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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Martin Gardner, Bill Simon Similar Twins cards are shuffled face down into face up, spectator removes two face up cards and performer two face down card, same value
Variations Nov. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 241)
Chan Canasta A Miracle Discovery three piles are made and under impossible conditions selection is found, using three key cards
Related toVariations 1953 1
Lin Searles Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card predicted and four Aces on top of discard piles, see also p. 486 for comment by Charles Hudson
Inspired byRelated toVariations July 1971 430
Martin Gardner Color Thot spectator pushes out twenty-six cards from tabled spread
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1972 488
Paul Curry Cider! with extra card (double jonah)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1974 28
George Sands Lucky 13 prime principle force, small packet counted to named number until only one card remains
Related toVariationsAlso published here Aug. 1975 1035
Philip T. Goldstein, Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik Rainbow Matrix number force with a magic square
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1980 8
Bob Hummer, Al Koran Mathematical 3 Card Monte bill under one of three cups, back of performer is turned and after some changes in the order of the cups, performer divines cup with bill
Related toVariations 1980 35
Karl Fulves Mathematical 3-Card Monte
Variations 1980 59
Howard A. Adams Packeten One finding matching card, five pairs are needed, word is spelled to eliminate cards
Related toVariations 1982
OICUFESP (Issue 9)
J. W. Sarles The Calculator Card Trick No. 77, deck answers simple calculation after a spectator's cut
Variations 1984 116
Wyman Jones, Paul Harris Galaxy only two piles, three methods
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 9-12 Paul Harris: The Act)
Michael Weber (reviewer) Person to Person: A Book of Telephone Telepathy by Lewis Jones Nov. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Lewis Jones Sweeter Cider
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 1992
Profile (Issue 9)
Tom Daugherty Triple Whammy
Variations Aug. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Stephen Tucker Limitations cards chosen from two piles, one for suit and one for value, resulting card predicted, sucker element
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
Dean Dill, Allan Ackerman The Gem-Money Cards bills are put next to Aces, Gemini Twins
Related toVariations 1994 18
Lewis Jones What's yours is mine
Jan. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Lewis Jones Switch
Jan. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Lewis Jones, Harry Lorayne Cut Force
Jan. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Lewis Jones Happenstance mathematical thing
Variations May 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Lewis Jones The TP Load from the breast pocket
May 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Harry Lorayne Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Nov. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 11)
Lewis Jones Habits predicting with two cards for suit and value
Variations Dec. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 12)
Lewis Jones Randominium several methods
Oct. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 10)
Peter Duffie Habitutonic predicting with two cards for suit and value
Inspired by 1996 14
Lewis Jones Houdini's Hand "high card" location
Feb. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Lewis Jones Invisible Cull
Feb. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Lewis Jones Stranger spectator spells personal information to arrive at card
Apr. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 4)
Nick Trost The Penney Paradox sucker bet
Related to
  • Trine (Lewis Jones, 2002)
  • "Penney-Ante" (Walter Penney, The Journal of Recreational Mathematics, Oct 1969)
  • "On the Paradoxical Situations that Arise from Nontransitive Relations" (Martin Gardner, Scientific American, Oct 1974)
1997 89
Martin Joyal An Overview of Card Systems
  • System Categories
    • Sequential System Characteristics
    • Ordered System Characteristics
  • Overview of Systems
    • The New Deck System
    • The Grouped Value System
    • The Si Stebbins System
    • The Eight Kings System
    • The Stanyon System (Ellis Stanyon)
    • The Joseph System (Eddie Joseph)
    • The Esscee Prearranged Pack (Stanley Collins)
    • The Harding System (Bart Harding)
    • Jack's Pack (Jack Yates)
    • The Cornelius System (John Cornelius)
    • The Osterlind System (Richard Osterlind)
