This search includes results that are not relevant to tricks or sleights (e.g. columns, reviews, articles, ...). Click here to hide these results.
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Henri De Manche To Change a Coin one-handed
Related to 1902 153
Rupert Gilbert Precognition sixteen designs on a board, number is chosen and selected design has already been predicted
Related to 1960 86
David Berglas 'It's Up His Sleeve' why spectator's suspect sleeving, general comments
Also published here 1969 169
David Berglas Methods Of Sleeving
  • Gravity
  • Manual Propulsion
  • Mechanical Propulsion

comments on the material of the jacket
Also published here 1969 171
David Berglas The Berglas Gravity Method For Sleeving A Small Object Invisibly pocket knife vanishes
1969 173
David Berglas Retrieving the Pocket Knife
1969 180
David Berglas Intelligent Use Of Sleeving
1969 181
David Berglas, Lewis Ganson, Ralph W. Hull The Master Move For 'The Homing Ball' moves for ball and cone
1969 182
David Berglas The Torn and Restored Tissue Paper
1969 186
David Berglas, Alex Elmsley The Cups and Balls billiard balls as final loads
1969 192
David Berglas Production and Vanish Of A Silk Handkerchief with tube or ball
1969 194
David Berglas The Vanishing Stick
1969 198
David Berglas Producing A Pen, Pencil Or Cigar from sleeve
1969 199
David Berglas, Milbourne Christopher The Autograph Hunter's Nightmare pen vanishes and appear several times, in the end it travels to spectator's breast pocket
1969 200
David Berglas Pen To Keys as alternative when giving autographs
1969 205
David Berglas Switching One Object For Another for cigarettes, nuts, knives, paddles, safety pins, coins etc.
1969 205
David Berglas Switching A Long Object
1969 207
David Berglas, Henri De Manche The De Manche Switch Used In conjunction With Sleeving
Related to 1969 209
David Berglas The Vanish Of the Stack Of Pence for the cap and pence trick
1969 212
David Berglas Sleeving Coins For 'The Coins In Glass'
1969 214
David Berglas Production Of A Cigar
1969 214
David Berglas Ad Infinitum total of three three-digit numbers is predicted
Related toVariationsAlso published here Jan. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Bob Ostin, Bob Driebeek On Ad Infinitum additional ideas
Inspired byAlso published here Feb. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 6)
David Berglas Lecture on Sleeving
  • "It's Up His Sleeve!"
  • The Use of Sleeving
  • The Berglas Gravity Method of Sleeving
  • Practice
Also published here 1976 2
David Berglas Hints on Sleeving
  • A Common Fault
  • Natural Movements
  • Pulling Up the Sleeve
  • Over-Use
  • "A Whole New World of Magic"
  • Application for Sleeving
1976 7
David Berglas Cups and Balls using sleeving
1976 9
David Berglas Billiard Ball Production idea, brief
1976 10
David Berglas Other Applications ideas, brief
1976 10
David Berglas Impossible Silk Production with tube
1976 11
David Berglas Impossible Silk Vanish with sucker element
1976 12
David Berglas Pocketing for ditching and switching objects, general remarks
Also published here 1976 13
David Berglas Using a Pull general remarks on how to use a pull
1976 15
David Berglas Cardcertina Berglas Electric Deck design and construction
Also published here 1976 16
David Berglas Vanishing Cane - My Cane in Newspaper Routine
1976 19
David Berglas Appearing Cane - Hints and Tips
1976 21
David Berglas My Appearing Cane Finale - A Novel Appearing Cane Presentation handkerchief thrown in air changes to cane
1976 22
David Berglas Introduction
1976 7
David Berglas Flash Magic on pyro flash material
1976 11
David Berglas Match Replay paper is ignited with blown out match, then paper is blown out and match burns again
1976 13
David Berglas F-L-A-S-H! fire flash appears, apparently strong drink, using cigarette to ignite flash paper
1976 15
David Berglas Flick-Flash shooting a fire ball through the room, flash paper ball
1976 17
David Berglas Pocket Ashtray to vanish a lit cigarette, "The Litcig Vanish"
1976 19
David Berglas Hole-In-One "A Suit-Able Gag", gag, apparently clothes having a hole burnt through them, with gag explenation
1976 21
David Berglas Knot Magic on knot effects
1976 23
David Berglas Knot-Knot an instant double-knot
1976 24
David Berglas Neck Tie looped rope through neck
1976 25
David Berglas Knot Now instant knot, one-handed
1976 27
David Berglas Assorted Knots Monkey Knots
  • Triple Knot
  • Up-Knot Down-Knot
  • No Knot
