introduction \n \n roy walton
Roy Walton
aperitif \n four aces are produced, two color changes and last two aces found sandwiched between other two \n roy walton \n aperitif \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Also published here
pinky pull down \n \n edward marlo
Edward Marlo
Pinky Pull Down
mutual mindreading \n two sets of ace, two and three, performer turns over card spectator is thinking of and vice versa \n roy walton \n mutual mindreading \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Mutual Mindreading
Also published here
money power \n from twenty-card packet, two set of mates are found with spectator, making up four-of-a-kind \n roy walton \n money power \n roy walton \n medvegia \n peter duffie \n thoughts on "money power" \n paul swinford \n mirror power \n peter duffie \n jack avis problem \n money power \n roy walton \n the power of esp \n nick trost
Roy Walton
Money Power
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here
oil and queens \n transformation kicker \n roy walton \n water and oil barrons \n william p. miesel \n der frauenschwarm \n sveroni \n a load of..... \n paul brignall \n so these must be... \n stephen tucker \n an odin sequel \n peter duffie \n mixing with royalty \n steven hamilton \n oil & water plus \n dave campbell \n Öl und wasser \n roberto giobbi \n another "oil and queens" \n nick trost \n age of reason \n bob stencel \n terry lagerould \n dave bendix variation \n david bendix \n ascension \n philip t. goldstein \n ascension \n philip t. goldstein \n oil & aces \n nick trost \n oil and queens \n roy walton \n oils well that ends well \n mark mason \n expertalk: alfredo alvarez on finessed oil & queens \n alfredo alvarez \n oil and aces \n nick trost \n oil an queens poker hand \n nick trost \n age of reason \n bob stencel \n terry lagerould \n before reason \n terry lagerould \n oel und asse \n richard vollmer \n vanishing water \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Oil and Queens
Related toVariations- Oil & Aces (Nick Trost, 1979)
- Water and Oil Barrons (William P. Miesel, 1982)
- Ascension (Philip T. Goldstein, 1982)
- A Load Of..... (Paul Brignall, 1983)
- So These Must Be... (Stephen Tucker, 1983)
- Oel und Asse (Richard Vollmer, 1985 ca.)
- Öl und wASSEr (Roberto Giobbi, 1987)
- Ascension (Philip T. Goldstein, 1990)
- Oil & Water Plus (Dave Campbell, 1992)
- Age of Reason (Bob Stencel, Terry LaGerould, 1992)
- Dave Bendix Variation (David Bendix, 1992)
- Age Of Reason (Bob Stencel, Terry LaGerould, 1992)
- An Odin Sequel (Peter Duffie, 1993)
- Before Reason (Terry LaGerould, 1993)
- Mixing With Royalty (Steven Hamilton, 1998)
- Oils Well That Ends Well (Mark Mason, 2000)
- Der Frauenschwarm (Sveroni, 2008)
- Another "Oil and Queens" (Nick Trost, 2008)
- Oil and Aces (Nick Trost, 2011)
- Oil an Queens Poker Hand (Nick Trost, 2011)
- Expertalk: Alfredo Alvarez on Finessed Oil & Queens (Alfredo Alvarez, 2022)
Also published here
the karl le fong trick \n two cards noted by throwing three dice, cards change places \n roy walton \n lefong, jr. \n roy walton \n the unselected \n steve beam \n telephony \n steve beam \n doug canning \n der karl le fong trick \n roy walton \n the karl le fong trick \n roy walton \n speaking volumes \n harry mendoza
Roy Walton
The Karl Le Fong Trick
Related toVariationsAlso published here
mission accomplished \n \n roy walton \n ambition accomplished \n jackie mcclements \n mission successful \n peter duffie \n discrepancy find \n steve reynolds \n sandwitchery - phase ii \n jerry k. hartman \n mission accomplished \n roy walton \n erdnase meets hofzinser \n peter duffie \n a hobbit's tale \n euan bingham
Roy Walton
Mission Accomplished
Related toVariationsAlso published here
bluff pass \n \n unknown
Bluff Pass
a further mission \n \n roy walton \n a further mission \n roy walton
Roy Walton
A Further Mission
Also published here
laydown card switch \n while spreading cards and removing kings face down \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Laydown Card Switch
stepping stones \n solution for a problem posed by fulves, several variations \n roy walton \n magician's playing checkers \n steve beam \n stepping stones \n roy walton \n blindfold checkers \n robert ellenwold \n karl fulves \n checkers \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Stepping Stones
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here
the wacky card trick \n with five poker dice \n roy walton \n the wacky card trick \n roy walton
Roy Walton
The Wacky Card Trick
Also published here
the leaper again \n card at thought-of position transposes with unknown card or appears at same position in other packet \n roy walton \n the unknown leaper \n charles t. jordan \n the leaper again \n roy walton
Roy Walton
The Leaper Again
Inspired byAlso published here
the x plus one ace trick \n "where x is the number of ace tricks you already know", second deal \n roy walton \n the x plus one ace trick \n roy walton
Roy Walton
The X Plus One Ace Trick
Also published here
jay bee transposition \n joker in pocket transposes with selection
- alternative method \n roy walton \n jay bee transposition \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Jay Bee Transposition
Also published here
taking two again. again. \n ace, two or three is selected and transposes with selection \n roy walton \n taking two again. again \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Taking Two Again. Again.
