460 entries in Pull & Holdouts
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Ring Pull duplicate finger ring on elastic in sleeve
1876 225
To Pass a Ring from the one Hand to either Finger of the other Hand substitute ring on pull, temporary hook servante behind leg
Also published here 1876 227
Professor Hoffmann The Multiplying and Vanishing Cards single card "reproduces" into duplicates, repeated with other cards, duplicates vanished again, pull
1890 131
Professor Hoffmann Card-Vanisher pull with clip
1890 133
French Card-Vanisher pull with clip
1890 137
Buatier de Kolta The Buatier "Pull"
Related to 1890 209
Buatier de Kolta The "Bare-armed Vanish" pull without sleeve
1890 211
Buatier de Kolta Silk from Bottle Vanish sleeve pull, classic
1890 217
Red, White and Blue one silk becomes three
Related to 1890 220
Professor Hoffmann The Vanishing Pocket-handkerchief found in a Candle "New Method", with phase in which borrowed handkerchief shrinks in two phases
1890 221
Einen Thaler durch ein Kartenspiel wandern zu lassen No. 7, deck placed on glass, coin dropped on top appears in glass, assistant pulls off bottom card which is attached to a thread
1895 9
Ein ganzes Kartenspiel in freier Hand verschwinden zu lassen No. 50, deck cut in half with pivot point on pull, fan looks like normal deck, thread into sleeve
1895 59
Das verschwindende Kartenspiel Eine Kartensoirée No. 9
deck vanishes from borrowed hat, long ribbon pours out instead, card triangles attached so they can be fanned, attached to pull
Nov. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster 2. Der Fadenzug "Einige Hilfsmittel der Magie"
about pulls
Dec. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Card Punch on Pull in sleeve
1896 34
Die mysteriöse Verbindung deck vanishes (via pull in sleeve) and is reproduced from spectator's pocket as a festoon with all cards tied to a string
1896 152
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die thatsächlich verschwindende Karte card pull into sleeve
1896 183
Otsenré, Carl Willmann Die Verwandlungs-Mechanik unprepared egg, elaborate egg holder
Feb. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Carl L. Curiel Der Kartenfang in der Luft thread attachment into sleeve, also for production of other items
Mar. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Willmann's Kartenklammer further designs for deck holders that can be attached to a table or chair, and a holder for body loading, deck vanish via pull
Related to Mar. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Das fliegende Tuch silk vanishes from glass cylinder (pull) and reappears knotted between two silks that are rubber-banded together in a bundle
Variations June 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Dr. Arnfeld Die verschwindende Karte card vanishes from deck, spectator pushes card into clip in deck which is pulled out
Dec. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Carl Willmann Willmann's auslösbare Zugmechanik für Tücher lockable silk pull system, detailed
Related to Dec. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster The last mysterie à la Conradi envelope sealed by spectator, silk vanishes from glass (loop and pull behind chair), reappears inside
Related to Aug. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die neue Zugmechanik "Einige Hilfsmittel der Magie"
lockable pull mechanism
Related toVariations Sep. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Der Verschwindungscylinder "Einige Hilfsmittel der Magie"
small black container/cylinder on a pull to vanish objects
Dec. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 4)
The Eclipsed Pack of Cards fan of cards thrown in air vanishes
1897 269
Der verschwindende Billardball ball on pull
Aug. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Carl Willmann Willmann's Cigarrenklammer holder for cigar, for vanishing
Sep. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann Der magische Handschuh im physikalischen Laboratorium routine with gloves, sand frame, smoke apparatus, pull, ...
