60 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / Without Cards
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Weissagen wider Willen card written on billet and put in envelope, another empty envelope closed, spectator divines selection (via multiple-step equivoque), card travels from deck into this envelope
Also published here May 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Arthur Toskana My Darling card named by spectator, three cards chosen and tabled, then one of those chosen, it is the named selection, trying for verbal King of Hearts force
Feb. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Weissagen wider Willen card written down, another spectator divines it via equivoque, it vanishes from deck and appears in envelope
Also published here Nov. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Verbal Force emphasis on forcing number
1910 15
Dai Vernon, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Bill Simon, Martin Gardner, Norman Jensen, Bruce Elliott The Ruler force with ruler with name of cards, ruler is balanced on two fingers and fingers brought together until fingers meet, see also p. 981 for ideas by John Hamilton
Variations Dec. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 244)
Tony Corinda (20) Nicely Suited verbal force of any Three
1958 122
Edward G. Brown The Name of a Card is Written name of cards written on paper, force, different methods
1973 191
Edward G. Brown A Card Named by an Assistant to force a card
1973 191
George Blake Red or Black Force forcing one of the colors, "for me"
Mar. 1974 714
Roger Smith The Out of Sight Card Miracle "invisible deck" trick with verbal force of selection and ungaffed deck
1975 3
Olof Jonsson, Al Mann Psychological Force Queen of Hearts, probability and verbal force
1976 34
Ken De Courcy The Invisible Die and Card Trick card chosen via calculation with invisible dice, spectator sits on that card
Inspired by
  • card on chair in The Quaker Oat Book of Magic
  • "The Invisible Die" (Ken de Courcy, Magigram)
1980 9
William Goldman Pip-Pip two spectator name a card from invisible deck, cards are found stapled together in real deck, pip secretly shown
Apr. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Joker Force psychological
1985 1
Basil Horwitz No Cards Force cards are named by spectator and one is forced
1986 9
Brother John Hamman Sealed-Room Mystery thought-of card into sealed envelope, thought of with strange procedure ("opposite suit and opposite sex...")
Variations 1989 61
Jerry Sadowitz Addendum to Think of a Card verbal force for Three of Clubs or at least a Three or Club
Feb. 1992
Profile (Issue 6)
Chuck Smith Imagination card forced only with equivoque
Related to 1994 9
Thomas Alan Waters 52 to 36 Choice Limitation
1995 2
James Swain Clue murderer and victim from twelve-card packet divined, thought of with strange procedure ("opposite suit and opposite sex...")
Inspired by 1996 7
James Swain Four-Card Equivoque forcing the Queen of Hearts
1996 33
Bruce Bernstein Psychological Card Force card placed on the table
Related toAlso published here 1997 26
Ellis Stanyon Verbal Force of Suit
1999 35
Ellis Stanyon (c) Card Selected by One Person Is Named by Another card tabled and verbally forced (no details) on another spectator with equivoque questions
1999 107
Barrie Richardson Derren Brown Does the Best Card Trick of the Year
  • From My Thoughts
with description of performance of verbal force
Also published here Feb. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 2)
Wayne Dobson Invisible named card appears folded in invisible purse frame, one of thirteen, with verbal suit force
2004 16
Chuck Smith Smith's 52-Object Equivoque
Related to Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Peter Studebaker The Force That Is No Force forcing a color, red or black
2007 12
Dave Forrest Invisible Opener chosen card is predicted (reversed, on top, under cellophane...), outs for Two through Nine of Hearts, verbal range force
2007 15
Jim Steinmeyer The Four Envelope Test card verbally chosen (range force), then one of four envelopes chosen, it contains the card while the other three have Jokers
