112 entries in Mental Magic / Principles / Stooge
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Reginald Scot Of private confederacie, and of Bandons pigeon on using stooges, for example for burnt and rediscovered card
Related to 1584 174
Reginald Scot Of publike confederacie, and whereof it consisteth on stooges
1584 175
Juggling knacks by confederacie, and how to know whether one cast crosse or pile by the ringing heads or tails divined repeatedly, stooge with verbal code and psychology
1584 191
Hocus Pocus Junior Of Confederacy listing some effects with stooges, most of them can be found in "Discoverie of Witchcraft" by Reginald Scot
1634 52
Henri Decremps Ancienne méthode de faire le Tour des trois Canifs. "Divers moyens de cacher un Compere, & de faire croire qu'on n'en a point, lors même qu'on emploie plusieurs." (title continued) more tricks by Pilferer, knife jumps from glass, long discussion about confederates and secret helpers, fake automatons
Related to 1785 47
To Predict the Sum of Five Rows of Figures
Variations 1890 241
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Voraussagung oder Suggestion? sum prediction in envelope
1927 131
Theodore Annemann The Sealed Envelope Dodge spectators seal their questions fairly on their seats, content of one envelope is found out with a stooge who forgot to sign his envelope
Related to 1935 21
Laurie Ireland Ireland's Comedy Bullet Catching Trick huge lead bullet, spring gun
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1936)
Hen Fetsch Knockout! four four-digit numbers are chosen and added, sum predicted
Also published here May 1938
The Jinx (Issue 44)
Al Baker The Celebrity Feat stooge codes celebrity name with playing cards
Also published here 1941 100
Dr. Aaron Weiss Mathematics of Magic numbers are called and added, prediction
June 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 11)
Bruce Elliott Blackout Magic - Adam's Apple wrists of performer held by spectator's, apple travels from one hand to the other
Related to Aug. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 15)
Hen Fetsch Knockout! four four-digit numbers are chosen and added, sum predicted
Also published here 1944 218
Conrad H. Haden A Pinch Hitter No. 14, three three-digit numbers are predicted, stooge that nail-writes them in
1944 19
Conrad H. Haden Whose Name? No. 15, assistant (or stooge) write freely chosen name on frame of slate and blindfolded performer then divines it
1944 20
Hen Fetsch Double Knockout sum of four apparently random numbers is divined, using one stooge
1945 196
Hen Fetsch Double Knockout! four numbers are added and predicted, first appeared in the "Linking Ring" 1942
1945 33
Jean Hugard Magic with Confederates
Sep. 1945 147
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Projection six spectators write something on a blackboard, everything was predicted in an envelope
1947 15
Jack Yeager Glorifying Your Magic
  • 1. Califaction of Handkerchiefs (silks in dove pan merge together)
  • 2. How to spell trust? (oddity on coin)
  • 3. Key Card Placement (Charlier Pass)
  • 4. 20th Century Silks idea
  • 5. Zombie Idea (floating flower pot)
  • 6. Comedy bits with a stooge
  • 7. Miser's Dream Shower (with handkerchief)
  • 8. Thumb Tip Idea (with scotch tape)
  • 9. Thimble color change
  • 10. The cotton bunny (cotton bunny to real one, dove pan)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
The Whispering Queen Queen of Hearts whispers to you identity of person who was secretly chosen by audience when you left the room
1949 15
Paul Morris Shame On You! - Telepathy Or?? divination of object, touched by spectator while performer looks away
Jan. 1949 500
George Schindler Lights Out lit cigarette goes out
Also published here Feb. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 196)
John Hamilton Loaded prediction of a word in a book
Apr. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 201)
Oscar Weigle Poison Trick chosen / poisoned glass is found, see also p. 849
Related toVariations Sep. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 211)
George Schindler Cigarette (4)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
burning end of cigar flares up in the dark to answer question
Sep. 1951 840
Tony Corinda, "Teddy" Love (13) Stooges comments, trick by "Teddy" Love where two spectator's select the same card as the performer does, three decks
Also published here 1958 99
Tony Corinda (4) Centre Tear (Corinda's "Backward" Variation) magician's joke
1959 173
Tony Corinda (7) The Third Man two telephone books, with medium
1959 268
Tony Corinda (6) The Stooge for instance for setting up a one ahead routine, with a stooge who forgot to sign his envelope
Related to 1959 346
LaVerne Duvall Four Count Telepathy three spectators write different things on a paper and seal them in an envelope, while performer is not in the room, when he returns he divines the content and the spectators who wrote it
Related to 1959 13
