344 entries in Cards / Principles / Stacked Deck Stuff / Only for Special Stacks / Si Stebbins
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Neueste Methode, Karte zu erraten Stebbins type stack with 32 cards
1896 92
Charles T. Jordan A Novel Detection No. 4, spectator counts down cards and remembers the last one, halves riffle shuffled together, interlocking chains
Also published here 1919/1920 22
Charles T. Jordan, T. Nelson Downs The Spelling Fool! No. 9, spelling to suits and through values
Also published here 1920 19
Charles T. Jordan The Impromptu Arranged Pack No. 9, from New Pack Order to Si Stebbins, dealing
Related toAlso published here 1920 20
Charles T. Jordan Count the Cut spectator cuts off a packet, performer finds out how many by taking cards with the corresponding values from pocket, Si Stebbins
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Charles T. Jordan The Discard Trick two cards chosen by fair cuts, spectator deals into piles and left-over cards are keys for selections
Related toAlso published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Jack Merlin Master Poker Dealing royal flush from named suit, four hands
1927/28 17
Jack Merlin Challenge Bridge Demonstration named suit is dealt, bridge demonstration
1927/28 22
Jack Merlin Super Mental Card Effect thought of card is found on number performer says in cut half, alternative ending, card stab
1927/28 17
Al Baker Al Baker's Pack combo pack
  • 1. One Way
  • 2. Short
  • 3. Wide
  • 4. Si Stebbins
Variations 1932
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Pack)
T. Page Wright Interlocking Chains two colors separated and in order, shuffled once, used for divination
1933 14
Tom Sellers A Trick with the Si Stebbins Pack selection divined by two cards (suit and value)
1934 6
Theodore Annemann A Thought is Fathomed using deck of cards to force page number, Si Stebbins
Related toVariations 1934 6
Orville Wayne Meyer Your Card behind back you produce card of same suit and value as spectator's selection, Si Stebbins
Related toVariations 1934 30
Si Stebbins Si Stebbins' Master System No. 51
1935 45
Effect 1: To Name a Card That a Spectator Draws From the Pack Si Stebbins application
1935 45
Effect 2: To Tell How Many And What Cards Have Been Drawn From the Pack Si Stebbins application
1935 46
Effect 3: To Run the Cards Behind the Back and Name Any Card Stopped At Si Stebbins application
1935 46
Effect 4: To Tell How Far From the Top Any Card Is Si Stebbins application
1935 46
Effect 5: To Deal Yourself Every Trump - In a Whist or 4 Hand Game Si Stebbins application
1935 47
Effect 6: To Deal a Pat Flush of Any Suit Called Fro to the Person Asking For Same Si Stebbins application
1935 47
Si Stebbins Si Stebbins Order
1937 155
Orville Wayne Meyer Your Card behind back you produce card of same suit and value as spectator's selection, Si Stebbins
Related to 1937 204
Theodore Annemann One in Fourteen selection from cyclic set-up (Eight Kings, Si Stebbins, ...)
