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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Hans "Severus" Ernst Das Jubiläum-Festival von Henk Vermeyden on the Triks convention in Amsterdam, Henk Vermeyden, Sitta, Pavel, Ali Bongo, Peter Warlock, Rink, Haxon
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 2)
Informationen-ABC on Harry Blackstone, announcement of various conventions, Claude Bercantal, Claude Rix, Willi Faster, Sitta, Vermeyden, Jean Garance, Maxim, Piet Forton, Damao, Pavel, Roger Jaquet, Maison Robert-Houdin, Olaf Spell, Joe Wildon, Max Giebe, Durox
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 3)
Albert "Alwelli" Wetzel VI. Internationales Festival der Magie in S. Andrea / Italien on the magic convention n S.Andrea-Bagni, Alwelli, Roger Jaquet, Jean Garance, Sitta, Vermeyden, Sergio Bernini, Pino Martyn, Mitzi Fabian, Joe Nex, Fred Dery, Curtini, Trevisano, Pavel, Piet Forton, Graf X, Fred Kaps, Mister Cox, Onkel Peppi, Maxim, Suzuki, Naldys, Gino chetta, Mi-Chi-Ko, Old Vercht, Mister Bogo, Piero Pozzi, Mario Altobelli
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 5&6)
Georg Heubeck Pavel You Say! two spectators select one of three silks, predicted, with variation by Fulves
Inspired by
  • a silk prediction (Pavel, Abra #1107)
Oct. 1967 130
Albert "Alwelli" Wetzel Das 13. österreichische Magiertreffen on the Austrian magic convention, Jan Hoffmann, Dr. Puffer, Leo Jindrak, Ernst Lechner, Willi Faster, Willi Seidl, Pavel, Magic Christian, Manfred Thumm. Reinhard Müller
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 1)
Hans "Severus" Ernst Die Tagung vom 23. / 24. März 1968 in Winterthur on the Swiss magic convention in Winterthur, Claude Pahud, Philius, Rolf Mayr, Roberto Furegati, Julius Anring, Durox, Ily-Ko, Hermanion, Pavel, Curtini, Alwelli, Graf X, Jean Garance, Edy Künzler, Paul Maurer, Ritzmann
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 3)
Claude Pahud Mes Impressions de Winterthur on the Swiss magic convention in Winterthur, Alwelli, Marius, Borosko, Les Andreals, Rolf Mayr, Juliano & Erna, Durox, Ily-Ko, Hermanion, Pavel, Curtini, Jean Garance, Künzler
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 4)
Mitteilungen on Alwelli, Pavel, Old Bercht, Sasso, Viggo Jahn, Macco
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 4)
Claude Pahud Reunion Magique de Lausanne on the general assembly of the Swiss magic circle in Lausanne, Edi Künzler, Jean Garance Anverdi, Claude Rix, Les Gilisons, Juliani & Erna, Damao, Wim Klein, Pavel, Dick Berny, Hylarouf, Tel Smit, Alwelli, Werner Nussbaumer, Claude Bercantal
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 3)
Pavel Pavel's einfache Tüchervariationen three silk rings are knotted as a linked chain, then they are found knotted to each other, using newspaper cone
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 4)
Pavel Pavel-Tüte newspaper cone, two switch silks etc.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 4)
Jules Lenier The Lair on Pavel, Dai Vernon, Monroe Manning
Apr. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Pavel The Instant Silk handkerchief appears in glass
1970 ca. 3
Pavel The Ribbon Prediction three ribbons with different colors, selected color is predicted, with a letter file
1970 ca. 5
Pavel A Rope Circle Routine three knotted rope rings become one large ring, then small rings again which are then linked
Variations 1970 ca. 7
Pavel Rainbow Balls white balls transform into different colored balls, in bag, off-beat method
1970 ca. 9
Pavel The Black Die Prediction five red and one black die, order is predicted
1970 ca. 11
Pavel The Knot Off the Rope knot is shot off with a gun
1970 ca. 13
Pavel Newspaper Knotting II newspaper cone, rope and knot thrown into it, knot found on rope, repeated with different colored knot
