116 entries in Cards / Principles / Stacked Deck Stuff / Number Forcing Stack
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan The Psychic Prediction total of six selections predicted, stack that will force the number 27, riffle shuffle with chains
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan The Prophesied Spot Total stack that will force the number 69
VariationsAlso published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Prophecied Discovery using stack that forces number ten
Also published here 1928 8
George Pierce Satan's Message two four-card packets dealt out, one chosen and its card values added, that many cards counted down and that card is predicted
1928 5
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Bestimmung des Wertes von vier vom Zuschauer entnommenen Karten deck is cut and eight cards are dealt, sum of chosen hand is predicted
1930 63
Locating a Page and Word by Cards force number with stack
1935 18
The Joker Trick No. 24, deck riffle shuffled once (interlocking chains), Joker put in deck and card on either side removed, performer divines them
1935 26
Theodore Annemann The Word on the Page using 14-15 card stack
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 25)
Charles T. Jordan Psychic Prediction total of six selections predicted, stack that will force the number 27, riffle shuffle with chains
Also published here 1937 200
Charles T. Jordan Prophesied Spot Total stack that will force the number 69
Also published here 1937 201
Charles T. Jordan Strange Coincidence coincidence with card values where two values add up to a third selection, stack that will force the number ten
Also published here 1937 220
Theodore Annemann Premier Book Test using deck of cards to force page number, 14/15 stack
Related to 1937 221
William Larsen Prophesied Discovery using stack that forces number ten
Related toAlso published here 1937 228
Theodore Annemann The Oss of Lhasa word predicted, card stack used for force
Variations 1937
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1937)
Jack Vosburgh Monk's Mystery 14-15 stack that forces number
VariationsAlso published here Nov. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 150)
William S. Houghton Amazing Card Prediction stack forcing ten/eleven, count down to predicted card, interlocking chain shuffle before separating colors
1943 60
Theodore Annemann The Word on the Page using 14-15 card stack
Also published here 1944 72
Jack Vosburgh Monks Mystery 14-15 stack that forces number, with slates
Also published here 1944 73
Stewart James "Swastricka" through calculation the number 28 is arrived at and predicted with a swastika symbol, 14/15 force stack
1944 3
George G. Kaplan The Medium´s Card Test 14/15 forced from one deck, card at that position in second deck has been predicted
1948 185
George G. Kaplan Do-As-I-Do Telephone Test forcing a number with cards
1948 209
George G. Kaplan Forcing Three Numbers using cards
1948 230
Paul Morris, P. C. Sorcar The Magic Four-Spot No. 82, Prediction effect using two different mathematical forces
1950 150
Bill Pawson, Howard Wurst, John Scarne The Card Clock No. 150, after a card is selected and lost, 12 cards are dealt in a circle and eliminated via an unorthodox mathematical procedure until only the selection is left.
1950 292
Theodore Annemann The Master Mind 14-15 card stack, two decks
1952 8
Eddie Joseph Hitting the Headline page and line is chosen from selected newspaper using deck of cards, two halves are dealt and two cards freely selected, pips added together, chosen headline is divined
  • Single Number Force
  • Combination Number Force
1952 1
Eddie Joseph Bombay: Effect No. 7 three cards chosen with counting procedure, those are used to get to a page in a magazine, word is divined
1952 3
Cy Endfield Forcing 23 using a coin's date-sum to count to a card and adding it to the date to arrive at 23
1955 46
P. Howard Lyons Infallible Force deck cut, half the cards counted into a pile, cards turned up simultaneously until stopped, the two cards add up to fourteen
June 1955
Ibidem (Issue 1)
P. Howard Lyons Double Up "The laziest ambitious card in history"
  • Part I: two decks dealt in unison until stopped, the two values are added and counted down in a third deck to a predicted card
  • Part II: the two selections are then buried in their decks and rise to the top
Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 2)
Tony Corinda (3) The Fourteen/Fifteen Set Up forcing number 14 or 15
1958 76
Edward Marlo Stay-Stack Prediction forcing a number with stay stack
  • With Two Decks
Also published here Jan. 1959
The Cardiste (Issue 12)
