179 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Appearance & Vanish with Reproduction Routines / Miser's Dream
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Half-crown (or Florin) Wand
1876 203
The Shower of Money
1876 205
Die verschwundenen Thaler coins after miser's dream are poured on table and then swiped onto a plate where they vanish in a flash, table servante
Dec. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Reproduction of Coins short miser's dream explanation with top hat in step b.
May 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann Die Vermehrung der Thaler coin stand, coin multiplication, shell with three thin coins inside
Dec. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Related to Sep. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Professor Bellonie Die Vermehrung der Thaler coin production routine
July 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Die Vermehrung der Thaler No. 4, one coin is used to produce multiple coins by breaking off a piece that turns out to be a new coin
1899 23
Servais LeRoy Die unerschöpfliche Münzenquelle coins appear within the audience and are poured into hat, stacks kept together with thread
May 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 5)
Carl Willmann Die Thaler im Hut holder attached to hat
May 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 5)
The Miser's Dream No. 5, standard method and more, spectator catches final invisible coin that drops audibly into hat
1900 14
Carl Willmann Coin Catching Gimmick sleeve mechanism with tube that brings coin to fingertips and retracts with coin again, for Miser's Dream, with second gaff for hat or container that releases coins that are apparently dropped inside
1900 16
Servais LeRoy Money Everywhere No. 6, coins produced from spectator's clothing, hidden in small bags in other hand or at body
1900 19
Carl Willmann, Alfred Molenaar Variation zum Geldfang im Hut I. with loader to steal a stack of coins
Variations June 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 6)
T. Nelson Downs VII. Der Geldfang im Hute routine description, see also p. 127 for correction
July 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Carl Willmann Variation zum Geldfang im Hut II. another holder
Aug. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Carl Willmann Variation zum Geldfang im Hut III.
Sep. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Carl Willmann Variation zum Geldfang im Hut IV. showing hands empty while holding hat
Inspired by Oct. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Pietro Vallini Zum "Geldfang im Hute" gaffed hat
Nov. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Charles Bertram The Aerial Mint with hat
1902 176
Carl Willmann Der Thaler am Hutrand coin stands upright on edge of top hat, as interlude for production
Mar. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Wilhelm Grüner Der Thalerfang im Hut coins change into chocolate coins after miser's dream
June 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Eine Variation zum Geldfang im Hut all coins vanish at the end
Oct. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 10)
C. Begemann Zum "Thalerfang im Hut" coins vanish in hat as finale
Mar. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XI. Traum oder Wirklichkeit?
  • 1. Goldregen (coins are produced and placed inside a hat, Miser's Dream)
  • 2. Hellsehen (marked coin is found among others inside hat)
  • 3. Der Spiritisten-Taler (coin penetrates silk)
1903 128
Carl Willmann Verschiedenes miser's dream, Alfred Uferini
Sep. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 9)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Der Traum eines Geizhalses with photographs
Related to Jan. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Der Traum eines Geizhalses continuation
a. Das Herbeischaffen der Taler (holder to load from table)
b. Die Einleitung des Kunststückes
Related to Feb. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster c. Das Erscheinen des ersten Talers coin productions
Feb. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Von Paris nach London two hats borrowed, marked coins placed in one which is tabled, coins travel into other hat that is held in hand one by one audibly à la miser's dream
Mar. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Der "Blitz"-Talerfang-Apparat needles on coin, other coins with holes so a stack can be fixed for production
Sep. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Guido von Alvensleben Die Talerschleuder apparatus that shoots out coins one by one, put in sleeve
Oct. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Dr. Reinhard Rohnstein Der Maletzki-Griff coin tossed into hat and immediately a coin is reproduced from the bottom of the hat, kind of penetration, repeated a few times
Dec. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 5 No. 1)
T. Nelson Downs Latest Method for the "Miser's Dream" Downs Palm Production
1909 249
New Coin Catching coin on thread, attached to body, for endless coin production where coin can be thrown in tumbler
1909 271
A New Coin Spider gimmick so both sides of hand can be shown empty and fingers spread before coin production
1909 276
Carl Anderson A Coin Act and a Coin Ladder coins produced with borrowed hat, then they penetrate hat and drop down coin ladder
1909 278
Robertson Keene Miser's Dream coins stuck behind various objects
Also published here
  • More Novel Notions (Robertson Keene)
1933 1
Jean Hugard The Miser's Dream 1. The Original Method
1935 69
Jean Hugard The Miser's Dream. Stage Presentation
1935 70
Jean Hugard 1. The Receptacle bucket, glass bowl etc.
