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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Stanley Collins Le Dernier Cri Mutilated Card Experiment card cut into four pieces, three are burnt and found restored in nest of envelopes
Related to 1915 46
Le Temps Switch
Variations 1940 249
Paul LePaul Cards in a Sealed Envelope construction of loading envelopes, four signed Aces
Related toVariations 1949 214
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Four Blacks image of selection appears on black plastic card
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1951 5
Dai Vernon Twisting the Aces
Related toVariations 1960 5
Roy Walton Oil and Queens transformation kicker
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1969 15
Roy Walton The Overworked Card Triumph type of effect, one card travels from bottom to top and turns every reversed card over
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1969 33
Roy Walton Jefferson's Jest card vanishes from plastic envelope
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1971 27
Roy Walton The Image Makers any two card placed between black Aces turn into red Aces, repeated several times then all four cards change to Queens
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1973 10
Roy Walton The Witch-Doctors card shrinks between four Kings
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Paul Harris La La's Lu Lu three Aces travel from Ace packet into deck one by one, last Ace travels from deck to other three Aces under spectator's hand
Variations 1976 29
Paul Harris, Looy Simonoff Stapled! two jokers stapled back to back, one of them transposes with selection
  • Presentation Idea - Stapled Blackjack
Variations 1978 19
Paul Harris The Incredible Tap Dancing Aces (La La's Lu Lu Re-Vamped), Aces vanish and reappear, using the pack
Inspired byVariations 1978 92
Gordon Bruce The Doublicount similar to a top change
VariationsAlso published here May 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 5)
Earl Nelson The $1.50 Vanish three coins vanish one by one with use of playing card, then reappear underneath
VariationsAlso published here 1979 81
Steven Hamilton Ferly Defragmentation Etc. prediction taken from envelope, envelope torn, prediction says "look in envelope", envelope is restored and signed selection taken from it
Inspired byAlso published here Mar. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Steven Hamilton, Peter Duffie Trans Collection three cards travel, collecters type
Also published here July 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Walt Lees Editorial on Phil Goldstein, Steven Hamilton, Owen Griffith, John Cornelius, Mike Gancia, Mark Leveridge, Johnny Johnston, Bob Little, Tommy Wonder
Dec. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Steven Hamilton Mexican Travellers
Also published here June 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Ken Krenzel, Richard Kaufman, Derek Dingle Holy P.O.D. sandwich cards with hole in center, flap gaff
Related toVariations Winter 1982/1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. Winter Extra)
Steven Hamilton Going, Going ... Gone! cards shrink
Also published here Oct. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Steven Hamilton Count Down to Dunbury with four ace kicker
Also published here 1984 77
Steven Hamilton Jazzed Up O' Henry jazz aces, with transposition of aces and four spot cards as kicker
Also published here 1984 80
Steven Hamilton Steven Hamilton's Holey POD flap gaff
Related to Feb. 1986
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Dai Vernon On the Corner-Short locating a corner short card and other things
Variations 1987 2
Steven Hamilton The Coins to Glass four coins, different grip on glass
VariationsAlso published here July 1989
Opus (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Gary Kurtz Cigar
Related toAlso published here 1990 83
Richard Kaufman The Double-Lift Pass card is controlled to near-top via herrmann style pass while top and bottom cards are displayed
Related to 1990 55
Stephen Tucker Impromptu Aces from the Fore
Inspired by
  • "Aces from the Fore" (Stephen Tucker, marketed)
Related to
Apr. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 4)
