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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Orville Wayne Meyer Your Card behind back you produce card of same suit and value as spectator's selection, Si Stebbins
Related toVariations 1934 30
Orville Wayne Meyer Tervil word, number and city are written on billet, prediction on another billet
Related toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 54)
Walter B. Gibson Double Reverse spectator's and performer's cards reverse
Related toVariationsAlso published here Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 77)
Theodore Annemann Volition four selections in envelopes, spectators choose their own card, equivoque
VariationsAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 95)
Kent Arthur Eerie Cards using eight cards, card finally spelled to
Related toVariations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 101)
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Crystal Locket with a pendulum, finding the female names among male names, based on a Stewart James idea
VariationsAlso published here 1959 187
Tony Corinda Bird of a Feather a lot of cut card pieces, four are selected and form one card, with variations
Variations 1959 320
Eddie Fields Tripartite challenge card location, relatively hands-off, nail-nicking top card of tabled packet when pointing to it
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1968 41
Al Koran Insight Spectaculr coded prediction as long number, book of codes to decode it
Related to 1972 81
Paul Curry A Swindle Of Sorts
Related toVariations 1974 7
Nick Trost Eighteen Card Poker uses concept of a morphing Jonah card that changes every phase, three phases
Related toAlso published here 1975 17
Bruce Bernstein Couples always two cards used, spectator decides if red pair, black pair or mixed, also with discard pile
Also published here 1978 1
Bruce Bernstein A Bruce Bernstein Pendulum Routine spectator signs a business card and tears it up, the pieces are mixed with other torn pieces of business cards, he finds his parts with a pendulum, pieces put in envelope
Inspired byAlso published here 1980 16
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein Center Tear Technique
  • Summary of the Bernstein Center Tear Technique
  • Part II
Also published here 1980 3
Philip T. Goldstein Con-Test spectator try to divine number, prediction states who is closer to the number and how far off
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1981
Magick (Issue 293)
Bruce Bernstein Introduction
1981 5
Bruce Bernstein Heads or Tails change is thrown on table until one remains with tails up, date is noted, repeated with last coin which is heads up
VariationsAlso published here 1981 7
Bruce Bernstein A Card Reading cut deeper force used for Tarot reading
Also published here 1981 10
Bruce Bernstein Borrowed Princess card groups marked on the fly with nail writer
Also published here 1981 12
Bruce Bernstein Totally Impromptu Book Test numbers on three billets, two are destroyed and last used to select word
Also published here 1981 15
Bruce Bernstein Telepathy and Clairvoyance three numbers on three billets are divined or predicted
VariationsAlso published here 1981 17
Bruce Bernstein A Pendulum Routine spectator signs a business card and tears it up, the pieces are mixed with other torn pieces of business cards, he finds his parts with a pendulum, pieces put in envelope
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 20
Bruce Bernstein Scripted Thoughts spectator's and performer select a card and replace cards in other half, second spectator takes the deck and goes into other room to look for two cards which stand out, they match the selected cards
Also published here 1981 24
Bruce Bernstein Telepathy By ITem list of objects written by spectator, original chosen one is divined
1981 27
Bruce Bernstein Clip Number two people think of numbers before the show, prediction of total
Also published here 1981 30
Bruce Bernstein, Terry Nosek Number Prediction cards with numbers from one to ten are shuffled and dealt into three piles, two piles are used to form number, prediction of total
Related toAlso published here 1981 32
Bruce Bernstein Triple Prediction prediction of coin toss, chosen card and total of numbers
Related to 1981 34
Bruce Bernstein Mentalist's Force stop force, seventh card and glide as an out
1981 36
Bruce Bernstein When G Is Called
Also published here 1981 40
Bruce Bernstein Your Card Variation behind back you produce card of same suit and value as spectator's selection, Si Stebbins
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 42