1970 ca. 15
Pavel The Ribbon Transposition chosen ribbon vanishes from a glass and appears attached on other ribbon in second glass
1970 ca. 17
Pavel The Zebra Trick paper with black horse and white horse are torn and restored to one paper with picture of a zebra
1970 ca. 19
Pavel Encore the Silk in the Knot handkerchief disappears and appears knotted on rope over neck
1970 ca. 21
Pavel The Spotted Card six colored spots vanish from cards an appear all together on previously blank card
1970 ca. 23
Pavel Six Ideas for Cane Workers ideas with the vanishing and appearing cane
1970 ca. 25
Pavel Ghostly Silks! three handkerchiefs in three glasses, glasses are stacked, handkerchiefs penetrate glasses and end up knotted together
Magick (Issue 36)
Paul Maurer, Claude Pahud MRS - Jahrestagung 27./28. März 1971 Baden on the Swiss national convention in Baden, Brumoli, Juliani, Willy Peter, Irène Ruschak, Jean Garance, Edy Künzler, Willi Weber, Bernhard Studer, Bert Alas, Macco, Weyeneth, Ibor, Philius & Jane, Telsino, Durowa, Marino, Olaf Spell, Graf X, Retonio, Yrus, Joro, Rolf Andra, Pavel, Gasbor, Old Bercht, Carliff, detailed description of lecture by Jean Marc
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 3)
Roger Linder Eine Anregung zu Pavel's Tuchknoten presentation for Pavel's trick where knots made in handkerchief and when knots are removed silk has holes
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 5)
Claude Pahud IBM Convention on the IBM convention 1971, Duke Stern, Karrel Fox, Jay Marshall, Paul Graham, Christopher Woodward, Tony Shelley, Jeffrey Atkins, Maurice Rookly, Elizabeth Warlock, Anverdi, Horace, Pavel, Magic Christian, Peter Gloviczki, Dick Zimmerman, Bill Larsen, Claude Rix, Mike Skinner, Jules de Barros, Mike Rogers, Pete Biro
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 6)
Pavel Die Mysteriöse Seide two silks in two glass tubes that are wrapped in paper transpose
1971 2
Pavel Ringe in der Zündholzschachtel three finger rings are threaded on a thread and put in a match box with both ends of the thread outside, previously chosen ring is the only one that comes loose, or the only one that remains on
1971 4
Pavel Ultra-Kombination
  • Effekt 1 (letter cards are in a 4x4 grid, one row or column selected and a word chosen from those four letters, it is predicted)
  • Effekt 2 (same with number cards and sum prediction)
1971 6
Pavel Zweifarbige Schnüre
  • Effekt 1 (rope that is half white and half red, two knots tied in either section, the knots transpose and transpose back, knots untied)
  • Effekt 2 (two ropes that are half white and half red are tied red on white, suddenly they are tied red on red)
Also published here 1971 8
Pavel Das Geheimnisvolle Sehen different-colored needle pins are divined by performer behind back
1971 10
Pavel Discolora a chip changes from red to white under a silk, the silk ends up with a red circle, featuring a display sequence for the silk
1971 12
Pavel Viereckige Kreise cards with different-colored circles on them, the circles change to squares
1971 14
Pavel The Pocket Rings one colored circle chosen, its color is predicted
1971 16
Pavel Das Paket mit 19 Zigaretten
  • Effekt 1 (cigarette magically removed from sealed pack)
  • Effekt 2 (card rolled up in glass tube transposes with cigarette in sealed pack)
1971 18
Pavel Die Damen auf der Reise
1971 20
Pavel The Rings on Rope (Mikromagie Version) three yellow and three red rings are clipped onto string separated by colors, suddenly they are alternating
1971 22
Pavel Zwei Möglichkeiten five white and one black ball are arranged in a row by spectator, final order predicted
1971 24
Pavel Dreifarbiges Rätsel order of three colors predicted with three pieces of thread that are tied in that order
