282 entries in Cards / Sleights / Shuffles (non-riffle) / Faro Shuffle / Anti-Faro & Reverse Faro
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan Recycling by Dealing dealing deck in seven piles, then six, then eight, then seven piles restores order
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Charles T. Jordan, Walter B. Gibson Double Prediction two cards are counted to after reverse faro procedure, positions predicted, actually Walter Gibson's (see article "Reverse Faro Shuffle" on ConjuringCredits)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 85
Reverse Faro
1937 85
Dai Vernon Up and Down selections end up at predicted positions, anti-faro trick
Related to Nov. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 38)
Dai Vernon Anti-Faro in the Hands
Nov. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 38)
Charles T. Jordan A. The Flush Trick deck riffle shuffled twice, performer removes ten red and ten black cards which he mixes again, spectator then deals the packet into three piles twice and puts the packet under a newspaper, performer then reaches under newspaper and produces a flush in a named suit, interlocking chains, in the end the Ultimo deck is ringed in
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Dai Vernon Up and Down selections end up at predicted positions, anti-faro trick
1943 8
The Brain Guys, Charles T. Jordan Brain Guys & Jordan (Double Prediction) two cards remembered from twenty, in the hands antifaro, prediction of places
Mar. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 56)
Warren Wiersbe Stacking the Deck poker & dealing routine to secretly get into Si Stebbins
1946 22
W. T. Williard Twenty Card Sequel Joker pushed in twenty-card packet and cards on either side remembered, they are eventually found
1946 47
George G. Kaplan Twenty-One Cards - A Double Prediction using in the hands anti-faro
1948 175
Bruce Elliott Math performer names selection of position, sort of early anti-faro
July 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 208)
John Scarne Scarne's Knockout Card Trick No. 116, cards in a mixed packet all right themselves leaving only the selection reversed
1950 224
Bill Simon Mind Reading spectator thinks of a number and remembers the card on it's position, after the performer fails to find it, the spectator finds his card at the number turned over
1952 145
Charles Sanders Peirce Some Amazing Mazes dealing trick with red and black cards in numerical order, dealing into any number of piles, anti-faro rules, see also p. 2
  • Phase One
  • Phase Two (mixing procedure, then number named, value of card at that position is used to count to a card that matches named number)
Related toVariations Nov. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 4)
Alex Elmsley Card Position Formula After Dealing calculating position of any card in a packet of any size, after dealing cards out
Also published here Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo The Backward Faro out-jogging every other card, with some properties, also for setting up for a "false" shuffle
Related toVariations Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Edward Marlo Reverse or Backward Faro out-jogging every other card
Related to 1958 33
Edward Marlo The Reverse or Backward Faro
1958 36
Alex Elmsley Mathematics & Mentalism one of sixteen cards thought of with its position, during reverse faros the spectator says in which half his card is, selection ends up on top (and force card brought to original position)
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
Edward Marlo Reverse Faro Terminology
Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Ronald B. Edwards Mazes-Phase Down variation that starts with two honest riffle shuffles (interlocking chains), suits separated, some dealing procedure that affects the red/black distribution
  • Phase II (dealing into chosen number of piles, sympathetic values)
Inspired byRelated to July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Rusduck Thinks on the reverse faro
  • suit separation by going through the deck only once
  • reverse faros to pre-set a stack
  • poker deal application
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Nathan Mendelsohn Whilst Demonstrating to the Company A Game at Poker, To Deal the Cards in Such a Manner that a Card Known to be at one Position from the Top will, at the Performer’s Pleasure, Be Found at any other rules about dealing in piles, see page 34 for more information on author
Related to Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Edward Marlo On Rusduck's Backward Faro Ideas
Related to Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Roy Walton Draw Poker Plus 25-card deck can be dealt in as many piles as often as spectators want, yet performer receives royal flush
Related toVariations Feb. 1967 79
Karl Fulves Reverse Triple Faro