Bruce Bernstein Panticle of Love spectator choses one of five envelopes, only one with special piece of paper, paper with name written is destroyed and performer divines name
Also published here 1981 44
Bruce Bernstein It Takes Two card is chosen and shuffled back into the deck, cards are eliminated, last card is selection, PATEO
Related toAlso published here 1981 47
Bruce Bernstein Five Card Psychometry Test chosen card is replaced and deck shuffled, spectator removes five cards including selection, selection is divined
1981 50
Bruce Bernstein Three Way Prediction word, number and city are written on billet, using envelopes
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 52
Bruce Bernstein Volition Plus four selections in envelopes, spectators choose their own card, envelopes are numbered from one to four a
Inspired byRelated to 1981 56
Bruce Bernstein ESP Design Duplication deck of ESP cards
Also published here 1981 58
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Ray Piatt, Max Abrams, Bruce Bernstein, the passing of Fred Kolb
Mar. 1985
Magick (Issue 348)
Richard Mark Diversion extended arm of spectator can be pushed down at will of performer
Related to Nov. 1985
Magick (Issue 360)
Bruce Bernstein Picture Duplication drawing on card placed in small envelope which is then crumbled into ball
Also published here 1985 7
Bruce Bernstein Another Picture Duplicated impression on table, clown white
Also published here 1985 9
Bruce Bernstein Into the Infinite tossed out deck, three people write their cards down, all cards are divined on billets, then two billets are burnt and card on remaining billet is found predicted in envelope
VariationsAlso published here 1985 11
Bruce Bernstein Croiset Affair performer's vision is written down in envelope, where he describes a person, people in the audience are eliminated until several people remain and they say what they think the password is, description of person and correct password is found in envelope
Related toAlso published here 1985 15
Bruce Bernstein Croiset Revisited performer writes two-digit number on envelope and people start to guess number, one person is correct and he is fully described inside envelope
Related toAlso published here 1985 17
Bruce Bernstein Just In Case prediction of name of heckler
Also published here 1985 19
Bruce Bernstein A Practical Swami Gimmick thumb tip swami, with holdout
Related toAlso published here 1985 20
Bruce Bernstein A Sporting Prediction prediction of sports game, two envelopes in larger envelopes, in one envelope is name of winning team and in other number of home runs , MVP etc.
Also published here 1985 25
Bruce Bernstein Word Test letters of three letter word are written on three billets, two of them are destroyed and remaining letter is predicted, word is revealed as a climax
Also published here 1985 26
Bruce Bernstein Impossible Bank Nite five envelopes, one contains bill, numbered envelopes, instructions which one shall not be burnt
VariationsAlso published here 1985 28
Bruce Bernstein Clinical PSI all possible combinations of three coin tosses are written on various billets, performer and spectator each select one and performer wins with at about three to one odds
Also published here 1985 31
Bruce Bernstein 21st Century Psychometry pseudo psychometry, envelopes
Also published here 1985 35
Bruce Bernstein The Force of Emotions emotions written on five cards, performer divines who thinks of which emotion
Also published here 1985 40
Bruce Bernstein Psychological Reading psychic reading, reading statements
Related toAlso published here 1985 42
Bruce Bernstein Thumb Tip Switch & Double Vision several design drawn on billets, one is selected and duplicated, using Bernstein's thumb tip switch
Also published here 1985 47
Bruce Bernstein One-Handed Switch using thumb tip
Also published here 1985 50
Bruce Bernstein Pad Switch several design drawn on billets, one is selected and duplicated, using Bernstein's pad switch
Also published here 1985 53
Bruce Bernstein Mentalism - A Personal View thoughts and theory on mentalism
1985 59
Bruce Bernstein, Jack London The Number Prediction martrix principle
Inspired by
  • Jack London's "Almost Real Prediction"
Related toAlso published here
1985 1
Bruce Bernstein Clip Number two people think of numbers before the show, prediction of total
Also published here 1985 7
Bruce Bernstein, Terry Nosek Number Prediction cards with numbers from one to ten are shuffled and dealt into three piles, two piles are used to form number, prediction of total
Related to
  • Bob Mason's "Predicta-Total"
Also published here
1985 9
Bruce Bernstein Impromptu Number Prediction numbers from one to nine written on business cards, cards are mixed and used to form two two-digit numbers, prediction of total, swindle switch