Steven Hamilton Coins to Glass four coins, different grip on glass
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1991
Profile (Issue 1)
Steven Hamilton Editorial "Pro-File"
Apr. 1991
Profile (Issue 1)
Steven Hamilton Professional Close-Up - Part 1 "Making it Happen"
Apr. 1991
Profile (Issue 1)
Steven Hamilton Lightning Aces Aces vanish one by one from hand and reappear face-up in center of deck, shown one-by one, deck of double backers
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1991
Profile (Issue 1)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Dan Garret - Mixed Routines by Dan Garrett Apr. 1991
Profile (Issue 1)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Richard Kaufman - Cards by Richard Kaufman Apr. 1991
Profile (Issue 1)
Steven Hamilton Ken Hawes in Profile
Apr. 1991
Profile (Issue 1)
Steven Hamilton Editorial on Jackie McClements, Chap's Scrapbook, tip for Gary Kurtz's "Cigar"
Related to June 1991
Profile (Issue 2)
Steven Hamilton Nocturnal Gambler Aces vanish one by one and reappear together reversed in center
Inspired byAlso published here June 1991
Profile (Issue 2)
Steven Hamilton Competition on the Genii competition about the ten best close-up tricks
Related to June 1991
Profile (Issue 2)
Steven Hamilton Dave Campbell in profile
June 1991
Profile (Issue 2)
Steven Hamilton Professional Close-Up - Part 2 "The First Night"
June 1991
Profile (Issue 2)
Steven Hamilton Lightning Aces (The cleanup) twisting sequence
Related toAlso published here June 1991
Profile (Issue 2)
Steven Hamilton Clearly Vanished signed card in clear plastic envelope which is sandwiched between Aces, card vanishes and is found in wallet
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here June 1991
Profile (Issue 2)
Steven Hamilton, Scott Nelson Competition Update Scott Nelson's list of top ten close-up tricks
Related to Aug. 1991
Profile (Issue 3)
Steven Hamilton Editorial on wands by Harold Voit's ZZM, David Williamson, Gary Kurtz, Arthur Day silhouette
Aug. 1991
Profile (Issue 3)
Steven Hamilton Scotland's First Close-Up Convention convention report, Magic Bob, Mark Leveridge, Patrick Page, Gordon Bruce, Bob Read
Aug. 1991
Profile (Issue 3)
Steven Hamilton Professional Close-Up - Part 3 "The Effect and Structure"
Aug. 1991
Profile (Issue 3)
Steven Hamilton Gary Kurtz in Profile
Aug. 1991
Profile (Issue 3)
Steven Hamilton A 4 Coin Production
Also published here Aug. 1991
Profile (Issue 3)
Dave Robertson Top Ten Close-up Tricks
Related to Oct. 1991
Profile (Issue 4)
Steven Hamilton Editorial "Robert and his magic world" on tv, BBC
Oct. 1991
Profile (Issue 4)
Steven Hamilton Professional Close-Up - Part 4 "Lines, Gags and all the rest"
Oct. 1991
Profile (Issue 4)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) video video by Dai Vernon
review of the thirteen Vernon Revelation tapes
Oct. 1991
Profile (Issue 4)
Steven Hamilton Six Card Repeat Climax last cards produced with backhand production
Oct. 1991
Profile (Issue 4)
Steven Hamilton Editorial Peter Duffie, Arthur Day, Ed Marlo's death
Dec. 1991
Profile (Issue 5)
Steven Hamilton Professional Close-Up - Part 5 "Q&A Session"
Dec. 1991
Profile (Issue 5)
Steven Hamilton Editorial on Richard Kaufman, exposure and Jerry Sadowitz, Paul Daniels live show,
Feb. 1992
Profile (Issue 6)
Steven Hamilton Professional Close-Up - Part 6
Feb. 1992
Profile (Issue 6)
Steven Hamilton Richard Kaufman in Profile
Feb. 1992
Profile (Issue 6)
Steven Hamilton Think of a Card spectator looks at fan and thinks of a card
Also published here Feb. 1992
Profile (Issue 6)
Steven Hamilton An Open Letter to All Magicians from W. Hoisch-Eating parody complaint about exposure in Open Travelers
Feb. 1992
Profile (Issue 6)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) The Card Magic of Le Paul by Paul LePaul Feb. 1992
Profile (Issue 6)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Tom Mullica (Stevens Emporium) by Tom Mullica Apr. 1992
Profile (Issue 7)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Revelations Vol. 1 by Dai Vernon Apr. 1992
Profile (Issue 7)
Steven Hamilton A Card Problem deck faced and spread on table, face-up and face-down card pushed out of spread, they are mates, posed as problem