1971 26
Pavel Die Lachende Hasen packet trick with smiling and sad rabbits on cards, also involving two different back colors
1971 28
Pavel Das Geheimnis des Rings the chosen one of three different-colored rings is magically removed from thread under handkerchief, secretly torn off
1971 30
Gerald R. Blount Bloounty Speaking on Miller Cravens, Charlie Miller and Magicana, Harry Stanley, Roger Smith, Bill Larsen, Bob Eads, Lompoc, Pavel
June 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Gerald R. Blount Blounty speaking on Earl Keyser, Bill & Irene Larsen, Frank Herman, Bill Stickland, Harry Bernard, Pavel, Ed Alterman, Steve Spill, Stan Blumenthal
July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Gerald R. Blount Blounty Speaking on Bruce Cervon, Pavel, Peter Pit, Danny Rouzer, Charlie Miller, Bob Rossi, Eric Lewis, Mike Skinner, Ron Wilson, Richard Ireland
July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Pavel Predicta-Rope three colored ropes are knotted together by spectator, color order is predicted
1972 24
Pavel Silk from Confetti Shower visual
1972 316
Pavel The Jumping Silk from hand to hand and back
1972 318
Pavel Blow-Knot silks in clear plastic tube
Related to 1972 374
Claude Pahud (reviewer) Gala de Magie organisée par "La Pedale Chalonnaise" on a public show in Chalons-sur-Marne, Horace, Henk Vermeyden, Claude Toureil, Marc Albert, Ludow, Edernac, Gerard Majax, Hatta, Les Baladins, Pavel, Claude Rix, Tel Smit 1972
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 2)
Pavel The Ring Transposition three red and three yellow small plastic rings, transpose one by one from hand to hand
1973 122
Mitteilungen on Roger Jaquet, Pavel
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 1)
Paul Maurer Jahrestagung und GV des MRS on the Swiss national convention in Thonex/Geneva, Jean Garance, Ali Bongo, Andrea Tonella, Erwin Dörig, Martin Rutz, Klingsor, Edy Künzler, Pavel, Sitta, Paviolo, Jean de Merry, Marino, Marconick, Robert Danau, Mac Deller, Tim Balou, Jan Nostram, Alex Sauty, Werner Nussbaumer, Rolf Andra
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 3)
Claude Pahud Réunion de Printemps du Cercle Magique Suisse à Genève on the Swiss national convention in Thonex/Geneva, Pavel, Marconick, Paviolo, Louis Marino, Jean de Merry, Marconick, Ali Bongo, Les Andreals, Robert Danau, Mac Deller, Pavel, Chun Chin Fu
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 3)
Durowa Bericht über den Kongress Oesterreichischer Magier - Graz on the Austrian magic convention in Graz, Dixon, Anita Wagner, Topper Martyn, Peter Krejcik, Les Cattarius, Duo Zelka, Die 4 Spinozas, Mi-Chi-Ko, Peki, Hardy Werner, Pavel, Flip
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 6)
Durowa Bericht über das Frühjahrstreffen des MRS in Bern on the Swiss magic convention in Berne, Hermann Affolter, Hans-Peter Hofmann, Peter Müller, Walter Schällebaum, Alfred Tüfer, Max Randegger, Thumm, Edy Künzler, Jean Garance, Pavel, Hans Meier, Mischa, Mr. Bogo, Gordon und Eve, Onkel Peppi, Blondino & Cécile, Willi Bogl, Peter Wilker, Willi Peter
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 3)
Peter Wilker Nachträge aus Bern on the convention in Bern, convention gifts by Hans Hermann (variation of Curry's The Case of the Missing Hat and a Svengali pad), Mischa, Mr. Bogo, Thumm, Pavel, Blondino, Hans Meyer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 4)
Peter Kläui, Roger Jaquet Seminar Pavel on the lecture of Pavel at the convention in Montreux
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 3)
