72 entries for Channing Pollock
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Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
Jay Marshall | Channing Pollock, magician | Apr. 1954 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 304)
Channing Pollock | The Interlocked Production | Aug. 1954 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 313)
Jay Marshall | The Birdcage | 1955 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 328)
Frances Ireland Marshall | Back Talk | Oct. 1955 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 331)
Frances Ireland Marshall | Back Talk | Nov. 1955 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 332)
Dr. Stanley Jaks | Brief aus New York | 1955 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 16 No. 5)
Dr. William Weyeneth | Magisches aus aller Welt | 1957 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 18 No. 2)
Frances Ireland Marshall | The Year Book Album | 1960 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1960)
Mitteilungen | 1963 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 24 No. 1)
Gerald R. Blount | Blounty Speaking | Mar. 1971 |
(Vol. 1 No. 52)
Gerald R. Blount | Blounty Speaking | Mar. 1971 |
(Vol. 2 No. 2)
Gerald R. Blount | Blounty Speaking | May 1971 |
(Vol. 2 No. 11)
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock | Zap Aces | Nov. 1972 |
Kabbala — Volume 1
(Vol. 1 No. 11)
Dai Vernon | Variation | Nov. 1972 |
Kabbala — Volume 1
(Vol. 1 No. 11)
Jochen Zmeck | Tuchverdopplung | 1973 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 34 No. 4)
Tenkai Ishida | Interlocked Card Production | 1974 | ||||||
Patrick Page | The Page Boy Speaks... | Jan. 1979 |
(Vol. 5 No. 1)
Patrick Page | The Page Boy Speaks... | Mar. 1980 |
(Vol. 6 No. 3)
Fred Kaps | Voltea Angular | 1980 | ||||||
Fred Kaps | False Display | July 1984 |
(Vol. 8 No. 7)
Channing Pollock | Foreword | 1987 | ||||||
David Britland | Mechanical Popper | 1988 | ||||||
Helmut Ziegler | Eine neuartige Tuchproduktion | 1988 | ||||||
Steve Beam | Leftovers | 1989 |
The Trapdoor — Volume Two
(Issue 28)
Channing Pollock | Vorwort | 1989 | ||||||
Channing Pollock | The Love of Magic - Die Liebe zur Zauberkunst | 1989 | ||||||
Channing Pollock | I. Teil: Tuch-Produktionen | 1989 | ||||||
Channing Pollock | Das Rosentuch | 1989 | ||||||
Channing Pollock | Blitzproduktion zweier Seidentücher in je einer Hand | 1989 | ||||||
Channing Pollock | Freies Erscheine eines Tuches in der Hand I | 1989 | ||||||
Channing Pollock, Adolpho | Freies Erscheine eines Tuches in der Hand II | 1989 | ||||||
Channing Pollock | Erscheinen zweier Tücher in den Händen | 1989 | ||||||
Channing Pollock | II. Teil: Körperladungen | 1989 | ||||||
Channing Pollock | Die Basis-Produktion | 1989 | ||||||
Channing Pollock | Laden vom Tisch | 1989 | ||||||
Channing Pollock | Überraschende Verwandlung: Karten, Tuch, Taube | 1989 | ||||||
Channing Pollock, Lee Grabel | Stolper-Stehlen | 1989 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova, Carlos Corda, Channing Pollock | Eine Seidentuchproduction | 1990 | ||||||
Channing Pollock | Channing Pollock on Rocco Silano | 1990 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova, Carlos Corda, Channing Pollock | Snappy Silk Production | 1992 | ||||||
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock | Agua y Aceite | 1992 | ||||||
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock | Principio Nuevo | 1992 | ||||||
Arturo de Ascanio | Los "Cuatro Ases ¡Bang! | 1992 | ||||||
Fred Kaps | Voltea Angular | 1992 | ||||||
Johnny "J.J." Johnston, Channing Pollock | Lunch with Channing Pollock | Feb. 1992 |
(Vol. 4 No. 2)
Channing Pollock | Channing Pollock | 1993 | ||||||
Bill McIlhany | Magic And The Movies: Part 11 - Legends Of Magic And The Movies: Orson Welles & Channing Pollock | Nov. 1996 |
(Vol. 6 No. 3)
Stephen Minch | A For Fake | Jan. 1997 |
(Vol. 6 No. 5)
René Lavand | Learning to Learn | 1998 | ||||||
The Century - Those Who Impacted The Art In America | Apr. 1999 |
(Vol. 8 No. 8)
Patrick Martin | The Enchanted Life of Channing Pollock | Aug. 2001 |
(Vol. 10 No. 12)
Magic Update | May 2003 |
(Vol. 12 No. 9)
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock | Angular Turnover | 2006 | ||||||
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock | Oil and Water | 2006 | ||||||
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock | Bang! Four Aces | 2006 | ||||||
Michael Close, Johnny Thompson, Lance Burton, David Berglas | Channing Pollock Remembered | May 2006 |
(Vol. 69 No. 5)
Teller | On Channing Pollock | May 2006 |
(Vol. 69 No. 5)
Richard Kaufman, David Copperfield | David Copperfield on Channing Pollock | May 2006 |
(Vol. 69 No. 5)
Eugene Burger | Eugene Burger on Channing Pollock | May 2006 |
(Vol. 69 No. 5)
Patrick Martin | Patrick Martin on Channing Pollock | May 2006 |
(Vol. 69 No. 5)
Channing Pollock | The Search | May 2006 |
(Vol. 69 No. 5)
Channing Pollock | The Channing Pollock Dove Production | May 2006 |
(Vol. 69 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova, Carlos Corda | Seidenproduktion | 2011 | ||||||
Patrick Page | Misdirection | 2011 | ||||||
Channing Pollock | La carga de palomas de Channing | 2011 |
El Manuscrito
(Vol. 4 No. 17)
Mike Caveney | Channing Pollock | 2013 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova, Carlos Corda, Channing Pollock | Eine Seidentuchproduction | 2013 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova, Carlos Corda, Channing Pollock | Snappy Silk Production | 2015 | ||||||
Johnny Thompson | The Great Tomsoni & Co. | 2018 |
The Magic of Johnny Thompson
(Issue 2)
Channing Pollock | The Channing Pollock Steal | 2018 |
The Magic of Johnny Thompson
(Issue 2)
Channing Pollock | Color-Changing Dove | 2018 |
The Magic of Johnny Thompson
(Issue 2)
Alexander Boyce | In Praise of the Timeline | Aug. 2023 |
(Issue 29)