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue The Triple Faro)
Paul Swinford One Suit Mentalism Ace to King and joker, thought of card is divined
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
The Reverse Faro in-the-hands
1969 34
Roy Walton Flip Flop simplified version with reverse faros
Inspired by 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Second Supplement)
Robert E. Neale Infernal Machine "programmed" card packet, exactly wrong in coming up with desired card
Also published here 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Second Supplement)
Robert E. Neale Infernal Machine eight cards with different men and women, dating presentation, anti-faros to produce requested cards, binary, see bottom of p. 341 for credit information, p. 420 for envelope suggestion by Cushing Strout
VariationsAlso published here June 1970 339
Karl Fulves Oracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card predicted
Related toVariationsAlso published here Nov. 1970 374
Robert E. Neale More Lies thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Related toVariationsAlso published here Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Karl Fulves Another Oracle spectator cuts off some cards, anti-faro procedure until one card remains, it's odd backed
Inspired byRelated to 1971 10
George Blake Oracle Jr. "Oracle" as location instead of prediction, packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros
Inspired by Mar. 1971 412
Roy Walton, Bob Veeser Oracull sixteen-card packet, mate found, see p. 424 for correction
Inspired by Apr. 1971 415
Lin Searles Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card predicted and four Aces on top of discard piles, see also p. 486 for comment by Charles Hudson
Inspired byRelated toVariations July 1971 430
Paul Swinford Royal Flush Mini-Stack fifteen-card packet shuffled via reverse-faros and cutting, then Royal Flush dealt
Related to 1971 3
Reverse Faro
1975 19
Gerald Kosky Computerized Deck card remains after multiple anti-faros
Also published here 1975 21
Charles T. Jordan, Walter B. Gibson Double Prediction two cards are counted to after reverse faro procedure, actually Walter Gibson's (see article "Reverse Faro Shuffle" on ConjuringCredits)
Related toAlso published here 1975 31
Charles T. Jordan A. The Flush Trick deck riffle shuffled twice, performer removes ten red and ten black cards which he mixes again, spectator then deals the packet into three piles twice and puts the packet under a newspaper, performer then reaches under newspaper and produces a flush in a named suit, interlocking chains, in the end the Ultimo deck is ringed in
Also published here 1975 194
Harvey Rosenthal Yet Another Technicolor Oddity five reds and five black cards
Inspired byRelated to 1976 15
Charles T. Jordan, Whispering Joker No. 6, Joker inserted in twenty-card packet, card on both sides remembered, placed in two pockets, selections removed by performer
1976 10
Karl Fulves Oracle spectator cuts of packet, reverse faro down to one, remaining card predicted
Also published here 1977 130
Gerald Kosky Computer Discovery card remains after multiple anti-faros
Related toAlso published here Aug. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Edward Marlo Down-Jog Displacement oil and water context, secret antifaro for very small packet
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 130
Karl Fulves Counting And Dealing on the order of anti-faros, generalized to dealing m cards in n heaps
1979 4
Karl Fulves The Null Anti-Faro Restacking pack concept
1979 4
Karl Fulves Reverse Faro dealing or upjogging, mentioned briefly
1979 5
Philip T. Goldstein Immoracle packet cut-off, anti-faro procedure to arrive at Royal Flush, overhand shuffle set-up sequence
Inspired byRelated to 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 18)
Roy Walton Justin Time single card location with reverse-faro procedure
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1979 7
Antifaro in the hands injog / outjog
1979 100
Larry Becker The Impossible Dream one thought of card is found, sixteen cards
1979 106
Nick Trost Eliminator packet cut off an ESP deck, anti-faro elimination procedure, remaining card matches prediction
1979 3
Howard A. Adams Alternating Push Over Deal anti-faro deal in other hand, reversing order of one half
OICUFESP (Issue 8 - 21 Cidentaquin Variations)
Reverse Faro in-the-hands
1981 26
Roy Walton Justin Time single card location with reverse-faro procedure
Also published here 1981 170
Persi Diaconis Anti-Faro Generalization up-down-jog procedure with two, three, four cards at a time as mixing procedure
1982 134
Harry Lorayne, Robert E. Neale Voice Print eight cards, programming, binary
Related toVariations 1982 256
Harvey Rosenthal Another Technicolor Oddity with five red and five black cards
Inspired byRelated to Dec. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Stewart James Reverse Forward Faro handling of the reverse faro