Willy "Tex Williams" Peter Festival "Magic" Montreux 77 on the Swiss magic convention in Montreux ,Pavel, Guy Froideveaux, Henk Meister, Jean Garance, Pat Page, Dr. Zelpi, Milton, All Kelly, Durowa, Böttcher, A. Robert, Gil et Jane, Dominique Gygax, Liliane Dill, Jean Pierre Nicod, Binarelli, Jean de Merry. Robert Danau, Gérard Majax, Les Andreals, Fantasios, Ali Bongo, Gasbor, Nussbaumer, Paul Mauerhofer, Ron MacMillan
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 3)
Pavel 8. Nudos de Cuerda
  • Effekt 1 (rope that is half white and half red, two knots tied in either section, the knots transpose and transpose back, knots untied)
  • Effekt 2 (two ropes that are half white and half red are tied red on white, suddenly they are tied red on red)
Also published here 1977 106
Pavel The Absolute Touch feeling date of some coins
Nov. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Wilker, Peter Kläui Magisches aus aller Welt news from all around the world, Magic Castle, Paul Curry, Doug Henning, Dariel Fitzkee, Morine Vickers, Houdini, Ron MacMillan, Pavel, William Stickland, Robert Garbin, Circo Americano
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 1)
Vier Schweizer Zaubergeschäfte on the four magic shops in Switzerland, Almeico, Jean Garance, Edy Künzler, Pavel
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 1)
Peter Wilker St. Gallen - Kongress und Generalversammlung des Magischen Rings der Schweiz on the magic convention and general assembly of the Swiss magic circle, Pavel, Almeico, Garance, Künzler, Schmiedeberg, Perry & Eve, Alain Noel, Ronnay, Piet Forton, Jean-Luc, Rico Leitner, Retonio, Bobby Tenaris, Arian, Tran Quoc tien, Willy Peter, Rolf Andra, Olaf Spell, Paul Maurer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 2)
Peter Wilker 40 Jahre MRS CMS on the Swiss magic convention in Winterthur, Willy Peter, Roger Linder, Almeico, Jean Garance, Pavel, Edy Künzler, Rudolf Braunmüller, Ronnay, Marius, Imre Serdült, Helmut Schmiedeberg, Milton, Ivo Durox, Olaf Spell, Ben, Juliani, Arino & Uschi, Orsani, Chris & Paul Maurer, Rico Leitner, Calindo, Roland Irion
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 2)
Jean de Merry 26. 27. Avril 1980 Neuchatel on the convention of the magic circle of Switzerland in Neuchatel, Kovari, Magic Hands, Jean Garance, Almeico, Pavel, Roy Mangel, Jean-Pierre Nicod, Rilax, Les Buddies, Fantasio's, Gordon & Eve, Ben, Daniel Juillerat, Jemes, Dick Berny, Orsani, Willy Peter, Roger Jaquet
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 3)
Peter Wilker, Jean de Merry MRS - CMS Zürich 13.-15. März 1981 report of Swiss national convention, Willy Peter, Philius, Almeico, Jean Garance, Edi Künzler, Marius, Ruedi Bucher, Pavel, Orsani, Böttcher, Haraldini, Claus Stub, Theo Timmermann, Viennamagic, Gene Anderson, Geoffrey Buckinham, Peter Gloviczki, Roberto Giobbi, Christian Scherer, Cherry Maxim, Alessandro de Luca, Curtini und Diana, Macao, Juliani
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 3)
Willy "Tex Williams" Peter Wien Magie 81 - 26. Treffen österreichischer Magier report of Austrian convention in Vienna, Will Seidl, Sylvia Diana, Pierre Götz, Orfi, Arsene Lupin, Mecki, Kurt Freitag, Pavel, Wizzardo, Wiedemann, Fantasio, Tommy Wonder, Peter Heinz Kersten, Jan Madd & Chantal, Kitami Maki, Fantasio, Roy Gardner und Butler, Duo Absolom, Dave Parker, Geir Store
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 5)
Jean de Merry Magie à Genève 1981 convention in Geneva, Pavel, Jean Garance, Almeico, Jims Pely, Albert Charry, Bob Swadling, Rob-Suvac, Colon d'Annemasse
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 5)
Jean de Merry Magie à Genève 82' magic convention in Geneva, Pavel, Almeico, Hornecker, A. Charra, D. Rosina, R. Collomb, R. Torrès, Tony Hart, Christine & Patrick
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 6)
Pavel Hopper Knoten four different colored ropes, knot from rope jumps on others and is opened on last rope
