Written by Christian Scherer, Sveroni
Work of Sveroni
24 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Christian Scherer
Language: German
8 entries
Cover photograph
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Sveroni Vorwort
Sveroni Das Ritual spectator's scribbling is heated up and transforms into name of selection, friXion pen
Inspired by
  • Mathieu Bich's "Sympathel Ink"
Sveroni Das Ritual mit Sternzeichen spectator's scribbling is heated up and transforms into his zodiac sign, friXion pen
Sveroni Das Ritual mit Visitenkarten adaptation of Das Ritual for close up, with business cards
Sveroni Der Frauenschwarm oil and queens variation
Inspired by 13
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio Spread
Sveroni Money Printer bills on jumbo blank cards, four blank cards change into cards with bills of different value on them several times
Inspired by 16
Sveroni, Christian Scherer Dies ist reine Magie five jumbo cards are torn in halves, phrase is spelled and spectator is allowed to say where the cards are changed, after each spelled word on top of the halves are the matching parts, using Howard Adams' Ramasee Principle
Inspired byRelated to 21
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2017.