  • Knot Over Monkey Puzzle
  • Instant Noose
  • Noose with One Knot
  • Noose with Knot-Knot
1976 29
David Berglas Tie-Tie one-handed knot in tie
1976 31
David Berglas Card Magic general remarks on cards and magic
1976 33
David Berglas Spot On wrong card changes to selection, when performer shakes deck
1976 35
David Berglas Palm Spring wrong card put side-jogged in the deck, when cards are sprung from hand to hand, card changes to selection
Variations 1976 37
David Berglas Caught Card cards spread on table, when spread is turned over selection shoots in other hand
1976 39
David Berglas Jokers Wild three selections, three jokers turn into selections one by one, sample card turns out to be third selection
1976 41
David Berglas Sitting Pretty spectator sits on selection
Variations 1976 45
David Berglas Ad Infinitum total of three three-digit numbers is predicted
Also published here Feb. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Ken Krenzel Marionette Multiple Coin Vanish
Related toVariations Apr. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Al Mann The Shattered Link a selected link from a chain breaks
Inspired by
  • a David Berglas routine
Related to
1979 3
Philip T. Goldstein Karma photo prediction of chosen car color and license plate number
Related to 1980 9
Scott Davis Matrix cards with numbers, numbers are formed and sum is predicted
Related to 1981
Magick (Issue 296)
Peter Wilker, David Berglas Mathe Magie '85 - Mathe Magie '85 - Eine Studie in fünf Teilen
  • Teil 2. Ad infinitum
total of three three-digit numbers is predicted
Related to 1985
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 2)
Carl "J. N. Teroga" Schnetzer Ein Nachtrag zu "Mathemagie 85" Ad Infinitum variation, sum prediction, 150 numbers on cards
Related to 1985
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 4)
David Berglas The Berglas Lure tin foil becomes hot in spectator's hand, using two spectators
Also published here Oct. 1987
Magick (Issue 396)
David Berglas E.S.P. Logie multiple prediction routine, six spectators with envelopes stand behind six numbers, one spectator chooses one object among six and puts the rest in an order, selection matches the number, order matches and selection and number was predicted beforehand
Also published here 1987 3
David Berglas Ad Infinitum total of three three-digit numbers is predicted
Also published here 1987 26
David Berglas Schlüssel zum Geheimnis some random objects are collected, numbers chosen from bowl with bingo balls, a ball and item are picked in unison, one number-item combination is predicted
Also published here
  • Pentagram
1987 32
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Total Recall same as Ad Infinitum
total of three three-digit numbers is predicted
Also published here Feb. 1991
Magick (Issue 452)
David Berglas Fortwährende Füller-Produktion continuous pen production
1992 4
David Berglas Das Ärmeln
  • "Es ist in Ärmel!"
  • Die Berglas-Schwerkraft-Ärmel-Methode
  • Das Üben
  • Das Wiedererscheinen des Füllers
  • Ärmeltips
    • Ein häufiger Fehler
    • Zu häufiger Gebrauch
Also published here 1992 7
David Berglas Verwendungsmöglichkeiten des "Ärmelns"
  • Becherspiel
  • Billardball-Produktion
1992 11
David Berglas Das in-die-Tasche-Stecken for ditching and switching objects, general remarks
Also published here 1992 13
David Berglas Der Münzenwurf coins thrown into other hand singly, all thrown back secretly on last coin
Related to 1992 15
David Berglas Kartengag cards are apparently sprung to other hand or spread on table, only mime with riffle sound, gag
1992 16
David Berglas Cardcertina Berglas Electric Deck design and construction
Also published here 1992 17
David Berglas Add-Infinitum II 4x4 grid of digits, sum predicted
Inspired byRelated to 1992 19
David Berglas Brieftasche aus Jackeninnentasche stealing spectator's wallet from inner jacket pocket
1992 22
David Berglas Die Brieftasche erscheint aus eines anderen Zuschauers Tasche spectator's wallet appears inside another spectator's jacket
1992 24
David Berglas Orson Welles & "Casino Royale"
Nov. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Jon Racherbaumer IBM/SAM Reviews: Moments from Norfolk and Vegas
  • 68th Annual I.B.M. Convention (Norfolk)
  • 68th Annual S.A.M. Convention (Las Vegas)
  • Epilogue
Related to Aug. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Jon Racherbaumer, Bob Knigge, David Berglas I.B.M. Review
  • Letters
"Daniel P."