Related to
  • Pavel's Fantastic Knot
1983 2
Pavel Tuch-Würfel handkerchief in big dice change places, then dice change color, with tubes
1983 3
Pavel Bluff-Ringe plastic rings in plastic envelopes change places and change colors
1983 5
Pavel Clip-a-Card! ribbon with playing cards, one card is selected and it is the only one with different colored back, prediction of card as kicker
1983 6
Pavel Zickzack Elefant zig-zag effect with picture of an elephant in a frame
1983 7
Pavel Drei-Seil-Routine with snap fasteners
1983 9
Pavel Unglaubliche Punkte cards with colors, matching routine with spectator, cards put in plastic envelopes
1983 10
Pavel Loch-Blendo knots in handkerchiefs are removed, handkerchiefs with holes are placed in paper tube and transform into one big handkerchief with lots of holes
1983 11
Willy "Tex Williams" Peter 28. Treffen österreichischer Magier Salzburg 12. bis 15. Mai 1983 on the magic convention in Salzburg, Pavel, Brigitte Varga, Hardy Werner, Duo Jupiter, Christian Fidi, Jon Duri Tgetgel, Hans Liedl, Philippe Socrate, Piet Forton, Topper Martin, Bellachini XIII, Arsene Lupin, Otto Wessely, Norm Nielsen, Chris Lohner, Michael Ammar, Bernd Schiedek
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 4)
Walter "Waltini" Schällebaum, Jean de Merry, Zoran Nikolin, Peter Wilker Bern - Jahrestreffen und Hauptversammlung des Magischen Rings der Schweiz on the Swiss national convention in Berne, Shaun Mc Cree, Roberto GIobbi, Olaf Spell, Al Bertini, P. Maurer, Jean de Merry, Werner Nussbaumer, Almeico, E. Böttcher, Pavel, Jean Garance, Willy Peter, Henk Vermeyden, Sandro, Cordyny, Cherry Maxim, Gil Mystère, Marco, Peter Hunziker, Haraldini, Francois et Monique, Jean Pierre Nicod, Roberto Furegati, Gerd Bieling
  • Impressionen von der Tagung in Ostermundigen
  • Compte-Rendu du Congres du CMS
  • Die Seminare
  • Die Abendveranstaltung
  • Kurzbericht über die Generalversammlung
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 45 No. 2)
Toni Yann Magie à Genève 84 on the magic convention in Geneva, Willy Peter, Gil Mystère, Jean-Francois Haller, Jean-Yves Prost, Maurice Soltano, Luc Parsonn, Jean-Pierr Hornecker, Richard Vollmer, Gil Steiner, Rob Suvac, Pierre Jacques, Toni Yann, Marconick, Pavel, Almeico, Claude Rix, Strobus, Jean de Merry, Dan Christo
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 45 No. 5)
Rondos (reviewer) Pavel-Seminar in Bern short review of Pavel lecture in Berne 1985
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 2)
Peter Wilker Chur '85 on the magic convention of the magic circle Switzerland in Chur, magic club Sardona, Johannes Held, Willy Peter, Henk Vermeryden, Don Pedro, Nicola, Deflorini, Sagarra, Onkel Peppi, Rico Leitner, Almeico, Ruedi Bucher, Jean Garance, Edy Künzler, Pavel, Polymagic, Zauberkaiser, Böttcher, Thumm, Voit, Sitta, René Schenkel, Erhard Liebenow, Mike Porstman, Marnac, Rodolphe et Sirka, Gigi, Durox, Ben, Don Giuseppe,
  • Die Hauptversammlung des Magischen Rings in Chur
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 3)
Jean de Merry, Peter Wilker 5e Magie à Genève on the magic convention in Geneva, Maurice Pierre, Jean-Yves Prost, Peter Wilker, Claude Pahud, Jean-Pierre Hornecker, Pavel, Domenico Dante, Richard Ross, Rob-Suvac, Dan Cristo, Marc Philippi, Jean de Merry
  • Zusätzliche Bemerkungen (Peter Wilker)
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 4)
Willy "Don Pedro" Aregger, Paul Maurer Baden - Jahreskongress des MRS vom 21. - 23. März on the Swiss magic convention, Werner Hornung, Fee Eleisa, Willy Peter, Harold Voit, Pedro Magie, Böttcher, Steve Bryan, Pino Pan, Roberto Giobbi, Christian Scherer, Mark Vincent, Louis Marino, Bert Rex, Pavel, Harold & Angelika, Belini, Danny Slide, Charismo, Telsino, Philius & Jane, Rico Leitner, Jean Garance, Ghelo, followed by french translation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 2)