1937 204
Charles T. Jordan Count the Cut spectator cuts off a packet, performer finds out how many by taking cards with the corresponding values from pocket, Si Stebbins
Also published here 1937 219
Charles T. Jordan A Discard Trick two cards chosen by fair cuts, spectator deals into piles and left-over cards are keys for selections
Also published here 1937 219
Theodore Annemann Between the Lines using deck of cards to force page number
Also published here 1937 221
Theodore Annemann Fathomed Thought using deck of cards to force page number, Si Stebbins
Related to 1937 223
Si Stebbins Mediumistic Stunt No. 1 stacked deck
1937 233
A Prearranged Pack of Cards that can be Shuffled long-short deck with pairs that fit together via Si Stebbins system
Variations 1937 235
Theodore Annemann Between the Lines book test, using deck of cards in Si Stebbins order for word selection
VariationsAlso published here May 1937
The Jinx (Issue 32)
A Si Stebbins System Wrinkle dealing Royal Flush from Si Stebbins
Variations 1938 307
James G. Thompson Jr. Utility Routine Svengali deck with the different cards stacked, ends clean, bridge deal finale
Also published here Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 63)
Louis Lam Impossible deck distributed in thirteen envelopes, cards in chosen envelope divined
1939 21
Verne Chesbro, James G. Thompson Jr. Copy Cat! one Si Stebbins, the other brainwave/invisible deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 117)
Paul Curry Blackout deck is handed to two spectators in the dark who select cards, performer finds mates
Inspired by 1941 12
Theodore Annemann Between the Lines book test, using deck of cards in Si Stebbins order for word selection
Also published here 1944 65
Verne Chesbro, James G. Thompson Jr. Copy Cat one Si Stebbins, the other brainwave/invisible deck
Also published here 1944 294
James G. Thompson Jr. Utility Routine Svengali deck with the different cards stacked, ends clean, bridge deal finale
Also published here 1944 304
Warren Wiersbe Pasteboard Affinity longer routine with Si Stebbins stack
1946 21
Warren Wiersbe Stacking the Deck poker & dealing routine to secretly get into Si Stebbins
1946 22
Warren Wiersbe Tattle-Tale Cards card whispers chosen selection, Si Stebbins
1946 22
Warren Wiersbe Up to Nine card whispers chosen selection, Si Stebbins
1946 23
Warren Wiersbe Super Spread Effect any four cards in spread turned over, then any other card in spread named
1946 24
Warren Wiersbe Dual Decisions spectator's card is divined with two other cards (suit & value)
1946 24
Warren Wiersbe Wiersbe Super Countdown top card is used to count down to peeked selection
1946 25
Warren Wiersbe Remote Control spectator makes some piles, face cards of all are divined by performer
1946 26
Warren Wiersbe Miracle Peek spectator cuts anywhere and remembers card, estimation, fishing, stack
1946 27
Appendix B Si Stebbins set-up
1948 9
Clayton Rawson Under the Table cards under table, one selected, shuffled and found, three methods
Related toVariations Feb. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 170)
Bruce Elliott Math performer names selection of position, sort of early anti-faro
July 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 208)
Si Stebbins Si Stebbins' Master Memory Test No. 132, Memory demonstration
1950 253
Harry Banderob The Cards and Slates with medium on stage, coding card by flashing bottom card
1951 28
Si Stebbins Formula knowing position of card
1951 6
Toni Koynini Any Number spectator cuts deck and deals to any number in deck, adds digits and deals again, that card predicted
Inspired by
  • Al Koran trick from Magic Wand mental magic competition
1951 22
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Spades Hearts Clubs Diamonds variation on the Si Stebbins / Galasso Stack
May 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 255)
Theodore Annemann A Mediumistic Stunt sealed and thought of cards are divined
1952 15
P. Howard Lyons Infallible Coincidence deck cut, half the cards counted into a pile, cards turned up simultaneously, one match occurs which is previously announced by value and position
Inspired by
  • "The Frequent Miracle" (Tom Boyer)
June 1955
Ibidem (Issue 1)
P. Howard Lyons Infallible Force deck cut, half the cards counted into a pile, cards turned up simultaneously until stopped, the two cards add up to fourteen
June 1955
Ibidem (Issue 1)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Si Stebbins Stack
Related toVariations June 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 3)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Snibbets Rusduck's system for Si Stebbins, speller
