78 entries in Cards / Sleights / Riffle Shuffle / Riffle on the table / False / Divided Deck
See also the entries in Half Deck False Shuffles, which can be used as Divided Deck False Shuffles as well.
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Divided Deck Riffle Shuffle deck dealt into two piles and those are shuffled together
Also published here 1919/1920 26
Red/Black Riffle Shuffle
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Charles T. Jordan Red-Black Shuffle riffle and overhand
1933 38
Colors Riffle Shuffle
1934 61
Charles T. Jordan Spectator's Red Black Shuffle spectator deals divided deck in two heaps and riffle shuffles them
1937 47
Red-Black Riffle Shuffle
1938 87
6. False riffle shuffle
1938 174
Martin Gardner Red/Black Riffle Shuffle
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1937/38)
Red-Black Riffle Shuffle
May 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 60)
Dai Vernon Explanation of False Shuffle Triumph Shuffle
  • 1. To Maintain the Order of the Reds and Blacks
  • 2. To Maintain the Order of the Entire Pack
Variations 1946
Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
A False Shuffle Par Excellence
1946 83
Red-Black Shuffle no credit given, "shown to me by Downs"
Variations 1949 170
Martin Gardner Red-Black Riffle Shuffles
  • The Center Pull Out
  • The Center Lever Out
  • Cutting Colors
  • Naming Colors
July 1950 679
Martin Gardner, Dai Vernon, Edward Marlo More Red-Black Riffle Shuffles
  • Marlo's Red-Black Shuffle
  • Step Version or Marlo Shuffle
  • Use of Bridge
  • Cut Flourish Version
Aug. 1950 689
Martin Gardner Red-Black Riffle Shuffles-Conclusion
  • The Fred Black Shuffle
  • Step Version of Fred Black Shuffle
  • Three-Cut Shuffle
Inspired by Sep. 1950 699
Audley Walsh A Convincing Shuffle red / black shuffle
The New Phoenix (Issue 328)
Dai Vernon, Fred Black To Keep the Colours Separated
Also published here 1960 54
Edward Marlo Two Triumphs
  • First Triumph (retains full order)
  • Second Triumph - Marlo's Triumph (retains colors)
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 6 Effects)
Edward Marlo Follow Up red black separation of deck
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 6 Effects)
Edward Marlo To Keep an Alternated Red-Black Set-Up
1972 19
Edward Marlo Third Objective getting from red/black separated deck into set-up for a riffle shuffle that retains stack
1973 8
Edward Marlo Alternated Red & Black Shuffles overhand and riffle shuffle used to preserve alternating set-up (including real riffle shuffle with fine incomplete faro)
1973 20
Red-Black Riffle Shuffle reds into reds, blacks into blacks
Variations 1973 43
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Trick #7 cards openly separated into suits, then shuffled together fairly with riffle shuffle, yet red-black colors remain separated
Also published here
  • in "Random Conceptions with Cards" (ca. 1930)
Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Red/Black Riffle Shuffle
1975 36
Charles T. Jordan Premier Card Discovery odd/even
Also published here 1975 103
Divided Deck Riffle Shuffle deck dealt into two piles and those are shuffled together
Also published here 1975 129
Harry Lorayne Simplified Super Riffle Diffle for colors
Inspired by 1976 22
Harvey Rosenthal HR Cut four packets, flourish cut or set-up for red-black shuffle
1978 1093
Edward Marlo Red Black Shuffle breaks on both sides
1980 268
John F. Mendoza Face Up Red-Black Shuffle red and black cards are riffle shuffled multiple times, yet they stay separated
1980 19
Jack McMillen, Charles Nyquist The San Francisco Shuffle deck is separated by red an black, performer and spectator give the deck a riffle shuffle and colors do not mix, Tamariz "accidental Zarrow Set-up"
1981 11
Dr. Jacob Daley, Dai Vernon False Cut top stock, or set-up for red-black shuffle
The Chronicles (Issue 30)
Larry Jennings, Dai Vernon Red Black Shuffle Variation triple cut set-up
1983 56
Paul Harris Red-Black Shuffle in four packets with cover cards
1983 58
Martin Gardner, Dr. Jacob Daley The Daley Red/Black Shuffle also as a get ready cut for Zarrow Shuffle
1984 116