Paul Maurer Pavel's Magie à Genève on Pavel's magic convention in Geneva, Claude Pahud, Jean de Merry, Almeico, Jim Pely, Devil, Jean-Pierre Hornecker, Ivan, Hop Pahud, Jean Rigal, Duraty, Tony Mantovini, Les Clauginos, Orsani & Martini
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 2)
Jean de Merry Magie à Genève 1986 on Pavel's magic convention in Geneva, Mar Filippi, Jean-Philippe Pradel, Ivan, Hop Pahud, J.-F. Haller, Andé Annemasse, Rico Leitner, Peter Wilker, Duraty, Tony Mantovani, Jean Rigal, Devil, Almeico, Jims Pely, Jean-Pierre Hornecker, Les Clauginos, Orsani & Martina, Tiny Yann, Rob-Suvac
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 2)
Rico Leitner Kongress des Magischen Zirkels von Deutschland 8. - 11. Mai 1986 on the convention of the magic circle Germany, Eckhart Böttcher, Pavel, Lubor Fiedler, Roberto Giobbi, Dick Koornwinder, Erhard Liebenow, Boretti, Herbert Paufler, Klingsor, Alan Shaxon, Kellerhof, Hannes Höller, Abott, Thumm, Mephisto, Chapeau, Gerd Maron, Lev Blaha, Larry Parker, Johnny Hart, Safran & Kardamon, Bruno Rodrigues, Sylvia Diana, Jul & Jule, Alfredo, Lubor Fiedler, Juno, Thomas Vité, Eberhard Riese, Wittus Witt, Jan Forster, Ted Lesley, Fred van Thumm
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 3)
Paul Maurer Pot-Au-Feu on the John Carney lecture, Dondo Burghardo, Hermanion, Richard Sanders lecture, Paul Diamond lecture, Rolf Andra, Albert Sala, Ivan, Yrus, Joe Galabs, Johannes Held, Chris Maurer, Max Giebe, Kurt Baldrian, Die Magischen Zehn, Robert Kaldy-Karo, Doré, Santo & Monique, Salvano, Aremi, Pavel, Jacky Steel & Athene
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 4)
Paul Maurer Pot-Au-Feu on soap bubble solutions, Ben Harris lecture, Waltini, Pedro Magie, Pavel's Topmagic Studio, Robert Kaldy-Karo & Doré, Marco Tempest & Martin
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 5)
Roberto Giobbi Zauberkunst in den USA on his trip to the US, Siegfried & Roy, Magic Castle, Rocco Silano, Jay Scott Berry, Vito Lupo, Pavel, Jerry Andrus, Stan Allen, Marvy & Carol Roy
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 5)
Paul Maurer Pavel's USA Come Back on Pavel's shows and lectures in the US, followed by brief french translation
  • La conquête de l'Amérique par Pavel...
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 5)
Jean de Merry Congrès Suisse de l'Illusion - Genève: 3-4-5 Avril 1987 on the Swiss magic convention in Geneva, the Professeur Magicus / Adolphe Blind collection, Santoni, Rico Leitner, Jean Garance, Jean-Pierre Nicod, Aurelio Paviato, Roberto Giobbi, Al Goshman, Jean Salangros, Magic Hands, Pavel, Alberto Sitta, Almeico, Jean Merlin, Jambo, Blendini, Carambo, Pierre Naftule, Pierrot et Colombine, Jean Garin, Domenico Dante, Arsène Lupin, Jean Merlin, Joel et Jill, The Great Maharadja
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 3)
Paul Maurer Pot-Au-Feu on Piet Forton, Karo & Doré, Retonio, Jean Michel Cahtery, Primera, Roberto Giobbi, Magie à Genève, Pavel, Mc Saimn, Almeico, Christoph Borer, Wilker's Magische Blätter, Ivan Starcevic, Hermanion, Santo & Monique, Chris Maurer, Marco Tempest & Midi Gottet
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 4&5)
Paul Maurer Pavel's "Magie à Genève 1987"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 6)
Christoph Borer 7. Magie à Genève on the magic convention in Geneva, Pavel, Gaeton Bloom, Mac Fink, Devil, Claude Rix
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 6)
Norbert Blanchard Magie à Genève on the magic convention in Geneva, Pavel, Gaeton Bloom
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 6)