Related to Oct. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
David Berglas Foreword
1999 10
David Berglas The Picture Post Challenge slipper was hidden in London, Berglas blindfolded drove by car to the correct location, found the slipper and handed it to the correct owner
2002 59
David Berglas Cresta Run blindfolded bobsled drive
2002 72
David Berglas The Vanishing Piano in a room full of people, piano vanishes while musician is playing
Related to 2002 75
David Berglas Magician's Choice several spectator put objects on the table, two are selected and they match the predictions
Related toAlso published here 2002 79
David Berglas Musical Mindreading several instruments on stage, performer divines thought of instruments and selected song by playing it, then some rhythms are written on cards and shuffled, performer divines the order by playing them on an instrument
Related to 2002 86
David Berglas Do-It-Yourself one spectator hammers some nails in a piece of wood, a second drills some holes and a third has to saw off a piece, prediction matches
2002 91
David Berglas Pre-Show in TV
2002 94
David Berglas Tricky, the Dog on how to train a dog and doing magic together
2002 98
David Berglas Riddle of the Sands symbol is thought of by a spectator in a plane, performer divines it by driving a motor scooter on field and drawing it that way
2002 104
David Berglas Regulite spectator thinks of an object on the table, then he holds to wires from a lamp and choses a light bulb and when concentrates on his object, the lamp lights up, eventually the object vanishes from the table and is fount inside the light bulb
2002 109
David Berglas Predicting the F.A. Cup Final written prediction of football game in trophy cup
2002 113
David Berglas Ten Shilling Note marked bill travels from one city to another, split screen on TV
2002 116
David Berglas Underwater Magic about performing magic underwater for a TV show
2002 125
David Berglas Teleportation human transportation to a hung up box in another city, magic on TV and on using a double
2002 128
David Berglas Box over Regent Street passport vanishes and appears in box hung up in the streets, transmitted over the radio
2002 132
David Berglas Coin in the Bottle coin in in bottle, as an encore marked coin is put in bottle again and handed out as a souvenir
2002 139
David Berglas The Beach in South Africa performer put in coffin and is then sunken into the sea, when the coffin is opened again, the performer has vanished and at its place a baby shark is found
2002 147
David Berglas Revues magic in revues
  • The Post Office Sketch
  • The Estate Agent Sketch (doll house routine)
2002 151
David Berglas Card on the Window card on window, then repeated with signed, which is found on other side of the glass
2002 161
David Berglas Magic Fingers small illusion, hand on a black board, fingers can be moved away from the hand
2002 165
David Berglas In Town Tonight stopping the traffic at Piccadilly Circus for thirty seconds, people, animals and cards freeze
2002 168
David Berglas Robby, the Robot robot comes to live and divines chosen colors, Kenny Baker
2002 172
David Berglas Whales, Cats, Plants stopping a whale, making a cat clean itself and closing the leaves of a plant
2002 178
David Berglas Turning the Clock Back different effects are performed and noted on a board, at the end, time is turned back and everything undone until the board is blank again
  • No. 1: Three balls, disappear and change into a pack of cards
  • No. 2: Four coins vanish and reappear in a glass
  • No. 3: Signed card vanishes and reappears in photo frame
  • No. 4: Arrow stops at chosen number 11
2002 182
David Berglas Rocking Horse "The D.B. 'Do-It-Yourself' Machine", objects selected from a catalog mounted together in a box on their own, with explanation and appearance of real horse kicker
2002 189
David Berglas Creda Cookers magic with performer and person on TV-Screen, performer lights cigarette of man on screen etc. then person appears from TV, performed in 1963
2002 199
David Berglas David in the Lion's Den performer in cage with a lion vanishes and appears far away, done in a zoo and appearance on a tall black, cage covered with curtain
2002 204
David Berglas Blindfold Drive structure for a blindfold drive routine
2002 207
David Berglas English Electric entire routine with a washing machine, signed shirt gets clean and funny bits with a spectator and a cat
2002 212
David Berglas Identikit prediction of a constructed person, puzzle pieces of different parts of the face can be selected and built together, prediction is a video with the performer building together the same image
2002 218
David Berglas Casino Royale Berglas consulting work for the movie Casino Royale (1967) with Orson Welles, Peter Sellers, Ursula Andress and David Niven
