85 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Animation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
With words to make a groat or a testor to leape out of a pot, or to run alongst upon a table coin crawls out of cup along table, thread pulled by stooge, recommended at night with candle light to make it more deceptive
1584 185
The Animated Coin, which answers Questions, etc. coin jumps around in glass, threaded coin or gimmicked glass, as question-answering coin
1876 185
The Walking Shilling
1890 125
The Climbing Coin "A Florin made to climb up the face of a small Wooden Pillar, into a Box at top", mechanical
Related toVariations 1890 181
Ein kleiner Zauberscherz coin clings to wall or door
Dec. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Die frei an der Wand hängende Münze coin sticks to wall, no preparation
Aug. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Carl Willmann Der Thaler am Hutrand coin stands upright on edge of top hat, as interlude for production
Mar. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIX. Suggestion eines Obolus
  • 1. Ein Autodafé (coin folded in paper vanishes in a flash)
  • 2. Phönix (coin appears in glass, covered with silk)
  • 3. Die wahrsagende Münze (coin in glass jumps, to answer questions, coding systems)
  • 4. Der Karzer (glass and coin are covered with silk and placed inside a box where they vanish)
1903 178
Carl Willmann Der dressierte Taler glass covered with newspaper piece, coin vanishes and visibly drops into glass and dances
Aug. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 8)
T. Nelson Downs The Tattling of Toto six selections, penny in glass jumps up and down to communicate with performer
Inspired by
  • French magazine "The Illusioniste"
1909 184
The Trained Half Dollar "Animated Coin", borrowed coin dropped in glass jumps up and down, thread & assistant
1909 266
Joseph Michael Hartz The Improved Money Column coin climbs up on pillar prop, Davenport Cabinet
Inspired byAlso published here 1911 655
Joseph Michael Hartz The Improved Money Column coin climbs up on pillar prop, Davenport Cabinet
Also published here 1911 110
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der verzauberte Obolus coin is balanced on pencil, then wrapped inside handkerchief and held over flame, coin is removed but handkerchief is found unharmed
1927 42
Dime and Ginger Ale Bottle dime put on mouth of a bottle jumps into the air
1935 29
Balancing a Coin coin stands upright on outstretched hand
1935 32
The Talking Coin coin dances in glass, answering questions, assistant
1935 40
The Rising Coin up in glass and over lip, thread
Related to 1938 693
John Ramsay Hypno Coin coin stands on edge on thumb
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1939)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Wenn man gerade keine Karten bei sich hat...
  • coin on bottle stars to move and jump
  • chalk spot on table appears on performer's hand
Dec. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Al Baker The Rising Coin - Baker Method coin dropped in glass, rises out and drops out, thread
Also published here 1941 42
Eddie Joseph The Coin on the Wall coin sticks to wall
1942 36
Eddie Joseph The Eccentric Coin coin clings to blade of knife
1942 95
Das Rollende Geldstück coin balances and rolls on edge of knife
Mar. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 3)
7 kleine Tricks am Tisch
  • bet with matches
  • balancing a pencil
  • balancing three coins
  • balancing a glass on the table
  • coin penetrates filled beer glass and tabletop
  • magnetized cigarette
  • balancing a pencil, different method
Sep. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Dr. Harry T. Hoffman Strange Dr. Hoffman dime on mouth of bottle bounces up and down, caused by heat from cigar or coffee
1945 12
Bottle (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
coin on mouth of bottle starts to dance
June 1951 803
Al Baker Miscellaneous Hair Tricks
  • cup moves on the table
  • animated bill
  • remote haunted deck
  • rising coin/card from glass
  • throwing a loose deck of cards to a spectator over some distance
  • balancing cane/umbrella
Also published here 1951 22
Everett Lyda Impromptu Atomic Routine several tricks combined into a routine with atomic theme, Glorpy, Adam's Atomic Crystal Spot, break-away pencils
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Nate Leipzig Balanced Coin on hand
Variations 1963 110
Nate Leipzig Penny Out of a Glass of Beer coin in a glass of beer rises out of it
1963 130
Richard N. Oslund Rising Coin Through Handkerchief
1966 422
Francis J. Baker Marley's Ghost behind a screen a bell rings and coins move from jar to table, p. 241 for further reference
Dec. 1968 229
Don Nielsen Trance Coin copper coin in match box, silver coin in Okito box, copper travels into Okito box, lifts lid and jumps out, see also p. 486 for credit information and comment by Kenn E. Eastin
Related to
  • "Tribute to Okito" (Dennis Loomis, 1963, Tops)
Nov. 1971 466
Alan Alan The Balance Coins coins cling to fingers, using thread (Dual Control Gimmick)
1972 265
Frank Garcia Flip-Over Penny coin turns over on hand, shell
1972 285
Morty Rudnick Hair, There and Everywhere imaginary invisible thread is used to animate various things
Variations 1972 294
Amedeo Vacca Cinquevalli Coins balancing coin on top of other, top one spins
1974 81
Patrick Page The Floating Coin coin dropped into a glass of water floats up and out of glass
1974 36
Rising Coin Trick coin rises up from bottom of glass filled with water
1976 106
Shigeo Futagawa Handkerchief and Coin handkerchief is moved and coin remains in place
1978 13
The Enchanted Coin Pedestal (Rising Florin), "A Florin made to climb up the face of a small Wooden Pillar, into a Box at top", mechanical
Related to 1978/76 144
