105 entries in Coin / Sleights / Flourishes
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann Die springenden Münzen flourish to make a coin jump into the air
Inspired by Sep. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Arthur Toskana Ein Münzen-Jongliertrick juggling stunt, throwing or flicking coin up and catching it
Feb. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 2)
The Coin Roll
1909 246
Advanced Flourishes 1. The Steeplechase (coin roll)
2. The Coin Turn Over (multiple coins spread turnover)
3. Vanish and Recovery of Stack of Coins
1935 47
Jean Hugard Manipulations and Advanced Flourishes I. With Four Coins
II. With Four Coins
III. With Five Coins
IV. With Five Coins (including Roll Down)
1935 79
T. Nelson Downs The Downs Coin Star on tips of fingers
Related to 1938 719
A New Coin Flourish "The Steeplechase With Two Coins Rolling Separately"
1939 52
Manuel Manuel's Coin Star
Variations 1943 137
Manuel The Four Coin Flourish roll out
Related to 1943 139
Allan Shaw The Coin Roll
1943 140
Frederick Braue Coin Tapping Count normal but elegant count of coins from glass to hand
Mar. 1944
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Flourish with 3 Coins coins on back of hand, tossed and caught
Oct. 1945 161
Frank Garcia, Dai Vernon Quick Silver continuous coin production, with coin roll, based on a Vernon idea
June 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 127)
Arthur H. Buckley The Roll Down Production for Four Coins roll out
Related toVariations 1948 66
John Brown Cook "The Multiple Roll Out" multiple times from larger stack
1948 114
Seymour Kessler Seymour Kessler's Coin Roll Color Change coin changes on the second coin roll
Apr. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Ross Bertram Devaluation half dollar changes into dime during coin roll flourish
Also published here Apr. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Paul Rosini The Coin Star described by Al Leech
1950 38
Martin Gardner Poker Chip Faro Shuffle one handed, tabled, flourish
Jan. 1951 739
Checkers (3)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
rolling a dime on a checkerboard in circles
Aug. 1951 831
The Coin Roll
Also published here 1952 201
T. Nelson Downs The Downs Coin Star with wax on one coin
1952 202
Roll Down Flourish with Four Coins four coin roll-out
Related to 1952 204
The "Turnover" with Forty Coins
1952 320
The Jumping Sixpence coin turns or jumps from wrist
Related to 1952 337
Coin Flourish two coins are switched openly
Nov. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 268)
Dai Vernon Five Coin Star
Related to 1957 98
Milton Kort The Kort Star Coin Star, coin at each end of the fingers
1962 31
Nate Leipzig Thumb Roll
1963 106
Coin Roll
1963 107
Nate Leipzig Boomarang Coin coin spinned on table flourish
1963 108
Bobby Bernard School For Croupiers coin flourishes, cutting the aces and dice stacking to a croupier presentation
1969 225
Juan Tamariz E-Qui-Li-Brio coin roll flourish
Also published here 1969 17
Ellison Poland The Wrist Breaker coin turns or jumps from wrist
Related toVariations 1969 133
A Coin Flourish three coins held, center one is rolled out, spun and pivoted back between the other two, one-handed
1969 141
Joseph K. Schmidt Coin Flourish one-handed, three coin stack, middle coin spun out and rotated, also popular with poker chips, see also p. 326 & p. 332
Variations Jan. 1970 315
Chip Shuffle / Coin Faro flourish
1972 390
Stanley Collins A Flourish two balls moved around between the fingers, suggested with coins by Fulves
May 1973 623
Amedeo Vacca Cinquevalli Coins balancing coin on top of other, top one spins
1974 81
Patrick Page The Steeple Jack coin roll
1974 14
Juggling with Coins coin snatched from elbow etc.