Dan Tong Triangle Book Test X to mark position, stooge
Apr. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 60)
Ralph Gironda, Karl Fulves Notes from Underground two billets/spectators, see p. 241 for further reference
Mar. 1968 167
Dr. William Weyeneth Ein alter Trick sum prediction in envelope inside wallet
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 2)
Jack Kent Tillar 7621 prediction is sum of three chosen years
Magick (Issue 3)
Charles Ostin The King's English spectator writes letter on slate, next spectator adds later and so on until word is formed, this is predicted in typed form, see p. 426 for comment by William Taylor
(spelled "Charles Osten", see p. 637 for correction)
Related to Feb. 1971 397
Alex Redans Psychic Touch touched object is divined, also with which hand object was touched
Magick (Issue 26)
Roy Miller Psy-Clops several drawings in envelopes, one is chosen and duplicated
Magick (Issue 127)
Philip T. Goldstein Pre-Duck-Tion prediction of a freely named word in the mouth of a toy duck
1976 12
Philip T. Goldstein The Tempermental Guest performer knows which object has been put in envelope
1976 14
Philip T. Goldstein Parallax a shape, a letter and a number are correctly duplicated
Also published here 1977 7
Philip T. Goldstein Combo performer divines a shape and a card
1977 7
Philip T. Goldstein Parallax! a shape, a letter and a number are correctly duplicated
Also published here 1977
Magick (Issue 173)
Erwin Schussel Can Can! object hidden in one of five film canisters is located
Magick (Issue 182)
Philip T. Goldstein Resolution 78 three new year's resolutions are predicted
Also published here 1977
Magick (Issue 193)
Kate Shiels Witch's Web prediction during an interview with several reporters, in envelope
Magick (Issue 216)
Philip T. Goldstein Resolution three new year's resolutions are predicted
Also published here 1979 20
Marvin Miller Heads Up! all spectators throw coins, and are eliminated until one remains, coin and date is predicted
Magick (Issue 222)
Ted Karmilovich Time-ZAP handles of watch vanish
Magick (Issue 225)
Karl Fulves Confederates chapter intro
1979 101
Bruce Elliott, L. Vosburgh Lyons Finger, Finger No. 60, number of held-up fingers divined repeatedly
Also published here 1979 101
Karl Fulves Names in the News No. 62, two spectators chose picture in newspaper and person therein, both predicted
1979 104
Karl Fulves The Faraday Cage No. 63, paper bag used to completely block ringing sound of phone, when removes the ringing continues
1979 106
George Schindler The Darkroom Séance No. 64, lit cigarette goes out
Also published here 1979 108
Dick Zimmerman Puzzle Wit spectator removes piece from a solved puzzle, performer finds the same piece in a pile of pieces from the same unsolved puzzle, performed on TV by Romark
Magick (Issue 254)
Terry Tyson Psi-Pix ending for pseudo psychometry, last object in envelope is divined
Magick (Issue 254)
Uriah Fuller 8. Falling Objects object falls from the sky, assistant, invisible stooge, falling from head
Related to 1980 61
Robert Cassidy, Bruce Barnett A Day at the Races - Solutions prediction of winning horse, betting ticket in envelope
Inspired by Apr. 1980 3
Steve Spillman The Spill Shill on stooges, shills
1980 50
Al Mann Pyro-Sorcery newspaper starts burning by willpower, eight methods
1981 1
Al Mann The Seat of the Mighty seeing through a wall and describing the other room
1982 1
Meir Yedid Instant Assembly Rubik's cube mixed by three spectators, performer solves it by tossing it in the air, stooge
1982 31
Hen Fetsch Der Gnadenstoß four four-digit numbers are chosen and added, sum predicted
Also published here Oct. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Al Mann Fabulous Concepts on the principle of "Dy-No-Mite Prediction" by Donn Davison and how Dr. Stanley Jaks used it
Related to 1983 16
Joseph Dunninger, Al Mann Methods of Gaining Information for Performer for the blindfold drive
  • A: The Impression Envelope
  • B: The Stuffed Pen
  • C: Stuffed Cigarette
  • D: Contact Mindreading
  • E: Impression Notebook
  • F: (publicity with VIPs)
  • G: A Confederate
  • H: Clip Boards, Etc.
  • I: Audience Participation (with changing bag)
1984 3
Charles W. Simon Predict-O sending locked prediction chest in advance, several people open the chest and its content
June 1984
Magick (Issue 333)
Robert Cassidy The 719 Book Test several book, correct book and correct word is found
1984 60
Steve Beam Ping Pong Force ping pong ball is thrown to audience, way to arrive at a stooge, see p. 436 for additional ideas
1985 107
Locked Thoughts No. 24, four spectators whisper numbers which are written down, their total is predicted or opens lock, stooge
1985 47
Ted Karmilovich Glitch hands on watch disappear
July 1986
Magick (Issue 374)
Karl Fulves Session - 2 on using confederates
1987 30
Walter Webb The Unsuspected Stooge on stooges and how to bring them in play
  • Ironic Reality
  • New Approach Needed
  • An Example
  • Volunteer or Stooge?