Stewart James Quiz Biz stack with thirty-six cards, three cards are spelled to Kruskal-like and they are always an Ace, Two and Six, Quiz presentation
Variations Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Edward Marlo Stay-Stack Prediction forcing a number with stay stack
  • With Two Decks
Also published here May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Ronald B. Edwards Son of Lhasa word predicted, card stack used for force
Inspired by Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Sum Fun more on the mathematics of the Kruskal count procedure, forcing number 52, at the end all face-up cards add to force number
  • Numeric Cycle
  • Spelling Cycle
  • Ending a Cycle
  • Inducing a Cycle
  • Backward Cycle
Inspired byRelated to Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) More Biz stack with forty-eight cards, three cards are spelled to Kruskal-like and they are always an Ace, Two,Six and Ten
Inspired byVariations Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Ken Beale A Venue unfinished idea for range force with stack and adding up some consecutive cards
Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
P. Howard Lyons Northern Force setting up a 13/14 number forcing stack from new deck order with Klondyke Shuffle
Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Paul Swinford Swinford's Myth 14-15 force, faro, new deck order
1971 17
Dr. Jacob Daley, Royal Vale Heath Card Trick 14-15 No. 571, card lost, spectator cuts and nine cards are taken, three consecutive cards give numbers 14 or 15 to locate selection, magic square with the nine cards
1972 159
Charles T. Jordan Prophesied Spot Total stack that will force the number 69
Also published here 1975 102
Charles T. Jordan Strange Coincidence coincidence with card values where two values add up to a third selection, stack that will force the number ten
Also published here 1975 152
Charles T. Jordan Psychic Prediction total of six selections predicted, stack that will force the number 27, riffle shuffle with chains
Also published here 1975 156
Charles T. Jordan Premier Book Test using deck of cards to force page number, 14/15 stack
Related to 1975 236
14/15 Stack
1976 71
Karl Fulves The Aftermath Book Test two spectators's words predicted, selected with playing card procedure, 14-15 stack
Inspired byRelated to 1978 1
Philip T. Goldstein Numix handling of the 14/15 stack force, as a prediction
Magick (Issue 229)
The Printed Word No. 30, spectator cuts deck and takes two cards, values added and phone book opened on that page, 14-15 stack
1979 48
Theodore Annemann Word on the Page No. 31, two-spectator version of 14-15 stack
Also published here 1979 50
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) More Quiz Biz Faro faro method
Inspired by Mar. 1979
Ibidem (Issue 36)
Steve Beam Countdown values of two cut to cards are added and total leads to selection, 14/15 stack
1980 31
Sam Schwartz Mental Monk 14-15 stack that forces number and thus a word into Astrology book
Inspired by 1983 31
Sam Schwartz The 14-15 Test forcing different word in the Astrology book with the 14-15 stack
1983 32
Sam Schwartz Under The Influence stack that forces number and thus word in Astrology book
Inspired by
  • item in Gen magazine
1983 38
Sam Schwartz The Morality Test stack that forces number and thus word in Astrology book
1983 39
Charles T. Jordan Psychic Prediction No. 31, total of six selections predicted, stack that will force the number 27, riffle shuffle with chains
Also published here 1992 39
Charles T. Jordan Strange Coincidence No. 36, coincidence with card values where two values add up to a third selection, stack that will force the number ten
Also published here 1992 44
Charles T. Jordan Prophesied Spot Total No. 139, stack that will force the number 69
Also published here 1992 172
Karl Fulves "Prophesied Spot Total" Notes No. 140, forcing 67
Inspired by 1992 173
Karl Fulves Close Encounter examination of H. S. Paine's 14-15 stack
  • 4-Way Force
  • Toggle Force
  • Flip Force
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 7)
Charles T. Jordan, Vanni Bossi Still Jordan: His Solution to Hofzinser's Problem No 8 coincidence with card values where two values add up to a third selection, stack that will force the number ten, with commentary by Vanni Bossi
1993 13
Karl Fulves Chance Encounter dealing procedure used arrive at numbers, when added two numbers are calculated, they are the key numbers of two hotel keys, using 14-15 stack
Related to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 6)
