30 entries in Rope / Transformation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Milbourne Christopher Christopher's Cigarette to Rope
  • Version 1
  • Version 2
  • Version 3
Related to 1942 349
Milbourne Christopher Rope to Cigarette
Aug. 1945 143
Jerry Hornak Triple Rope Transformation three ropes of equal length are rolled up to a ball and change to one long rope
Sep. 1951 833
Reinhold Woda Die Seil-Zigarette piece of rope changes to cigarette
Also published here
  • in "Aladin"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Everett Lyda Patter Presentations patter for Rope Epic (Four to One Rope) and the Egg Bag
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Marconick New Twentieth Century Transposition transposition of rope and silk, rope knotted between two silks in the end
Also published here 1967 176
Dopey Rope long rope is bunched up and placed into hand, two spectator hold an end each and rope shrinks
1968 115
Tom Fitzgerald Tom Fitzgerald's Cut and Restored Rope to Cigarette end cut and placed in mouth where it changes to cigarette
1968 232
Scurti The Magician Abbott's Long Smoke borrowed cigarette is stretched and transforms into rope, piece is cut off and changes back to cigarette
1968 303
Marconick Two In One two ropes are stretched to same size, then they become one
Also published here 1968 12
Pavel A Rope Circle Routine three knotted rope rings become one large ring, then small rings again which are then linked
Variations 1970 ca. 7
Pavel Zweifarbige Schnüre
  • Effekt 1 (rope that is half white and half red, two knots tied in either section, the knots transpose and transpose back, knots untied)
  • Effekt 2 (two ropes that are half white and half red are tied red on white, suddenly they are tied red on red)
Also published here 1971 8
Marconick Silks in Loop-Holes two silks knotted on two ropes jump off, then ropes become one rope
Also published here 1973 26
Pavel 8. Nudos de Cuerda
  • Effekt 1 (rope that is half white and half red, two knots tied in either section, the knots transpose and transpose back, knots untied)
  • Effekt 2 (two ropes that are half white and half red are tied red on white, suddenly they are tied red on red)
Also published here 1977 106
Marconick Deux en une two ropes are stretched to same size, then they become one
Also published here 1979 11
Marconick Evasion de foulards two silks knotted on two ropes jump off, then ropes become one rope
Also published here 1979 22
Karl Fulves Little One unequal ropes, knotted, knot slides to other end and back, one rope shrinks in process, performed at table
Inspired byRelated to 1986 15
Karl Fulves Merger two equal ropes, one shrinks, then back to original length and other one vanishes
Related to 1986 23
Ronald J. Dayton Ring of Beauty effect by Karl Fulves, rope ring slid on rope, rope pulled, rope ring becomes smaller and then jumps off rope
Related to 1986 43
Karl Fulves Rope Problem #6 - Equality two unequal ropes become equal in a special way, posed as a problem
1986 70
Pat Conway Loopy four ropes are tied into rings, they morph into one large rope ring
Inspired by 1987 93
Gary Kurtz Well Spun wad of cotton turns into a string
1988 13
Wayne Dobson The Ends Off Rope Trick endless loop phase
May 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Marconick Die Verwandlung des 20. Jahrhunderts transposition of rope and silk, rope knotted between two silks in the end
Also published here 1992 24
Michael Close Patter for Pavel's "Fantastic Knot" presentation
1993 37
Pavel Das Rätsel des gelben Knotens Pavel's Fantastic Knot, different method, magnetic
1995 28
Michael Kaminskas, Daryl Martinez, Pavel Roped two white ropes are suddenly knotted together, the rope slides along the rope and knot changes color, knot is taken off the rope and thrown on it again, when it is opened, its a white rope with a red part
Inspired by
  • Pavel's Fantastic Knot
  • Daryl Martinez' Amazing Acrobatic Knot
1996 97
Al Schneider Fusion
  • The Schneider Technique
three ropes become one
Apr. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 4)
Richard Wiseman, David Kaye Bracelets To Necklace
  • Positive Magic for Kids
transformation routine with change bag, rope rings link and become one rope
Nov. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 11)
Roberto Giobbi Double Mishap Opening gag opening with rope, also cigarette to rope transformation
Related to 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Nov. 3)