42 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Red Black / Separation / Oil & Water / Whole Deck
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Donald Holmes A New Chameleon Pack deck shown mixed, then cut in half, one half shown all red and other all black
Related to 1913 29
J. B. Bobo "Out of this World" Followup - Effect Number 2 decks with colors separated is mixed, yet the colors stay separated
1947 55
Edward Marlo Cased-In Shuffle reds and blacks separated, deck is cased, shuffle mimed, deck is uncased and shown mixed
  • First Method (rough-smooth)
  • Second Method (packet handling)
Related toVariations Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Harry Lorayne Faro Blockbuster 3&3, as climax the cards are reversed in deck, some faro shuffles, then deck is separated in red and blacks
1967 92
Ben Christopher Status Quo reds and blacks separated, they stay separated despite shuffling, then done with small packet (4 & 4)
Related to Mar. 1969 248
Don Reavis A Red & Black Separation
1972 139
Edward Marlo "For Faro Shuffler Only" deck is separated in reds and blacks, a faro is shuffled, colors still separated
1973 23
Edward Marlo Return to Colors red black separated deck is mixed a bit and still separated
1974 142
John F. Mendoza Face Up Red-Black Shuffle red and black cards are riffle shuffled multiple times, yet they stay separated
1980 19
Paul Harris Mixed-Up Perfectionist reds and blacks mix themselves
Related toAlso published here 1983 64
Edward Marlo Full Deck Oil and Water red black separated deck is faro shuffled and separation preserved
1984 61
Jonathan Townsend Full-Deck Oil and Water actually Triumph
1985 45
Steve Beam Shakedown first face up and face down shuffled deck and then red and black cards visually separate, faro condition, cards drop
Related to 1985 141
John Bannon I. Shake Well Before Using red-black-separated cards instantly mix, faro fan
Also published here 1986 22
John Bannon IV. The Cleaved Deck Discovery combination of previous routines, openly red-black separated deck, card location, instant mixing finale, faro fan
1986 25
Juan Tamariz With the Whole Deck
1988 177
Edward Marlo Full Deck Oil and Water full deck separates and mixes again
1990 17
John Carney Oil on Troubled Waters 3&3, deck separation climax
Variations 1991 234
John Bannon Shake Well Before Using red-black-separated cards instantly mix, faro fan
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1991 26
Edward Marlo Letter to Simmons - Case of the Shuffles red and black cards shuffle themselves, full deck
Oct. 1991
The Olram File (Issue 10)
Red and Black Flourish cards openly separated, are shuffled, still shown separated, also as two card location
1994 1125
Dominique Duvivier New-Wave All Backs Red and blue double-backed cards shuffled together and magically separate. One of the double backers is split into two Jokers, then the faces on the rest of the deck appear
1996 175
Ellis Stanyon A New Protean or Chameleon Pack No. 57, deck shown mixed, then cut in half, one half shown all red and other all black
Related to 1999 189
Fredric P. Lamazor A. Fan (Red/Black separation) Oriented
1999 16
Lee Asher Red Black Separation using Pulp Friction
2000 10
Bob Kohler The Deck That Can't Be Shuffled deck separates into reds and blacks repeatedly despite shuffling, using Daryl's Triumph Display
2001 1
Lee Asher The Continental Divide deck is shown mixed, instantly separates in reds and blacks
Related toVariations Sep./Oct. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 3)
Jerry K. Hartman Further On "The Continental Divide" additional thoughts
Inspired by Nov./Dec. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 4)
Jerry K. Hartman Color Scheming deck is shown mixed, instantly separates in reds and blacks
Inspired byAlso published here Jan./Feb. 2003
The Penumbra (Issue 5)
Justin Higham Side-Faro Full-Deck Oil & Water deck shuffled three times, always ends up separated into red and black cards
2005 2
Justin Higham Full-Deck Oil & Water Plus Si Stebbins
2005 2
Jerry K. Hartman Color Scheming deck is shown to be mixed reds/blacks, reds and blacks separate
Inspired byAlso published here 2007 76
Arie Vilner False Shuffles Applications: Rhapsody in Color deck remains separated into red and black despite shuffling, then the cards mix themselves, faro spread
Related to 2009 70
Woody Aragón Cheeky Oil And Water sucker oil and water: small packet doesn't separate but whole deck does
2011 55
Jason Ladanye The Set-Up red-black separated cards shuffled, separate again, teaching-presentation
2013 83
Harapan Ong, William Eston Full Deck Oil & Water 4&4, deck finale
Inspired by 2014 30
Michael Lam 水和油《最终章》(Water & Oil Finale) Deck separates into two colors as finale for Oil and Water (red cards oil, black cards water), so red cards are on top of black cards. When the black cards are placed on top, the colors visually transpose, leaving the red cards on top
2014 24
Ryan Plunkett Shuffleupagus deck shuffled by two spectators, then shown to be almost separated into red and blacks, now in new deck order
Inspired byVariations 2017 40
Alexander Hansford Oil and Water deck shown mixed, spectator gives it one riffle shuffle, deck shown separated into red and black
The Neat Review (Issue 1 - London 2019)
Giancarlo Scalia The Rift whole deck ruse
2020 224
Scott Baird S.W.I.S.S. - Shake Well Into Si Stebbins presentational framework for Si Stebbins Secret, red black separated cards instantly mix, using fine incomplete faro condition for Svengali riffle
Inspired byRelated to Mar. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Kyle Leon, Ryan Pilling Sloppy Oil and Water full-deck oil and water with slop shuffle
  • 1. The Slop Shuffle
  • 2. Oil and Water
  • 3. Final Reveal
Oct. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 10)