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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Jay Marshall Channing Pollock, magician on Pollock including review in newspaper
Apr. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 304)
Channing Pollock The Interlocked Production
Also published here Aug. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 313)
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on the New Living Card Stars , Ed Marlo, Charlie Miller, Paul LePaul, Francis Carlyle, Bill Simon, Dr. Jacob Daley, The Modern Magician, Channing Pollock, Cardini, Billy McComb, James B. Findlay, Willane
The New Phoenix (Issue 328)
Frances Ireland Marshall Back Talk on Jay Marshall, Channing Pollock, Johny Platt, Tommy Cooper, Laurie Ireland, Conjuror Monthly Magazine, Tom Canfield, Senator Crandall
Oct. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 331)
Frances Ireland Marshall Back Talk on Jay Marshall, Kuma, Channing Pollock, S.A.M., Senator Clark Crandall, Bill Sachs, Ade Duval, Werner Dornfield
Nov. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 332)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Brief aus New York letter from New York, Sali-Sali, Frakson, Ballantine, Jay Marshall, Roy Benson, Marvin Roy, Milbourne Christophe, Channing Pollock, Blackstone, Dunninger
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 5)
Dr. William Weyeneth Magisches aus aller Welt on Kalanag, Musty, Jean Marc, Carlo Gorini, Weyeneth, Illusionista, Jaks, Emil Thoma, Volkmann, Jochini, Dominique, Dr. Zina Benneth, Oscarelli, Hans Trunk, Toni Stursa, Channing Pollock, Friedrich von Hohenzollern, Tschanello, Buatier de Kolta
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 2)
Frances Ireland Marshall The Year Book Album with photographs, John Platt, Bob Lotz, Ben Berger, W. Gilbert, Dorny, Jack Hazelhurst, Jimmy Trimble, Joe Berg, Johnny Jones, Rita del Gardi, Marie Dornfield, Don Alan, Channing Pollock, Johnny Paul, Paul McKamy, Bruno, Carazini, Dr. Clutterhouse, Jim Steranko, Karrell Fox, Harlan Tarbell, Perci Abbott
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Mitteilungen on the magic club in Bern, the magazine Zauberkunst, magic club of Vienna, Pollux, Channing Pollock, french magic convention, De Mario, Sitta, M. C. Italia, Jean d'Ars, Adolphe Blind, De Recroy
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Gerald R. Blount Blounty Speaking on Kelly Green, Channing Pollock, Louis Bertol
Mar. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 52)
Gerald R. Blount Blounty Speaking on John Booth, Bill Larsen, Pete Biro, Channing Pollock, Don Lawton, Harry Blackstone Jr., John Allen Magee, Kelly Green, Lin Searles
Mar. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Gerald R. Blount Blounty Speaking on Mark Wilson, Pete Biro, Dick Zimmerman, Blackstone Jr., Bruce Cervon, Mike Skinner, Charlie Miller, Bob Eads, Channing Pollock
May 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock Zap Aces
Related to Nov. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Dai Vernon Variation
Inspired by Nov. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Jochen Zmeck Tuchverdopplung splitting silk into two, similar method as Pollock
Related to 1973
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 4)
Tenkai Ishida Interlocked Card Production
Also published here 1974 42
Patrick Page The Page Boy Speaks... on Vic Allen, Roy Walton, Gordon Bruce, Joe Riding, Al Flosso, Jay Marshall, Channing Pollock
Jan. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Patrick Page The Page Boy Speaks... on John Cornelius, Dai Vernon, Al Goshman, Peter de Paula, Johnny Platt, Channing Pollock, Bob Olsen
Mar. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Fred Kaps Voltea Angular after an Elmsley count, the cards are singly turned and dropped on the table, hiding one face/back
Related to 1980 3
Fred Kaps False Display after an elmsley count, the cards are singly turned and dropped on the table, hiding one face/back
Also published here July 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Channing Pollock Foreword
1987 11
David Britland Mechanical Popper silk appears in empty hand, elastic thread loop
Inspired by
  • "Popper" (Milbourne Christopher, Hen Fetch, Rice's Encyclopedia of Silk Magic)
Related to
1988 35
Helmut Ziegler Eine neuartige Tuchproduktion rubber band powered, slightly different set-up than in later Alexander de Cova publications
Related to 1988 20
Steve Beam Leftovers on "Peter's Quotations", Channing Pollock, Clayton Rawson, Martin Gardner, Scott Robinson, Richard Bartram
1989 504
Channing Pollock Vorwort
1989 1
Channing Pollock The Love of Magic - Die Liebe zur Zauberkunst
  • Die Seele (the soul)
  • Der Geist (the mind)
  • Das Herz (the heart)
  • Der Körper (the body)
  • Die Zuschauer (the audience)
1989 5
Channing Pollock I. Teil: Tuch-Produktionen on producing silks
1989 11
Channing Pollock Das Rosentuch flower on jacket turns to silk, rolling technique
1989 12
Channing Pollock Blitzproduktion zweier Seidentücher in je einer Hand flash production of handkerchiefs, one in each hand, slit in trousers
Related to 1989 13
Channing Pollock Freies Erscheine eines Tuches in der Hand I silk production, hanging on back of hand with loop, rolling technique with pencil
1989 15
Channing Pollock, Adolpho Freies Erscheine eines Tuches in der Hand II rubber band powered