Related to Sep. 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 4)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Flip Deck cutting to any named card, gaffed deck
Related to Sep. 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 4)
Tony Corinda (2) Si Stebbins Stack
1958 76
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Tri-Quad different set-up
May 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 8)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Did' Ja Know si stebbins observation
May 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 8)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck, Charles Hudson Outer Space up to three spectators select thirteen cards, everybody has one card of each value
Related to July 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 10)
Terry Guyatt Two of a Kind
1959 319
Corvello Teleprognos card is remembered and put in an envelope, other cards are put in envelopes and performer finds selection, then he makes a prediction on a slate which is the card in a chosen envelope
1959 327
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Unheimliche Kartenpartie deck is shuffled and dealt into four hands, suit is named and one remembers a card in his his hand, performer names the suit, then several rounds are played and performer is always able to name cards in other hands
Inspired by
  • Dr. J. Scott Inglis "The Mathematician's Poker Game" in Max Andrews' "Magic Magazine", February 1955
  • Dr. J. Scott Inglis "Dealing with a Bridge Deal" in Max Andrews' "Magic Magazine", April 1955
1960 1
Stewart James Trisi spectator cuts deck and pockets top card, performer removes top fourteen cards, with two down-under deals he locates cards with same value and suit, then performer and spectator both do a down-under deal and arrive at matching cards
Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
P. Howard Lyons Epideictic Si Stebbins version with addition of four and irregular suits
Inspired by Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Karl Fulves Cryptic Calling two effects of a card divination / location wit Si Stebbins
Related to 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 398)
E. Leslie May Revelation cards on table are turned over, one is covered and card is divined
Inspired by 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 399)
J. W. Sarles PRISM with two decks and two cards each, under table
The New Phoenix (Issue 400)
Tony Kardyro Mentally Matched chosen card is divined, peek case
Nov. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 55)
Charles Aste Jr. Suits that Fit different suit distribution for Eight Kings (or similar) stack
July 1967
Ibidem (Issue 32)
Si Stebbins The Si Stebbins Set-Up
1968 64
Edward Marlo, Russell "Rusduck" Duck Marlo on Stebbins/Stay-Stack shuffling new deck into Si Stebbins, faros
Related to Winter 1969
Hierophant (Issue 2)
Gene Nielsen S S Open Prediction
Inspired by Winter 1969
Hierophant (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Countdown Problem Solution
Inspired byVariations May 1969 258
Simon Aronson The Lead-In Routine two card location
Summer 1970
Hierophant (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Second Law some value coincidences happen when dealing through piles, application of Milk Build Shuffle to Si Stebbins
Inspired by
  • "Isaac's Law" (Karl Fulves, Magic and Spells Quarterly)
Related to
Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Ian Baxter Forgotten Poker Deal dealing straight flushes and a royal flush from Si Stebbins
Inspired by 1970 9
Jon Racherbaumer Racherbaumer Variation Christ Force as key card placement, red black setup
Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Edward Marlo Si Stebbins Sorcery
  • First Effect (selection from incomplete faroed deck is named)
  • Second Effect (matching four-of-a-kind found)
    • First Variation (four-of-a-kind dealt in poker deal)
    • Second Variation (mate for pocketed card is found)
    • Third Variation
  • Third Effect (mate for pocketed card is found)
  • Fourth Effect (prediction)
Variations Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Edward Marlo The Chicago Miracle packet cut off and counted down, three methods (memorized deck, impromptu, Si Stebbins)
Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Edward Marlo Si Stebbins on the Road packet cut off and counted down to selection, faro
Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Jon Racherbaumer Liars Fortune
Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Gene Nielsen More Than Coincidence spectator deals through Si Stebbins, counting, if count matches value, he stops, this card named by performer
Jan. 1971 394
Edward Marlo Time For Si Stebbins
1971 16
Edward Marlo Time Zones two selections
1971 16
Gerald R. Blount Crooksville Chicanery two spectators select face-down cards at table them, then name any cards, they match
Related toVariations June 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Si Stebbins Si Stebbins Set-Up
1972 68
Nathan Stark Dyna-Mental card selected and placed in envelope, placed among other envelopes is found and divined
Magick (Issue 61)
Special Delivery
Related to 1972 38
Karl Fulves Face-Up Thot card removed from face up face down deck is removed by spectator, mate found, faro, si stebbins
1973 14
Gene Finnell Base 4 System "Card Sorting and Set Ups"
sorting shuffled deck into new deck order, four possible positions during run-through
  • New Deck Order ("New Deck Order in 3 Sorts")
  • Numerical Order Stack
  • Random Number - Ordered Suit
  • Numerical Order - Random Suit
  • Si Stebbins
1973 20
Stephen Minch The Justice of the Gypsies face down cards are named, then a reading, Si Stebbins stack adopted to Major Arcana
1974 18
Stephen Minch The Lonely One card from the Major Arcana is predicted
1974 20
James G. Thompson Jr. No Way two spectators decide on a number up to 25, first spectator counts down to that card in half the deck, performer writes down two cards, second spectator counts down, both cards match prediction
Sep. 1974 787
David Douglas Take '2' pick-up stack for Si Stebbins
Magick (Issue 100)
John A. Novak Sven Stebbins svengali deck meets Si Stebbins, paired deck
Related to 1975
Magick (Issue 134)
North Bigbee Astro-lepathy! zodiac cards, stack
Magick (Issue 135)
David Calhoun Vegas Fling! dice, roulette and cards, triple prediction
Variations 1975
Magick (Issue 136)
Gerald Kosky Telephone Telepathy
1975 191
Charles T. Jordan The Impromptu Arranged Pack from New Pack Order to Si Stebbins, dealing
Also published here 1975 27
Charles T. Jordan, T. Nelson Downs The Spelling Fool! spelling to suits and through values
Also published here 1975 85
Charles T. Jordan A Novel Detection spectator counts down cards and remembers the last one, halves riffle shuffled together, interlocking chains
Also published here 1975 127
Charles T. Jordan Count the Cut spectator cuts off a packet, performer finds out how many by taking cards with the corresponding values from pocket, Si Stebbins
Also published here 1975 153
Charles T. Jordan Discard Trick two cards chosen by fair cuts, spectator deals into piles and left-over cards are keys for selections
Also published here 1975 154
Nick Trost Automatic Lie Speller Lie Detector with verification
VariationsAlso published here 1976 12
Robert Schwarz Coincidence two decks, presentation for the brainwave deck
Magick (Issue 157)
Patrick Page The Si Stebbins
1976 81
The Reversed Card card reversed in center behind back is revealed
1976 82
Patrick Page Stabatwin stabbing pocket knife next to twin of chosen card
VariationsAlso published here 1976 83
Patrick Page Calling the Cards bunch of card is distributed to the audience and one card is placed in a spectator's pocket, all cards are divined
1976 83
Philip T. Goldstein Alphabet Stebbins Stebbins with ABC cards
Related to 1977
Magick (Issue 189)
Gerald Kosky PSI-Stebbins three spectator select a ABC card and seal it in an envelope, Alphabet Stebbins
Magick (Issue 189)
Philip T. Goldstein Count Stebbins calculating letters and positions for the Alphabet Stebbins
Related to 1977
Magick (Issue 191)
Tan Hock Chuan Surprising Location Spectator thinks of a card in poker hand, magician divines
1977 8
Tan Hock Chuan Seven's a Most Magical Number Spectator chooses a card out of seven, magician divines
1977 9
Tan Hock Chuan Matched Before Chosen Magician sets aside two random cards, spectator chooses random card, the two random cards reveal suit and value of selection
1977 10
Tan Hock Chuan Mind Reading
1977 11
Erraten mehrerer Karten some cards are noted on a piece of paper, cards are removed from deck by performer
1978 118
David Stahl An Old Card Trick Made New
Also published here 1978 15
Karl Fulves (4) Faro/Stebbins bringing a thirteen-cards deck into Si Stebbins order with faros
1979 28
Karl Fulves Second Law some value coincidences happen when dealing through piles, application of Milk Build Shuffle to Si Stebbins
Related toVariations 1979 32
John F. Mendoza An Old Card Trick Made New spectator cuts off packet, remembers bottom card, shuffles and deal packet in three piles, card immediately named