Jean de Merry Magie à Genève - 1987 on the magic convention in Geneva, Pavel, Gaeton Bloom, Mac Fink, Devil, Almeico, Hornecker, Albert Charra, Jean-Yves Prost, Claude Pahud, Paul Maurer, Bertrand Frank, Christoph Borer, Marc & Eric, Christian Scherer, Peter Wilker, Gil Mystère, Najaros, Marvin Roy, Claude Rix, Michel Fontaine, Rob-Suvac, Geo Ray, Tony Yann
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 6)
Pat Conway Loopy four ropes are tied into rings, they morph into one large rope ring
Inspired by 1987 93
Jean de Merry Congres du Cercle Magique Suisse on the convention of the Swiss magic circle in Winterthur, Sitta, Magic Hands, Pavel, Pedro, Almeico, Jean Garance, Petrick, Liberat Vogler, Briska, Mr. Magic, Oro, Salvano, Kalos, 2 Roxys, Chris & Paul Maurer, Shahiro & Partnerin, DRT Dancers, Achmed Gumaro, Ivo Durox, Les Deux Chandras, Rico Leitner, Claude Pahud, followed by shortened german translation
  • MRS-Kongress in Winterthur
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 3)
Jean de Merry Congrès magique à Bruxelles on the magic convention in Bruxelles, Klingsor, Pavel, Antonio Versini, Daniel Adrian, Jean de Merry, Renato & Monique, Shaun Yee & Annie, Fabian, Alipio, Jim Havilland, Bob Little, Pavel, Guy Lammertyn
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 3)
Paul Maurer Pot-au-feu on Daniel Schlatter, Rene Kaufman, Ivo Durox, Roger Linder, Louis Marino, Christoph Borer, Zoran Nikolin, Roberto Giobbi, Finn Jonn, George Schlick, Pollux, Eynar Grabowsky, Fritz, Mr. Magrée, Milo & Roger, James Randi, Moretti, Marnac, Yrus, Kravick, Pavel's Magie à Genève
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 3)
Rico Leitner Magie a Geneve, 5.11.1988 on Pavel's magic convention, Almeico, Sitta, Jean-Pierre Hornecker, Jean Garance, Mimosa, Bob Little, Christoph Borer, Corally, Francesco, Jean de Merry, Geo Ray
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 6)
Paul Maurer Pot-au-feu on Roberto Giobbi, David Copperfiel, Peter Moretti, Fred Maro, Mr. Magree, Hundini, Lubor Fiedler, Hans Bechtold, James Randi, Harold Voit, Christoph Borer, Pius Küng, Pavel, Danny Slide, Kalindo, Binocchi, Romano, Gradiwohlo, Rico Leitner, Engelbert Steinhart, Stefan Handel, Stefan Hoch, Tino & Susann, Rolf Andra, Ivo Durox, Yrus , Chris & Paul, Ludwig Klaus, Max Burkhart, Elberto, Rudolf Fürrer, Stanley Jaks, Robert Kaldy-Karo, Doré Henk Vermeyden
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 6)
Pavel The High Flying Knot rope tossed in the air, flourish knot
1989 33
Jean de Merry Magie a Genève on Magie à Genève convention, Pavel, Bob Little, Cenacle Magique 5, Devil, Almeico, A. Sitta, Rico Leitner, Mimosa, Nicolas Lornage, Jean-Yves Prost, Albert Charra, Vostinic, Christoph Borer, Corally, Francesco, Geo Ray, Toni Yann, Rob-Suvac
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 50 No. 1)
Patrick Page, Pavel, J. F. Orrin The Misdirope Trick cut rope restores inside paper cone
Also published here 1990 28
Aldo Colombini Poppy knot in rope slides from one end to the other, changes color, slides again and when opened it is found to be part of the rope
Related to
  • Pavel's "Acrobatic Knot"
1991 3
Patrick Page, Pavel, J. F. Orrin Der Ablenk-Seiltrick cut rope restores inside paper cone
Also published here Nov. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Michael Close Patter for Pavel's "Fantastic Knot" presentation
1993 37
Pavel Der Zauberstab-Regenerator broken wand placed inside bottle and restored wand starts to rise, repeated
1995 2
Pavel Pavel's "Seil durch den Hals" rope through neck, variation with handkerchief, magnetic
1995 4
Pavel Seil durch den Körper rope through body, magnetic
1995 6
Pavel Pavel's "Seil durch den Körper" rope penetrates neck and body, magnetic
1995 6
Pavel Die Karte in der Luft ballon is bursted with needle, and selection appears pierced on needle