Karl Fulves (A) Haunted Halves coins flip over visibly on table or in stack, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 37)
Albert Verity Crawling 10p Piece coin moves on paper, magnetic
1980 49
Steve Spillman Sleight of Hand vs. Magic signed quarter crawls up in glass, jumps and lands on performer's hand
1980 1
Dime Museum coin stands up on palm
1981 56
Bobby Bernard Indian Rope Trick Chinese coin threaded on wand, rises up the wand magically. Coin is removed from wand, and penetrates back onto wand
1982 49
Frank Shields Star Power coins adhere to fingertips and apparently fall at command of performer
Jan. 1983
Magick (Issue 314)
Richard Bartram, Jr. This Ain't Psychokinesis, Either! coin under glass moves and spins
1985 21
Barrie Richardson Power of Darkness II marked coin turns over on spectator's palm without him noticing and with his eyes closed
Also published here Jan. 1985
Magick (Issue 344)
Roger Klause Delayed Reaction coin is tossed to other hand but is seen a little later, sight gag using muscle pass
Variations 1986 136
Jay Sankey The Visible Coin Assembly four chinese coin visibly travel on table into one corner, thread
1986 103
John Kennedy Coin Bubble coin floats inside bubble
Feb. 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 7)
David Roth Limbo in China chinese coins "float"/hang threaded on chop stick
Also published here Apr. 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Pat Conway The Coin in Beer Glass coin dropped into full glass, it rises out back into the performer's hand
1987 137
Animation No. 7, six copper coins and one silver coin in handkerchief, silver coin apparently doesn't like that and the handkerchief shakes widely, at doorway edge, part of handkerchief behind door, gag
1989 9
David Roth Limbo in China chinese coins "float"/hang threaded on chop stick
Also published here 1990 89
Richard Bartram, Jr. Balancing the Budget coin balanced on card, defying gravity
1990 629
The Lie Detector coin jumps up and down in vase, then vase crashes
1993 285
Sandy Spillman Something on My Mind: Telekinesis on telekinesis with coins, bending and moving, jumping coin
June 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 12)
Coin Jumping out of Glass coin dropped into glass jumps out on command
Rigmarole (Issue 8)
Charles McFarland Ghost Coin coin stand up on its edge by itself on the spectator's hand
July 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Charles W. Fait Fait's Coins "Unsolved Mysteries"
three coins stuck to forehead, chosen one drops, no method given
1997 148
Karl Fulves Cap Caper
  • coin placed on mouth of bottle wobbles and jumps
  • plastic cap of plastic bottle placed inverted on bottle jumps to answer questions
Underworld (Issue 8)
Martin Gardner Two Stunts With A Bottle
  • Martin Gardner's Corner
trapping air under pressure in a bottle to blow out a candle, and coin on top of (cold) bottle moves
June 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 10)
David Stone Eureka Koin coin accidentally dropped, it jumps back into hand
Also published here 1999 44
Barrie Richardson Powers of Darkness II marked coin turns over on spectator's palm without him noticing and with his eyes closed
Inspired by
  • "Powers of Darkness" (Tony Corinda, marketed ca. 1958)
Also published here
1999 74
David Stone Eureka Koin coin accidentally dropped, it jumps back into hand
Also published here 2001 17
Al Baker The Rising Coin "Baker Method"
coin dropped in glass, rises out and drops out, thread
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker Miscellaneous Hair Tricks
  • cup moves on the table
  • animated bill
  • remote haunted deck
  • rising coin/card from glass
  • throwing a loose deck of cards to a spectator over some distance
  • balancing cane/umbrella
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker Miracle Man's Penny Trick marked coin moves out of heap, thread
Also published here 2003 724
Al Baker The Miracle Man's Penny Trick marked coin moves out of heap, thread
Also published here Feb. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 2)
Jay Sankey Prime Time Bend borrowed quarter visibly bends
2004 120
Bob Ostin The "Stand Up" Coin borrowed coin balanced on back of hand stands up by itself
2005 139
Mark Lewis, Johnny Neptune Spooky Pencil animated coin and pencil
  • The Coin Trick and the Spooky Pencil
  • The Pencil Rises in the Fist
  • The Pencil Moves Across the Hand
  • The Pencil Rises Across the Fingers
  • The Pencil Rises from the Bottle
2006 7
Angelo Carbone Precious Metal change held in hand, one coin floats up
Mar. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 3)
Andy Nyman The Gourmet Coin Trick coin is held upright on the table with finger of a hand, finger is rubbed with other hand, coin then starts spinning
2010 193
Karl Fulves Moving Coin coin under cellophane of cigarette pack, it rises by shaking
Related to
  • old MUM issue
Prolix (Issue 9)
Jeff Prace Slo-Mo Coin coin cut, then the coin visibly moves along in-the-hand spread towards selection
Apr. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 4)
John Gaughan The Rising Florin
  • The Chamber of Secrets
apparatus in which a coin is seen floating upwards inside a tube
Apr. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 4)
Tomoya Horiki Standing Coin (スタンでィング・コイン) Coin standing up on edge on magician's palm
Inspired by 2017 66
Tomoya Horiki Isolation Vanish Coin held between fingers, seem to "float" and remain isolated as hands move around it (something like contact juggling), then coin vanishes, inspired by Jerry Andrus and Troy Hooser
2018 29
Tomoya Horiki Imaginary Thread Coin animation, tied by imaginary thread, balancing coin
Inspired by 2018 50
Max Malini The Rising Coin up and down in glass, thread
Related to 2022 211
Marc Simpson Floating Roll coin moves along fingers of out-stretched palm
Also published here
  • MAGIC, June 2013
2022 1211