161 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transposition / Ace Assembly / Jazz Aces & Less Cards
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Edward Marlo Aces & Deuces Seven Card Assembly
Related to 1956
The New Phoenix (Issue 338)
Edward Marlo Forward to ---- intro on Ace Assemblies as transpositions and using less cards
Related to Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Edward Marlo Ace Deuce Transposition Aces in T formation, three Twos on leader Ace, they transpose with Aces one by one, Seven Card Assembly (second method)
Related to Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Edward Marlo, Bert Fenn 7 Card Assembly (3rd Method)
Related toVariations Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Edward Marlo 6 Card Assembly with three Aces and three Twos
Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Karl Fulves And Then There Were None Problems with Cards - No. Four
Ace assembly with five cards (Aces and indifferent), a bit like dumbed-down Open Travelers
Related toVariations Sep. 1966
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Karl Fulves And Then There Were None assembly with only five cards, solution
Inspired by Dec. 1966 69
Peter Kane Jazz Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1971 8
Brother John Hamman The Elmsley Assembly
Variations Aug. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock Zap Aces
Related to Nov. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Dai Vernon Variation
Inspired by Nov. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Kane Jazz Aces
Also published here 1974 123
Peter Kane Jazz Aces Variation with four quarters of a jumbo card
Also published here 1974 125
Roger Divella A Different Sound using blank cards with colored dots
Also published here 1974 125
Jerry Mentzer Jazz Combo mentioning the combination of Jazz Aces with Elevator Aces, Oil and Water, ...
Related to 1974 131
Martin A. Nash Kings and Aces Bamboozle ace transformation kicker
1975 102
Philip T. Goldstein Relative Interchange Ace to Four of clubs and indifferent cards, transpose one at a time
Inspired byRelated to 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #4)
Darwin Ortiz Modern Jazz Aces
Also published here 1976 10
Edward Marlo Streamlined Ace Routine three phases
1977 112
Edward Marlo Streamlined Sophisticacetion
1977 114
Edward Marlo Sophisticacetion using seven cards
1977 117
Bob Farmer, Bert Allerton, Jerry Mentzer Jazz Pieces - Body & Soul a red and a black jumbo card are cut into four pieces, the pieces change places, oil and water, missing part of the description is published in "Jazz Pieces"
Related toVariations Oct. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Philip T. Goldstein Bop Aces
1977 5
Bob Farmer Jazz Pieces missing part of text and illustrations
Inspired by Jan. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Darwin Ortiz Modern Jazz Aces
Also published here July 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Richard Kaufman The Ultimate Invisible Assembly using only the four Aces and a blank card, at the end all Aces turn blank, different handlings, see reference for credit information
Related to 1980
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Peter Kane Queens of Jazz odd backed
Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
David Solomon Jazz A-2-3-4
Variations 1982 1
Larry Jennings F.T.L. & R.T.D. Aces four touched card are Aces, seven card assembly
Related to 1982 6
Peter Kane Peter Kane's Jazz Aces
Also published here 1982 15
Peter Kane Jazz Aces Variation with four quarters of a jumbo card
Also published here 1982 18
Roger Divella A Different Sound using blank cards with colored dots
Also published here 1982 18
Philip T. Goldstein Short Jump only eight cards, instant assembly
1983 25
David Britland The Blues Brothers assembly with Aces, color changing back kicker
Inspired byVariations 1984 9
Steven Hamilton Jazzed Up O' Henry jazz aces, with transposition of aces and four spot cards as kicker
Also published here 1984 80
Peter Duffie Point Blank Assembly four Kings and three blank cards, one by one, then instant phase, then all become blank cards
  • The General Assembly
  • Instant Recall
  • The Final Conflict
  • Notes by David Britland
Related toAlso published here 1984 1
Louis Falanga Jazz Fusion Jazz Aces variation with O. Henry kicker, double backer
Variations 1985 84
David Britland Diadem jazz aces and Elevator combination, with eight cards
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 2)
John Bannon Be-Bop Deluxe transformation kicker
Inspired by 1986 31
Gary Kurtz The Rivoli Assembly seven cards assembly, repeat phases
Also published here 1987 9
