39 entries in Cane / Appearance & Production
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
A Billiard Cue Produced from a Hat appearing cane and other props
1903 447
Carl Willmann Willmann's mechanische Fahnenstange collapsible pole
Related to Aug. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 8)
Carl Willmann Willmann's mechanische Fahnenstange part two
Related to Sep. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 9)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Ei des Zauberers egg balanced on straw, then paper ribbon is produced from egg and a cane as climax
1927 76
Billy McComb William Passes On Some Tips on thumb tips, on using milk, on the appearing cane, how to remove paint
1947 36
Milbourne Christopher Cane Conjuring idea for appearing cane
Nov. 1947 367
Arthur H. Buckley A Phantasy in Silver "My Complete Act with Coins, with Every Detail for a Scintillating Presentation Fully and Carefully Explained and Illustrated"
thorough explanation, using lots of sequences described before, with appearing cane
1948 115
Arthur H. Buckley A Finish for an Act appearing cane, dove to glove (fake dove made out of glove)
1948 145
Eddie Joseph Stick from Trouser Cuff from spectator's trouser, Walsh production cane
1950 53
Edwin "Edwino" Grimm Ein modernes Tuchtrio cane changes to knotted silks, other silk changes into cane and silk is found knotted between other silks
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Val Andrews Production of Giant Cigarette and Holder appearing cane method
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Joseph M. White CATnips humorous article onuses for the Walsh Appearing Cane
Apr. 1968
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 72)
Heinz "Durox" Rüegg 4 Tips several brief descriptions of ideas
  • introducing shell
  • paper coins
  • appearing cane
  • milk bottle
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 5)
Alan Shaxon The Cane and Cigarette Holder cane, lit cigarette and cigarette holder vanish, then cigarette and holder are reproduced and the holder turns into the cane, vanishing & appearing cane
1970 7
Pavel Six Ideas for Cane Workers ideas with the vanishing and appearing cane
1970 ca. 25
Balloon-Canne balloon bursts and changes to cane
Also published here
  • in "Abracadabra"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 1)
Alan Shaxon 20th Century Cane and Silks opening to a cabaret act
Two handkerchiefs are produced from the ends of a cane, tied together and rolled around the cane. The cane is wrapped in a newspaper, a third handkerchief transforms into a cane and in the newspaper the missing handkerchief is found, knotted in between the other handkerchiefs.
1976 2
David Berglas Appearing Cane - Hints and Tips
1976 21
David Berglas My Appearing Cane Finale - A Novel Appearing Cane Presentation handkerchief thrown in air changes to cane
1976 22
The Appearing Walking Stick several methods, with silk
1976 250
Hen Fetsch Produktions- und Verwandlungseffekte - 4. balloon to appearing cane
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Patrick Page The Vanishing Cane The Appearing Cane vanishing and appearing cane in newspaper
Also published here 1980 6
Ken Brooke Magic Props - Impromptu comment
1980 42
Scott Cervine Strife in Eden scarf appears and cane splits in two, opening sequence
1986 50
Meir Yedid Loaded Silk to Cane clever handling for handkerchief to appearing cane
1986 23
Asako Suda Cane from Fireball
1988 43
Fantasio Kerze zu Tuch zu Stock candle transforms into handkerchief and later into cane
1988 37
Otto Wessely Tips on Canes eight tips
Jan. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 5)
James Dimmare The Astaire Change white scarf visibly changes to green, cane produced from it
1990 157
Patrick Page, Senor Charles Mardo Der Verschwindende Stock - Der Erscheinende Stock vanishing and appearing cane in newspaper
Also published here 1993 34
Amado Narvaez Der Schwiegermutter-Trick im modernen Gewand combination with appearing silks (pulled out of jacket at threads, appearing cane, Twentieth Century Silks
Also published here
  • Genii, 1989
May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Karrell Fox Don't Miss Your Cue billiard ball to pool cue in bag
1995 158
Juan Mayoral Aparición Mágica de un Bastón fireball from candle in which a cane is produced, and then a handkerchief
2003 324
Juan Mayoral Segunda Versión: Cuadrado, Círculo y Bastón Squaring the Circle to Cane
2003 326
Eric Mead When Children Walk With Canes presentation for appearing cane with picture cards
Also published here 2003 11
Eric Mead When Children Walk with Canes presentation for appearing cane with picture cards
Also published here 2006 179
John Moehring Scarf to Cane
Feb. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 2)
Hiroshi Sawa リンキング・リング・ファンタジー (The Linking Ring Fantasy) Linking Ring routine, five large stage rings, ends with appearing cane
2013 115
Jonathan Neal Obscurity and the Vanishing Cane
  • Secrets Within Secrets
cane appears in silk, then same cane vanishes after being wrapped up in paper
Dec. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 12)