Also published here 1985 12
Eugene Burger, Bruce Bernstein The Haunted Key key turns on hand
1986 135
Edmund L. Kowalski (reviewer) Bernstein on Number Predictions by Bruce Bernstein July 1987
Epoptica (Issue 9)
Edmund L. Kowalski (reviewer) Psi-Tech by Bruce Bernstein Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Ted Karmilovich Sense-Sations! photos are placed inside envelopes, spectator selects one with sad story among happy pictures
VariationsAlso published here July 1989
Magick (Issue 425)
Bob Farmer Bruce Bernstein "Psych-Out" comments on Bernstein's routine
Related to Mar. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Bruce Bernstein Personal Attachment one card
Also published here 1994 3
Bruce Bernstein Cold Reading stock reading lines
Related to 1994 5
Bruce Bernstein You Are What Eats You potato chips are squeezed in fist, salt pour
1994 8
Bruce Bernstein Symbolic Match ESP decks are dealt and spectators can say if cards shall be switched, order match
Also published here 1994 9
Bruce Bernstein Pennies From Heaven square of coins, ten in each row, coins are moved and still ten in each row
1994 12
Bruce Bernstein Mentalist's Card Through Table named card penetrates table
Also published here 1994 15
Bruce Bernstein Masklyn's Ring person stretches arm out to the side, depending on how close performer's ring is, the performer can push the arm down easily or only with strength
Inspired by
  • Tony Andruzzi's "Ring of Protection" in "Daemon's Diary"
VariationsAlso published here
1994 17
Bruce Bernstein Utility Mental Routine prediction of coin toss, chosen card and total of numbers
Related toAlso published here 1994 19
Bruce Bernstein Impromptu Number Prediction numbers from one to nine written on business cards, cards are mixed and used to form two two-digit numbers, prediction of total, swindle switch
Also published here 1994 21
Bruce Bernstein A Few Thoughts About Magicians and Mentalists
1994 23
Bruce Bernstein Introduction
1994 3
Bruce Bernstein Psych-Out four phases
Related toAlso published here 1994 4
Bruce Bernstein Emergency Mentalism things written on stripper business cards from different persons from audience, design duplication, book test application (making number from digits written by spectators)
Also published here 1996
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 15)
Lee Earle Lee Earle at the Editor's Desk on Meeting of the Minds, Al Mann, Jeff & Tessa Evans, Mark Salem, Charles J. Pecor, Bruce Bernstein, Banachek, Gary Kurtz, Chuck & Betsy Hickok, Joe Marino, Richard Webster, Blair Robertson, Dick Steiner, Dave Arch, Doug Dyment
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 15)
Nick Trost, Stewart Judah Eighteen-Card Poker Uses concept of a morphing Jonah card that changes every phase (presentation by Stewart Judah)
Related to
  • "Psych-Out" (Bruce Bernstein, 1985)
  • "The Cincinnati Kid Poker Game" (Tony Binarelli, Gary Ouellet's The Magic of Tony Binarelli, 1991)
VariationsAlso published here
1997 111
Gary Kurtz The Ultimate Chairs Prediction four chairs, mixture with banknight effect, colors in envelopes match backs of chairs
Related toVariations 1997 1
Lee Earle Lee Earle at the Editor's Desk on Dick Steiner, Bruce Bernstein, Robert Heinlein, Riley G. Ted Lesley, David Ashton III
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 18)
Bruce Bernstein Introduction
1997 iii
Bruce Bernstein Picture That Tell a Story four envelopes, spectator selects one which matches ring, story presentation
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 1
Bruce Bernstein Trans-Premonition spectator thinks of a card before the show, during the show two decks are displayed, named card is missing in one deck and is found in other
Related to
  • Stan Loebstein's "Premonition Outdone"
Also published here
1997 4
Bruce Bernstein Impossible Bank Night before the show, bill is signed and placed inside envelope, spectator hands stack of envelopes during show and all but one are burnt
Also published here 1997 8
Bruce Bernstein Let's Try One More Time number written on envelope and spectator tries to divine it, prediction of number of guesses in envelope
Also published here 1997 10
Bruce Bernstein Mentalist's Insurance Policy prediction of named word in form of an insurance policy
Also published here 1997 12
Bruce Bernstein Getting Ahead of Myself mental epic, with insurance where last word is predicted
Also published here 1997 15
Bruce Bernstein Thoughts on the Nail Writer thumb tip swami, with holdout
Related to 1997 18
Bruce Bernstein A Prediction in Code prediction is coded as number and sent in advance, code is shown and prediction can by deciphered, headline prediction, sport event etc.