    • The Boudreau Systems (Leo Boudreau)
    • The No Memory Card Stack (Harry Riser)
    • The Lusthaus System (Robert Lusthaus)
    • The Memory-deck (Lewis Jones)
    • The Reymond System (Patrick Reymond)
    • The Wild System (Boris Wild)
    • Richard's Stack (Richard Uhrich)
1997 27
Lewis Jones, Harry Lorayne Isn't That Amazing!? card composed from suit of one and value of another card is predicted in Himber wallet
Inspired by 1998 129
Tony Bartolotta Tale of the Q half the deck used, card chosen by making three piles, card located by spelling through the alphabet with the cards
Inspired byVariations 1999 3
Karl Fulves Repeat Cheat fourteen-card packet, three cards selected in spectators's own hands by dealing two poker hand and remembering top card, another spectator finds all, all three are the same unknowingly
Variations 1999 4
Lewis Jones Give Me Five spectator can always chose from two cards, decisions made for him and for performer
Variations 2000 22
Lewis Jones Invisible Cull while placing some cards on the table
2000 22
Steve Beam Beat It ending up with better hand than in the version by Lewis Jones
Inspired by 2000 24
Lewis Jones You Bet prediction of the card which is next to named card, as a bet how many cards are between the two cards
Variations 2000 25
Steve Beam Culinary Bet different handling for You Bet, prediction of the card which is next to named card, as a bet how many cards are between the two cards
Inspired by 2000 26
Steve Beam The Birthday Card spectator deals cards for month and day of his birthday then remembers a card, performer reveals selection and birthday
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2000 86
Lewis Jones Birthday Shuffle birthday and selection are divined
Inspired by 2000 88
Lewis Jones Matchmaker card is constructed, prediction in form of a playing card is on the table
Inspired by
  • Stephen Tucker's "Doubly Impossible"
2000 143
Lewis Jones The Pattern Principle for remembering red-black-color sequences
  • The Pattern Principle
  • The Gapped Pattern Principle
Related to 2000 158
Lewis Jones Red Alert One deck is dealt in four hands, colors of one hand can be divined
2000 160
Lewis Jones Red Alert Two deck is cut in halves, performer turns over card of his pile and guesses if color in other pile matches
2000 161
Lewis Jones Red Alert Three performer guesses if colors are red or black
2000 162
Lewis Jones Red Alert Four selection is placed in other half, spectator names colors of cards and lies at selection, performer knows knows exactly when
2000 163
Bob Farmer Point Spread
  • Flim-Flam
bet how many cards are between the two cards
Inspired byVariations June 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Paul Curry, Howard A. Adams Matchmaker five ESP cards, torn in half, matching routine, two versions, one with telephone
Related toAlso published here 2001 147
Karl Fulves Don't Bet On It game in which the spectator eliminates cards based on color distribution in pairs, he always ends up with one card
Inspired byRelated to 2001
Charlatan (Issue 6)
David Berglas Magic Squares including a birthday in the square
  • Constructing Magic Squares
  • The Personalised Birthday Square
Related toVariations 2002 457
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Introduction
2002 1
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jokes on wands, Okito box, mentalists
2002 4
Lewis Jones Lift off method for a breakless double lift
1. Doubling up
2. The line-up
3. The one-finger push
4. Edge grip control
5. The switch
6. The bonus
2002 5
Lewis Jones Unload see the first note
2002 10
Lewis Jones As a Force see the second note
2002 11
Lewis Jones Paragon pilfer side palm substitute with Bottom Placement type mechanics
Inspired by
  • "The Paragon Move" (Lewis Jones, The Paragon Move)
2002 13
Lewis Jones The jog slip force top half removed towards front
2002 15
Jack Avis Fangle fan passed over face-up packet, face card changes
Variations 2002 17
Lewis Jones Change of face fan passed over face-up packet, face card changes
Inspired by 2002 18
Lewis Jones The turn around card visibly turns over on face of packet with color change
2002 20
Lewis Jones Change for a single fan passed over single card and it changes
Inspired by 2002 21
Lewis Jones Strip tease stripper functionality shown by locating a single card, but uses normal deck
2002 25
Lewis Jones Stainless steal cards dealt into right hand off the top of the deck, cards secretly stolen back to deck
2002 31
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Rollovers "a theme and twelve variations", on the bold rollover force
  • Theme
  • Variation 1: Avoiding the flash
  • Variation 2: Doing without the preliminary peek
  • Variation 3: The multiple rollover
  • Variation 4: Rollback