Also published here Nov. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Das verschwindende Ei white egg changes to black egg and back, then vanishes
Apr. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Die neue Zugmechanik "Einige Hilfsmittel der Magie"
new lockable pull mechanism
Related to Sep. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Briefkasten answering letters, choreography for vanishing object with pull
Nov. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Carl Willmann Die Tuchmechanik discussions of different pulls, pendulum, sleeve, celluloid container
Variations May 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Einleitung eines Kartenmanövers "by St. ...", deck vanishes, reappears, vanishes again and performer turns around once and then has the deck back in his hand, deck on pull
Aug. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Carl Willmann Zum Tuchverschwinden on the silk vanish with black celluloid egg
Inspired by Nov. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Der Kobold im Glase two small red silks knotted together by spectator and put in beer glass, blue silk vanishes visibly from second glass and appears knotted between red silks
Jan. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Der Dilettant bei Tisch servante with elastic, between legs, pulled up into clothing when performer stands up
Related to Feb. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Der verschwindende Tannenbaum 40 cm Christmas tree is vanished visibly à la bird cage vanish
Feb. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Die verbesserte Zugmechanik "Einige Hilfsmittel der Magie"
lockable pull mechanism
Inspired by May 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Silk Vanish from Glass Cylinder
May 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Wie Roman Tauben und Vögel verschwinden lässt No. 12, vanishing different objects
  • doves in glass cylinders
  • glasses (both under handkerchief with dummy circle sewn in)
  • bird in paper carton that is switched when wand is dropped
  • pull
1899 44
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Das Bouquet und der Gedanke No. 13, feather flowers or small feather Christmas tree vanish, sleeve pull
1899 47
Silk Pull silk visibly vanishes from glass bottle
1899 60
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Plus vite que l'éclair No. 35, bird cage vanishes without cover between hands, cage can be locked in expanded position, ends up in trouser so jacket can be examined, optional reappearance
1899 100
Kartenspiele zu vertauschen
  • deck switch by pushing one in vest and the other comes threaded out of sleeve
  • card clip
  • deck vanish with pull
  • deck switch by getting rid of deck in left hand and taking new deck with right hand while back is turned
Related to 1899 151
Carl Willmann Die Bedeutung des Fadenzuges on thread pulls and attachments without use of assistant
Related to Jan. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Carl Willmann Die Bedeutung des Fadenzuges part two
Related to Feb. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Das Thalerkartenspiel No. 14, deck of cards placed on glass, coins vanish and drop into glass, clockwork mechanism in fake deck, low-budget alternative in which assistant pulls a thread
1900 41
Thread-Pulling Mechanism at table, rubber band powered, to get rid of secret assistant
1900 45
Kartenklammer card pull into sleeve, cards attached to clip
1900 93
Carl Willmann Willmann's Verschwindungs-Cylinder glass cylinder filled with something, whole cylinder vanishes from hat, pull attachment
Mar. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Frank Kennard Pulley Vanish from Glass
Related to 1902 232
G. Restell Zu den Zugvorrichtungen snap hook as universal attachment
Aug. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Buatier de Kolta Die Wanderung der Tücher six different-colored silks vanish, first two, then three, then last one
Dec. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Carl Willmann Improved "Pulls"
  • Willmann's Vanisher
vanishing handkerchief application
1903 33
Improvements in the Direct, or Non-Mechanical, Pull
1903 39
Guides, for Use with Pulls metal guides
1903 40
C. O. Williams The "Multum-in Parvo" Vanisher clip between fingers for vanishing things
Also published here 1903 67
Maurice Garland The Pneumatic Sucker suction cup as holder, with loop over finger or pull attachment
1903 78
"Exchanging" a Watch various methods, with props or pull
1903 142
The American Vanisher for vanishing a watch
1903 145
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster, Ellis Stanyon Various Methods of Colour-Changing
  • The Conradi Tube
  • Sundry Appliances for Colour-Changing
Related to 1903 242
The Nickel Tube, with Pull
1903 283
The "Lamp-Chimney" Vanish silks disappear visually from glass tube, pull
Related to 1903 284
David Devant Devant's Handkerchief Trick producing three white handkerchiefs, paper tube, they change to red, green and yellow, one vanishes in glass tube and appears knotted between other two, description edited by Devant himself
Variations 1903 303
Professor De Vere The Closed Glass Tube (LÉtui en Cristal) closed glass cylinder with silk put in hat, vanishes from tube therein
1903 317
A Handkerchief Changed to Paper Ribbons
1903 322
"Vanishing" the Gloves
1903 366
The Glove Passed Into the Wand
1903 368
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann Dr. Avon's Glove Trick routine with gloves, sand frame, smoke apparatus, pull, ...