Simon Aronson The Trained Deck selection cut into deck, three chosen cards added, selection at this position, repeated, then selected card is spelled by spectator in his head while performer deals, performer stops at selection, Multiple Card Sum Stack
Related to 1995 123
Simon Aronson Multiple Card Sum Stacks consecutive sum, not forcing
Related to 1995 134
Steve Beam Countdown card is found by adding values of two cards, 14/15 total of two cards
1995 23
Steve Beam Middle Guage Spread card spread on the table two cards turned over and value is used to count in the spread, both end on same card which turns out to be selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 27
Doug Canning Card Counters
Inspired byRelated to 1995 153
Peter Duffie Forced Entry two halves, one half shuffled and a card chosen and another one reversed, faroed together and cards next to reversed card give position of first selection, 13/14 stack
1996 10
Martin Joyal An Overview of Complete Deck Stacks
  • New Deck Stacks
  • Ordered Values Stacks
  • Ordered Suit Stacks
  • Grouped Value Stacks
  • Grouped Suit Stacks
  • Pair Stacks
  • Divided Stacks
    • The Red-black Divided Stack
    • The Mixed Suit Divided Stack
    • The High-low Divided Stack
    • The Curl-No-Curl Divided Stack
    • The Odd-even Divided Stack
    • The Odd-even Divided Stack with Mixed Colors
    • The Odd-even Divided Stack with Mixed Suits
    • The One-eyed and Two-eyed Divided Stack
  • Red-Black Stacks
  • Pointer Stacks
  • Reflected Stacks
  • Matched Setups
  • One-Two-Four-Eight Stacks
  • Forcing Stacks
    • Card-Forcing Stacks
    • Number-Forcing Stacks
    • Word-Forcing Stacks
  • Stacks used for Revelations
  • Counting and Spelling Stacks
  • Storytelling Stacks
  • Gambling Demonstration Stacks
  • Solitaire Stacks
  • Other Stacks
  • Summary
1997 5
Peter Duffie Centrifugal Diary spectator cuts off pile and counts court cards for month and either red or black number cards for day, forcing a day with a stack, word in calendar predicted
1998 2
Peter Duffie Predict deck cut, nine cards counted off, some added, total predicted
1998 7
Peter Duffie CoVersion two piles, card chosen in one half, other half dealt into three piles and stopped anytime, top three cards added to count to selection
Related to 1998 13
Ellis Stanyon Riffle Shuffle for the Paired Pack No. 31, long-short pairs of cards that add up to fourteen, can be riffle shuffled, divining chosen card by the one next to it or forcing a number
Related to 1999 290
George G. Kaplan Der Geistertafel-Magazin-Test two slates shown and placed aside, six cards chosen to locate page in magazine, headline appears on slates
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 2)
Steve Beam Mortality card found at number, number indicates how long person will live
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2000 115
Steve Beam Deal Stopper two cards selected from shuffled deck, deck split into two, when dealt down, both cards turn up at the same time
Inspired by 2000 148
Peter Duffie Backlog card freely chosen face-up, value and suit spelled to separately and the two cards removed and added, that number is written at the back of the selection
Related to 2000 2
Peter Duffie Colorosity Plus! two odd-colored cards are eventually in two piles, the add up to a number prediction (7/8 force stack)
2000 9
Steve Beam Mortality card found at number, number indicates how long person will live
Also published here 2001 10
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Double-decker two decks, one card chosen, two cards from other deck used to count down to it, 13-14 force stack
2002 105
Steve Beam Mortality - The Second Opinion card found at number, number indicates how long person will live
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2002 220
Steve Beam The 15/15 Force forcing number 15
2002 243
Roberto Giobbi Book Test on using of playing cards to force a number
Nov. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 11)
Barry Govan Menu Prediction item in menu predicted, chosen via adding two card values
Oct. 2003
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 2)
Karl Fulves, Stewart James Stax Fax stacks that force numbers, see also p. 68
2005 45
S. H. Paine Paine Set-Up for a number force, 14-15
2005 45
Bob Ostin The Shredder paper in shredder, number of total of two cards appear cut out on paper
2005 112
George McBride Captives of the Cranium one half is cut and two cards are added to get a number, other half is cut and top card pocketed, using the number one counts down to get the same value, another count with the added digits gets a card of the same suit
Inspired by