  • Variation 5: The slipped rollover
  • Variation 6: With a face-up marker
  • Variation 7: With the face-up deck
  • Variation 8: The two-spectator force
  • Variation 9: The two-in-one force
  • Variation 10: The locator
  • Variation 11: The transverse locator
  • Variation 12: The rollover control
2002 34
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jokes on card men, linking rubber bands
2002 46
Lewis Jones 4 - 6 - 11 three cards selected from twelve-card packet via dealing, a spectator finds all three
Inspired by 2002 47
Lewis Jones, Jack Avis Remote view - the sequel two consecutive challenge locations
Inspired by
  • "Remove View" (Lewis Jones, Cardiograms)
2002 55
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Double entendre one card thought-of from half the deck and one touched, both found
2002 59
Lewis Jones The full monte Hummer's Mathematical Monte variation with three cards, chosen one named, variation by Jack Avis with three packets
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Monte Bank" (Lewis Jones, The Spring of 52)
2002 63
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones The third eye three unknown cards in a face-down row, spectator choses one, his eyes are closed and performer touches both eyes with his (supposedly) two hands, card divined anyway
2002 68
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Double take unknown card removed, another card chosen and placed aside, second card divined by turning over some cards in the deck of same suit, value, ... then the three mates of removed card turn over
Related to 2002 71
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Under-the-Spread Force Handling spreading over top card
2002 71
Larry Jennings, Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Larreverse Handling
2002 72
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jokes on rope magic, sponge balls, David Copperfield
2002 76
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Empathy two cards chosen, located with spelling
2002 82
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Impossible spectator shuffles after replacement, selection between two key cards
2002 85
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Starburst packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card predicted and four Aces on top of discard piles
Related to 2002 88
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Fingered card placed aside, its value is used to count to later selection
2002 90
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones What's MY card? unknown card reversed in deck, spectator pushes Joker in deck twice to identify suit and value
Inspired by 2002 94
Jack Jansen Variant five packets put together face-up and -down, only two selections reversed at the end, with further idea by Lewis Jones
Inspired by 2002 98
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Double-decker two decks, one card chosen, two cards from other deck used to count down to it, 13-14 force stack
2002 105
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Can't be bad emergency card placed aside, Aces found instead of selection, emergency card turns out to be selection
2002 108
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jokes on cups and balls, linking rings
2002 113
Lewis Jones Trine guessing game of color sequence of three consecutive cards
Related to 2002 117
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jokes on children's magic, magician's last wish, money
2002 130
Lewis Jones Fish on "range forces" like in OOSOOM
2002 131
Lewis Jones High Five one of five
2002 136
Lewis Jones Move over again, Moe with drop stack type arranging of color pattern
Inspired by
  • "Move over, Moe" (Lewis Jones, Imp Romp 2)
2002 141
Lewis Jones Dual control two thought-of cards divined (each one out of five)
Inspired by
  • "Radar Deck" (Richard Osterlind)
2002 146
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jokes on egg bag, ventriloquism
2002 150
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Back to back to back four cards change and twist, with color changing backs into rainbow, red/blue double backer
  • Twisting the blue
  • Twisting the red
  • Twisting the rainbow
2002 154
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Twins collide five cards put on table and one chosen, its mate found from rest of deck
2002 160
Lewis Jones Rack and bled starts with shuffled deck, deck set up in preliminary phase, gambling presentation
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2002 162
Jack Avis Even further
Inspired by 2002 170
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jokes on table-hopping, chop cup, bill switch
2002 174
Lewis Jones Bad Luck Mansion thirteen cards, one chosen and reversed, it vanishes and reappears from packet two times, war story presentation