Also published here 1903 385
Hamley Brothers A Special Egg Vanisher
Related toAlso published here 1903 407
Kartenklammer, zum Vertauschen von Kartenspielen "by C. K., Hannover", card clip at pull to hold a deck for a deck switch
Variations May 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Carl Willmann Bald hier, bald dort "Ein kleines Handkunststück"
watch borrowed, wrapped in silk and put in glass, watch vanishes, silk vanishes, then glass wrapped in newspaper vanishes, all item reappear in borrowed hat
Aug. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 8)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 1. Der Verschwindungsapparat für Tücher methods to vanish silks, pulls, holdouts and false finger gimmick
1903 55
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 6. Die Manschette als Greifbecher und Servante method to vanish objects from a hat or a cub, holder connected to shirt cuff with a thread, that can be released into a servante
1903 62
Carl Willmann Das verschwindende Ei egg vanishes in borrowed handkerchief
July 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Carl Willmann Der verschwindende Billardball ball on pull
Dec. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Neuestes Flaggen-Manöver two silks and small flag appear, silks put in glass, flag vanishes again and reappears between the two silks in glass, false finger and pull
June 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Das verschwundene Hühnerei egg pull
Sep. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Louis F. Christianer Use for the Card Windlass using rising card windlass prop for torn and restored paper napkin
1916 24
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Diminutiv und Superlativ glove vanishes, second glove shrinks then it grows inside a bag and vanishes eventually
1922 1
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Magische Transformation und Analyse routine with three silks, silks vanish, appear and change colors, with paper tube and glass cylinder
1922 29
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Materialisation einer Flamme vanish and production of a silk in flame of match
1927 69
Oswald Rae Candle and Bouquet two candles covered with tubes, transform into flower bouquets, one vanishes in the hands
1929 28
Oswald Rae A Lightning Silk Production handkerchief appears at fingertips, lapel
Also published here
  • "A Lightning Silk Production" in "The Magic Wand"
1930 31
Laurie Ireland Silks to Streamers, or A Color Change two silks change into four streamers in hand, pull
1931 3
Laurie Ireland Double Streamer or Silk Production
1931 3
Tommy Tucker Manipulative Billiard Ball ball with hole to stick finger into it to simplify moves
1933 21
Henry E. Dixie The Henry E. Dixie Cigarette Vanish pull, see also page 162
July 1935
The Jinx (Issue 10)
Lu Brent A Visible Cigarette Vanisher pull
Jan. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 16)
Dr. Jacob Daley Handkerchief Ball Pull
Jan. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 28)
John Goodrum The Super Thimble Vanish thread
1937 54
Joe Berg Vanish of Glass and Silk silk pushed into small glass, both vanish
1937 12
Pulls for billiard ball vanish
1938 628
Vanishing a Cigarette with a Pull. Correct Method
1938 741
Percy Abbott The New Vanishing Glass "Squash", with rubber ball pull
1938 854
Dave Roberts A Novel Pull for birdcage
1938 873
A useful Pull
1938 873
Pulls tip
1938 875
Theodore Annemann The $10,000 Challenge Silk Vanish pull to confederate
Nov. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 65)
M. "Minelli" Brechbühl Wissen Sie schon, wie man am Besten ein gefülltes Likörgläschen verschwinden lässt? vanish of a filled shot glass, pull
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 3&4)
Alexander Herrmann Dinner Table Pull for vanishing objects, between legs, bag that is pulled up the back when standing up, see page 506 for Sachs credit
Related to Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 76)
Theodore Annemann The Invisible Pull thumb tip at pull, applied to paper restoration, silk/cigarette vanish
Related to 1940
The Jinx (Issue 86)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Chain of Circumstance key chain travels from hand to hand, elaborate set-up in sleeve