2002 223
David Berglas Vitonette by the aid of a spinning wheel dye colors are selected and the performer changes the hair of the assistant to the chosen colors, with sucker explanation using twins and wigs
2002 236
David Berglas The Table Levitation presentation for table levitation, spectators put hands on table and it starts to move, without explanation
2002 242
David Berglas Opus 13 on the TV-Show Opus 13 and Berglas encounters with Fred Kaps, Hans Moretti and Henk Vermeyden
2002 254
David Berglas Palmistry pseudo-psychometry with palmistry theme for TV, only presentation
2002 259
David Berglas An Interesting Problem with Numbers freely multiplied numbers, total matches license plate of a car, only presentation
Related to 2002 260
David Berglas Memory and Mathematics pseudo mental arithmetic routine, spectators write cards with numbers, ends with a huge number, clever presentation
2002 261
David Berglas The Mexican Hat Dance six men choose different hats to music and when the music stops the selection is examined after several rounds all six wear the same hats
2002 267
David Berglas Russian Roulette gun is loaded with five bullets and one empty chamber, spectator can choose shooting on plates or on performer, sketchy explanation
2002 270
David Berglas, David Britland It's All Done by Hypnosis on Berglas hypnotism TV-Show, Fred Kaps
2002 272
David Berglas The Clock Mystery and Lie Detector on the mysterious clocks at Rijssen, where the clocks hands bent, Berglas investigating and solving the mystery with a lie detector
2002 276
David Berglas The Chair Mystery chair test, numbers on chairs reveal age of spectators, only description
2002 279
David Berglas The Albert Memorial humorous story, pictures with Berglas and the Albert Memorial in London
2002 282
David Berglas A Tilting Ship making a ship tilt
2002 287
David Berglas Coloured Discs Four spectators select different colored balls from a box and put them in their pockets, then they get a board with a color matrix on one side and numbers on the other. A number is selected and the color matrix faced to the audience, eventually the performer divines the remaining ball in the box, each color and in which pocket it is and when the selected number is counted on the matrix it matches their selection. As a kicker a prediction of the remaining ball is shown
Related toAlso published here 2002 291
David Berglas The Press Club Prediction prediction of an object, a word and a number, plus a knocked over bottle by a spectator and a dried up pen
2002 297
David Berglas Uri Geller on Uri Geller, metal bending, Robert Harbin
2002 300
David Berglas Cunard International while doing a presentation in a hotel the performer dims the light and the back wall is removed to show another party taking place, the wall is put back and some minutes later when the wall i removed again the people, tables etc. have disappeared and instead the avenue leading to the Buckingham Palace could be seen
2002 310
David Berglas Chair Balance presentation for chair suspension, spectator lies on a chair and seems to levitate
2002 314
David Berglas Blindfold Routine two spectators on stage, various revelations
2002 320
David Berglas, David Britland Man, Myth & Magic on Berglas one-man show
  • The Hendon Classic Show
  • Introduction
2002 332
David Berglas Are You Sitting Comfortably? seven chairs, six spectator select one, all are predicted on the back of the chairs, "My Chair" for performer and a rose attached to the chair where the only woman sits, not explained
Variations 2002 334
David Berglas Shall We Open the Box? spectator puts objects on a tray and choses two, same objects are found in a box
2002 338
David Berglas Number Three in ESP routine with the Corinda / Berglas Khan Slate, ESP cards match and a prediction climax
2002 338
David Berglas Coincidental Colours brief, same as Coloured Discs
Related to 2002 342
David Berglas 3 or 4 Words out of Thousands brief, same as Newspaper Prediction
2002 342
David Berglas Can You Solve this Puzzle? description of Any Card at any Number, without explanation and Ace of Hearts / Eight of hearts bit, when a card is named
2002 342
David Berglas Memories are Made of This deck is memorized, entire deck named in order
2002 344
David Berglas Deck Switch brief
2002 347
David Berglas A Touch of Black Magic bit of Berglas' show, not a trick
2002 349
David Berglas Séance outline of routine
2002 349
David Berglas The Glass Contains Spirits thought of names revealed by the use of a Ouija Board
2002 349
David Berglas The Power of Darkness spirit cabinet routine
  • Spirit Message, Modern Style
  • Seeing is Believing
2002 352
David Berglas Voodoo, Witchcraft or...