Arcane (Issue 10)
Roy Walton Triple Alliance
Inspired by
  • "Spelled Prophecy: 2" (Charles Hudson)
Oct. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Roy Walton Sum Trick
Variations Oct. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Philip T. Goldstein Rosareveal two cut to cards predict a chosen card, reverse-faro
1984 3
Paul Swinford Duo Spell No. 84, two mentally chosen cards spelled out
Also published here 1984 126
The Spellbinder two cards located in small packet after anti-faros and down-under deal
Related to 1985 24
Karl Fulves Transpoker III reverse faro method
Inspired byRelated to 1986 18
David Britland The Four Bit Machine number cards from 1 to 16, put in square formation and four are selected, their total predicted
1986 51
Edward Marlo Down-Jog Displacement oil water context
1987 82
Philip T. Goldstein Stax-Volt card produced with reverse faros predicted, number of cut-off cards found by adding values
Related toAlso published here 1987 8
Peter Duffie Home Computer three packets of ten cards, reverse faros
1987 19
Philip T. Goldstein Premixion computer presentation, card is found with reverse faro, name of card on three cards
Inspired by May 1987
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Robert E. Neale Der Lügendetektor thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Also published here 1987
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Down and Under Coincidence ten cards shown, spectator stops at any one which is placed aside, down-under procedure with rest and mate remains, with variations
1988 328
Roy Walton Bloodhound eight-card packet, two cards are mated with help of Joker and reverse faros
  • Full Deck Version
  • Stay-Stack Version
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, Nov. 1980
1988 107
Karl Fulves Interspace nine-card packet, spectator turns a pair over anywhere, performer places card between them behind back
Variations 1989 41
Karl Fulves Quid Pro Quota card chosen from packet, position remembered by spectator counting procedure
  • (A) Lockdown (11-card packet)
  • (B) Futures/Options (10-card packet)
  • (C) Go Fourth (10 cards, faro)
  • (D) Point of View (14 pointer cards)
  • (E) Cue Test
  • (F) First and Ten (spectator finds magicians card and vice versa)
  • (G) Doctor Cue
  • (H) HI Test
  • (I) Xtantra
  • (J) Doctor's Out
  • (K) Outback
Variations 1989 3
Roy Walton Cue Sheet "Doctor Cue" variations, location in small packet
Inspired by 1989 13
Allan Slaight Stranger Than That
  • #1: two-card location with spelling
  • #2: two-card location with down-under deal
Inspired by
  • "Letter From A Stranger" (Stewart James)
Related toAlso published here
1989 37
Philip T. Goldstein Stax-Volt card produced with reverse faros predicted, number of cut-off cards found by adding values
Also published here 1989 81
Juan Tamariz The Antifaros dealing procedures for Single, Double, Triple, Quadruple and Quintuple Antifaro, later Antifaro-6 and -7 on page 96
Related to 1989/91 90
Juan Tamariz Justifying the Antifaros
1989/91 94
Juan Tamariz Gathering up the Quadruple-Antifaro
1989/91 95
Juan Tamariz General Rules for the Antifaro-3 in and out shuffle combinations
1989/91 100
Persi Diaconis Anti-Faro Generalization up-down-jog procedure with two, three, four cards at a time, no credit, for credit information see reference
Related to 1990 58
Jon Racherbaumer Figures versus Prefiguration sixteen cards, odd-backed card as climax
Inspired byVariations 1990 68
Alex Elmsley Mathematics and Mentalism one of sixteen cards thought of with its position, during reverse faros the spectator says in which half his card is, selection ends up on top (and force card brought to original position)
Also published here 1991 378
The Centrifuge Principle dealing a cyclical stack, see also following applications
Related toVariations 1991 3
Dan Harlan Hot Spell the word "Magic" is produced with ABC cards, randomness in handling
Variations Dec. 1991
The Minotaur (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Jerry K. Hartman Order Restored one suit is reversed in deck and orders itself, updated ungaffed method
Related toVariations 1991 600
Peter Duffie Eleven Plus chosen pair of cards adds to eleven which is predicted, using dealing into two piles repeatedly (stay stack principle)
VariationsAlso published here 1991 17
Justin Higham Super Clairvoyant spectator thinks of any card, deals twice the value and drops rest on top, after a reverse faro, the performer knows the value and can fish
VariationsAlso published here June 1991
Technomagic (Issue Extra 4)
Richard Vollmer Talk To Me eight card Packet
Inspired by Feb. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 2)
Karl Fulves A-B-C-D four piles, pile A dealt to A-B-C-D position, same with the others, problem about distribution after deal
Related to 1992 47