1935 70
Jean Hugard The Setting of the Act
1935 72
Jean Hugard The First Coin to be Caught four methods
1935 73
Jean Hugard Repeated Catches
1935 74
Jean Hugard Securing the Second Load in Left Hand
1935 75
Jean Hugard Finish several coins produced at the same time as a finale
1935 76
Jean Hugard With Glass Bowl on Table Only glass bowl, ased on the Ramsay subtlety
1935 77
Jean Hugard A Brilliant Manipulation technique based on Downs palm
1935 78
Jean Hugard Manipulations and Advanced Flourishes I. With Four Coins
II. With Four Coins
III. With Five Coins
IV. With Five Coins (including Roll Down)
1935 79
Jean Hugard Gags for Miser's Dream
1935 87
The Miser's Dream - Coins from the Shoe sequence to fit into routine
1938 701
The Hooked Coin sequence to fit into miser's dream routine
1938 702
Dr. Edward G. Ervin A Coin Load holder for Miser's Dream, with hat and slate
May 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 11)
A New Coin Production display between fingers of closed fist
1939 50
Method for Obtaining First Coin for Miser's Dream from matchbook
Also published here 1939 58
Miser's Dream. New Finale coconut production from hat
1939 58
Laurie Ireland Manipulative Dollar thimble for little finger glued to coin
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1940)
Edward Victor An Original Coin Production
  • from palm
  • from thumb palm
applied in a Miser's Dream routine
1940 ca. 121
Hervel Mon Perfectionnement pour la Chasse aux Pièces model for gaffed bucket
Oct. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Une finale pour la Chasse aux pièces finale for miser's dream, production of fake rabbits, followed by french translation "Finale zur Münzenjagd"
May 1941 1
The Miser's Dream full routine, using hat
1942 99
Laurie Ireland Production of Coins from the Mouth "A pretty sequence for the Miser's Dream"
1942 28
Laurie Ireland Patter for the Miser's Dream
1942 28
Tom Sellers Tip for the Miser's Dream using brush
1943 15
E.S. Hoffman Cute Coin coin production gimmick
Mar. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 31)
Verne Chesbro The Silver Shower miser's dream with bucket and gimmick
1945 298
Bert Easley Coiner! ideas for a miser's dream structure
Sep. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 92)
Jean Hugard A Miser Dreams in the Parlor routine with hat and silk handkerchief
June 1945 126
Jack Yeager Glorifying Your Magic
  • 1. Califaction of Handkerchiefs (silks in dove pan merge together)
  • 2. How to spell trust? (oddity on coin)
  • 3. Key Card Placement (Charlier Pass)
  • 4. 20th Century Silks idea
  • 5. Zombie Idea (floating flower pot)
  • 6. Comedy bits with a stooge
  • 7. Miser's Dream Shower (with handkerchief)
  • 8. Thumb Tip Idea (with scotch tape)
  • 9. Thimble color change
  • 10. The cotton bunny (cotton bunny to real one, dove pan)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
Al Leech Impromptu Miser's Dream with a Handkerchief
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
T. Nelson Downs Downs' Palm two methods to produce single coins from stack in Downs palm
1948 61
Arthur H. Buckley, Allan Shaw The Miser's Dream with commentary on the plot and outline of Allan Shaw's Miser's Dream Routine
1948 87
W. J. Alkinson Finale to the "Miser's Dream" originally from Stanyon's "Magic", July 1902
1948 89
Arthur H. Buckley A Phantasy in Silver "My Complete Act with Coins, with Every Detail for a Scintillating Presentation Fully and Carefully Explained and Illustrated"
thorough explanation, using lots of sequences described before, with appearing cane
1948 115
Arthur Punnar Miser's Dream Interlude using small bucket with handle
Nov. 1948 484
Eddie Joseph Money, Money Everywhere coins and bills produced from spectator