1995 8
Pavel Das Wäscheklammer-Seil rope and different colored cloth pins are placed in a bag, chosen colored cloth pin is found on rope
1995 10
Pavel Die Jahrhundert-Tücher magnetic
1995 12
Pavel Neue Tuch-Verkettung three methods for knotted silks, magnetic, with tube, paper cone and glasses
1995 14
Pavel Das flinke Seil ends of rope knot by themselves, cut rope is restored, magnetic
1995 16
Pavel Seilring-Restauration cut rope is thrown into the air and restores, magnetic
1995 18
Pavel Perfekte Ring-Durchdringung ring on rope, magnetic rope
1995 20
Pavel Der unmögliche Kartensteiger magnetic card riser
1995 22
Pavel Das springende Tuch three silks on rope, monkey bar type, magnetic rope
1995 24
Pavel Der Magnetische Zauberstab handkerchief appears knotted on wand
1995 26
Pavel Zugabe: Der balancierende Zauberstab balancing wand on table, magnetic
1995 26
Pavel Das Rätsel des gelben Knotens Pavel's Fantastic Knot, different method, magnetic
1995 28
Pavel Rose zu Tuch rose on jacket transforms into silk
1995 30
Pavel Magnet-Halter magnetic holder in trousers
1995 30
Pavel Nützliche Tips tips for using magnets
  • Das Magnet-Sortiment
  • Wie werden die Magnete in den Seilen befestigt (how to attach the magnets inside the ropes)
  • Wichtige Hinweise
1995 32
Michael Kaminskas, Daryl Martinez, Pavel Roped two white ropes are suddenly knotted together, the rope slides along the rope and knot changes color, knot is taken off the rope and thrown on it again, when it is opened, its a white rope with a red part
Inspired by
  • Pavel's Fantastic Knot
  • Daryl Martinez' Amazing Acrobatic Knot
1996 97
Kazuyuki Hase Any Century Silk three silks in clear bag, spectator removes one, it is vanishes and found tied between the other two in the bag
Inspired by
  • "20th Century Newspaper" (Pavel)
May 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Sam Schwartz Plus Ultra 4x4 layout with alphabet cards, row chosen and letters arrange to build a word, this item matches a selection from a deck with pictures
Inspired by
  • "Ultra Combination" (Pavel)
1997 107
Matthew Field (reviewer) Pavel's Cabaret by Pavel Mar. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 3)
Michael Close (reviewer) Pavel's Cabaret by Pavel Jan. 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 5)
David Kaye Routine for Crystal Tube silks knot themselves in clear plastic tube
Related to June 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Michael Close (reviewer) Creative Magic of Pavel Volumes 1-4 by Pavel Dec. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 4)
Matthew Field (reviewer) The Creative Magic of Pavel, Vols. 1-4 by Pavel Jan. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 1)
Jean de Merry Pavel 1945-2011
Apr. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 4)
Pavel, Dani DaOrtiz Verbal Card Force classic force from imaginary deck, cards named by performer
Related to
  • "Forzaje Psicológico" (Dani DaOrtiz, Libertad de Expresion)
Also published here
Oct. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 10)
Gene Anderson Knot Dr. Seuss big knot is formed, falls of rope and performer is left with short piece of rope, Pavel's Krazy Knot
  • A. Background and Credits
  • B. The poem
  • C. Gene's script
  • D. Materials and tools
  • F. Seuss book
2016 189
Dani DaOrtiz Verbally forcing a card (first system) specific card is forced from an imaginary deck of cards, cards named by performer, see references for later applications in book
Related toAlso published here 2021 58
Dani DaOrtiz, Pavel Imaginary deck force card is thought of from imaginary deck as performer names cards
Related to 2021 123
Christoph Borer, Pavel Geschickte Hände catching a card when deck is thrown into the air, two methods
2022 80