Aldo Colombini Crazy Horse two cards chosen from twenty-card packet, two packets eventually formed, one all red with black selection and vice versa
Inspired by
  • Ron Ferris
Also published here
  • Spaghetti Magic lecture notes
Dec. 1992
Profile (Issue 11)
Charles T. Jordan, Walter B. Gibson Double Prediction No. 8, two cards are counted to after reverse faro procedure, actually Walter Gibson's (see article "Reverse Faro Shuffle" on ConjuringCredits)
Related toAlso published here 1992 6
Charles T. Jordan Recycling by Dealing dealing deck in seven piles, then six, then eight, then seven piles restores order
Also published here 1992 46
Karl Fulves "Full Hand" Notes No. 99, method with anti-faros instead of faros
Inspired by 1992 124
Harry Lorayne Quick and Direct
Inspired by Mar. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Edward Marlo, Lee Freed Lost Twenty-One Card Trick using reverse faros
Also published here 1993
The Olram File (Issue 14)
Edward Marlo Reverse-Count Backward Faro from sixteen-card packet, reverse faro elimination
The Olram File (Issue 16)
Jack Avis Eight Bytes Is Enough thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 32
Mel Bennett Interspace Insert nine-card packet, spectator turns a pair over anywhere, performer places card between them behind back and names this card, with additional solution by Karl Fulves
Inspired by 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Jack Avis Eight Bites is Enough thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
Jerry Mentzer Reverse Faro Substitute slop shuffle as reverse faro
1993 55
Peter Duffie The Magic Shuffle three selections in fifteen-card packet
1993 12
Alex Elmsley Card Position Formula After Dealing calculating position of any card in a packet of any size, after dealing cards out
Also published here 1994 404
Philip T. Goldstein Calcium calculation oddity with nine digits, done with nine cards
1994 74
Karl Fulves Cleaver performer removes red and black cards, performer forms two packets behind back with same number of reds and blacks each
1994 21
Karl Fulves Dextral Draw spectator thinks of card in five-card-packet
1994 53
Marty Kane Simplex Lie Speller
Variations 1994
Facsimile (Issue 2)
Marty Kane Complex Simplex Lie Speller
Facsimile (Issue 2)
Justin Higham Super Clairvoyant spectator thinks of any card, deals twice the value and drops rest on top, after a reverse faro, the performer knows the value and can fish
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1994 64
Aldo Colombini Zig Zag three selections match three prediction cards
1994 12
Peter Duffie Eleven Plus chosen pair of cards adds to eleven which is predicted, using dealing into two piles repeatedly (stay stack principle)
VariationsAlso published here 1995 170
Gene Castillon A Stitch In Nine spelling discovery with eighteen cards
  • A Two-Deck Version
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The Nine- Card Problem Recycled (treatise by Gene Castillon)
Dec. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Bob Driebeek Wie spät ist es? doing four reverse faros to form four piles, four top cards match with current time
Inspired by 1996 11
Justin Higham Super Clairvoyant spectator thinks of any card, deals twice the value and drops rest on top, after a reverse faro, the performer knows the value and can fish
VariationsAlso published here Jan. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 1)
Peter Duffie Lie Stebbins Lie Detector effect with one selection, identity of cards determine if spectator is telling truth/lie (e.g. color, suit, value)
Related to 1997 51
Marty Kane Modern Day Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card is selection and four aces on top of discard piles, with two variations
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1997 1258
Pit Hartling Feurio "Chaos (Mandelbrod's Revenge)", two exchanged cards are found after haphazard dealing, red-black anti-faro method
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1998 12
Karl Fulves Mumbles "The Second Layout", ten value pairs, joker put between any pair, this pair later divined, anti-faro version
Inspired by 1998 28
Harry Lorayne To A Startling End card predicted in Himber wallet, using Reverse Faro Ending
1998 164
Marty Kane Minor Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card is a Seven and other Sevens on top of discard piles
Inspired by July 1998
Onyx (Issue 4)
Roy Walton, Ramón Riobóo Hokem Poker 25-card deck can be dealt in as many piles as often as spectators want, yet performer receives royal flush and everyone has a good hand
  • Racherbaumer Addition (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • For Hard Core-Cases
  • HC-C Method
  • HC-C Racherbaumer Addition
Inspired by Apr. 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Noughts and Crosses five cross and circle cards, behind back performer builds pairs
1999 10