  • A Committee of Stooges
  • Step Forward, Volunteers
  • Changed Perspective
Mar. 1988
Magick (Issue 403)
Matchmaker No. 38, three different-colored silks for performer and spectator, performer blindfolded, spectator lifts a silk and performer lifts one of same color, stooge
1988 113
Al Koran Take One No. 75, three different coins on table, three spectators each take a coin, performer finds out who has which
1989 104
Bruce Elliott Adam's Apple No. 70, wrists of performer tied, apple travels from one hand to the other
Related to 1990 147
David Himelrick Calculator Caper numbers added on calculator, total matches prediction
1991 39
Punx Only Now with prediction of which key inside envelope
1991 71
Harry Anderson One In a Million matchboxes are thrown into audience, one contains bill and person finding it is used for experiment
1993 81
Tony Bartolotta Number Con two numbers named, their total match previous prediction
Rigmarole (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Confederates chapter intro
1995 85
Karl Fulves Numbers in Mind No. 60, hidden numbers revealed by performer, using a confederate
1995 85
Karl Fulves Guilty Party No. 61, using a confederate
1995 87
Karl Fulves A Mind for Money No. 62, chosen coin divined, using a confederate
1995 88
Paul Harris The Nowhere Man giving the spectator the feeling that he is invisible, x-1 stooges
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Conversations from the Edge)
Tony Bartolotta Test Results three spectators write their name on a cardboard with a color, mixed face-down, performer divines
Inspired byRelated to 1998
Underworld (Issue 9)
Gary Kurtz F.C. Test #5 - Long Distance "Remote Viewing" dice roll in film canister is divined over radio or television
1998 18
Karl Fulves The 9's Cover addition trick with calculator
1998 100
Tony Bartolotta Third Sight seven random objects, one object touched, medium knows the object when list of object is called out
1999 12
Yves Carbonnier Hearsay people build chain and transmit sentence by whispering to one another, message changes and outcome is predicted
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Ronnie Lee X-Ray Mind different ropes on board with hooks, performer holds rope and duplicates magically the condition of the selected ropes via color change, appearing knots, and so on
2000 52
Masklyn ye Mage Kiss of the Vampire blood appears on clothing of spectator
Also published here
  • The Negromicon of Masklyn ye Mage
Oct. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 10)
Wilson Reed Cell Block spectator chosen and some birthdays added, medium called on cell phone and it divines the spectator and the number
2001 182
David Berglas Box over Regent Street passport vanishes and appears in box hung up in the streets, transmitted over the radio
2002 132
Jardine Ellis The Holder of the Egg different-colored eggs distributed in audience, color chosen, spectator is stooge
Also published here
  • Stanley Norton, A Few Jardine Ellis Secrets, 1925, p. 26
2002 254
Andy Nyman The Dead Zone spectator hides three weapons in his pockets, performer divines where they are and has predicted it (Equivoque Distribution of Items)
Also published here 2002 6
Al Baker The Celebrity Feat stooge codes celebrity name with playing cards
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Odds & Ends, Bits & Pieces, Miscellanea brief notes on Pre-Show, umbrella analogy, a book test, pencil reading, sound reading, nail writer, stooges, FX
2004 47
Tony Bartolotta T-Bills three pennies and three different bills, three people take a penny and bill each and close their hands around it, performer then tell who has which and in which hand
2005 415
Docc Hilford Cellular Mitosis person is called who reveals information a spectator secretly wrote on a business card
  • Test I
  • Test II
2005 6
Christoph Borer Pralinen five spectators select a chocolate-truffle from a box, they are all brown, the one that is remaining is white, poison story
  • 1. Mit Helferin
  • 2. Mit der Trickschachtel
Also published here 2006 34
Jon Racherbaumer The Crown Strategem The Artful Ledger
on using stooges so they cannot see through the whole trick
May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Christoph Borer Pralinen five spectators select a chocolate-truffle from a box, they are all brown, the one that is remaining is white, poison story
  • 1. Mit Helferin
  • 2. Mit der Trickschachtel
Also published here 2007 5
Alain Nu Book of the Week How to stooge audience with specially printed books for book tests
2008 31
Andy Nyman The Dead Zone spectator hides three weapons in his pockets, performer divines where they are and has predicted it (Equivoque Distribution of Items)
Also published here 2010 117
Mike Caveney The Phome Book phone number prediction, using comedy prop foam book, hidden assistant
2013 151
David Kaye The Free Stooges
  • The Expert at the Kids' Table
Mar. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 3)
Jim Steinmeyer The Second City
  • Conjuring
three spectators write down cities on billets, two billets are torn up, in the end all cities are divined, a stooge does a center tear
Inspired by
  • "Sheer Information" (R. Macaire, New Invocation)
June 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 6)
张多多 阿修罗 Magician correctly predicts the final word in a word association game (game is in Chinese)
2017 82
Asi Wind First Impressions on pre-show versus stooging, moral versus artistic choices
2021 3
Joshua Jay Orna-Mental Christmas ornament from tree is selected with performer out of room, then it is divined
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Nov. 2008
2022 802
Christoph Borer Death by Chocolate five spectators select a chocolate-truffle from a box, they are all brown, the one that is remaining is white, poison story
  • Method 1 - Using a stooge
  • Method 2 - Using a gimmicked box
Also published here 2024 264