Related toAlso published here 1997 22
Bruce Bernstein Psychological Card Force card placed on the table
Related toAlso published here 1997 26
Bruce Bernstein Breaking the Bank prediction of named amount of money in piggy bank
Inspired by
  • Ned Rutledge's "Minding the Store"
Also published here
1997 29
Bruce Bernstein Love Connection two chosen cards end up together in the deck, with the Queen of Hearts in between, sign of love, two methods
Also published here 1997 32
Bruce Bernstein Hummer Psychometry three people seal person object in envelopes, they are switched while performer's back is turned, correct allocation
Also published here 1997 34
Bruce Bernstein Marked For A Reading four piles, spectator selects cards from piles according to question, 20 questions game, reading
Also published here 1997 36
Bruce Bernstein Thoughts on "Nelson's Best Kept Secret" getting affirmation by sitter, while doing reading at a party
Also published here 1997 38
Bruce Bernstein Prediction Plus prediction of which spectator divines number, second spectator is used to help and also freely predicted
Related toAlso published here 1997 41
Bruce Bernstein Logical Headline Prediction
Also published here 1997 45
Bruce Bernstein Win Some Free Information collecting information before the show setting up a raffle
1997 47
Bruce Bernstein Third Person Psychometry spectator's necklace is placed in envelope and envelope shuffled with other envelopes, spectator locates correct envelope
Also published here 1997 48
Bruce Bernstein Ultimate Psychometry spectator's necklace is placed in envelope and envelope shuffled with other envelopes, spectator locates correct envelope, duplicate
Also published here 1997 50
Bruce Bernstein Emergency Mentalism blank cards are handed out before the show and spectators can write words are draw anything, method to use certain cards which can be allocated as well, concept
Also published here 1997 54
Bruce Bernstein Introduction
1998 iii
Bruce Bernstein Trans-Premonition spectator thinks of a card before the show, during the show two decks are displayed, named card is missing in one deck and is found in other
Also published here 1998 1
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein Thought Card Across one card
Also published here 1998 5
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein Center Tear
  • Summary of the Bernstein Center Tear Technique
  • Alternate Presentations
Also published here 1998 8
Bruce Bernstein Couples always two cards used, spectator decides if red pair, black pair or mixed, also with discard pile
Also published here 1998 22
Bruce Bernstein Scripted Thoughts spectator's and performer select a card and replace cards in other half, second spectator takes the deck and goes into other room to look for two cards which stand out, they match the selected cards
Inspired byAlso published here 1998 30
Bruce Bernstein All Shook Up change is thrown on table until one remains with tails up, date is noted, repeated with last coin which is heads up, both dates are predicted in envelope
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1998 33
Bruce Bernstein Masklyn's Ring person stretches arm out to the side, depending on how close performer's ring is, the performer can push the arm down easily or only with strength
Related toAlso published here 1998 39
Jas Jakutsch The ATAW (Any Time AnyWhere) Triple Test divination of three thoughts, jotted down on three business cards
Inspired by 1999 11
Lee Earle Lee Earle at the Editor's Desk on Jean-Yves Prost, Bruce Bernstein, Morley Budden
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 18)
Bruce Bernstein Introduction
1999 iii
Bruce Bernstein The Opener "major effect", three psychological forces with entire audience, framed to give logical reasons for the decisions
Also published here 1999 1
Bruce Bernstein Pseudo-Telepathy four spectators get an index card with instructions to think of a name, city etc., performer knows who thinks of what category and also exact thought, dual reality covering parts of index card as basic method, variations in method
  • The Stage Presentation
  • Alternate Stage Presentation (with a different basic method)
  • Variation #2
  • Variation #3
  • Variation #4
  • Variation #5
  • Alternate Handling #1
  • Alternate Handling #2
Also published here 1999 4
Bruce Bernstein The Ritual person writes a negative thought on piece of paper and then stretches arm out to the side, depending on how close the paper is the performer can push the arm down easily or only with strength
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1999 20
Bruce Bernstein The Croiset Affair performer's vision is written down in envelope, where he describes a person, people in the audience are eliminated until several people remain and they say what they think the password is, description of person and correct password is found in envelope
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1999 26
Bruce Bernstein Into The Infinite tossed out deck, three people write their cards down, all cards are divined on billets, then two billets are burnt and card on remaining billet is found predicted in envelope
Also published here 1999 29
Bruce Bernstein A Sporting Prediction prediction of sports game, two envelopes in larger envelopes, in one envelope is name of winning team and in other number of home runs , MVP etc.