1950 52
J. B. Bobo The Miser's Dream general remarks and history
1952 306
T. Nelson Downs T. Nelson Downs' Original Version with a hat, includes different palming techniques
1952 308
Production Of Any Number Of Coins At Finger Tips
1952 316
Glenn Harrison The Miser's Dream with bucket
1952 322
M.S. Whitford The Miser's Dream with glass
1952 326
Jack Makepeace A Miser's Dream Routine with wine glass
1952 329
Harry Bernard Perpetual Coins coin production, coins are always put in the pocket
1952 330
Stanley Collins Owen Clark
Variations 1952 333
Wally Dean, Bruce Elliott The Miser's Dream Come True! in a wine glass
Also published here Jan. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 272)
Wally Dean The Miser's Dream Come True! in a wine glass
Also published here 1953 84
The Miser's Dream with saucer, gaffed method, brief
1953 93
Mo Howarth Mo's Miser different Miser's Dream Bucket design
June 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 309)
T. Nelson Downs Latest Method for "The Miser's Dream" production from Downs Palm
Also published here 1954 34
Sam "Cordé" Cohn Coin Pail plastic coin pail, part of "Dress Up Your Oldies"
1957 13
Robert L. Henderson The Miser's Dream using a glass, producing coins from child
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
T. Nelson Downs An Extra Load for the Miser's Dream getting a forty coin load, described by John Mulholland
1966 426
Neil Foster Climax to the Coin Pail big final load
1966 426
Harry Louine The Miser's Dream with Paper Bag
1966 427
Charlie Miller The Miller Routine For The Miser's Dream with "Some Additional Tips" (originally from Genii)
1966 433
Charlie Miller Miser's Dream or Money Catching tips and sequences
1967 8
Aaron Black Black's Aerial Treasury
1969 157
Ellison Poland Coin Pail From Sand Bucket
1969 210
Sol Stone Miser's Dream Move
1972 255
Bob Read R.I.P. sort of miser's dream with a hat, joke
1973 14
Amedeo Vacca Pin-Coin pin on coin used for production
1974 88
Gerald Kosky Recollections on Tenkai producing his own finger tips, fake cigarettes etc., sand bucket for miser's dream
1974 142
Faucett Ross The Miser's Dream
1975 101
Earl W. Violet Climax for the Miser's Dream Produce a lot of coins in both hands
1975 173
Richard Merry, George Mackenzie Humoristische Vortragssplitter und Magische Gags various gags
  • Begrüßung
  • Freiwillige Helfer
  • Geld (Münzfang)
  • Handguillotine
  • Kopfguillotine
  • Karten
  • Mentalmagie
  • Schwebeeffekte (Sambakugel)
  • Seile
  • Verschiedenes
  • Wenn das Weihnachtsfest vorbei ist
  • Zauberstab
  • Zigaretten
Also published here
  • The Gen & Genii
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Karrell Fox H.H. Coin Catcher coin stuck to thumb
Related toVariations 1976 157
Karrell Fox The B.S. Coin Pail coin on string attached to handle of pail, string struck for sound
Variations 1976 159
Patrick Page The Miser's Dream
1976 31
Jean Hugard Münze und Kerzenflamme from matchbook, coin production from flame of a candle
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 1)
Bill Tarr The Miser's Dream with bucket
1976 116
T. Nelson Downs T. Nelson Downs' "Masterpiece"
1978 147
Bobby Bernard The Miser's Misers Dream coin stuck to hand for continuous production sequence
1978 17
Don Tanner Coins miser's dream routine with cloth bag, final load of spring bills
Also published here 1978 7
Miser's Dream various methods and bucket designs
1978/76 152
Val Andrews Publisher's Note more gags and bits of business with bills
  • Just What I've Aways Wanted!
  • "Gift-Wrapped"
  • "Happy Birthday"
  • "Loaded!"
  • Money to Burn
  • Misers Dream Climax
  • Half-a-Note
  • "That's It"
  • No Money in Cards?