Karl Fulves Notes by Karl Fulves on Red/Black Shuffles in general and Daley's method, setting up for ABAB Shuffle with Zarrow
1984 117
George Pierce, Charles T. Jordan, Karl Fulves Flying Colors No. 14, deck riffle shuffled twice by spectator, yet it separates into colors
1984 21
T. Nelson Downs TND Dovetail Shuffle
1985 15
Dai Vernon, Fred Black Fred Black Shuffle Variation credit information
1987 113
Falschmischen rot-schwarz
Related to 1987 26
Ron Wilson Red/Black Shuffles spectator riffle and overhand shuffles the cards, the deck ends up almost separated in red and black
1987 25
Arthur H. Buckley Red-Black Riffle Shuffle
1988 230
Daryl Martinez The Shuffle Sequence divided deck sequence for twenty-card packet
1989 5
Karl Fulves Crazy Colors partial color separation shown after one riffle shuffle
1989 32
Simple Red-Black Shuffle
1991 235
Spectator's Red-Black Shuffle
1991 235
Divided Deck Riffle Shuffle deck dealt into two piles and those are shuffled together
Also published here 1992 120
Red/Black Riffle Shuffle
1992 233
Paul Harris The Perfectionist
  • The Perfectionist (red and blacks are apparently mixed but remain separated)
  • Transposed Perfectionist (reds and blacks transpose)
  • Mixed-Up Perfectionist (reds and blacks mix themselves)
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Kinda Guy)
Spectator Riffle Shuffles Once
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Magical Arts Journal)
Dai Vernon, Juan Tamariz, Fred Black A red-black False Shuffle spectator pushes cards together
1998 649
Lee Asher Red Black Separation using Pulp Friction
2000 10
Harry Lorayne New Red/Black Shuffle with in-the-hands variation in Afterthoughts
Inspired by 2001 49
R. Paul Wilson Antipathy red and black cards riffle shuffled together and "unshuffled" again, using Engblom's Anti-Faro
2001 7
Red / Black Shuffle with small packet, riffle shuffle on table
2003 90
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) I. General Procedures procedures in which the spectator and/or performer shuffles but retains certain aspects of the red-black distribution of the deck
  • Procedure A
  • Procedure B
  • Procedure C
  • Procedure D: Into This Universe
  • Procedure E: Into Two Universes
  • Procedure F: Multiple Shuffle Procedure
Mar. 2006
The Penumbra (Issue 10)
Dai Vernon To Keep the Colours Separated
Also published here 2008 70
Tony Cabral The Pub Shuffle "A New-ish Red/Black Shuffle"
2010 33
Harry Lorayne Bottom Block Slip Cut
2011 51
Classic Red/Black Shuffle
2012 161
Darwin Ortiz Red/Black Shuffles
  • with Zarrow Shuffle
  • Strip-Out with real running cut
  • Red/Black Double-Cover Zarrow Shuffle
  • Divided Deck Up-the-ladder Cut
2012 166
Jason Ladanye Red-Black Faro Shuffle red-black false riffle shuffle with faro
2013 88
Tony Cabral The Pub Shuffle getting into position
Variations 2014 27
Tabled Riffle Shuffle red/black shuffle
2015 35
Nick Trost Out of this World - Another Handling getting into it, spectator does a riffle shuffle
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Feb. 1994
2015 1144
Red-Black Shuffle center pull-out
2017 160
Juan Villarejo Preparación para Realizar la Mezcla por Colores for setting up a Red-Black Shuffle
2017 49
Steve Beam The F.T.R.&B. Shuffle Director's Cut and red/black shuffle
2018 236
Edward Marlo, Steve Reynolds Covered Up Shuffle using Bottom Line
  • Half Mem Deck Handling
Inspired by 2019 33
Spectator's Color Riffle Shuffle
The Neat Review (Issue 1 - London 2019)
Spectator's Red-Black Shuffle riffle shuffle
2019 170
Tony Cabral The Pub Shuffle
Inspired by 2019 9
Steve Forte The 21st Card center slug control demo, card at twenty-first position is retained during riffle shuffle
2020 864
Steve Forte 2nd phase: red-black-riffle setups methods to set up for red/black shuffle
  • the red-black riffle
2020 878
Steve Forte 3rd phase - face-up red-black riffle shuffles
2020 880
Steve Forte Master High-Low Strip/Riffle Shuffle percentage red-black shuffle, a few mistakes can happen on top, center and bottom
2020 1018
Alexander Hansford Red/Black Shuffle Combination overhand shuffle followed by honest riffle shuffle
2023 42