1974 58
The Spinning Coin in hat, flourish
1974 63
Fred Robinson Edge Spinners bar bets and flourishes with coins
  • Finger Flicker, coin spinning
  • Thumb It, coin spinning with two hands
  • Tri-Van, sleeving technique while coin spins
  • Bottoms Up, coin spins on reversed tumbler
  • Nicked, how to hear on which side a coin lands on
  • Off Balance, coin lands always on the same side
  • Smash and Grab, spun coin vanishes by hitting a match box on it
  • For Two Pins, coin spins held by two pins
  • Skittled, coin is knocked over with an other coin
May 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Frank Shields, Ellison Poland Dime on the Wrist coin turns or jumps from wrist
Inspired by 1975 3
Frank Shields 10c Coin Star five dimes balanced on tips of fingers
Related to 1975 5
Coin Roll
1976 108
Karl Fulves A Flourish and a Trick one-handed, three coin stack, middle coin spun out and rotated, effect where it is done under cover of a handkerchief and a sympathetic effect happens when center coin in another three-coin stack is turned over
Inspired by 1977 99
José de la Torre My Roll Down
1977 44
Ross Bertram Devaluation half dollar changes into dime during coin roll flourish
Also published here 1978 6
Perpetual-Motion Coin Myth impossible rotating coin flourish, mentioned by Bad Water Bill
1978 148
Bobby Bernard, T. Nelson Downs The Downs' Coin Star with anecdotes about Nelson Downs
1978 24
Bobby Bernard The Bernard Lesson on the Coin Star
  • The Coins
  • The Condition of the Hands
  • Performing the Coin Star
  • Placing the Coins on the Fingers and Thumb
  • The Vanish
  • The Production
1978 28
Coin Roll
1978 156
Dana Betz The Betz Poker-Roll coin roll-out in which coins are rolled across table
Also published here 1979 104
The Coin Star
1980 59
Sol Stone Half and Half Rollout Flourish with transformation
1981 118
Ron MacMillan The Basic Spread four coin roll out
1981 49
Ron MacMillan The MacMillan Spread four coin roll out
1981 50
Arthur H. Buckley The Buckley Spread four coin roll out
1981 51
Ron MacMillan Spread Vanish and Coin Star
1981 54
Ron MacMillan Coin Roll or "Steeplechase"
1981 57
Ron MacMillan Alternative Handling for the coin roll

1981 58
Ron MacMillan Palming Excercise palm + coin roll
1981 59
Peter Reilly Peter Reilly's Coin Production producing coins one by one and let each roll down your fingers
1981 59
Ron MacMillan The Coin Juggling Throw the coins wil spin in the air for some seconds as in Pierre Brahma's act
1981 61
Ron MacMillan The Coin Star
Related to 1981 68
Steve Beam Multiple Coin Spinning stack of coins is spun and they all fall with the same side up
1982 41
Ross Bertram The Coin Star anecdote
1983 83
Michael Powers Flourish Coin Production coin produced, coin roll, a second coin produced
1983 64
John Riggs 5 Coin Star in a circle formation, predated by Alex Elmsley 1952
Related to 1984 42
Roll Down roll out flourish
1985 73
Frederick Braue Coin Tapping Count fairly counting coins from glass into hand for good visibility (1944)
1985 2
Karl Fulves Interlude "The Chase"
coin roll effect in which the coin changes back and forth to copper and silver, also idea for hinged coin gaff, posed as a problem
1985 10
Chips three impromptu magic items and gags with chips
  • Das Poker Chip Faromischen
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Münzen seventeen impromptu magic items and gags with coins
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Jay Sankey Back-Spin Special selection lost and deck tabled, upright coin is snapped towards deck, it rolls to it and cuts off a packet right at the selection and rolls back to hand
Aug. 1986 4
Dai Vernon, Manuel Five Coin Star
Inspired byRelated to 1987 204
Dai Vernon On the Origins of the Steeplechase Flourish
1989 147
Flip Out No. 24, coin spins strangely when tossed up
1989 36
The Pivot No. 25, two coins held between fingers, first finger flips it to back, poker chip flourish
1989 37
Alex Elmsley The Rosette roll down with five coins
Related to 1994 19
Perpetual-Motion Coin Myth impossible rotating coin flourish, mentioned by Bad Water Bill
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Las Vegas Close-Up)
Dana Betz The Betz Poker-Roll coin roll-out in which coins are rolled across table
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Der Roll Down Griff roll-out
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Simon Lovell The Supra-Selling of the Lemming Man
  • Selling the Roll Out (four-coin roll-out flourish)
  • Selling the Six-Dice Stack
  • Grandfather's Beer (beer production from dice stacking cup)
1997 16
David Stone Eureka Koin coin accidentally dropped, it jumps back into hand
Also published here 1999 44
Simon Lovell Coins, Dice and Grandfather's Beer! some bar bets, then full glass of beer produced
  • Stage One - Selling the Roll Out
  • Stage Two - Selling the Six Dice Stack
  • Stage Three - Grandfather's Beer
2000 143
David Stone Eureka Koin coin accidentally dropped, it jumps back into hand
Also published here 2001 17
Brett Wolf Coin Star set-up behind other hand
2002 111
Reed McClintock Tabled Coin Star coins appear under fingertips on table while spectator was looking up
2002 16
Arthur H. Buckley Four Coin Roll Out four coin flourish between fingers.
Related to 2003 8
Walter Rollins Chip Tip on the one-handed chip/coin faro shuffle
Charlatan (Issue 8)
Brett Wolf Coin Star Handling
Mar. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Doug Conn Coin Star Palm coin star, followed by palming two coins
Aug. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 8)
Tomoya Horiki Air Coin Roll(エアーコイン・ロール) Creating illusion of a coin rolling down your fingers without any coins
Related to 2017 17
Geoffrey Latta Fingertip Twirl coin twirled at the fingertips, one-handed
Also published here 2017 18
Johnny Thompson Jump Gag coin seems to jump out of hand
2018 94
Coin Rollout
Feb. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 2)
Michael Rubinstein Rubinstein Fidget Move coin twirls through fingers
2020 57
Geoffrey Latta Fingertip Twirl coin twirled at the fingertips, one-handed
Also published here 2020 130
Mike Gallo A Poor Man's Roll Down roll out
Inspired by 2020 385
Kainoa Harbottle Steeplechase Shuttle Pass
Also published here
  • "Rolling Shuttle Pass", Coins on Edge, 2003
2020 414
Giacomo Bertini Coin Star Handling
Also published here
  • MAGIC, June 2007
2022 628
Marc Simpson Floating Roll coin moves along fingers of out-stretched palm
Also published here
  • MAGIC, June 2013
2022 1211
Scott Baird COINtortionist four-coin production with coin roll, one-handed
Inspired by Feb. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 2)