John J. Beck III, Paul McKenna, Jerry K. Hartman, Philip T. Goldstein Letters mentioning of Engblom's "Anti-Faro"
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Ellis Stanyon To Name a Card After Dealing Four Times No. 20, using the sixteen cards return to original order after four deals in two piles, position of a selection named
Related to 1999 92
Ellis Stanyon A Chart of the Arranged Pack No. 22, doing two deals backwards before performance and then dealing cards (as "shuffling") in performance and arriving back in stack, way home
1999 94
Roy Walton The Apprentice Matchmaker
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Con-Clue-Sion “Clue” game theme, spectators think of a person, weapon and room, envelopes are randomly eliminated until down to one and inside is the correct prediction of all three items
Inspired by 1999
Labyrinth (Issue 9)
Roberto Giobbi Moracle at the end of a sucessful prediction, the four Aces appear, anti-faro sixteenth card principle
Inspired by 2000 921
Reverse Faro
2000 922
Peter Duffie Found by Coincidence spectator uses some cards of sixteen-card packet to find his selection with down-under deal, then reverse faros until down to one brings mate of the top card of another packet
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2000 6
Simon Aronson Euph-oracle (an Alternate Take) Elimination procedure to locate two selections, using Reverse Faros
Inspired by 2001 26
Simon Aronson Alternate Take Combination of UnDo Influence and Euph-oracle procedure
Inspired byVariations 2001 28
Simon Aronson More-or-Less-acle Euphoracle to locate four of a kind
2001 28
Karl Fulves Witch Hunt No. 26, twelve-card packet dealt into piles three times, Queens come together
2001 41
Karl Fulves Tomorrow's Card No. 47, eight cards shuffled face-up/face-down, number of reversed cards and their identity predicted
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
2001 67
Karl Fulves Cue Cards No. 55, spectator and performer remember card and its position in five-card packets, found by each other
2001 82
Harry Lorayne It's Not Easy To Lie card selected from nine-card packet with down/under deal, card from remaining eight cards thought-of, lie detector, original selection used to count down to find it
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2001 9
Harry Lorayne Greatest Card Handler Of All Aces lost in sixteen-card packet, then spelled out, two selections found as well
Related to 2001 133
Harry Lorayne Unique Peek #4 card found with Reverse Faro Ending
2001 177
Harry Lorayne "Killer" Bonus card found with Reverse Faro Ending
2001 183
Harry Lorayne, Doug Edwards Quick And Easy selection lost, spectator cuts deck in five heaps, top cards taken, Reverse Faro Ending to locate it
Also published here 2001 239
Harry Lorayne Pleasing Combination two card location with Reverse Faro Ending and down-under deal
Also published here 2001 349
Harry Lorayne Double Whammy spectator cuts off half the deck, counts the cards, adds digits and remembers cards at position, repeat phase
2001 399
Harry Lorayne Beyond Belief several anti-faros with about half the deck, Royal Flush and Twos produced
Inspired byVariations 2001 621
Harry Lorayne Beyond Belief Relief several anti-faros with about half the deck, Royal Flush and Twos produced, faro
Inspired by 2001 627
R. Paul Wilson Antipathy red and black cards riffle shuffled together and "unshuffled" again, using Engblom's Anti-Faro
2001 7
Brother John Hamman Shoo-Shoo Shuffle reverse faro in pairs
Feb. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 2)
Christian Engblom The Anti-Faro during in-the-hands spring
Also published here May 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 5)
Harry Lorayne It's Not Easy To Lie card selected from nine-card packet with down/under deal, card from remaining eight cards thought-of, lie detector, original selection used to count down to find it
Also published here Nov. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 11)
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Starburst packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card predicted and four Aces on top of discard piles
Related to 2002 88
Marty Kane Modern Day Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card is selection and four aces on top of discard piles, with two variations
Also published here 2002 76
Jon Racherbaumer Unlikely Triumvirate sixteen-card packet, spectator choses card and its position, it's divined, in repeat it is the only odd-backed card
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Marty Kane Divide and Conjure! after several full-deck reverse faros, only three cards remain, one settled upon, it is the selection
  • Full Deck Handling
  • Further Notions on Divide and Conjure! (2)
  • External Thoughts (Robin Robertson, Jerry K. Hartman, Peter Duffie)
  • The Trouble with Seven
  • Partial Deck Handlings
  • Full Deck Prearranged Handling (named card)