Related to 1979 94
Larry Becker PSI-Stebbins shuffled deck, packet of card is divined and last card predicted, jumbo cards
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1979 7
E. Leslie May Christmas Bonus presentation for Sherlock Holmes Force Book test, card inserted in the book
Dec. 1979 5
Bob Hummer Hummeristic message appears on blank card, by rubbing ashes on it
  • #1: The Ashes Reveal
  • #2: Ghost Force
  • #3: Transference of Thought
  • #4: A Magic Business Card
  • #5: Ghost Envelope
1980 38
Bruce Bernstein Your Card Variation behind back you produce card of same suit and value as spectator's selection, Si Stebbins
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 42
Si Stebbins
1982 31
Karroll Priest The Shadow Man on the Si Stebbins
  • Take a Batch of Cards
  • The Basic System
  • The Shadow Man
  • The Formulas
  • What They Do
  • Know the Position of Any Card Called
  • To Identify a Card at Any Number Given
Aug. 1982
Magick (Issue 309)
Stewart James Domore Discovery counting procedure in Si Stebbins stack produced coincidence/prediction
Arcane (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo The Spectator's Matcho two cards selected, then another two, they match
1983 60
Sam Schwartz Demon's Effect using Si Stebbins stack to force a word in the Astrology book
Inspired by 1983 32
Sam Schwartz A Fathomed Thought Si Stebbins cut anywhere, top three cards added to select page and highest value gives position of word, possible words are made for anagram fishing in Astrology book
Inspired by 1983 33
Stewart James Doublethink spelling trick with story line, works with Si Stebbins
Epoptica (Issue Yearbook)
Theodore Annemann A Si Stebbins Kink blindfolded medium removes a card with same suit and one with same value as selection
Also published here
  • "Si Stebbins Kink" (Theodore Annemann, Linking Ring, Oct. 1924)
1984 22
Darwin Ortiz The Si Stebbins Secret from New Pack Order to Si Stebbins, faros
Related toVariations 1988 137
Helmut Ziegler Öl und (W) Asse (r) deck is dealt into four hands and every packet cut, top card used to count down in packet and four Aces are found, then after riffle shuffle separation of red and black cards
  • Asse
  • Öl und Wasser
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Brother John Hamman Chinese Shuffle to Si Stebbins Stack getting into Si Stebbins via six binary culls, here up-downjog
1989 71
Roger Crosthwaite Faro Follow-Ups one out of four, kicker four-of-a-kind production, Si Stebbins & faros
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Bob King Under Your Spell spectator cuts to any card and loses it, performer spells to it underneath handkerchief and it shows up at last letter
Also published here 1989 16
Das Si-Stebbins-System with calculations
1989 72
Nick Trost Psi Stebbins Lie Speller
1990 169
Karl Fulves High Stebbins
  • (A) spectator cuts packet and takes top card, performer next, high card wins
  • (B) high card wins with twelve-card packet, three cards each, performer has better odds
  • (C) high card wins variation with better odds for performer
  • (D) high card wins combined with faro shuffle to shift odds to first or second player
1991 10
Frederick Braue Prearranged Deck on stacked deck work, historical comments
  • Eight Kings
  • Si Stebbins
  • Nikola
  • Braue Memorized Stack (?)
1992 1
Bob King Under Your Spell spectator cuts to any card and loses it, performer spells to it underneath handkerchief and it shows up at last letter
Also published here 1992 19
Karl Fulves Blackjack Stacks winning hands for dealer in two-handed games
Related to 1992
Swindle Sheet (Issue 10)
Larry Becker, Ross Johnson Club Kicker shuffled deck, packet of card is divined and last card predicted, with jumbo card kicker
Inspired byVariations 1992 285
Charles T. Jordan Discard Trick No. 39, two cards chosen by fair cuts, spectator deals into piles and left-over cards are keys for selections
Also published here 1992 46
Doug Edwards No Chances using cyclical stack
Apr. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Edward Marlo Si Stebbins from New Pack Order brief
The Olram File (Issue 15)
Steve Beam Impaired named card ends up between jokers
VariationsAlso published here 1993 871
Bob King Seeing is Believing performer blindfolded for full routine
Phase I: a card pocketed and another selected
Phase II: selection found at named small number
Phase III: two more cards divined, using 52-on-One and 3-1/2 gag cards
Phase IV: four Aces dealt in poker round
Phase V: pocketed card named
1993 22