2002 358
David Berglas The Monk Transposition transposition of two people with monk mask and cowl
2002 358
David Berglas Part Three Mental Epic routine, three spectators
2002 362
David Berglas Would You Make a Reliable Witness? routine with Reality/Fantasy ambigram, Lubor Fiedler's Posi-Negative and stroop-effect, people read words and experience them differently then others
Related to 2002 364
David Berglas Your Finger on the Pulse pulse stop with two spectators, stage presentation
2002 368
David Berglas Shock Tactics apparently spectators get small electro shocks, people jump or let cards drop
2002 371
David Berglas Razor Sharp apparently a postcard becomes sharp, spectator flinches
2002 372
David Berglas Put Your Best Foot Forward spectator feels touching of one foot but not of other
2002 373
David Berglas Finale suggestion and chair balancing effect, spectators seated on chairs tilted on the back legs on performer's commando they tip forward, vague explanation
2002 374
David Berglas Questions and Answers finishing the show by answering questions of the audience
2002 377
David Berglas Variation: The Mechanical Band Opening beginning of show, mechanical band player turns out to be Berglas, costume change and masks
2002 378
David Berglas Time and Light routines with LED Time Pen, chemical fluid light sticks and Anverdi's die
  • spectator names a time interval, then he gets a watch and can say start whenever he wants, the
show continues and the performer suddenly screams stop at the right moment
  • Pseudo Psychometry routine
  • woman selects one of several men, selection is divined
2002 383
David Berglas Pear in a Bottle bottle is knotted on a string and hang outside a window, fruit is selected and ends up in bottle, more brief routines with fruits, banana cuts itself into named amount of pieces
Also published here 2002 387
David Berglas Synchro Time spectator selects a time and turns the handles on a clock, performer divines it
Also published here 2002 390
David Berglas Mini Metro Launch car promotion, people attending find themselves on a ship and lots of cars appear
2002 393
David Berglas Contact Mindreading on muscle reading, several ways to perform it, anecdote with Paul Daniels and Dondo Burghardo (misspelled as Berkado)
2002 397
David Berglas The Knight's Tour stage presentation, chess fields on board can be illuminated
2002 403
David Berglas Pickpocketing: The Watch Finale pickpocketing routine with several people, watches end up in a box linked together
2002 408
David Berglas The Newspaper Prediction
  • The Piece of Paper
  • The Newspapers
  • The Proof
  • The Performance
  • Choosing the Page
  • Tearing the Paper
2002 419
David Berglas ESPacology multiple prediction routine, six spectators with envelopes stand behind six numbers, one spectator chooses one object among six and puts the rest in an order, selection matches the number, order matches and selection and number was predicted beforehand
VariationsAlso published here 2002 429
David Berglas Matchmaker balloons with folded blue backed cards, three spectator select one and the other balloons are distributed among the audience, the three partners of the spectators select a card each from a red backed deck, the cards match with the cards in their balloons
2002 437
David Berglas Sweetings check from checkbook is signed and burnt just to reappear back in the book
2002 443
David Berglas Mathemagic
2002 448
David Berglas Add Infinitum three methods, total of three three-digit numbers is predicted
Also published here 2002 448
David Berglas Today's Date named numbers add to the current date
Variations 2002 452
David Berglas Cryptomania board to transcribe letters into numbers, names become numbers etc
2002 455
David Berglas Magic Squares including a birthday in the square
  • Constructing Magic Squares
  • The Personalised Birthday Square
Related toVariations 2002 457
David Berglas DRUM any hummed, sang or whistled tune can be named, including composer and additional infos
2002 470
David Berglas The Watch Steal while apparently doing a magic trick that fails, watch is stolen twice
2002 481
David Berglas Christmas Card Prediction
Related to 2002 486