Inspired by
  • "The Devil and His Disciple" (Robert Neale, Life Death, and Other Card Tricks)
Related toVariations
2003 49
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Fate, Chance and Science using count-back force and anti-faro elimination process
Inspired by 2003 80
Harry Lorayne Gambler's Luck top seven cards taken, after three reverse faros three cards are discarded, the Aces remain, also with Royal Flush
Also published here Dec. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 12)
Edward Marlo Down-Jog Displacement oil and water context, secret antifaro for very small packet
Also published here May 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 9)
Lin Searles Moracle anti-faro discovery
2004 80
Camilo Vázquez A Grand Triumph cards shuffled face up into face down, three cards are turned over, all cards end up face down but three cards and in inverted Mnemonica
2004 139
Juan Tamariz A Predicted Triumph combination of "Face to Face" and "A Grand Triumph", selected cards are also predicted
2004 140
Juan Tamariz Total Memory memory demonstration, order of cards can be named after several shuffles or deals
  • Version with Faros
  • Version with Deals (Antifaros)
spectator can note down any sequence with date and anytime in the future the performer will be able to recite the cards
Related to 2004 201
Juan Tamariz The Antifaro Concept
  • 1. For a Fifty-Two-Card Deck
  • 2. For a Thirty-Two-Card Deck
  • 3. A Very Important Observation
Related to 2004 321
Eric Mead Implicate Order two though cards found with procedure that apparently mixes the cards
2006 108
Harry Riser The Two-Thirds Deck Trick card cut to and cut buried, card found with reverse-faros
Also published here
  • MUM, Aug. 1987
2006 77
Jack Avis I Knew that Hacker card chosen from seven-card packet, located again, reverse-faros and down-under deal
Inspired by
  • "Basicdu" (Howard Adams, Mindspa)
2006 87
Alex Gutierrez Double Cross twelve cards, thought of card is located after several anti-faros
2006 147
Giorgio Tarchini Back From Fishing
Inspired by 2006 161
Pit Hartling The Core named card remains after reverse-faro procedure until single card remains
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2006 166
Doug Canning Core Relation way to calculate second to last card when performing The Core
Inspired by 2006 169
Doug Canning Encore The Core with two selections
Inspired byRelated to 2006 169
Steve Beam Simple Logic using only red cards, two-phase prediction effect
  • The Sifter
2006 171
Roberto Giobbi, Richard Vollmer Seven
  • The Genii Session
selection in ten-card packet, packet dealt into two piles as often as spectator likes, selection ends up at seventh position, published for Gather for Gardner No. 7
Inspired by
  • "A Four-tunate Choice" (Gary Plants, Genii, Sep. 1997)
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Paul Gordon Half a Higham spectator thinks of any card, deals twice the value and drops rest on top, after a reverse faro, the performer knows the value and can fish, with half the deck
  • More Thoughts (without reverse faro)
Inspired by 2006 125
Paul Gordon What, Another Kick? packet reduced to one card via reverse faros, selection remains and mates are on top of discard piles
Inspired by
  • "What A Kick" series (Paul Gordon, Card Magic Companion)
Related to
2006 142
Paul Gordon When I Was Twenty-One
Inspired by
  • Jack Parker method
2006 146
Antifaro in Pairs
2007 20
Paul Gordon "Power"ful selected card and four Aces are found, anti-faro "programming"
Inspired byVariations 2007 102
Peter Duffie, Robert E. Neale Cal-Q-Lator twelve card set-up
Related to 2007 297
Roy Walton The Magic of Numbers five pairs of mates mixed (reverse faros), mated again with number cards and counting procedure
Prolix (Issue 3)
David Solomon, Simon Aronson Building Math Principles card and its position in nine-card packet remembered, another card brought in, dealing into two packets, selection eventually located
Inspired by 2007 147
Stewart James Murder by Suggestion Using sum of two cards to determine a number, which corresponds to a list of body parts where a victim is to be stabbed, magician predicts the body part correctly
Also published here
  • Typewritten instructions, 1928
2007 8
Edward Marlo, Lee Freed Lost 21 Card Trick reverse faros
Also published here 2007 77
Paul Gordon When I Was 21
2007 82
Harry Lorayne Gambler's Luck top seven cards taken, after three reverse faros three cards are discarded, the Aces remain, also with Royal Flush or routine with two poker hands
Also published here July 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 7)
Christian Engblom Anti-Faro springing cards from hand to hand
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Allan Slaight Stranger Than That
  • Awfulves #1: two-card location with spelling
  • Awfulves #2: two-card location with down-under deal