Steve Beam Impaired named card between two face up jokers
Also published here 1993 136
Alexander de Cova Magician's Fooler packet is cut from deck and the rest put in card case, one card of the packet is placed reversed in the center of the rest, all cards are divined, peek case
Also published here 1993 15
Karl Fulves Tic Stax Toe using cards to indicate which square has to be used next, Eight Kings or Si Stebbins stack
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 7)
Steve Beam Impaired named card between two face up jokers
Also published here 1993 12
Rudolf Braunmüller Si Stebbins à la Rusduck Stebbins variation
Related to Nov. 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 2)
Alexander de Cova Magician's Fooler packet is cut from deck and the rest put in card case, one card of the packet is placed reversed in the center of the rest, all cards are divined, peek case
Also published here 1993 16
Alex Elmsley Future Stock two card prediction, stack, one-ahead
1994 398
Karl Fulves Speed Counts clocking with stacked deck, posed as problem
1994 98
Grace Ann Morgan The $ 1,000,000 Test three cards are divined
Inspired by 1994 939
Doug Canning Backstack formula to calculate position of cards in Si Stebbins
1994 941
Doug Canning Down for the Count two decks, card is named and put in a deck, cards next to it form a number and same card in other deck found at this position
1994 941
Ellison Poland Si Stebbins Set-Up with Faros three faros instead of two
Inspired by 1994 11
Allan Slaight Sly Stebbins spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1995 46
Hervé Pigny Le jeu Hautes Phréquences! long-short deck with pairs that fit together
Inspired by 1995 97
Mark Strivings Unleaded Par-Optic three cards in spectators pocket, first color is divined then identities, seeing with fingertips presentation
Inspired byRelated to
  • Mark Strivings' "Par-Optic Plus"
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Doug Edwards Si's Place any Royal Flush is dealt, Stebbins
Jan. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Karl Fulves Simple Stebbins using Side Effects Deck with Si Stebbins set-up
Related to 1996 44
Karl Fulves Cheat Deck card thought (one person suit, another value), stacked and five cards corner shorted
1996 47
Karl Fulves Improv Aces four kings lost in deck reversed one by one, spread on table, kings are next to the matching aces, with stack handling
1996 139
Karl Fulves Benefactor with two cards that turn out to be mates, Riffle Shuffle Control
1996 25
Karl Fulves Department of Corrections red-backed card in blue-backed deck, spectator deals face-up and turns one card face-dwon, it's blue, rest changes to red
Inspired by
  • "Remote Control" (Annemann)
1996 42
Karl Fulves Snibbets
1996 55
James Swain Annemann's Miracle three cards removed, performer divines them fairly, peek case with hole
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 164
James Swain Something for Nothing new deck order show, shuffled a few times, poker hands dealt, straight flushs and royal flush for performer
Inspired by 1996 167
Floyd Beatlebaum Soul Mates spectator selects a card, deals two hands and top card of one pile matches value and the other suit
Inspired byAlso published here Mar. 1996
The Minotaur (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Floyd Beatlebaum Soul Mates spectator selects a card, deals two hands and top card of one pile matches value and the other suit
Also published here 1996 6
Lou Gallo Cut Me In reverse stack
1996 68
Nick Trost Automatic Lie Speller Lie Detector with verification
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1997 155
Si Stebbins Si Stebbins Setup Syrian card manipulator Selim Cid taught Si Stebbins a version of the setup in 1895. Popularised by Howard Thurston in Howard Thurston's Card Tricks, 1901.
1997 321
Karl Fulves Cast A Card
1997 10
Peter Duffie Lie Stebbins Lie Detector effect with one selection, identity of cards determine if spectator is telling truth/lie (e.g. color, suit, value)
Related to 1997 51
Peter Duffie Lie Stebbins Plus! Lie Detector effect with two selection, identity of cards determine if spectator is telling truth/lie (e.g. spot/court, suit), but has double revelation
Related to 1997 54
Tom Gagnon Si of Relief calculating position of cards in Si Stebbins
Also published here 1997 1313
Allan Slaight, Steve Beam Stebbin Up -spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 1332
Peter Duffie Elucidation one of thirteen thought of
1997 11
Allan Slaight Sly Stebbins spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 14
Martin Joyal An Overview of Card Systems