  • "Captives of the Brain" (Stewart James, James File Vol. 2, p. 2536)
2005 29
Jerry K. Hartman 15/14 Delight subtlety for 14/15 stack
Prolix (Issue 1)
Doug Canning The Pat Hand spectator choses five cards from a deck with numbers on the back, prediction of total and of cards
2006 190
Stewart James Baker's Dozen System Stack that forces the number thirteen, no matter where the audience stops dealing
Also published here
  • Handwritten notes, 1953
2007 119
Stewart James TRY aNother FIELD Magician predicts a number, a card, and a picture from a picture deck
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Letter to Allan Slaught, Dec 1979
2007 171
Paul Lesso The Fiend Stack power/stay stack combo
  • Numerical Forces
    • Sum of any two sequential cards
    • Kruskal Force
    • Sequence Force
  • The Fiendish Algorithm or The 1 hour memorised deck
    • How to calculate position of any card
    • How to calculate card at any position
2007 53
Peter Duffie Foreknowledge coin moved over business cards according to three chosen cards, the business card is the only one with a message on its back
  • Almost Impromptu Version
2007 66
Peter Duffie 13/14 Stack Variation
Related to 2007 66
Karl Fulves The 14/15 Force credit information on number forcing stacks
Prolix (Issue 5)
T. Page Wright A Prophetic Card Discovery deck separated in red and black, one half cut, top two values added and counted down in other half to arrive at prediction
Related toAlso published here
  • The Sphinx, May 1924
Prolix (Issue 5)
T. Page Wright, William Larsen Computation Foretold number forcing stack
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Feb. 1931
Prolix (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Dice & Deal mixing process (with die) with eleven cards in 14/15 force stack that restores after two times, dealflipdropcut
Xtra Credit (Issue 1)
Allan Slaight Tri-Endfield with number force using cards and the date on a coin
Inspired byAlso published here
  • New Pentagram, Oct. 1979
2008 68
Dr. Jacob Daley Divining Palm nine cards in a row, spectator touches three consecutive cards, those are added and used to count down to selection in deck
Related to
  • "Synonymental" (Ed Mellon)
Prolix (Issue 6)
Steve Beam Mortilidad card found at number, number indicates how long person will live
Also published here 2014 12
Simon Aronson Total Recall Spectator cuts off some cards, number of cards matches the sum of values of three random chosen cards, MCS Stack (Multiple Card Sum Stack)
Related toVariations 2014 149
Simon Aronson Multiple Card Sum Stack credit information
2014 154
Simon Aronson Total Surrender Total Recall combined with Totally Fooling, MCS Stack
Inspired byVariations 2014 161
Simon Aronson The Total Package Three phases, MCS Stack
1. Total Recall
2. Prediction of card at number
3. Selection found at number
Inspired byVariations 2014 170
David Britland The Trick that Baffled Babbage four cards pocketed unseen, any card thought of from remaining cards, it ends up at position indicated by the four cards (values added) after dealing procedure
Inspired by
  • "Adamathica" (Bertram Adams, marketed 1921)
Aug. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 8)
Steve Beam Vergänglichkeit card found at number, number indicates how long person will live
Also published here 2016 4
Asi Wind Double Digits Force forcing two one-digit numbers by riffling through cards and spectator names two values he sees
Inspired by 2019 7
Steve Beam Mortality card found at number, number indicates how long person will live
Related to 2019 22
Kyle Everitt The Add Stack forcing number 170
May 2020
Epoch (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Steve Beam Newcomer Hummer two cards are used to form a number, it matches reversed cards
Inspired by 2020 175
Sylvain Juzan Touchdown Prophecy values added from two decks after shuffling, both numbers predicted
Inspired by
  • Max Maven effect from bonus section of Kayfabe DVDs
2021 62
Dani DaOrtiz Creating a force number with absolute freedom deck is dealt and spectator stops at a few cards, at each stop he is given choice of surrounding cards, stopped-at cards’ values are forced, good for five cards (can be less or more), includes what to do if a card is passed
2021 49
Joe Rindfleisch Cubicle Coincidence Rubik's Cube with numbers on the fields is mixed and set down, three cards chosen with shuffle and deal procedure, they form the current time and are also found on bottom side of Rubik's cube which has a magic square for their sum
Inspired by
  • "Cubic" (Francis Menotti, marketed item)
Sep. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 9)