Darwin Ortiz Modern Jazz Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1988 117
Gary Kurtz The Rivoli Assembly seven cards assembly, repeat phases
Also published here 1988 23
Edward Marlo Streamlined Jazz Aces
1989 14
Santiago All that Jazz
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Randy Wakeman All That Jazz
Inspired by 1989 62
David Solomon Economy Flight slow motion assembly using seven cards
Inspired byVariations 1990 59
Jim Sisti Jazzy Transposition double facer
Oct. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 10)
Philip T. Goldstein Jumping Bean Aces three cards on leader ace, other cards become kings
VariationsAlso published here 1990 35
Philip T. Goldstein Immediate Aces 7/8 cards
Also published here 1990 37
Philip T. Goldstein Relative Interchange Ace to Four transpose one by one with four red cards
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1990 39
Jokers and Jacks four Jokers and four Jacks transpose one by one
Also published here 1990 16
Edward Marlo Clear-Cut Jazz Aces "non-confusing version of the Peter Kane effect"
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 2)
John Bannon Boogie Woogie Aces royal flush kicker
1991 87
Edward Marlo Seven-Card Assembly with an Ulterior Motive two methods
Aug. 1991 11
Jon Racherbaumer Cavorting Ladies - Third Phase Jazz Aces, four Queens and four red spots cards
1991 8
Jon Racherbaumer On the Ace Assembly Plot & Open Travelers general comments, credit information, disagreements with Karl Fulves, Open Travelers credit discussion
Related to Mar. 1991
Swipe (Issue 1)
Justin Higham New Approach Assembly four assembly cards and four spot cards
  • First Approach Assembly (four Kings)
  • Second Approach Assembly (four Fours)
  • Third Approach Assembly (Ace through Four)
May 1991
Technomagic (Issue 11)
Peter Marshall Rock'n'Roll Aces
Jan. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Neo Jazz Aces three stranger cards
Apr. 1992
The Olram File (Issue 11)
Arturo de Ascanio Los "Cuatro Ases ¡Bang! three cards on the table turn into queens
Related to 1992 83
Daryl Martinez Seven Card Assembly with seven cards
Variations 1992 1
Justin Higham Techno Aces transformation kicker
Inspired by May 1992
Tech-Notes (Issue 3)
Rick Silberman, Gene Maze An Ace of A Routine using only five cards (aces and Joker)
Aug. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Bob Farmer Jazz Pieces/Body and Soul two giant card cut into four pieces, two pieces transpose, then oil and water phase with the 4&4, Jazz Aces with the pieces
Inspired by 1993 25
Vicente Canuto, Peter Kane Viajes de Damas Una a Una
1993 265
Aldo Colombini Italian Serenade combo, see credit correction p. 2412
Also published here Apr. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 4)
Jack Carpenter O'Henry Plays Jazz
Also published here 1994 13
Rudolf Braunmüller Die unzertrennlichen Rieseenkarten two jumbo cards cut into four pieces, routine with the pieces, 4&4
  • Phase 1 - "Follow the Leader"
  • Phase 2 - "Öl und Wasser"
  • Phase 3 - "Jazz Asse"
Inspired by May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Gene Maze No Cover Aces Number One seven card assembly
Related to 1994 101
Gene Maze No Cover Aces Number Two
Related to 1994 111
Gene Maze No Cover Assembly Number 3 seven card assembly
Related to 1994 130
Gene Maze More Of The Same - With Kicker transformation kicker
1994 134
Jack Carpenter O'Henry Plays Jazz Aces and four Clubs-cards, Aces transpose with Clubs one at a time to gather in tabled pile, instead of last Ace traveling, all three other Aces transpose back all at once to join it beneath spectator's hand, see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 32) for crediting info
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1994
Labyrinth (Issue 2)
Allan Ackerman Jazz with Rhythm with double O. Henry ending
Variations 1995 16
Bob King LTP Aces Ace of Spades and three indifferent cards placed on table, other three Aces vanish when dealt onto table, assembly shown
1995 31
Aldo Colombini Nobody At Home assembly with Kings and Jokers, Kings change to Aces, Aces are found again
Also published here
  • The Linking Ring, October 1994
1995 93
Aldo Colombini Serenade combo
Also published here 1995 105
Christian Chelman Belgian Travelers four Jacks produced, assembly with four additional indifferent cards
June 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Dominique Duvivier Seven-Card Assembly Ace Assemmbly with seven cards only, four Aces and three random cards, based on Marlo's Seven Card Assembly plot
Variations 1996 72
Jon Racherbaumer Wishes, Kickers, And The Real Work cards become blank as kicker
Inspired by 1996
Facsimile (Issue 4)
David Solomon, David Neighbors Another Blanking Ace Routine jazz aces, all eight cards turn blank as a climax