Variations Apr. 1992
Profile (Issue 7)
Steven Hamilton Professional Routines - Wild Card author unclear
Apr. 1992
Profile (Issue 7)
Steven Hamilton Editorial
Apr. 1992
Profile (Issue 7)
Steven Hamilton Editorial on Douglas Cameron, Glasgow, The Crimp magazine, The New Sorcerer
June 1992
Profile (Issue 8)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Vernon Revelations Vol. 2 by Dai Vernon June 1992
Profile (Issue 8)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Tommy Wonder Lecture Video by Tommy Wonder June 1992
Profile (Issue 8)
Gene Lawton Cheaters Solution to "A Card Problem" deck faced and spread on table, face-up and face-down card pushed out of spread, they are mates, mate SBS
Inspired by June 1992
Profile (Issue 8)
Roy Walton, Peter Duffie, Steven Hamilton Dai Vernon three short articles
Aug. 1992
Profile (Issue 9)
Peter Duffie Problematic Offshoot one card chosen from face-up half and one from face-down half, they match
Inspired by Aug. 1992
Profile (Issue 9)
Steven Hamilton Silk and Sponge "Professional Routines"
silk vanishes, appear in rolled-up bill, changes into sponge ball which splits in two, sponge routine
Also published here Aug. 1992
Profile (Issue 9)
Steven Hamilton Editorial
Aug. 1992
Profile (Issue 9)
Roger Curzon Miracle Card in Envelope window envelope, clean extraction
Related to Aug. 1992
Profile (Issue 9)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) A Life Among Secrets by Eddie Fields (written by Stephen Minch) Aug. 1992
Profile (Issue 9)
Steven Hamilton Editorial on stealing lines, Gordon Bruce
Related to Oct. 1992
Profile (Issue 10)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Vernon Vol. 3 by Dai Vernon
Revelations series
Oct. 1992
Profile (Issue 10)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) "He Fooled Houdini" by Dai Vernon (written by Keith Burns)
Vernon Chronicles Vol. 4, see also p. 7
Oct. 1992
Profile (Issue 10)
Steven Hamilton Thoughts and Reflections introduction to anonymously contributed article, see next item
Oct. 1992
Profile (Issue 10)
Steven Hamilton Editorial Bit on Annemann credits in Daley's Notebooks (according to Dai Vernon), publishing too soon
Dec. 1992
Profile (Issue 11)
Richard James A Problem Solved? deck faced and spread on table, face-up and face-down card pushed out of spread, they are mates
Inspired by Dec. 1992
Profile (Issue 11)
Michael Weber (reviewer) Profile by Steven Hamilton Apr. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Profile by Steven Hamilton May 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Peter Duffie Rising Crime elevator sequence Ace through Four of Diamonds with robber patter, Kings appear as finale
Inspired by 1993 40
Steven Hamilton Editors Bit on Bill Miller, The Crimp, next volume
Feb. 1993
Profile (Issue 12)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Card-Toon by Dan Harlan Feb. 1993
Profile (Issue 12)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Vol. 4 by Dai Vernon
Revelations series
Feb. 1993
Profile (Issue 12)
Steven Hamilton Editors Bit on Milton Kort, Pallbearers Review reprint, Dave Campbell, Peter Duffie
Apr. 1993
Profile (Issue 13)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Dai Vernon Vol. 5 by Dai Vernon
Revelations series
Apr. 1993
Profile (Issue 13)
Steven Hamilton Special Issue - Dave Campbell
June 1993
Profile (Issue 14)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Dai Vernon Vol. 6 by Dai Vernon
Revelations series
June 1993
Profile (Issue 14)
Steven Hamilton Editor's Bit on Jerry Sadowitz, new publications and books
Aug. 1993
Profile (Issue 15)
Steven Hamilton Paul Brignall's Third Comedy and Magic Convention convention report
Aug. 1993
Profile (Issue 15)
Steven Hamilton Editor's Bit on Piet Forton, The Crimp #17, new books, Ray Grismer
Oct. 1993
Profile (Issue 16)
Steven Hamilton A Poker Problem spectator deals five hands and turns all face up, takes any five cards for a strong hand, rest dealt out again into four hands, every hand beats the spectator's choice, posed as a problem
Oct. 1993
Profile (Issue 16)
Steven Hamilton Editor's Bit
Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
Steven Hamilton Gags for Cut & Restored Rope
Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
Steven Hamilton Clippo Presentation
Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Trick-a-Tape No. 3 (Original Magic Routines) by Patrick Page Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
Steven Hamilton Continous-Stream Coin Production
June 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 6)
Steven Hamilton Coins Across to Glass
Related to July 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 7)
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Alan Shaxon, Routine Magic, Vol. 1 by Alan Shaxon Feb. 1994
Profile (Issue 18)
Steven Hamilton The Editor's Bit on Dave Campbell's death, old magazines, next issue (which never appeared)
Feb. 1994
Profile (Issue 18)
Steven Hamilton Thinking Out Loud card built from two consecutive cards in the deck by taking suit of one and value of the other, that card turns over, then Triumph with four cards reversed at finale, the constructed card and its mates
Also published here 1994 210
Peter Duffie The Problem in Mind deck cut in two halves, spectator thinks of a card in one half and spell-counts it into other half to arrive at mate
Inspired by 1994 15
Steven Hamilton In The Hands Wild Card
Also published here 1995 19
Steven Hamilton Lightning Aces
Also published here July 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 7)
Michael Close Stupid Travelers comedy presentation, ambidextrous travelers in which spectator has jacket on and removes cards as finale
Variations 1996 110
Peter Duffie Clear to the Point Signed selection placed in clear plastic envelope, which is sandwiched between two Jokers. Card vanishes and appears between two other Jokers in spectator's hand
Inspired by 1997 103
Steven Hamilton A Welcome Return Nine of Hearts selected, Aces trap three Threes, those Threes then a Five and Four of Hearts, and between those appears the selection, diminishing collectors
VariationsAlso published here 1998 57
Steven Hamilton Reverse Plunger Addition outjogged cards removed, cards in between secretly kept
1998 58
Steven Hamilton S.T.A.F.F. deck shuffled by spectator, Aces immediately spelled out
Inspired by
  • "Immediate Ace Spell" (George McBride, The Crimp No. 15)
Also published here
1998 61
Steven Hamilton Mixing With Royalty one packet changes into Queens
Inspired byAlso published here 1998 63
Steven Hamilton Dupli-Temps Switch two packets are apparently exchanged
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1998 64
Dave Campbell Premonition card not named but built from two consecutive cards in the deck by taking suit of one and value of the other
Inspired by
  • "Thinking Out Loud" (Steven Hamilton, The Crimp #10)
Also published here
2000 8
Steven Hamilton Stressed Out Card in-the hands, deck changes into rainbow deck
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 19
Steven Hamilton A New Twist
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 20
Steven Hamilton Welcome Return 2 non-gaffed version, diminishing collectors
Also published here Sep. 2003
Opus (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Steven Hamilton Entrapment Switch
Also published here Sep. 2003
Opus (Vol. 5 No. 11 Insert)
Dave Campbell Dave's Premonition card not named but built from two consecutive cards in the deck by taking suit of one and value of the other
Inspired by
  • "Thinking Out Loud" (Steven Hamilton, The Crimp #10)
VariationsAlso published here
2004 47
Steven Hamilton Thanks to Collins card torn in quarters, one piece freely chosen, other quarters burnt, card restored in nest of envelopes
Related toAlso published here 2005 36
R. Paul Wilson The Titian Drop from edge grip variation into glass, open look
Inspired byRelated to 2007 ca. 4
Steven Hamilton, Miguel Ángel Gea Aparición pendular coin to glass move
Related to 2009 28
Karl Fulves Trap Shoot deck cut, value of top and suit of bottom card used to make up composite card, that is caught with other two cards
Inspired byRelated to 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Kyle MacNeill Sandwich Inception card lost, card appears between two black Jacks, this card turns out to be the two black Queens with another card between them, then Kings, then finally selection