  • System Categories
    • Sequential System Characteristics
    • Ordered System Characteristics
  • Overview of Systems
    • The New Deck System
    • The Grouped Value System
    • The Si Stebbins System
    • The Eight Kings System
    • The Stanyon System (Ellis Stanyon)
    • The Joseph System (Eddie Joseph)
    • The Esscee Prearranged Pack (Stanley Collins)
    • The Harding System (Bart Harding)
    • Jack's Pack (Jack Yates)
    • The Cornelius System (John Cornelius)
    • The Osterlind System (Richard Osterlind)
    • The Boudreau Systems (Leo Boudreau)
    • The No Memory Card Stack (Harry Riser)
    • The Lusthaus System (Robert Lusthaus)
    • The Memory-deck (Lewis Jones)
    • The Reymond System (Patrick Reymond)
    • The Wild System (Boris Wild)
    • Richard's Stack (Richard Uhrich)
1997 27
Edward Marlo The Lost Integrated Deck long-short Si Stebbins stack and ideas with it
  • Showing Cards To Be One Color
  • The Lift (double lift from long-short deck)
  • Calculating The Position Of Any Card
  • First Effect (calling all cards from a cut-off and shuffled packet)
  • Second Effect (like before, as memory demonstration)
  • Third Effect (divination of selections with help of Joker)
  • Fourth Effect (divination, pseudo x-ray deck procedure)
  • Fifth Effect (naming color of cards at named number)
  • Sixth Effect (spectator chooses only red card)
  • Seventh Effect (deck changes to all-red/all-black)
1997 140
Chris "Doc" Dixon Carpe Cajones prediction of favorite Beatle member and a month written on card, card in wallet as prediction
1997 101
Karl Fulves Stolen Numbers "The First Layout", telephone number presentation, ten cards (Ace through Ten) are laid out in which spectator's indicate their rows
Inspired by 1998 7
Karl Fulves Count Without Words "The Second Layout", blackjack memory demonstration
1998 23
Karl Fulves V-Real spectator cuts, card made up from suit of top and value of bottom card, spelling "virtual reality", card shown, it changes into made-up card (allusion to lie speller "Lie, Si")
Related to 1998
Underworld (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Stebbins Clock clock layout, one card turned over and put in center, counting procedure with the value and last card on count always turned over, remaining card forced
Inspired byRelated to 1998 176
Bob King Stebbins Buried Treasure spectator chooses card by cutting deck in three piles, then he deals through the cards and performer stops at selection
Inspired by 1998 15
Bob King Poker Mental II three spectators, last card also reversed in another deck, mis-calling mates
Inspired byVariations 1998 33
Ellis Stanyon A Numerical Arrangement for a Whist Pack No. 2, "One of the best", Stebbins
1999 85
Ellis Stanyon The Numerical Arrangement and Tricks with Same No. 8, Si Stebbins, see following items for tricks
1999 106
Ellis Stanyon (a) To Name a Card Freely Chosen glimpsing next card
1999 107
Ellis Stanyon (b) To Discover a Number of Cards batch taken by spectator, all named by performer
1999 107
Ellis Stanyon (c) Card Selected by One Person Is Named by Another card tabled and verbally forced (no details) on another spectator with equivoque questions
1999 107
Ellis Stanyon (d) Mind-Reading medium knows stack
1999 107
Ellis Stanyon (e) Spectator Produces the Right Cards from a Pocket cards "as quickly as possible" take from pocketed deck by spectator
1999 107
Clarence Hubbard (f) Cards from a Pocket six chosen cards produced from pocket by performer
1999 108
Patrick Page The Pa Pa System Plus Si Stebbins system to navigate quickly in Si Stebbins order
Also published here Mar. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 3)
Karl Fulves High Stakes square layout with four Jokers and four Jacks, values are spelt and object moved from card to card, spectator always ends on a jack
Related to 2000 206
Tony Griffith The Bilton Diary
2000 110
Allan Slaight, Steve Beam Stebbin Out spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 140
Steve Beam Face Off four cards are selected and found, cut deeper to select all cards
Also published here 2000 181
Steve Beam Underhand Location using the Underhand Shuffle
2000 208
Peter Duffie A Stebbish Location two cards chosen with two dice, performer produces one and names the other, variation of Si Stebbins stack
2000 13
Steve Beam Underhand Location
  • Revelations
  • Hand Me Downs
  • Alternative Revelations
2001 12
Allan Slaight, Steve Beam Stebbin Out spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Also published here 2001 34
Theodore DeLand DeLand's King Trick formula for position of King of same suit as bottom card of deck