July 1940
The Jinx (Issue 100)
L. Vosburgh Lyons The "Good-Bye" Coin coin on pull
July 1940
The Jinx (Issue 100)
Edward Victor A Vanishing Glove Effect white gloves vanish one at a time, gloves are prepared
1940 ca. 117
Roy Benson The Glass Trick two handkerchiefs stuffed in glass, handkerchief below second one vanishes
1941 14
Lloyd W. Chambers New Coin Vanish elastic pull up sleeve, alternate method of hooking up elastic to coin (no hole)
1941 10
Alexander Herrmann, Al Baker Herrmann's Vanish of a Fan of Cards pull
Also published here 1941 18
The "Lightning Pull"
1941 53
Lamp Chimney and Silk silk vanishes from tube and appears between two knotted silks
1941 53
The Master Cut and Restored String loop on pull, cut and restored string
1941 ca. 107
Keith Liddle K. W. Liddle's Phenomenal Rope Trick loop on pull
Related to 1941 ca. 215
Bill Williston Willistons's Pull magician's gag
Mar. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 4)
Eddie Joseph The Coat Vanish pendulum pull attached with wax
1942 18
Eddie Joseph The Tie Hold-Out slit in tie
1942 42
Eddie Joseph Curing a Bad Habit cigarette and/or matches change into coin
1942 105
Eddie Joseph Card Resurrection selection torn and card at named position noted, torn card restores into noted card and original restored selection is at named position
1942 22
Franklin M. Chapman Blackout Cig cigarette placed in cigarette container, it vanishes from there
1942 9
Harold Denhard The Prize Winner Rope Trick rope is stretched, then fairly cut and restored
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1943)
Charlie Levett Idea on the Miracle Egg Trick silk to egg variation
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1943)
Greer Marechal Jr. Greer's Gadget pull for making a handkerchief appear or disappear, clever design
Mar. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 31)
Clutch Vanisher
1943 51
Ed Bender Squash presentation for Percy Abbott's vanishing shot glass with whiskey
Dec. 1945 179
Neal Elias Torn Card Vanish with Pull
1946 13
Laurie Ireland Method for an Unprepared Blendo
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Floyd Jones Key or Coin? key and coin change places
Feb. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 120)
Milbourne Christopher Magnetic Magic magnetic holdout in trousers at back of leg
Related to Feb. 1947 293
G. Gloria Le ruban de papier déchiré et raccommodé torn and restored paper ribbon, several more methods (two from "The Tops", followed by german translation "Das Seidenpapierband zerrissen und wieder hergestellt"
Related to Jan. 1947 7
Franklin V. Taylor Shoulder Card card to inside pocket or wallet, no palming
Also published here Nov. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 163)
Karrell Fox Jam Auction one dollar bill to five dollar bill, then five transforms into a dime
Also published here Nov. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 163)
Audley Walsh Hold Out card vanish and reproduction, needle hold out gimmick
Nov. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 164)
Arthur H. Buckley The Magnetic Pass with One or Several Coins magnetic holdout in trousers at back of leg
Related to 1948 76
Lee Noble Watch the Birdie! disappearing bird cage
Feb. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 170)
Clettis V. Musson The Flight of Thought three pencils, named colored one vanishes
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Clettis V. Musson The Mystic Ringer horseshoe vanishes from under handkerchief and appears around a peg
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Clayton Rawson The Vanishing Cigarette
Related to Jan. 1950 618
Everett L. Crawford The Vanishing Cigarette
Related to Mar. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Charles E. Carlton The Elusive Mouse living mouse vanishes and appears in purse of spectator
May 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Jerry Hornak Triple Rope Transformation three ropes of equal length are rolled up to a ball and change to one long rope
Sep. 1951 833
Al Baker The Instantaneous Visible Restoration pull
Related toAlso published here 1951 36
Al Baker The Al Baker Lightning Pull
VariationsAlso published here 1951 36
Release! ring off rope