Inspired by July 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 7)
Douglas Cameron Author's Preface about Steven Hamilton
2013 i
Steven Hamilton Nocturnal Gambler Aces vanish one by one and reappear together reversed in center
Also published here 2013 3
Steven Hamilton Rocky does a Card Trick spring raccoon supposed to find the card, deck suddenly strung together, raccoon finds card, name of card written across other side
2013 8
Steven Hamilton Thinking of a Card spectator looks at fan and thinks of a card, strategies
Also published here 2013 10
Steven Hamilton, Peter Duffie Trans-Collectors three cards travel, collecters type
Also published here 2013 15
Steven Hamilton Hofzinser... for a Change Aces, first Ace of same suit as selection changes into selection, then other Aces into mates
2013 18
Steven Hamilton Thinking Out Loud card built from two consecutive cards in the deck by taking suit of one and value of the other, that card turns over, then Triumph with four cards reversed at finale, the constructed card and its mates
Also published here 2013 22
Steven Hamilton A New Twist
Inspired byAlso published here 2013 27
Steven Hamilton Entrapment fast sandwich with repeat
2013 32
Steven Hamilton Center Cut Loading
2013 32
Steven Hamilton Top-Change Style Switch similar to Bilis Switch
Also published here 2013 33
Steven Hamilton A Welcome Return Nine of Hearts selected, Aces trap three Threes, those Threes then a Five and Four of Hearts, and between those appears the selection, diminishing collectors
Also published here 2013 35
Steven Hamilton Reverse Plunger Addition outjogged cards removed, cards in between secretly kept
2013 37
Steven Hamilton A Welcome Return 2 non-gaffed version, diminishing collectors
Inspired byAlso published here 2013 40
Steven Hamilton Knee Jerk spectator names card, optional use of double backer
2013 44
Steven Hamilton Discard Aces starts like progressive Ace assembly, first three packets combined, then last pile becomes all the indifferent card and discard pile consists of four Aces
2013 46
Steven Hamilton Tough Travellers ambidextrous travelers in which spectator has jacket on and removes cards as finale
Inspired byVariations 2013 49
Steven Hamilton Descrepancy 2 four Kings and three black spot cards
Inspired by
  • "Discrepancy Assembly" (George McBride, Assembly Time)
2013 57
Steven Hamilton Uprising first Ace rises, then Ace and Two together, then Ace to Three
Variations 2013 61
Steven Hamilton End Grip Transfer Handling
2013 62
Steven Hamilton Flash Transpo two cards chosen, one card rises and is placed on table, second card rises and visibly transposes with the other, one is torn up and they transpose again, duplicate
2013 64
Steven Hamilton Breakdown a Four chosen, an Ace pulled off and a Three remains, repeated until four Aces are produced
Inspired by
  • "Aces from the Fore" (Stephen Tucker, marketed)
Related to
2013 68
Steven Hamilton Stressed-out Card in-the hands, deck changes into rainbow deck, red/blue double backer
Inspired byAlso published here 2013 70
Steven Hamilton Lightning Aces Aces vanish one by one from hand and reappear face-up in center of deck, shown one-by one, deck of double backers
Also published here 2013 72
Steven Hamilton Twisting Aces
Also published here 2013 75
Steven Hamilton In the Hands Wild Card three double facers
Also published here 2013 77
Steven Hamilton The Getaway flap gaff, card vanishes from between Jokes with holes and reappears anywhere
Inspired by 2013 82
Steven Hamilton Clearly Vanished signed card in clear plastic envelope which is sandwiched between Aces, card vanishes and is found in wallet
Also published here 2013 87
Steven Hamilton Turn of a Friendly Card Aces change to Royal Flush and back
Variations 2013 90
Steven Hamilton What Goes On Aces change to Royal Flush, then backs change color
Inspired by 2013 92
Steven Hamilton Mixing with Royalty one packet changes into Queens
Also published here 2013 93
Steven Hamilton Dupli-Temps Switch two packets are apparently exchanged
Also published here 2013 93
Steven Hamilton Altered Images four selections on table, two put between red Aces, they change to black Aces, repeated, red Aces travel from middle of deck to top, selections/Aces change into Kings