Also published here Mar. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 3)
Barrie Richardson Derren Brown - Does "The Best Card Trick" of the Year with description of performance of verbal force
Also published here 2011 233
Roberto Giobbi Verbal Range Force
2012 13
Jim Steinmeyer Tin-Can Telephone
  • Conjuring
verbal force of Nine of Hearts, card is found in tin can phone
Related toAlso published here June 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 6)
Bruce Bernstein Psychological Card Force card placed on the table
Also published here 2012 113
Jim Steinmeyer Equivoque: The Cardless Cantico verbal force of Nine of Clubs
Related toAlso published here 2013 8
Fraser Parker The Trip Psychologically using scripting to limit audiences' choice down to three cards, while apparently giving them a free choice of all the cards to think of
2013 31
Jim Steinmeyer The Cardless Cantico verbal force of Nine of Clubs
Also published here Aug. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 8)
Tyler Wilson, Paul Cummins, Bill Herz Verbal Force of Four of Diamonds
Inspired byAlso published here 2014 20
Joseph Barry Number Card Limitation verbal ploy
2014 14
Pavel, Dani DaOrtiz Verbal Card Force classic force from imaginary deck, cards named by performer
Related to
  • "Forzaje Psicológico" (Dani DaOrtiz, Libertad de Expresion)
Also published here
Oct. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 10)
Jim Steinmeyer The Cardless Cantico verbal force of Nine of Clubs or Six of Clubs
Also published here 2014 13
Matt Mello Verbal Psychic Stop performer recites cards without a deck and spectator says stop
2014 8
Matt Mello Bonus Effect stop force with imaginary cards, cryptic
Inspired by 2014 12
Jim Steinmeyer The "Passing Fancy" Deck verbal force of Nine of Clubs or Six of Clubs
Also published here 2015 7
So Sato So-Lution 1
  • Phase 1: Selecting a Number
  • Phase 2: Forcing One of twelve Court Cards
  • Phase 3: Production of the Card (Climax)
2016 62
Roberto Giobbi Verbal Range Force getting spectator to name high card
2016 202
Tyler Wilson, Paul Cummins, Bill Herz Verbal Force of Four of Diamonds, see reference for credits
Also published here 2017 12
Asi Wind Verbal Suit Force
2018 145
Helder Guimarães The Only Path "A Matter of Control"
spectator makes up cards in several stages and with help of message cards in envelopes, it's predicted
Inspired by 2019 372
Jim Steinmeyer The 4 Envelope Test card verbally chosen (range force), then one of four envelopes chosen, it contains the card while the other three have Jokers
Also published here 2019 1
Jim Steinmeyer A Tin Can Phone verbal force of Nine of Hearts, card is found in tin can phone
Also published here 2019 4
Joshua Jay Think Of A... commonly named ESP card, suits, cards
2020 30
Wolfgang Moser Die Gedachte Karte in der Brieftasche named card is predicted in wallet, range force for picture cards
Related to
  • "Inferno" (Joshua Jay, marketed 2013)
2021 19
Dani DaOrtiz Verbally forcing a card (first system) specific card is forced from an imaginary deck of cards, cards named by performer, see references for later applications in book
Related toAlso published here 2021 58
Dani DaOrtiz Verbally forcing a card (second system) similar to first system (above) but only value is forced, not suit, allowing more overall sense of freedom
2021 58
Dani DaOrtiz Going for a suit some points on verbally forcing any suit
  • Going for hearts (additional info on forcing hearts, or diamonds)
2021 58
Dani DaOrtiz, Pavel Imaginary deck force card is thought of from imaginary deck as performer names cards
Related to 2021 123
Joshua Jay Inferno equivoque-named card (range force) is predicted in match box with burn marks, optional appearing smoke, updated handling
Inspired by
  • "Inferno" (marketed 2013)
2022 37
John Michael Wilson The Heap No. XI, spectator correctly guesses card that performer pockets, verbal "force" for Four of Hearts with out
Inspired by
  • routine by Benjamin Earl from "Past Midnight" DVDs
2024 25
Roberto Giobbi Restrictive Choice verbal range force
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Mar 10)