David Berglas Hot Foil tin foil becomes hot in spectator's hand, candy wrapper
Also published here 2002 487
David Berglas Christmas Card Prediction Finale four spectators selected a Christmas card an a gift, four prediction sculptures with names and gifts engraved
Related to 2002 488
David Berglas, David Britland The Series about the first show of The Mind of David Berglas
2002 490
David Berglas Breaking the Chain link on a chain is selected, performer breaks it
Related to 2002 491
David Berglas The Quizzing Glass selected time and object are predicted and engraved on sculpture
2002 494
David Berglas Te Bah Pla and Name Discovery performer writes alphabet backwards while reciting it normally, then a name is divined
2002 497
David Berglas Drinks Prediction one of several bottles is chosen and predicted, engraved on a sculpture
2002 500
David Berglas Quartered Magic Square with 2x2 squares, that build a 4x4 square and can be rearranged anyway they like, birthday is included
Related to 2002 501
David Berglas The Human Calendar names and birthdates are remembered, later the performer recalls the names and puts the spectators in order according to their day of birth
2002 507
David Britland, David Berglas Epilogue on the TV Show The Magic of David Berglas, directed by Royston Mayoh
2002 511
David Berglas Think of a Card from a fan, also with faro fan
2002 518
David Berglas Think of a Card Plus spectator spreads the cards and thinks of one
2002 524
David Berglas The Berglas Effect
  • Any Card at Any Number
  • Jazz Magic
  • A Foundation For Miracles
  • The Bridge
  • Expect the Unexpected
  • The Psychology of Numbers
  • On Stage
  • Pointing the Effect
  • A Different Presentation
  • Sheer Devilment
  • An Interlude
  • In Conclusion
2002 527
David Berglas Final Thoughts
2002 543
David Berglas Mystery and Imagination
2002 543
David Berglas Style and Image
2002 544
David Berglas The Impossible or Too Impossible
2002 545
David Berglas Reaching the Audience
2002 546
David Berglas The Television Medium
2002 547
David Berglas Creating Mysteries Off the Stage on linking two Life Savers / Polo Mints, predicting which gush spring spouts next
2002 549
David Berglas Opportunities and Personalities
2002 551
David Berglas Decision to Retire
2002 552
David Berglas My Family on Irena, Peter and Marvin Berglas
2002 555
David Berglas With Many Thanks
2002 557
David Berglas A Final Story
2002 558
Luke Jermay Manipulation of Perception Word on paper is shown to two spectators. One sees "walk", one sees "bomb", the word is actually "the"
Related to 2002 25
Michael Close (reviewer) The Mind & Magic of David Berglas by David Berglas (written by David Britland) Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
David Berglas Magician's Choice several spectator put objects on the table, two are selected and they match the predictions
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
David Berglas Synchro Time spectator selects a time and turns the handles on a clock, performer divines it
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
David Berglas Colored Discs four spectators select different colored balls from a box and put them in their pockets, then they get a board with a color matrix on one side and numbers on the other. A number is selected and the color matrix faced to the audience, eventually the performer divines the remaining ball in the box, each color and in which pocket it is and when the selected number is counted on the matrix it matches their selection. As a kicker a prediction of the remaining ball is shown
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
David Berglas Pear in Bottle bottle is knotted on a string and hang outside a window, fruit is selected and ends up in bottle, more brief routines with fruits, banana cuts itself into named amount of pieces
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Eric Mead (reviewer) The Mind and Magic of David Berglas by David Berglas (written by David Britland) Feb. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 2)
Juan Tamariz Mnabacus (Jack London) total of three three-digit numbers is predicted, cards selected from deck to build numbers
Inspired by
  • Jack London's "Almost Real Prediction" 1973.