Also published here 2008 110
Jon Racherbaumer Unlikely Triumvirate "Mathematician - Psychic - Magician"
sixteen-card packet, spectator choses card and its position, it's divined, in repeat it is the only odd-backed card
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 30
David Solomon, Jeff Siegfried Jamesway Poker reverse faro mixing, good hands are the result, two phases
Inspired by
  • "The Jamesway Poker Deal" (Stewart James, Linking Ring, Feb. 1948)
Also published here
2009 17
David Solomon Sorting the Deck named card remains after multiple anti-faros
Inspired byRelated to 2010 282
Reverse Faro in the hands, upjogging cards
2010 9
Woody Aragón Anti-Faro spectator cuts and performer deals
Also published here 2011 87
Woody Aragón Faro Shuffles and Factorial Dealing describes the relationship between the number of Faro shuffles needed when dealing cards into N number of piles
Related to 2011 253
Woody Aragón Postcards audience shuffles postcards and chooses a postcard that matches prediction. the prediction also predicts order of the remaining postcards
2011 281
Woody Aragón Gilbert's Error Code chosen card is found in an "error code" created by the spectator
2011 297
Harry Lorayne 6-Card Reverse Faro Ending, Plus extensions of Reverse Faro Ending (usually five cards) for six cards or more, cards turned over with anti-faro until one card is left face-down and it is selection
2011 20
Mel Bennett Royacle "A Royal Reunion"
Inspired by 2011
Xtra Credit (Issue 10)
Woody Aragón Mi Anti-Faro spectator cuts and performer deals
Also published here 2011
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 17)
Nick Trost Australian Poker gambling demo with packet of sixteen cards removed from the deck, story, credit information
Inspired by 2011 684
Nick Trost Shuffle Tracking twenty-five-card deck can be dealt in as many piles as often as spectators want, yet performer receives royal flush, two-phase routine
Inspired by 2011 697
Peter Duffie Psychologistic card chosen, packet used to determine suit, and values that add up to the position of selection, "based on a principle published by Phil Goldstein"
2011 16
Karl Fulves Last Card Standing twelve cards from Ace to Queen, one named, every other card outjogged, named card is the last card sticking out after diminishing plunger procedure
Prolix (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Rise To The Occasion secretly outjogging more than one card in anti-faro
Prolix (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Background & History credit information on the diminishing plunger (pushing cards back and forth through the deck until one card remains)
Prolix (Issue 10)
Christian Engblom The Anti-Faro during in-the-hands spring
Also published here Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Bruce Bernstein Eight Cards using eight cards, two phases
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Bruce Bernstein's "Eight Cards" in "1982 Lecture Notes".
2012 127
John Bannon Chronic spectator remembers a card and its position, deck cut, some cards counted off and that packet used to locate selection with reverse faro elimination, "One plus One equals Two" location
2013 229
Simon Aronson Bluff Oracle always ends with bottom card
Inspired byVariations 2013 234
Nick Trost No-Clue Eliminator chosen card ends up as last card in anti-faro elimination procedure, Karl Fulves's "Riffle Shuffle Control" meets Oracle
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Aug./Sep. 1979
2013 679
Nick Trost Discover by Elimination chosen card ends up as last card in anti-faro elimination procedure
  • Second Version (inspired by "It's Impossible" reference)
Inspired by 2013 681
Nick Trost Eight-Card Lie Speller thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Inspired by 2013 695
Juan Tamariz La Mezcla que no Mezcla from Anti-faro condition
2014 150
Simon Aronson Bluff Oracle Reverse Faro exploration, Oracle effect without math
Inspired by 2014 20
Simon Aronson Bluff Oracle - First Level (Tracking the Bottom Card) Reverse Faro elimination, keep track of bottom card
Related to 2014 22
Simon Aronson Bluff Oracle - Second Level (The Double Option) Reverse Faro elimination, keep track of bottom card, but allow you to control whether the target card is outjogged or injogged
Related toVariations 2014 23
Simon Aronson More Than One Target Using Double Option to keep track of two cards
Inspired by 2014 26
Simon Aronson Bluff Oracle - Counting Reverse Faro elimination, counting cards to determine number
2014 27
Kiko Pastur Mezcla que No Mezcla Plus inspired by Tamariz' "Mezcla que no mezcla", various methods to get deck in anti-faro condition
  • Llevar las cartas a salida lateral
  • Pivotar las cartas
  • Falsa imbricación
  • Variante swing
2014 232
John Bannon Bluff Oracle Aces I Duplicating Lin Searles' Moracle effect without using the cards preset at the binary positions.