  • Genuine Morroco!
  • Patter Lines for "Comedy with Cash"
1979 75
Patrick Page Tips On The Misers Dream on the miser's dream
Also published here 1980 7
Charlie Miller Der Traum eines Geizhalses
Also published here
  • Genii, July 1965
Nov. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Ron MacMillan Ron MacMillan's Professional Coin Routine with gloves and a bucket, productions, vanishes and flourishes
1981 78
Tom Gagnon Miser's Daydream featuring a continuous coin production sequence with folding coin and thumb tip
Inspired by 1981 26
Don Tanner Billets, Pieces miser's dream routine with cloth bag, final load of spring bills
Also published here 1981
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 1)
John Ramsay Miser's Dream with a saucer in a hat
1982 35
T. Nelson Downs Real Secret of the Miser's Dream
1983 81
T. Nelson Downs The Miser's Dream as I Do It
1983 86
Jan Torell Münzen Miser's Dream with a wallet, coins hidden in wallet
1984 29
Harry Mendoza Mendoza Coin Catching production move
1985 2
Karrell Fox "Manipucoin" ring attached to coin to stick it on thumb or finger for productions or vanishes
Related to 1986 27
Karl Fulves The Miser's Dream No. 87, using a paper carton as bucket
1989 127
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 8 coin production gimmick
1991 52
Ravi Pazhur Back-Technique on manipulative productions with fingers wide apart
  • Take a Shower (coins)
  • Karten (cards)
1991 98
Gary Kurtz First Example: The Misers Dream
1992 6
Steve Dusheck Jumbo Coin Catcher folding/hinged jumbo coin gimmick
1992 74
Gary Kurtz Zweites Beispiel
Jan. 1993
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Patrick Page Tips zum "Traum eines Geizkragen (Misers Dream)" on the miser's dream
Also published here 1993 10
Jim Artle Bartender's Dream miser's dream with cocktail shaker, jumbo coin produced at the end which then turns into lots of several coins
Inspired by Dec. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 4)
John Riggs Poor Man's Dream coins are produced, a cookie and a jumbo coin, put in paper bag, then the coins change into jumbo coin
1995 87
Karrell Fox "Hinge-Enious" Coin coin catcher gimmick
1995 28
Harry Riser The Close-Up Miser a coin vanish is announced, instead the coin multiplies several times
1996 229
T. Nelson Downs Latest Method for the Miser's Dream production from Downs Palm
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Ken Krenzel Poor Miser sequence for Miser's Dream routine
1997 97
Alexander de Cova Der leichteste Münzfang der Welt... coin production gimmick and sound gimmick in bucket
  • Die Geschichte
  • Die Präparation
  • Der Sektkühler
  • Der Münzenfang
  • Abschließende Tips
    • Ein anderer Start
    • Die Abschlußladung
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 2)
Rudolf Braunmüller Gags im Zusammenhang mit Tricks Eröffnung, Daumenfesselung, Afghanbänder, Fischtrick, Geldfang aus der Luft & Münzen, Handguillotine, Handschellen, Karten, Mentalmagie, Persiltrick, Schallplatten, Schaumgummi-Backstein, Schwebekunststücke, Seile, Würfel, Zeitungen & Zeitschriften, Party & Restaurant
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 2)
Jim Pace Jim's Close-Up Miser miser's dream routine for close-up, starts with "flash paper to coin"
1999 154
David Ben The Conjuror's Dream Miser's Dream routine
Also published here June 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 6)
Andreas Michel-Andino Der Talerfang "Andinos Trickmonographien - Teil 6"
  • Nachträglicher Nachtrag zum Rubic Cube (Rubik)
  • Korrekturen zur Geschichte der Guillotine (credit information)
  • Gedanken zum Talerfang
  • Hilfsmittel und Techniken
  • Meine Bühnenroutine
  • Finale mit Geldscheinen?
  • Der Talerfang vor oder mit Kindern?