Related to Jan. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 246)
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Praktische Winke method to produce a burning match, matchbook as card stand and simple construction for a pull, see page 154 for illustrations
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 5)
Laurie Ireland Torn Smoke signed cigarette torn into three pieces, restored in tube
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Lewis Ganson, Jack Hughes Accessories additional ideas to incorporate into sponge ball routines
  • Rubber Production Fruit
  • Sponge Ball to Bunny
  • Geometric Designs
  • Handkerchief Colour Changing Tube
  • Handkerchief Pull
  • Sponge Ball to Silk
1954 119
Horace E. Bennett Cut and Restored Rope with borrowed ring
Dec. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 322)
Roy Benson Capsule making a pull with a film container
The New Phoenix (Issue 327)
Hans E. Trixer The Flying Ring ring vanishes and appears in pocket, clever pull
1955 31
Die verhexte Düte silk vanishes in bag
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 2)
James Shannon Jim-Dandy Vanisher easy self-made pull vanisher
1956 1
Franklin V. Taylor Shoulder Card card to inside pocket or wallet, no palming
Also published here 1956 165
Max Malini Malini's String Trick with pull
Also published here 1956 39
Bert Douglas The Scotchman's Pocketbook destroyed card is rediscovered in wallet, missing piece
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Geheimnisse der alten Meister coin dropped in purse, purse vanish under handkerchief
Also published here
  • in "Triks"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Stan White Clear-Vu Bill Vanish bill vanishes from plastic box, with rubber band
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Tony Corinda (10) The Billet Switch (Corinda's Billet Pull) six methods to switch billets with a pull, pull on paper clip
1959 178
Tony Corinda Bird of a Feather a lot of cut card pieces, four are selected and form one card, with variations
Variations 1959 320
Roy Fromer Nail Writer Gimic
1959 32
Eddie Joseph Lighting a Cigarette by Magic
1959 8
Dr. William Weyeneth Magische Tips
  • Hosen-Velo-Klammer
holder for various objects
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 4&5)
Sleeve Pull fishing weight
1961 46
Bruce Elliott Remembrance of (Magical) Things Past... on Fred Keating and his idea with the Vanishing Bird Cage, Mike Bornstein's production of a huge foulard, Keith Clark's ring through door, Houdini, Thurston, Richiardi Jr. & Sr.
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Max Malini Silk Vanish silk vanish from a tube
1962 21
Frederica The Great Purse Swindle three half crowns in a purse transform into three pennies, again three half crowns are put into the purse and everything wrapped in a handkerchief, purse travels to the pocket and again contains three pennies
1967 106
Al Baker Purse Vanish original described in the sphinx
1967 110
Improved Pull
1967 110
Lewis Ganson, Harry Hickson, Alan Alan Dual Control two pencils stick to the hand, based on an idea by G.W. Hunter
1967 159
Kurt "Curtini" Schlegel Curtini's Tücherverschwinden silks vanish visibly from transparent plastic bag
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 2)
Marconick Production and Vanish of Silk
1967 132
Marconick The Silks that Went to No-Man's Land various silks in salad shaker vanish in a flash, with option to make them reappear again
Also published here 1967 154
Keith Clark, Horace E. Bennett Cigarette to Silk
1968 14
Bob Ostin The Vanishing Biro pen wrapped in paper vanishes
1968 4
H. Fernandes Fast Cut & Restoration loop on pull
Related to 1968 66
Bill Neff Neff's Miracle Rope with rope marked by spectator
1968 269
Eddie Joseph Mirage pull/holdout set-up in sleeves with nylon thread and rubber cord, straps around arms, see following items for applications, has different attachments
  • The Outfit
  • General Observations
1969 319
Eddie Joseph Mirage in Action two coins vanish during guessing game, using mirage holdout
1969 322
Eddie Joseph The Intruders two of six coins vanish, using mirage holdout
1969 326
Eddie Joseph Magic Change larger coin changed into several smaller with same value, using mirage holdout