Related toVariations 1989 19
Channing Pollock Erscheinen zweier Tücher in den Händen two silks appear, combination of previous methods
1989 23
Channing Pollock II. Teil: Körperladungen
  • Über Körperladungen (on body loads)
1989 24
Channing Pollock Die Basis-Produktion basic production, steal of a body load with handkerchief
1989 25
Channing Pollock Laden vom Tisch loads from a table / hat, dove appears, with handkerchiefs
1989 31
Channing Pollock Überraschende Verwandlung: Karten, Tuch, Taube cards change to silk, then dove is produced
1989 37
Channing Pollock, Lee Grabel Stolper-Stehlen stumble as misdirection for steals
1989 38
Alexander de Cova, Carlos Corda, Channing Pollock Eine Seidentuchproduction rubber band powered
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1990 33
Channing Pollock Channing Pollock on Rocco Silano
1990 2
Alexander de Cova, Carlos Corda, Channing Pollock Snappy Silk Production rubber band powered
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 155
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock Agua y Aceite 4&4, two phases
1992 79
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock Principio Nuevo angular turnover description, after an Elmsley count, the cards are singly turned and dropped on the table, hiding one face/back
1992 79
Arturo de Ascanio Los "Cuatro Ases ¡Bang! three cards on the table turn into queens
Related to 1992 83
Fred Kaps Voltea Angular after an Elmsley count, the cards are singly turned and dropped on the table, hiding one surface
Also published here 1992 11
Johnny "J.J." Johnston, Channing Pollock Lunch with Channing Pollock
Feb. 1992
Opus (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Channing Pollock Channing Pollock on Alan Wakeling
1993 26
Bill McIlhany Magic And The Movies: Part 11 - Legends Of Magic And The Movies: Orson Welles & Channing Pollock
Related to Nov. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Stephen Minch A For Fake
  • Letters
Related to Jan. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 5)
René Lavand Learning to Learn Channing Pollock, Dai Vernon
1998 134
The Century - Those Who Impacted The Art In America
  • Al Baker (1974-1951)
  • Uri Geller
  • Michael Ammar
  • Servais LeRoy (1865-1953)
  • Billy McComb
  • Horace Goldin (1874-1939)
  • Channing Pollock
  • Dariel Fitzkee (1898-1977)
  • Don Wayne
  • John Northern Hilliard (1872-1935)
  • Harry Blackstone Sr. (1885-1965)
  • Harry Blackstone Jr. (1934-1997)
Related to Apr. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Patrick Martin The Enchanted Life of Channing Pollock
Aug. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Magic Update
  • International Festival
  • Swain Scores at Book Signing
  • Houdini's Birthday Celebrated
  • Mullica in Missouri
  • Japan Cup 2003
  • Channing Pollock & JoAnn Kozak - married
  • Bob Jepson - died
  • The Big Apple
  • At The Magic Castle
  • Vegas Watch
  • Ten Upcoming Conventions
May 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 9)
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock Angular Turnover after an Elmsley count, the cards are singly turned and dropped on the table, hiding one face/back, see also p. 116 for more details
Related toAlso published here 2006 77
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock Oil and Water 4&4, extra card, two phases
2006 116
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock Bang! Four Aces three cards on the table turn into queens
Related to 2006 120
Michael Close, Johnny Thompson, Lance Burton, David Berglas Channing Pollock Remembered
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Teller On Channing Pollock
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Richard Kaufman, David Copperfield David Copperfield on Channing Pollock
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Eugene Burger Eugene Burger on Channing Pollock
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Patrick Martin Patrick Martin on Channing Pollock
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Channing Pollock The Search poem
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Channing Pollock The Channing Pollock Dove Production
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova, Carlos Corda Seidenproduktion rubber band powered
Inspired byAlso published here 2011 2
Patrick Page Misdirection on Misdirection, story of Mike Skinner, Bobby Wonder, David Berglas, Channing Pollock, Cardini
Related to 2011 305
Channing Pollock La carga de palomas de Channing dove steal with handkerchief
Also published here
  • "Genii" Vol. 57, Nr. 5. March, 1994.
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 17)
Mike Caveney Channing Pollock
2013 30
Alexander de Cova, Carlos Corda, Channing Pollock Eine Seidentuchproduction rubber band powered
Also published here 2013 49
Alexander de Cova, Carlos Corda, Channing Pollock Snappy Silk Production rubber band powered
Also published here 2015 20
Johnny Thompson The Great Tomsoni & Co.
  • The Act
  • The Great Tomsoni & Co. (effects described in detail)
  • Construction (analyzing the act)
evolution of the stage act, history of dove magic, Abraham Cantu, Jack Kodell, Channing Pollock
2018 191
Channing Pollock The Channing Pollock Steal
2018 223
Channing Pollock Color-Changing Dove brief
2018 245
Alexander Boyce In Praise of the Timeline timeline of Channing Pollock's career
Aug. 2023
PM2 (Issue 29)