  • Weitere Anwendungen
  • Ausblick
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5)
Andreas Michel-Andino Der Spiegeldurchbruch "Andinos Trickmonographien - Teil 7"
mirror penetration with silk or needle
  • Nachtrag zur Guillotinengeschichte (credit information)
  • Talerfang
  • Das heutige Thema
  • Meine Ausführung
  • Historisches (credit information)
  • Meine Routine
  • Weitere Vortragsanregungen
  • Ausblick
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Alexander de Cova Coin-Catch coin production gimmick and sound gimmick in bucket
Inspired byAlso published here 2002 9
John Carney Money for Nothing historic information, using Paul Fox coin pail
2002 334
Roberto Giobbi Swiss Stories
  • The Genii Session
  • The Miser's Dream
  • Fees
  • How I Got Out of the Army
July 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 7)
Al Baker Hooked Coins for miser's dream
2003 716
David Ben The Conjurer's Dream Miser's Dream routine
Also published here 2003 147
Alexander de Cova Super Simple Miser’s Dream coin production gimmick and sound gimmick in bucket
Also published here 2004 12
Martin Gardner A Tabletop Miser's Dream with one coin an styrofoam cup with slit
Prolix (Issue 1)
Reed McClintock Miser's Dream with cloth bag
  • The First Four Coins
  • The One-Coin Sequence
  • Seven the Easy Way
  • Seven the Hard Way
  • And 30 More...
  • All the Coins Vanish
Related to Feb. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 2)
Tom Stone Benson-Frakson Combo idea for design for clear bucket for miser's dream
Also published here 2007 3
Alexander de Cova Scottish Dream coin production gimmick and sound gimmick in bucket
  • Das Gimmick
  • Der Sektkühler
Also published here 2008 6
Tom Stone Benson-Frakson Combo idea for design for clear bucket for miser's dream
Also published here 2010 139
Alexander de Cova Scottish Dream coin production gimmick and sound gimmick in bucket
  • Das Gimmick
  • Der Sektkühler
Also published here 2010 16
Alexander de Cova Der einfache Geldfang
2011 10
Patrick Page A Coin Interlude coins are produced and dropped into a glass
2011 130
Patrick Page The Miser's Dream
  • The Bucket & Coins
  • A Money Act?
2011 142
The Pull Back miser's dream move
2011 147
The Drop Plus Finger Palm miser's dream move
2011 147
Patrick Page In Lieu of the Coin Holder different ways to steal coins
2011 149
Patrick Page Arrivederci Magic coins produced and put in a can, then water spurts from can, joke
2011 284
Harry Louine The Miser's Dream with paper bag instead of hat
Also published here
  • Genii, Mar. 1950
Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Alexander de Cova Münzenfang einfach coin production gimmick (coin attached to thumb tip) and sound gimmick in bucket
  • Der Sektkühler
  • Ein Tipp
Also published here Dec. 2012 29
Jonathan Pendragon Magneto ring with magnet, for Miser's Dream
2013 80
Alexander de Cova The Simple Misers Dream coin production gimmick and sound gimmick in bucket
Also published here Feb. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 6)
Alexander de Cova Münzenfang einfach coin production gimmick and sound gimmick in bucket
  • Der Sektkühler
Also published here 2015 17
Roberto Giobbi Walkaround Opener miser's dream with paper bag as walkaround opener
Hidden Agenda (Issue May 6)
Al Flosso I'll Make YOU a Millionaire (for a few minutes...) presentational hook for miser's dream
Hidden Agenda (Issue Aug 8)
Alexander de Cova Münzfang Gimmick
Related to 2017 25
Scott Robinson The Tooth Fairy kids pretend to pull a tooth from their mouths and each “tooth” is changed into a coin, Miser's Dream style without bucket
2018 243
Michael Rubinstein Miser's Dream Sequence as a continuous production
2020 25
Michael Rubinstein Magical Money Rap rap patter
Also published here
  • Penguin Two Live lecture, 2016
2020 217
Michael Rubinstein Baseball Miser's Dream baseball patter
2020 478
James Mollenkamp Four Lessons I Learned on Composition From The Miser's Dream
June 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Roberto Giobbi The Miser's Dream - Idea for an Opener
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Aug. 29)
Roberto Giobbi The Miser's Dream - The Anecdote
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Aug. 30)