Inspired byRelated to 2015 50
John Bannon Bluff Oracle Aces II Duplicating Lin Searles' Moracle effect without using the cards preset at the binary positions.
Related to 2015 51
Steve Beam Rock Bottom Duplicating Lin Searles' Moracle effect without using the cards preset at the binary positions.
Inspired by
  • "Swindlaces" (Al Smith, LaBal, April 2011)
Related to
2015 52
Steve Beam Binary Bypass Move which allows one to accomplish the Moracle effect without stacking the deck.
  • Royal Mess
Inspired byRelated to 2015 56
Steve Beam The Neutralizer Audience shuffles the deck and magician reverses their shuffles, producing a great poker hand.
Inspired byVariations 2015 57
Steve Beam Royal Roundup Despite the audience shuffling the deck, the magician is able to reverse their shuffles and produce a royal flush.
Inspired by 2015 59
Steve Beam Mind-Reading Deck Magician uses a deck of cards to grade the quality of thought of a spectator. Ultimately, the deck turns blank.
2015 60
Steve Beam Bottom Feeder A move that allows you to accomplish the Moracle effect producing the cards on the bottom of the packets rather than the top.
Inspired byRelated to 2015 63
Steve Beam Moracool A "Moracle" effect which produces the four aces on top of the packets (for poker) and four jacks on the face (for blackjack).
Inspired byRelated to 2015 64
Steve Beam More Cool Moracool Procedure for producing poker hand using the reverse faro.
Related to 2015 64
Steve Beam End Notes Summation (with additional ideas) of Bypassing the Binary chapter.
  • Flashing Tops
  • Flashing Bottoms (The Moon Move)
2015 65
Larry Becker Reverse Faro
2015 36
Harry Lorayne Powerful Powers five cards found by making packets with anti-faros, also as Aces or Royal Flush revelation
Inspired byVariations 2015 127
Harry Lorayne Only Five Cards Reverse Faro Ending
2015 242
Justin Higham Limited-Selection NoBo
Inspired by 2015 25
Nick Trost Blackjack With a Poker Follow-Up Müller/Avis dealing procedure
Inspired by
  • "The Circle" (Peter Duffie, Abra No. 2645, October 5, 1996)
2015 1269
Nick Trost Synchronicity Revisited two piles are dealt in unison, two selections are at the same position and that position is predicted
Inspired by 2015 1295
Nick Trost Eleven-Eleven two chosen pairs of cards adds to eleven which is predicted, using mixing dealing procedure
Inspired by 2015 1301
Nick Trost My Lucky Card single card location with reverse-faro procedure, Royal Flush kicker on eliminated packets à la Moracle
Inspired byRelated to 2015 1318
Nick Trost ESP By Coincidence spectator uses some cards of sixteen-card packet to find his selection with down-under deal, then reverse faros until down to one brings same symbols on top of packets
Inspired by 2015 1326
Pit Hartling The Core named card remains after reverse-faro procedure until single card remains
Related toAlso published here 2016 60
Juan Tamariz Triple Antifaro eight-packet deal
2016 213
Roy Walton The Apprentice Matchmaker
Also published here 2016 26
Anti-Faro in Pairs
2017 24
Harry Lorayne Royal Power selected card and Royal Flush are found, antifaro "programming"
Inspired by 2017 31
Harry Lorayne Voice Print eight cards, programming, binary
Inspired by 2017 53
Harry Lorayne It's Not Easy To Lie eight cards, programming, binary
Inspired by 2017 57
Harry Lorayne Cal-Q-Lator with anti-faro programming
Related to 2017 115