Also published here
  • The Magician, Feb. 1916
2002 249
Karl Fulves Could You Spell That? spelling ideas from Si Stebbins stack
  • Si Spell
  • Die Spell
  • Sly Spell
  • Lie Spell
Inspired by 2002 260
Doug Canning Speed-Reader II
2002 152
Al Baker, Max Holden Another Subtle Mystery Si Stebbins & one-way, cards with same suit and value as selection are found face down
2003 681
Karl Fulves Cut Shallow "cut shallow force" as opposite of "cut deeper force"
2003 331
Karl Fulves Sealed Thoughts spectator cuts off some cards, shuffles them and distributes them reversed in deck, then notes down their values in order and cases deck, performer looks at list and predicts color match combinations when cards are dealt off in pairs
Off The Books (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Edge of Mind spectator cuts off packet and hides it, card at same position is remembered, deck dealt into eight piles, selection named and packet with it pointed to
Off The Books (Issue 5)
P. Howard Lyons On the Si Stebbins System x-ahead system
Jan. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 1)
Karl Fulves Well-Ordered Stack Si Stebbins variation
2004 13
Grace Ann Morgan The Hacker Stack using Si Stebbins as memorized deck
Related to 2004 29
Grace Ann Morgan The Adequate Cardshark Poker and Bridge deal from Si Stebbins
Inspired by 2004 31
Grace Ann Morgan Hacker Stack Basics memorizing Si Stebbins
  • Step One - The Phonetic Alphabet
  • Step Two - Turning Numbers Into Pictures
  • Step Three - Translating Playing Cards Into Pictures
  • The Final Step - Learning The Stack
Related to 2004 36
Allan Slaight The Deck Will Tell spelling words color, suits and value and always finding matching cards to selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2004 155
Steve Beam Bait and Switch fishing concept for Si Stebbins
VariationsAlso published here 2004 160
Steve Beam Six Appeal thought of card is divined, using the Bait and Switch
2004 162
Steve Beam Six Pack thought of card is divined, using the Bait and Switch, smaller set-up
2004 164
Mick Ayres Con-Sense gambling themed book test, total of hands used select word
2004 177
Wonder Man Fred Fan-Tastic spectator removes a group of cards and performer names all but three, second spectator selects a card from different deck which matches one of the remaining cards, one card is divined by calling friend of performer and last one matches prediction in box
  • Das Finden einer Karte durch einen Zuschauer
  • Die telefonische Wiedergabe der Karte
  • Die Vorhersage der letzten Karte
2004 209
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Psychometrack (a.k.a. The Gift) several people select a Tarot card, readings and all are divined, Si Stebbins and Eight Kings used for Tarot cards
2004 11
Karl Fulves, Ken Beale Ten-Hour Day card chosen in clock-layout with mathematical method, second card removed from rest of deck, both cards are divined
Inspired by 2005 40
Karl Fulves Displaceable U deck cut in half, both halves shuffled, spectator removes some cards of named suit and places them in box, another one from other half under box, last one is named
Related to 2005 11
Karl Fulves Lettra Set two missing cards found with clocking and faro-shuffled set-up
2005 43
Justin Higham Full-Deck Oil & Water Plus Si Stebbins
2005 2
Bob King Poker Mental II three spectators, last card also reversed in another deck, mis-calling mates
Inspired by 2005 25
Bob King Calling Mr. Stebbins two spectators cut to a card each and loose it in a packet, performer takes one packet and pockets a card from it, person is called on phone and names both cards after one packet is read off to him
2005 27
George McBride Stebbins Prediction business card slid into spread, cards above and below are taken out, small packet cut off and counted, spectator remembers card at its position, original two removed cards have same value and suit, position of selection predicted on business card, faro, Penelope
2005 31
Woody Aragón Si Senór setting up deck from New Deck Order to Si Stebbins, while locating selection
2006 199
Woody Aragón Si Fry performer ascertains a packet of cards chosen by spectator
Also published here 2006 201
Steve Beam Fish Stew thought-of cards are divined, three phases
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 216
Bob Swadling Si's Secret observation of the Si Stebbin
2006 224
Steve Beam Si Kick cut pile behind back, then performer asks question about thought selection and always removes cards which do not match, red or black etc.
Variations 2006 163