1969 326
Eddie Joseph Heads or Tails coin vanishes during heads or tails toss, using mirage holdout
1969 327
Eddie Joseph On the Spectator's Hand one of three coin vanishes from spectator's hand, using mirage holdout
1969 327
Eddie Joseph Tacit Command chosen card completely vanishes from a packet, using mirage holdout
1969 328
Eddie Joseph Silky Smooth Card Vanish with handkerchief, using mirage holdout
1969 331
Eddie Joseph The Mystery of the Autographed Card clean card to pocket, using mirage holdout
1969 332
Eddie Joseph My Favourite Queen four Queens held in hand, named Queen vanishes and reappears in some location, using mirage holdout
1969 335
Eddie Joseph The Note Evaporates bill vanish in bare hands, using mirage holdout
1969 336
Eddie Joseph The Elusive Pen vanish of pen, using mirage holdout
1969 339
Marconick The Vanish of a Vase of Flowers flower feather bouquet vanishes when held agains balloon, balloon bursts
1969 8
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Holdout sleeve holdout, special design
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Hot-Banana banana changes to hot dog
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Paul Maurer Ein Eröffnungseffekt production of cigarette and lit match, vanish of cigarette
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 2)
Jack Kent Tillar J. K. T. on Cold Decks several deck switches
  • Note Pad Deck Switch
  • Sleeve Switch
  • Rubberband Switch
June 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 15)
Marconick A Colour Change in a Glass silk changes in glass
Also published here 1970 21
Edward Marlo Laser Card to Pocket no palm, Bean Shooter type pull
Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Al Baker Coins & Purse three coins removed from purse vanish, the reappear in two pockets and underneath purse, then purse with coins vanishes
Dec. 1971 475
Randy Atha 'Professor's (Second) Nightmare' three different sized ropes end up to be the same size and examinable
Magick (Issue 25)
Bunny Quik Rope Twick small and long rope in each hand, small one grows and long one shrinks
Magick (Issue 28)
Kelly Green The Wishing Well Illusion shot glass vanish, using Squash gimmick
Mar. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Wilfrid Jonson Swindles comedy patter about swindles, silk vanishes and reappears, paper fold vanish of coin with flash paper, coin reappears in orange, borrowed watch vanishes and does not reappear with gag, see also p. 565 and p. 585
Inspired by
  • a monologue by G. W. Hunter in an early Wizard or Magic Wand issue
Also published here
  • "Swindles" (Thayer's Trick Of The Month Club, Series 2, No. 10, April 1933)
June 1972 529
George Blake Pulls idea for pull construction
1972 144
Dai Vernon Vernon's Vest Tip Pachette No. 56, small pockets in vest for hold-out purposes
1972 18
Paul Fox Paul Fox's Notes: 2) Handling Buatier Pull No. 381-2, cryptic comment about a transfer
1972 104
Al Baker Al Baker's Cut And Restored Rope Mystery No. 639, pull
Related to 1972 177
Al Baker Al Berk's Tips: 2) No. 641-2, purse vanishes, pull attached to coin
Related to 1972 178
Al Koran The Pill anti-baby-pill themed, sponge balls change into small plastic babies
1972 127
Al Koran Coloured Matches matches with different colored heads change colors in fists of performer
1972 147
Dick Zimmerman Super Sucker Rope Trick cut and restored rope with sucker presentation, double action pull
1973 3
Dick Zimmerman The Ultimate Vanish silk vanishes from long glass jar with screwed lid
Related toVariations 1973 5
Mitchell Dyszel Spirit Shot full shot glass covered with hand and it is empty when hand is removed
July 1973 636
Stan Blumenthal One for the Surgeon General with plastic cigarettes
Magick (Issue 74)
Marconick A Silk Vanish Opening from plastic tube
Also published here 1973 19
Patrick Page 3. Lighter through Table with a Miller- Holdout
Also published here 1974 3
Patrick Page The Handkerchief Vanisher
1974 26
Cecil Tebbitt Biro Cap Vanish pen cap pull
Feb. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Faucett Ross A Glass and a Silk Silk placed in tumbler, sealed off with white handkerchief. Silk vanishes, magician produces silk of different color from collar, changes it to the correct color.
