56 entries in Wand & Stick / Animation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Giovanni Manfretto Der schwebende Stab à la Giovanni Manfretto wand or similar object clings to hand, thread
Sep. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Der schwebende Stab thread
Jan. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 1)
H. F. C. Suhr Rising Wand from bottle
1899 80
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Magnetismus-Animale No. 50
  • iron stick or cane clings to hand, gaff from sleeve or thread
  • table clings to hand
  • water pitcher clings to hand
1899 135
Der frei an den Fingern schwebende Stab wand clings to fingertips, ungaffed, like the knife method, also with walking stick
Aug. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Magnetised Paper non-magical science experiment
1902 294
Phantome Ein moderner Erfinder - 1. stick clings to hand
Related to Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Carl Willmann Die Aufhebung der Schwerkraft wand placed on table with most of it protruding, yet it does not fall
June 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 6)
From Decanter on Table wand rises up and down in bottle, thread
1903 104
Professor Hoffmann, Professor Sylvester The Self-Supporting Wand clinging to hand and other objects, thread and other gimmicks
  • Introductory Patter
  • Various Methods of Suspension
  • The Wand Supported without any Mechanical Aid
Variations 1903 105
Professor Hoffmann The Rapping Wand thread, to answer questions
1903 113
Dr. James William Elliott The Auto-Gravity Wand mercury in wand, with second method in footnote
1903 116
The Rising and Falling Wand various methods
1903 120
Carl Willmann Der magnetisierte Zauberstab wand rises up in hand, rubber band inside
Feb. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli I. Mein Talisman magic wand is produced from little purse, it shrinks and becomes normal again, then it rises up and clings to the hand and fingers
  • 1. Der Zauberstab im Portemonnaie
  • 2. Der zusammenschiebbare Stab
  • 3. Der Zauberstab als Voltigeur
Related to 1903 69
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Hilf, o hilf, mein Zauberstab! No. 1, tricks with a magic wand
  • 1. Der Zauberstab im Portemonnaie (wand from purse)
  • 2. Der zusammenschiebbare Zauberstab (shrinking wand)
  • 3. Der an der Handfläche schwebende Stab (Wand clings to hand)
Related to 1926 9
Oswald Rae A Combination Wand multi-effect wand
  • handkerchief appears on end of wand
  • wand rises in hand
  • wand is forced down a boy's throat
  • ring climbs on wand, answers question
  • stick to fingers
Also published here
  • "A Combination Wand" in " The Linking Ring"
1930 38
Lu Brent The Wisenheimer Magnetic Wand Wand clings to interlocked hands (is it really Lu Brent's?)
1932 7
Tom Sellers New Magnetic Pencil pencil sticks to hand, flesh-colored ring
1933 10
Wand Levitation hook at thumb nail, clings to hand
1939 87
The Magnetized Wand wand sticks on hand
1941 40
The Rising Wand rubber band
1942 58
Sure-Grip Magnetized Wand
1942 59
Harlan Tarbell Tarbell's Magnetized Wand thread
1942 60
Aufhebung der Schwerkraft balancing a wand
Mar. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Frederick Braue Fred Braue Writes Floating Stick version, stick adheres to fingers and nose
Nov. 1944 84
Tommy Dowd, Milbourne Christopher Model Asrah! wand levitates under handkerchief and vanishes, breakaway wand
Aug. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 90)
Magnetized Wand wand moved in hand, thread
June 1945 124
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Das magische Portrait von Rob. Houdin wand and ball cling on picture, followed by french translation "Le portrait magique de Robert-Houdin"
Mar. 1945 6
Milbourne Christopher The Floating Pen with gimmick, pen sticks to fingers
  • Floating Wand
Aug. 1949 569
Syenraw Der schwebende Zauberstab floating wand, two loops on body
Also published here
  • in "Journal de la Prestidigitation"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 1)
The Great Christe The Floating Dove dove on wand, floating in front of performer
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Dr. Spencer Thornton The Sensitive Touch spectators write billets with names of american and foreign cities, wand points automatically to several billets and divides the american cities from the foreign ones
1958 11
Conrad Schmoranzer Steigende oder springende Zauberstäbe rising and jumping wand, examinable afterwards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 3)
Eddie Joseph Human Magnet pencil clings to finger, routine with match box
1969 175
Eddie Joseph The Regal Sceptre shiny tube moves by itself in hand, rubber cord through tube
  • The Flashgun Extension
1969 310
The Rising Wand
1976 18
The Balancing Wand
1976 20
Jumping Wand wand jumps from hand
1979 28
Die Katapult-Daumenspitze pen jumps out of hand (catapult thumb tip), as card location
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Hen Fetsch Der emporsteigende Bleistift pencil moves up and down in bottle, thread
Oct. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Marconick Up, 7 Up! bottles on table with wands inside, wand rises and when pushed back in bottle other rises, using third bottle and third wand to finish
Related toVariations 1982 19
Marconick Variation on "Seven Up" variation in method
Inspired by 1982 22
Robert Gysel The Suspended Wand, Cane or Broom No. 6, gimmick
1983 3
Piet Forton Dein Zauberstab kann sich biegen und kann schweben... magic wand bends and sticks on hand, various methods, production of a handkerchief
1983 23
Marconick Up 7 up bottles on table with wands inside, wand rises and when pushed back in bottle other rises, using third bottle and third wand to finish, variation to reference
Related to 1983 32
Floating Wand thread
1985 24
John Scarne Suspense multi-phase cigar routine
  • cigar clings to hand, finger and hidden stick method
  • four cigars cling to hand, ungaffed
  • they are released in requested order
Related to 1995
Underworld (Issue 1)
Pavel Der Zauberstab-Regenerator broken wand placed inside bottle and restored wand starts to rise, repeated
1995 2
Pavel Zugabe: Der balancierende Zauberstab balancing wand on table, magnetic
1995 26
Jon LeClair Swizzle Stick Rise swizzle stick rises out of bottle
1997 107
Nathan Kranzo Too Much Coffee coffee stirrer stirs in a cup on its own and stops on your command, to end, the stirrer appears behind ear and then the cup vanishes, thumbtip
2001 11
Vito Lupo zenStticks thin sticks are balanced in impossible conditions
2003 325
Chi Coin stick or wand suspends in hand, hidden hole coin in Downs palm
Prolix (Issue 7)
John Carney Magnetized Wand wand clings to fingertips
  • Wand Gimmick
  • Wand Handling
Inspired by 2020 214
John Carney Bottled Spirits wand rises from bottle, jumps out
2020 244