Also published here
impact \n aces in envelopes with holes, chosen one turns over, then ace in envelope turns over \n roy walton \n impact \n roy walton \n collision course \n paul weir \n marlo's impact \n edward marlo \n impact-collision-crash \n edward marlo \n an impact on impact \n jerry k. hartman \n air mail \n verne chesbro \n larry west
Roy Walton
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
the overworked card \n triumph type of effect, one card travels from bottom to top and turns every reversed card over \n roy walton \n some might say \n peter duffie \n double barrelled shotgun \n jack parker \n mik mak mok \n jerry sadowitz \n ambitious and overworked \n peter duffie \n robin robertson \n stressed-out card \n steven hamilton \n overworked poker \n r. paul wilson \n handmade triumph \n frank simon \n the overworked card \n roy walton \n klause's overworked card \n roger klause \n double barreled shotgun \n jack parker \n stressed out card \n steven hamilton \n thoughts on roy walton's overworked card \n roger klause \n déjà vu doo \n jack carpenter \n the beast with five fingers \n peter duffie
Roy Walton
The Overworked Card
Related toVariations- Handmade Triumph (Frank Simon, 1983)
- Mik Mak Mok (Jerry Sadowitz, 1987)
- The Beast With Five Fingers (Peter Duffie, 1992)
- Overworked Poker (R. Paul Wilson, 1995)
- Some Might Say (Peter Duffie, 1997)
- Stressed Out Card (Steven Hamilton, 2000)
- Ambitious and Overworked (Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson, 2003)
- Double Barreled Shotgun (Jack Parker, 2006)
- Thoughts on Roy Walton's Overworked Card (Roger Klause, 2010)
- Stressed-out Card (Steven Hamilton, 2013)
- Klause's Overworked Card (Roger Klause, 2022)
- Déjà Vu Doo (Jack Carpenter, 2024)
Also published here
the old fashioned way \n matching mates, eight pairs, after random mixing procedure \n roy walton \n the old fashioned way \n roy walton
Roy Walton
The Old Fashioned Way
Also published here
the reverse faro \n in-the-hands \n unknown
The Reverse Faro
the cannibal cards \n four aces and two jacks, vanish and appearance, on top of deck, second deal \n roy walton \n conspicuous consumption \n roy walton \n the rolex gang \n peter duffie \n the cannibal cards \n roy walton \n the cannibals and the witch doctor \n ariel frailich
Roy Walton
The Cannibal Cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here
cannibal cards with colour change ending \n \n roy walton \n cannibal cards with colour change ending \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Cannibal Cards with Colour Change Ending
Also published here
the changeling \n two cards change into selection one by one \n roy walton \n the knack \n jerry sadowitz \n changed changeling \n jerry k. hartman \n the changeling \n roy walton \n choice change \n jerry k. hartman \n at003 \n david britland
Roy Walton
The Changeling
VariationsAlso published here
flip-over change \n \n unknown
Flip-Over Change
the happy wanderers \n three cards in the middle, two travel to top and bottom, then cards are found in the middle again with one card reversed \n roy walton \n the cavorted aces \n harapan ong \n the happy wanderers \n roy walton \n distribution \n edward marlo
Roy Walton
The Happy Wanderers
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
liberty \n \n roy walton \n liberty \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Also published here
almost impromptu \n one of four cards selected, other three cards added together and number counted in deck finds mate \n roy walton \n almost but not quite \n peter duffie \n almost impromptu \n roy walton \n not as impromptu \n peter duffie \n not as impromptu \n peter duffie
Roy Walton
Almost Impromptu
VariationsAlso published here
suit yourself \n two small packets, one arranges in the same suit order as the other, self-duplicating set-up \n roy walton \n suit yourself \n roy walton \n suit yourself too \n peter duffie
Roy Walton
Suit Yourself
VariationsAlso published here
you name it i'll change it \n \n roy walton \n hop-a-long hofzinser \n roy walton \n you name it i'll change it \n roy walton
Roy Walton
You Name It I'll Change It
Related toAlso published here
finders keepers \n with two selections \n roy walton \n subterranean collectors \n tom gagnon \n front cover \n jerry sadowitz \n finders keepers \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Finders Keepers
VariationsAlso published here
you can't cheat an honest man \n two hands, performer always has four jacks, aces as climax, bottom deals \n roy walton \n i give up! \n peter duffie \n you can't cheat an honest man \n roy walton
Roy Walton
You Can't Cheat An Honest Man
VariationsAlso published here
never give a sucker an even break \n three blank cards as climax \n roy walton \n printout \n bruce cervon \n never give a sucker an even break \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Never Give a Sucker an Even Break
Related toAlso published here
colour magic \n cards with rainbow backs \n roy walton \n dazzle \n alex elmsley \n farbmagie \n roy walton \n colour magic \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Colour Magic
Inspired byAlso published here
the inconsistent liar \n \n roy walton \n tarradiddle \n peter duffie \n tarradiddle \n peter duffie \n the liar strikes again \n roger smith \n the inconsistent liar \n roy walton
Roy Walton
The Inconsistent Liar
VariationsAlso published here
the helensburgh speller \n \n roy walton \n the helensburgh speller \n roy walton
Roy Walton
The Helensburgh Speller
Also published here
card case \n mystery card in case, four queens are found and mystery card turns out to be selection \n roy walton \n between your palms \n alex elmsley \n no case to answer \n peter duffie \n kartenetui \n roy walton \n card case \n roy walton \n card case \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Card Case
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
transposition of a signature variation \n different colored back \n roy walton \n transpositionsvariante \n roy walton \n transposition of a signature variation \n roy walton
Roy Walton
Transposition of a Signature Variation
Also published here