage with an envelope each, ping pong balls with numbers one to nine, one chosen, that spectator has a prize in the envelope, remaining envelopes contain large letters that make up prediction or company name
Inspired by Jan. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 4)
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Pseudo Psychometry drawings in envelopes
Inspired by 2015 99
Envelope Marking System
2019 21