VariationsAlso published here 1999 32
Richard Mark Shopping Spree Of The Rich And Famous three spectators select card with name of celebrity and an object, performer divines names
Related to 2000 130
Paul Curry A Swindle of Sorts
Related to 2001 245
Jim Steinmeyer Playing for Keeps
  • Conjuring
with five spectators on stage and burning of the envelopes, instructions on the envelope for spectators
Inspired by Sep. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Robert Cassidy The Phantom's Thought Foretold three spectators write a word on a paper, words are divined and one paper is chosen, this word was predicted in envelope, Hoy TOD ploy
Inspired by 2004 67
Bruce Bernstein Introduction
2004 i
Bruce Bernstein Remote Driving two phase routine, instruction game where toy card is placed and moved among five envelopes with names of different cities, last city is predicted, then spectator pushes car until it stops, city is predicted again / Koornwinder Kar
Inspired by
  • Al Koran's "The Dream Car"
2004 1
Bruce Bernstein Eat At Joe's envelopes with letters are switched and when opened they form a message
Related toAlso published here 2004 11
Bruce Bernstein The Force of Psychology - Effect #1 bag with different colored billets, some with names of animals, numbers etc. some are selected and spectator try to transmit the thoughts to the audience which mostly receive them
Also published here 2004 15
Bruce Bernstein The Force of Psychology - Effect #2 two selections are transmitted by the spectators to the audience who mostly receive correct cards, then performer sends a card, using Bernstein's Psy-Deck
Related toAlso published here 2004 18
Luke Jermay Opening A Show
  • The New Mind
about openers, spectators think of numbers, the one that is closest to performer is described in prediction, only script without method
Inspired by July 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 7)
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein's Bet Trick that fooled Einstein, with bills, High Card presentation
Also published here 2008 1
Bruce Bernstein Will Power multi-phase heads or tails routine, control or prediction when coin is spun on table, using gaffed Spinning Coins
2008 2
Bruce Bernstein It's a "Win-Win Sitatuation" 12 envelopes, some with names of spectators and some written "win" on them are shuffled and dealt, spectators win dollar bill in the two remaining envelopes are a hundred dollar bill and a check with an amount matching a previously named number
Also published here 2008 7
Juan Tamariz Lucky at Cards nine cards from Ace to Nine are mixed and dealt into three hands, all total fifteen, game of Escoba presentation
Related to 2008 17
David Regal (reviewer) Bruce Bernstein's Linking Pin Routine by Bruce Bernstein Aug. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 8)
David Britland (reviewer) Unreal by Bruce Bernstein Oct. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 10)
Bruce Bernstein Introduction
2012 i
Bruce Bernstein The Ultimate Taboo bowl with billets of various taboos, three are selected and sealed in envelopes, divination of taboos mixture of psychometry with personal objects
  • The Psychometry Segment
  • The Climax
2012 1
Bruce Bernstein Taboo Envelopes
2012 4
Bruce Bernstein Taboo - Original Version divination of three taboos, tossed out principle
2012 8
Bruce Bernstein Taboo - Preshow Version divination of three taboos
2012 11
Bruce Bernstein Construction of the Taboo Envelopes
2012 14
Bruce Bernstein Hummer Psychometry three people seal person object in envelopes, they are switched while performer's back is turned, correct allocation
Also published here 2012 14
Bruce Bernstein Thoughts on Nelson's Best Kept Secret getting affirmation by sitter, while doing reading at a party
Also published here 2012 16
Bruce Bernstein Pseudo-Telepathy four spectators get an index card with instructions to think of a name, city etc., performer knows who thinks of what category and also exact thought, dual reality covering parts of index card as basic method, variations in method
  • The Stage Presentation
  • Alternate Stage Presentation (with a different basic method)
  • Variation #2
  • Variation #3
  • Variation #4
  • Variation #5
  • Alternate Handling #1
  • Alternate Handling #2 - Psychometric Presentation
Related toAlso published here 2012 1
Bruce Bernstein Picture Duplication #1 drawing on card placed in small envelope which is then crumbled into ball
Also published here 2012 10
Bruce Bernstein Picture Duplication #2 impression on table, clown white
Also published here 2012 12
Bruce Bernstein Magazine Test four two-digit numbers are written on billets, one is selected for magazine test
Also published here
  • Bruce Bernstein's "1982 Lecture Notes"
2012 13
Bruce Bernstein The Jigsaw Puzzle simple drawing is torn into pieces and spectator should piece it back together, in the meantime performer divines drawing
Also published here
  • "The Jigsaw Puzzle" (Bruce Bernstein, The 2005 Mindvention Notes)
2012 14
Bruce Bernstein Double Vision several design drawn on billets, one is selected and duplicated
Also published here 2012 15
Bruce Bernstein Totally Impromptu Book Test numbers on three billets, two are destroyed and last used to select word
Also published here 2012 16
Bruce Bernstein Word Test letters of three letter word are written on three billets, two of them are destroyed and remaining letter is predicted, word is revealed as a climax
Also published here 2012 17
Bruce Bernstein Circled prediction of circled word in book
Also published here
  • Bruce Bernstein's "Circled" in "New Invocation" N° 36, 1986.