1975 28
Karl Fulves Holdouts on holdout work in close-up magic
Interlocutor (Issue 4)
Cigarette Vanisher with pull, standard
1975 35
Jan Torell The Pull to make a large silk vanish, with examples
Also published here 1975 3
Frank Garcia Behind the Tie holdout behind the tie
1976 16
Frank Garcia The "Gaff" Vanish pull
1976 88
Alf Goodwin The Legpull clever
Aug. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 12)
David Berglas Using a Pull general remarks on how to use a pull
1976 15
Patrick Page The Handkerchief Pull
Related to 1976 240
Patrick Page The Lamp Chimney Vanish handkerchief vanishes from plastic tube,
Related to 1976 241
Cigarette Pull
1976 173
Bob Ostin The Vanishing Deck half deck with pull
Also published here 1976 ca. 2
Bob Ostin A Better Cigarette Pull coin attached to pull
Also published here 1976 ca. 3
Punx Käptn Squinty story trick with multiple effects, thimble and cigarette vanish, production of whiskey glass, brainwave deck
1977 53
De Apertura color changing silk, gaffed silk, by "J. Brown"
1977 44
Juan Tamariz Teñido Lento Variante 3.a using pull in sleeve for silk tube
1977 49
Joseph Dunninger 2. Pañuelo-Tubo color change of silk inside transparent tube
1977 103
Joseph Dunninger 10. El As Cambiante Ace change into other Ace, pull
1977 107
Danny Korem Commentary on the Upside Down Toppit (UDT, Pendulum Holdout)
  • What is it?
  • Where did it come from?
  • The Pursuit
  • A Word of Caution
1978 1
Danny Korem How to Use the UDT - Vanishing a Rubber Ball pendulum holdout
1978 3
Danny Korem Another Vanish Sequence for ball, pendulum holdout
1978 7
Danny Korem Retrieval from the UDT pendulum holdout
1978 8
Danny Korem Key Points Regarding Use of UDT pendulum holdout
1978 10
Danny Korem Two Methods of Hooking Up
  • Method 1: A Magnet
  • Method 2: Metal Hook Disc
1978 11
Danny Korem Ramsey's Triple Restoration Ramsay misspelled, tissue paper, with spectator, pendulum holdout
1978 20
Ross Bertram Coin Pull
1978 26
Paul Curry The Sliding Knot rope held by two assistants, cut and knotted, knot can be moved and opened at any point
Also published here 1978 1
Paul Curry Restoration Supreme cut and restored rope with sliding knot, different restoration
Also published here 1978 5
David B. Saunders Eine Drei-Tuch Routine three silks are produced and then vanish
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Karrell Fox Geld Auktion one dollar bill to five dollar bill, then five transforms into a dime
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Marconick Changement de couleur dans un verre silk changes in glass
Also published here 1979 5
Marconick Disparition instantanée d'un foulard from plastic tube
Also published here 1979 18
Al Schneider Cigarette Pull Finesse tips about the pull handling
1980 104
Danny Korem Commentary
1980 1
Danny Korem Seven Signed Cards to the Pocket to pockets, teeth, wallet, pendulum holdout
Related to 1980 4