Related to
2004 265
Docc Hilford The Dark Cloak three spectator note on a business cards pieces of information like number, date and a name, then they are burnt in bowl, performer puts on a magical cloak and divines thoughts in theatrical way, with fantasy/reality ambigram
  • A New Revelation
  • Acting 101
  • The Information
  • The Writing
  • Verbal Deceptions
  • Gaining the Written Information
  • The Readings
  • Guest Number One
  • Guest Number Two
  • The Third Guest
  • The Theater of it All
  • The Fire Bowl
  • The Home Version
  • Special Bonus
  • The Keys of Success
Related to 2004 5
Wonder Man Fred Yesterday several songbooks on stage, one song is selected and predicted
Related to 2004 157
Barrie Richardson The Janie Test
Related toAlso published here 2005 78
Bob Ostin Focus additional ideas for David Berglas' Ad Infinitum
Inspired byAlso published here 2005 25
Lewis Jones Birthday Squared easy magic square which includes exact birthday of a person, with variations
Inspired by 2006 111
Michael Close, Johnny Thompson, Lance Burton, David Berglas Channing Pollock Remembered
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Gordon Bean, Mac King, Alan Shaxon, The Amazing Johnathan, David Berglas, Mark Haslam, Max Maven, Milt Larsen, Terry Seabrooke Remembering Billy McComb several anecdotes and thoughts
Aug. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 8)
Docc Hilford N3wm3ro! "Newmero!", end sum also predicts name of spectator
Inspired by 2006 34
Richard Kaufman, David Berglas Nothing is Impossible David Berglas interviewed by Richard Kaufman
May 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 5)
David Berglas Three Read Messages using 3D glasses with blue/red foils to make messages appear in scribblings
  • Routine No. 1 (selection found at position in prediction message)
  • Routine No. 2 (card at chosen position is predicted)
  • Routine No. 3 (card found at page number)
May 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 5)
David Berglas The Invisible Multiple Tossed-Out Decks imaginary decks are tossed out, everyone thinks of a card, performer names lots of cards and people sit down except a few, their card matches previously selected and tabled card
May 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 5)
David Berglas Spell-Bound unreadable gibberish on boards, suddenly spectator can read the words
May 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 5)
David Berglas Sitting Pretty: A Card Effect spectator sits on signed selection
Inspired by May 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 5)
Uri Geller, David Berglas The Enduring Mystery of Uri Geller - Interview
Mar. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 3)
David Berglas Preface
2010 9
Patrick Page Misdirection on Misdirection, story of Mike Skinner, Bobby Wonder, David Berglas, Channing Pollock, Cardini
Related to 2011 305
David Berglas Introduction
2011 ix
Eugene Burger, David Berglas The Showmanship Interviews: David Berglas
Mar. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 3)
David Britland (reviewer) The Berglas Effects by David Berglas (written by Richard Kaufman) June 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 6)
David Berglas Introduction
2011 19
David Berglas Preface
2011 23
David Berglas A Starting Point
2011 25
David Berglas Invisible Control
2011 30
David Berglas The Berglas Approach to Card Magic
2011 31
David Berglas A “Closed System”
2011 35
David Berglas David Berglas Talks About Personality and Presentation
2011 36
David Berglas Beware the Obvious
2011 43
David Berglas He Never Touched the Deck
2011 44
David Berglas Searching for Perfection
2011 45
David Berglas Zen in a Pack of Cards
2011 46
David Berglas Think a Card
2011 49
David Berglas Introduction general thoughts on "Think a Card"
2011 50
David Berglas The All-Seeing Fan
  • The Reverse Drag Fan: used as a “warmup” for The Berglas Push Fan
  • The Berglas Push Fan: the fan used for Think a Card
2011 52
Sveroni Zero Prinzip total of three three-digit numbers is predicted
Related to 2013 11
Alexander de Cova ESPacology 2 nine spectators on chairs on stage with an envelope each, ping pong balls with numbers one to nine, one chosen, that spectator has a prize in the envelope, remaining envelopes contain large letters that make up prediction or company name
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Scrapbook (Issue 4)
Jim Steinmeyer The Six Chair Concert six chairs with plaques at the back, procedure to get five spectators sitting on them, the plaques contain predictions on the choices
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David Berglas David Berglas chair prediction method
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David Berglas, Richard Wiseman David Berglas on Mentalism - Part 1
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Genii (Vol. 80 No. 9)
David Berglas, Richard Wiseman David Berglas on Mentalism - Part 2
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David Berglas, Richard Wiseman David Berglas on Mentalism - Part 3
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David Berglas, Richard Wiseman David Berglas on Mentalism - Part 4
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Dec. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 12)
Tyler Wilson Covert Palm Spring side-jogged card is switched when cards are sprung from hand to hand, as switch
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, May 2011
2022 1031
Jim Steinmeyer That Seat is Taken
  • Conjuring
six chairs with envelopes, procedure to get six spectators sitting on them, the envelopes contain predictions on the choices including the only female spectator's name
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Genii (Vol. 87 No. 2)