2012 19
Bruce Bernstein A Book Test With a Twist numbers written on billets, using the Double Vision idea
Also published here
  • "A Book Test - with a twist" (Bruce Bernstein, The 2005 Mindvention Notes)
2012 20
Bruce Bernstein Telepathy and Clairvoyance three numbers on three billets are divined or predicted
Also published here 2012 21
Bruce Bernstein E.S.P. Design Duplication deck of ESP cards
Also published here 2012 22
Bruce Bernstein One Of Many lie and truth plot
Also published here
  • Bruce Bernstein's "One Of Many" in "New Invocation" N°36, 1986.
2012 24
Bruce Bernstein The Opener "major effect", three psychological forces with entire audience, framed to give logical reasons for the decisions
Also published here 2012 24
Bruce Bernstein The Force of Psychology - Effect #1 bag with different colored billets, some with names of animals, numbers etc. some are selected and spectator try to transmit the thoughts to the audience which mostly receive them
Also published here 2012 26
Bruce Bernstein The Force of Psychology - Effect #2 two selections are transmitted by the spectators to the audience who mostly receive correct cards, then performer sends a card, using Bernstein's Psy-Deck
Also published here 2012 28
Bruce Bernstein Emergency Mentalism blank cards are handed out before the show and spectators can write words are draw anything, method to use certain cards which can be allocated as well, concept
Also published here 2012 32
Bruce Bernstein Reading Between the Lines on reading between the lines and Ross Johnson
2012 34
Bruce Bernstein A Sporting Prediction prediction of sports game, two envelopes in larger envelopes, in one envelope is name of winning team and in other number of home runs , MVP etc.
Also published here 2012 37
Bruce Bernstein Logical Headline Prediction
Also published here 2012 39
Bruce Bernstein A Prediction in Code prediction is coded as number and sent in advance, code is shown and prediction can by deciphered, headline prediction, sport event etc.
Related toAlso published here 2012 40
Bruce Bernstein Prediction Plus prediction of which spectator divines number, second spectator is used to help and also freely predicted
Also published here 2012 42
Bruce Bernstein Heads and Tails change is thrown on table until one remains with tails up, date is noted, repeated with last coin which is heads up
Also published here 2012 43
Bruce Bernstein All Shook Up change is thrown on table until one remains with tails up, date is noted, repeated with last coin which is heads up, both dates are predicted in envelope
Also published here 2012 45
Bruce Bernstein Three Way Prediction word, number and city are written on billet, using envelopes
Also published here 2012 48
Bruce Bernstein Just In Case prediction of name of heckler
Also published here 2012 51
Bruce Bernstein Symbolic Match ESP decks are dealt and spectators can say if cards shall be switched, order match
Also published here 2012 52
Bruce Bernstein Mentalist's Insurance Policy prediction of named word in form of an insurance policy
Also published here 2012 54
Bruce Bernstein Getting Ahead of Myself mental epic, with insurance where last word is predicted
Also published here 2012 55
Bruce Bernstein Eat At Joe's envelopes with letters are switched and when opened they form a message
Also published here 2012 56
Bruce Bernstein Four Card Prediction & What's In a Name? four cards cut by spectator are predicted, variation with ABC card, name
Also published here
  • Bruce Bernstein's "Four Card Prediction & What's In a Name?" in "The Lecture Compendium", 2006.
2012 60
Bruce Bernstein Into the Infinite tossed out deck, three people write their cards down, all cards are divined on billets, then two billets are burnt and card on remaining billet is found predicted in envelope
Also published here 2012 63
Bruce Bernstein, Jack London Number Predictions martrix principle
Also published here 2012 65
Bruce Bernstein, Jack London The Bernstein / London Number Prediction martrix principle
Also published here 2012 66
Bruce Bernstein Clip Number two people think of numbers before the show, prediction of total
Also published here 2012 69
Bruce Bernstein, Terry Nosek Number Prediction cards with numbers from one to ten are shuffled and dealt into three piles, two piles are used to form number, prediction of total
Also published here 2012 70
Bruce Bernstein Impromptu Number Prediction numbers from one to nine written on business cards, cards are mixed and used to form two two-digit numbers, prediction of total, swindle switch
Also published here 2012 73
Bruce Bernstein Utility Mental Routine prediction of coin toss, chosen card and total of numbers
Also published here 2012 75
Bruce Bernstein Getting out of the Line of Fire
2012 77
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein's Bank Nite five envelopes, one contains bill, numbered envelopes, instructions which one shall not be burnt
Also published here 2012 81
Bruce Bernstein Impossible Bank Night before the show, bill is signed and placed inside envelope, spectator hands stack of envelopes during show and all but one are burnt
Also published here 2012 83
Bruce Bernstein Breaking the Bank prediction of named amount of money in piggy bank
Also published here 2012 85
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein's Bet Trick that fooled Einstein, with bills, High Card presentation
Also published here 2012 87
Bruce Bernstein Clinical PSI all possible combinations of three coin tosses are written on various billets, performer and spectator each select one and performer wins with at about three to one odds
Also published here 2012 88
Bruce Bernstein When G Is Called
Also published here 2012 89
Bruce Bernstein Let's Try One More Time number written on envelope and spectator tries to divine it, prediction of number of guesses in envelope
Also published here 2012 90