Variations 1996 1186
Mike Gallo, Lou Gallo Jazz Aces Re-Jazzed transformation kicker
Feb. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 6)
Richard Vollmer Jazzy Queens And Kings ace transformation kicker
July 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 7)
Peter Duffie A Four Ace Ensemble Jazz Aces type of effect, four Aces assemble in one packet, uses four court cards as the extra cards held by magician
1997 65
Ken Kurita Jazz A Summer Day
1997 1307
Bob White Slow Motion Jazz Aces
Also published here 1997 23
Gene Maze Ace Maze seven cards, aces change into different cards and travel to leader ace
1998 1397
Baltazar Fuentes Trampoline Aces O. Henry Jazz Aces
1999 4
Kevin Kelly The Seven Percent Solution with seven cards
Inspired by Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Jon Racherbaumer Snow-Blind Kings Jazz aces, cards turn blank as a climax
Inspired by 1999 98
Tomas Blomberg Gramp's Case one Ace put in case, other Aces vanish one by one among Jokers, Aces then with other Ace in case
Inspired by
  • "Grandfather's Aces" (Chris Kenner/David Copperfield)
1999 125
R. Paul Wilson Wilson On The Jazz Two Step
2001 5
Mark Aspiazu Another Jazz 1-2-3-4
Inspired by Sep./Oct. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Jamie Badman Jazz on the Face! leader packet becomes blank as finale
Feb. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 9)
David Regal Royal Jazz Quartet transformation kicker
Feb. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 2)
Tom Stone Negative Spaces one Ace put in case, other Aces vanish one by one among Jokers, Aces then with other Ace in case
Inspired by 2003 21
Peter Duffie Point Blank Assembly four Kings and three blank cards, one by one, then instant phase, then all become blank cards
  • The General Assembly
  • Instant Recall
  • The Final Conflict
  • Notes by David Britland
Related toAlso published here 2004 21
Larry Jennings Jokers And Jacks
Also published here 2005 38
Bob White Slow Motion Jazz Aces
Also published here 2005 38
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock Bang! Four Aces three cards on the table turn into queens
Related to 2006 120
Jack Parker All That Jazz Jazz Aces with kicker ending of four Jokers changing to four Aces
Also published here June 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 6)
Justin Higham Acid-Jazz Aces
Related to 2007 376
Jack Parker All That Jazz Jazz Aces with kicker ending of four Jokers changing to four Aces
VariationsAlso published here 2007 118
Jack Parker Remix Updated handling of All That Jazz
Inspired by 2007 122
Jack Parker Bare Naked Ladies Minimalistic Queen assembly with backfire ending (Seven Card Assembly)
Inspired by 2007 172
David Solomon O'Henry's Jazz Aces
2007 92
David Solomon Blank Jazz Aces cards become blank at end
2007 160
Justin Higham Illogical Acid-Jazz Aces
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2007 18
Justin Higham Equivocal Acid-Jazz Aces
Inspired byRelated to 2007 20
Nick Trost Jazz 1-2-3-4 Revisited
Inspired by
  • "Still Another Jazz 1-2-3-4" (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson, Robertson's website, Nov. 2001)
2008 145
Jacques Terrien Rap Aces selection travels to Aces as kicker to Jazz Aces routine
Aug. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. Annual 2007)
Justin Higham Illogical Acid-Jazz Aces - In the Bag
Inspired by 2009 31
Tony Cabral E.S.T. Aces
Inspired by 2011 25
Boris Wild Assemblée signée Jazz Aces with signed blank cards that assemble, reverse kicker, Signed Assembly
2011 3
Nick Trost Fly Circus packet trick with fly images on the cards including specks and a smashed fly
Also published here
  • marketed in 1981
2011 806
Steven Hamilton Descrepancy 2 four Kings and three black spot cards
Inspired by
  • "Discrepancy Assembly" (George McBride, Assembly Time)
2013 57
Steven Hamilton Jazzed-up O. Henry jazz Aces, with transposition of Aces and four spot cards as kicker
Also published here 2013 115
Tomas Blomberg Gasp! Scream! one Ace put in case, other Aces vanish one by one among Kings, Aces then with other Ace in case
Inspired by 2014 217
Bébel Les Gardes Du Corps T-Formation, one Ace is covered with three Kings, then Kings transpose with Aces
2014 12
Giancarlo Scalia Assemblea Assi Semplice with seven cards
Inspired by 2016 6
Roy Walton All That Jazz
2016 218
Adrian Vega Mercury (Jazz Aces) jazz aces with four aces and four mirror cards
2017 41
John Bannon Well-Tempered Aces
  • Dealing With It
backfire transposition
Nov. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 11)
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Minimalistic Aces Ace Assembly / Jazz Aces type of trick, Aces placed with three Kings keep changing into Kings, then later change back into Aces
Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Harapan Ong Simple Bean Aces at once with eight cards off the top of the deck
Inspired by 2018 58
David Solomon Seven-Card Assembly - Circa 2013
Inspired by 2018 166
David Solomon Jazz A-2-3-4, Updated
Inspired by 2018 193
Vic Trabucco Almost Gaffed with blank cards and Aces, instant assembly
2018 182
Allan Ackerman Jazzing with M.E. Marlo and Elmsley
Inspired byAlso published here 2019 69
Giancarlo Scalia Asamblea de Ases Simple Ace assembly with just seven cards, three Aces transpose with three random cards at once
2019 15
Iñaki Zabaletta Asamblea direct Ace assembly, in the hands of the spectators, with seven cards
2019 67
Tom Gagnon Hof-Sendser Aces Jazz Aces presented as hole card switch demonstration, using transparent Hofzinser card over phone flashlight
Inspired by 2019 12
Nancy Colwell Snowflake Assembly done with only six indifferent cards (no on the first, one on the second Ace, and so on), credit information on progressive Aces plot
Silhouette (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Michael Powers New Jazz with backfire ending
Inspired by
  • "Jazz It Up" (John Neely, Card Corner, Linking Ring, May 2012)
2019 36
Carlos Vaquera The Queens' Return Queens switch places with three indifferent cards, repeated
2019 99
Giancarlo Scalia Pizzazz Aces
2020 234
Steve Reynolds Meddler's Assembly Update seven-card assembly with Kings and three indifferent cards
  • Meddler's Assembly: all seven cards change to four Aces
  • Alternate Ending: the seven cards finally change to four Aces plus four Kings
Inspired by
  • "Meddler's Assembly" (Steve Reynolds, Cosmic Sport, 2000)
Related to
Output (Issue 11)
John Bannon Everything That Rises Must Converge
  • Dealing With It
a/k/a "Convergence", packet elevator routine in which Queens start in a row and end up transposing with the three Jokers used for the elevator sequences
May 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 5)
John Bannon Diaspora 2020
  • Dealing With It
O'Henry kicker
Nov. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 11)
Larry Jennings Slow-Motion Five-Card Ace Assembly credit information
2020 223
Larry Jennings O. Henry Gets Jazzed Jazz Aces with O. Henry kicker
Inspired byVariations 2020 323
Larry Jennings O.J. Aces Jazz Aces with O. Henry kicker
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Tom Blue's The Castle Keep, Vol. 1 No. 9, Sep. 1995
2020 331
Larry Jennings Rapid Transit District (R.T.D.) Aces seven card assembly
Related to 2020 503
Larry Jennings Faster Than Light (F.T.L.) Aces all-at-once phase
Related to 2020 507
Larry Jennings Simple Seven-Card Assembly
Inspired by 2020 559
Philippe Noël Belgian Jazz Aces
Feb. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 2)
David Regal Jazz Quartet in Love
  • Material Concessions
the indifferent cards change to Kings at the end and the back color changes as well
Also published here July 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 7)
White (陈怀宇), Bob (张熙禹) Jazz Collector (爵士收集者) Jazz Aces combined with Collectors, end with surprise Ace production
2022 80
Steve Reynolds Meddler's Assembly seven-card assembly
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2008
  • Cosmic Sport, 2001
2022 789
Kiyoshi Satoh Hard Bop II with O.Henry Finish
Variations 2022 ca. 39
Houlin Li Hardcore BOP II with O.Henry Finish
Inspired by 2022 ca. 51
Kiyoshi Satoh Little Birdland Jazz Aces with four identical Jokers and four black cards, Reset phase and eventually black cards turn blank
2022 ca. 95
Kiyoshi Satoh Blue Royal 2 Jazz Aces with Aces and four black cards, with Royal Flush kicker
2022 ca. 135
Curtis Kam Slow Jazz Aces eight-card assembly, double backer
Inspired by Feb. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Patrik Kuffs EZ Jazzembly seven-card assembly
Feb. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 2)
József Kovács Jazz transformation kicker
  • Variation
Inspired by
  • "Jazz Formation" (Dave Neighbors, The Linking Ring Vol. 92 No. 7, July 2012)
Feb. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Scott Baird On Assembly Discrepancies general comments, transposition versus travelling in Ace assemblies
Feb. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 2)
David Regal Jazz Quartet in Love the indifferent cards change to Kings at the end and the back color changes as well
Also published here 2023 148
Pedro Lacerda Macao Aces Jazz Aces variation
2023 90
Allan Ackerman Jazzing with M. E. Marlo and Elmsley
Also published here 2024 164
Jack Carpenter Final Jazz Aces Jazz Aces in which both four-card packets transform as a kicker
2024 9