Inspired by 2013 95
Steven Hamilton The Envelope Thing prediction taken from envelope, envelope torn, prediction says "look in envelope", envelope is restored and signed selection taken from it
Also published here 2013 98
Steven Hamilton, Vic Allen Blank Jaks card chosen and signed, four double-blank cards, on one appears a 52-on-1 card, the signed selection on another, whole deck blank-faced then
Inspired by 2013 102
Steven Hamilton Simply Stapled two Jokers stapled back-to-back, signed card becomes a Joker and selection is stapled to Joker
Inspired by 2013 105
Steven Hamilton Mexican Travellers
Also published here 2013 108
Steven Hamilton Countdown to Dunbury with four Ace kicker
Also published here 2013 112
Steven Hamilton Jazzed-up O. Henry jazz Aces, with transposition of Aces and four spot cards as kicker
Also published here 2013 115
Steven Hamilton Going...Going...Gone (Almost) two selections shrink
Also published here 2013 118
Steven Hamilton Thanks to Collins card torn in quarters, one piece freely chosen, other quarters burnt, card restored in nest of envelopes
Related toAlso published here 2013 122
Steven Hamilton Headshrinkers King placed on table, four Aces put on top, when removed it is seen that the King shrunk to half its size
Inspired by 2013 125
Steven Hamilton Waterfall Transpo card from between red Queens in middle of deck to black Queens
2013 126
Steven Hamilton Double Take blue-backed card pocketed as prediction, card chosen, performer finds Eight of Hearts and pocketed card is also Eight of Hearts, it's not the selection, both cards transform
2013 128
Steven Hamilton Throw Switch Handling without throw
2013 129
Steven Hamilton Vienese Variation
2013 130
Steven Hamilton VIC (Vernon-inspired Countdown) card fairly chosen and replaced, later counted down to
Inspired by 2013 132
Steven Hamilton Easy Departure card vanishes from amongst Aces, appears in case
2013 134
Steven Hamilton S-T-A-F-F deck shuffled by spectator, Aces immediately spelled out
Also published here 2013 136
Steven Hamilton Fleeting Images blank card becomes three selections one after the other
2013 139
Steven Hamilton Double Deal two cards chosen, they multiply to a number that matches their number, then one packet becomes the four-of-a-kind to match selection, the other packet the full suit
Inspired by
  • "Big Deal" (Roy Walton, Abra #1881)
2013 142
Steven Hamilton Don't Look Back
2013 144
Steven Hamilton Transpo Triumph transposition add-on to Triumph
2013 145
Steven Hamilton Watergate pass covered by top card being turned over
Related to 2013 147
Steven Hamilton Spot On three cards with spots shown, three spectators should interpret the pattern, one always sees "naked women", they change into selections, a pin-up girl is briefly seen
2013 150
Steven Hamilton Silk & Sponge silk vanishes, appear in rolled-up bill, changes into sponge ball which splits in two, sponge routine
Also published here 2013 154
Steven Hamilton Coins to Glass four coins, different grip on glass
Also published here 2013 159
Steven Hamilton 4 Coin Production
Also published here 2013 162
Steven Hamilton On 3 Fly tackling the ending
2013 163
Steven Hamilton, Peter Duffie 3 under 1 three coins vanish one by one with card used as magic wand, they reappear under the card
Inspired by 2013 166
Steven Hamilton Coin Assembly coins assemble under one card, jumbo coin appears as finale
2013 169
Steven Hamilton Boxed In four coins to box one at a time
2013 172
Benjamin Earl Discrepancy Switch two packets are apparently exchanged, actually Hamilton's
Related toAlso published here
  • Past Midnight Vol. 2, DVD
2018 113
Steven Hamilton Re-Uprising first Ace rises, then Ace and Two together, then Ace to Three
Inspired by 2022 123
Francisco Mousinho Burly Travelers four cards produced with story (no quartet), then ambidextrous travelers in which spectator has jacket on and removes cards as finale, last card sewn into jacket pocket
Inspired by 2022 35
Steven Hamilton Dupli-Temps Switch two packets are apparently exchanged
Related to 2024 144
Steven Hamilton Dupli-Temps Switch two packets are apparently exchanged, in spectator-shuffle choreography
Also published here 2024 117