Bruce Bernstein Win-Win Situation twelve envelopes, some with names of spectators and some written "win" on them are shuffled and dealt, spectators win dollar bill in the two remaining envelopes are a hundred dollar bill and a check with an amount matching a previously named number
Also published here 2012 90
Bruce Bernstein Magic & Mentalism
2012 95
Bruce Bernstein Psych Out four phases
Also published here 2012 99
Bruce Bernstein I've Got Your Number with numbers on back of cards
2012 108
Bruce Bernstein Love Connection two chosen cards end up together in the deck, with the Queen of Hearts in between, sign of love, two methods
Also published here 2012 111
Bruce Bernstein Psychological Card Force card placed on the table
Also published here 2012 113
Bruce Bernstein Couples always two cards used, spectator decides if red pair, black pair or mixed, also with discard pile
Also published here 2012 114
Bruce Bernstein Personal Attachment one card
Also published here 2012 119
Bruce Bernstein Trans-Premonition spectator thinks of a card before the show, during the show two decks are displayed, named card is missing in one deck and is found in other
Also published here 2012 122
Bruce Bernstein The Lazy Man's Prediction one of five envelopes with a card inside is selected, card matches selection from deck
2012 125
Bruce Bernstein Eight Cards using eight cards, two phases
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Bruce Bernstein's "Eight Cards" in "1982 Lecture Notes".
2012 127
Bruce Bernstein Cut Deeper Location
Also published here
  • Bruce Bernstein's "Cut Deeper Location" in "1982 Lecture Notes".
2012 129
Bruce Bernstein Mentalist's Card Through Table named card penetrates table
Also published here 2012 130
Bruce Bernstein Borrowed Princess card groups marked on the fly with nail writer
Also published here 2012 131
Bruce Bernstein Your Card Variation behind back you produce card of same suit and value as spectator's selection, Si Stebbins
Inspired byAlso published here 2012 133
Bruce Bernstein It Takes Two card is chosen and shuffled back into the deck, cards are eliminated, last card is selection, PATEO
Also published here 2012 134
Bruce Bernstein Scripted Thoughts spectator's and performer select a card and replace cards in other half, second spectator takes the deck and goes into other room to look for two cards which stand out, they match the selected cards
Also published here 2012 135
Bruce Bernstein Presentation Excuses the Methodology
2012 138
Bruce Bernstein The Croiset Affair performer's vision is written down in envelope, where he describes a person, people in the audience are eliminated until several people remain and they say what they think the password is, description of person and correct password is found in envelope
  • Sample Prediction for The Croiset Affair
Also published here 2012 141
Bruce Bernstein Croiset Revisited performer writes two-digit number on envelope and people start to guess number, one person is correct and he is fully described inside envelope
Also published here 2012 143
Bruce Bernstein A Card Reading cut deeper force used for Tarot reading
Also published here 2012 145
Bruce Bernstein Marked For Reading four piles, spectator selects cards from piles according to question, 20 questions game, reading
Also published here 2012 146
Bruce Bernstein Psychological Reading Framework psychic reading, reading statements
Also published here 2012 147
Bruce Bernstein Thoughts on Nelson's Greatest Secret getting affirmation by sitter, while doing reading at a party
Also published here 2012 150
Bruce Bernstein Disclaiming Disclaimers
2012 153
Bruce Bernstein The Force of Emotions emotions written on five cards, performer divines who thinks of which emotion
Also published here 2012 157
Bruce Bernstein Hummer Psychometry three people seal person object in envelopes, they are switched while performer's back is turned, correct allocation
Also published here 2012 159
Bruce Bernstein Third Person Psychometry spectator's necklace is placed in envelope and envelope shuffled with other envelopes, spectator locates correct envelope
Also published here 2012 160
Bruce Bernstein Ultimate Psychometry spectator's necklace is placed in envelope and envelope shuffled with other envelopes, spectator locates correct envelope, duplicate
Also published here 2012 161
Bruce Bernstein 21st Century Psychometry pseudo psychometry, envelopes
Also published here 2012 163
Bruce Bernstein Exposures
2012 167
Bruce Bernstein Pictures That Tell a Story four envelopes, spectator selects one which matches ring, story presentation
Inspired byAlso published here 2012 171
Bruce Bernstein The Ritual person writes a negative thought on piece of paper and then stretches arm out to the side, depending on how close the paper is the performer can push the arm down easily or only with strength
Inspired by
  • Tony Andruzzi's "Ring of Protection"
Also published here
2012 173
Bruce Bernstein Masklyn's Ring person stretches arm out to the side, depending on how close performer's ring is, the performer can push the arm down easily or only with strength
Inspired by
  • Tony Andruzzi's "Ring of Protection" in "Daemon's Diary"
Also published here
2012 178
Bruce Bernstein A Pendulum Routine spectator signs a business card and tears it up, the pieces are mixed with other torn pieces of business cards, he finds his parts with a pendulum, pieces put in envelope
Also published here 2012 180
Bruce Bernstein Panticle of Love spectator choses one of five envelopes, only one with special piece of paper, paper with name written is destroyed and performer divines name
Also published here 2012 182
Bruce Bernstein One Man Séance private séance, ouijaboard and ghost apparently knocks candle and vase over
Also published here
  • Bruce Bernstein's "One Man Séance" in "New Invocation" N° 36, 1986.
2012 183
Bruce Bernstein The Gathering of Information
2012 186
Bruce Bernstein A Matter of Time matching routine, envelopes with cards are dealt and one is selected, card inside matches selection from deck, 13 variations also with other objects, going back in time presentation
2012 189
Bruce Bernstein Basic Chops
  • 1. Information Gathering
  • 2. Secret Writing
  • 3. Understanding the Human Nature
  • 4. Suggestion
  • 5. Body Language
  • 6. Contact & Non-Contact Mind Reading
  • 7. Pencil and Sound Reading
  • 8. Magician's Choice
2012 205
Bruce Bernstein Practice
2012 209
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein Center Tear
  • Outline of the Bernstein Center Tear Technique
  • Alternate Presentations
Also published here 2012 213
Bruce Bernstein A Practical Swami Gimmick thumb tip swami, with holdout
Also published here 2012 223
Bruce Bernstein Thumb Tip Switch
Also published here 2012 224
Bruce Bernstein One-Handed Switch using thumb tip
Also published here 2012 225
Bruce Bernstein Pad Switch
Also published here 2012 227
Bruce Bernstein Influences and Highlights - From Don Alan to Uri Geller on Don Alan, Magic Inc., Ed Marlo, Kreskin, Peter Hurkos, Lee Wayne, Jay & Fran Marshall, Terry Nosek, Tim Felix, Paul Curry, Max Maven, Tony Andruzzi, Craige Snader, George Johnstone, Ross Johnson, David Hoy, Herb Dewey, Uri Geller
2012 229
John Bannon The Covered Slug Switch bit like Hamman Count with slip cut from the deck
Inspired by
  • Bruce Bernstein thought cards across routine from Linking Ring Card Corner (ca. 1990/91)
2013 93
Dr. Stanley Jaks Crystal Locket with a pendulum, finding the female names among male names
VariationsAlso published here 2014 127
Colin McLeod Devil-May-Care mailed prediction contains two envelopes, one predicts which one spectator will select and the other predicts first couple of word of newspaper
Inspired by 2014 148
Bruce Bernstein Psych Out four phases
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2015 172
Nick Trost Mississippi Poker five phases
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 183
Ted Karmilovich Target Number performer projects two numbers to the entire audience, then a third number from 1 to 100 is projected and the person who gets it is described in envelope, number written on envelope
  • Basic Presentation
  • Preparation and Presentation
  • Afterthoughts and further Thoughts
Related toVariations 2015 5
Eugene Burger Influence spectator stops dealing, card has large X on its back, then spectator stops the performer dealing and card is predicted as jumbo card on back of tray
  • Interview, 2015
Inspired by
  • "Altered" (Bruce Bernstein)
2021 9
Bruce Bernstein Fishing spectator selects five cards from washed deck on table, then cards are eliminated until one remains, it matches a prediction
2021 151
Bruce Bernstein The Bernstein Utility Switch "A Tribute to Slydini", as card on table is slid off and turned over
2021 153
Asi Wind 3D Telepathy three spectators write on billets, one chosen and content divined, then other two divined
Inspired byAlso published here 2024 137
Richard Mark No/Know Croiset named number and description of spectator in sealed envelope, R.M. Envelope
Related to 35 13