Inspired by
  • "The tomb of the kings" (Lewis Jones, Lusions)
2002 178
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Batman meets his match cards transform, a Queen appears under a tabled Joker, story presentation
2002 185
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Invasion of the body snatchers sandwich finds selection, deck changes back color except selection, in another deck only the selection has an odd back as well, story presentation
2002 187
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Shape shifters two Jokers change both into selections and back
2002 192
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jokes on escapologists, levitations
2002 198
Jack Avis Triad three mates found by counting to month, day... of birthday and placing cards there
Related toVariations 2002 199
Lewis Jones Dater base marriage with gemini twins placement, counting to personal numbers
Inspired byRelated to 2002 202
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Name dropper two names of spectators used to spell to selections
2002 206
Lewis Jones Channel Tunnel phone number of spectator shows up, gambling presentation
Related to
  • "Emma forgets her card" (John Lenahan, Dungeon Video)
2002 209
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jubilee birthday month of spectator counted down, next card remembered, when performer turns back towards table he locates card and divines month
2002 212
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jokes on manipulators, sawing a woman in half, mentalists
2002 218
Lewis Jones Con text spectator deals and stops for page number, repeated for word number, word divined
2002 219
Lewis Jones, Jack Avis Dicy dice thrown, all visible numbers added, that many card counted, one number used to remember a card, located
2002 224
Lewis Jones Seven up two cards are seen in window envelope, two numbers up to ten named, somehow two Sevens show up and in the envelope are Sevens
2002 227
Lewis Jones Envelope Holdout to add cards after shuffling
2002 227
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jokes on dove productions, magician's wife
2002 232
Lewis Jones By the numbers number force for any number with a magic square
Related to 2002 233
Lewis Jones Calculated risk deck helps with calculations
  • First calculation: money
  • Second calculation: time
Inspired by 2002 239
Lewis Jones I've got your number number force with a calculator
Inspired by
  • Michael de Marco, Linking Ring, May 2001
2002 242
Lewis Jones Square-bashing
2002 245
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jokes on Chinese sticks, dice stackers, juggler and magicians
2002 258
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones The coin can coin into can
  • Variant 1 (with the prop)
  • Variant 2 (with no props)
2002 259
Lewis Jones Paperchase words called out and one remembered by the spectator, cumulative/progressive anagram
2002 263
Lewis Jones Mystral coding method over the phone
  • Cards
  • Dates
  • Words (The AIR code)
  • Drawings
2002 274
Lewis Jones Right on Q half the deck used, card chosen by making three piles, card found by spelling, can be performed over the phone
Inspired by 2002 23
Lewis Jones Me and You values represent different prizes, card is selected and prize predicted, humorous routine
Related to 2002 42
Tino Call Think of a Card Spectator looks at any card in the deck and at it's mate, card can be named
Related to 2002 97
Lewis Jones Up and Down Double cards are shuffled face down into face up, spectator removes a face up card and performer a face-down card with same value
Inspired by 2002 133
David Regal (reviewer) Ahead of the Pack by Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Dec. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 12)
Michael Close (reviewer) Ahead of the Pack by Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Sep. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Lewis Jones Pattern Principle for remembering red-black-color sequences
Related to 2003 36
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Ahead of the Pack by Jack Avis (written by Lewis Jones) 2003 316
Marty Kane Divide and Conjure! after several full-deck reverse faros, only three cards remain, one settled upon, it is the selection
  • Full Deck Handling
  • Further Notions on Divide and Conjure! (2)
  • External Thoughts (Robin Robertson, Jerry K. Hartman, Peter Duffie)
  • The Trouble with Seven
  • Partial Deck Handlings
  • Full Deck Prearranged Handling (named card)
Inspired by
  • "The Devil and His Disciple" (Robert Neale, Life Death, and Other Card Tricks)
Related toVariations
2003 49
Lewis Jones Close Call one card divination over phone
2004 37
Lewis Jones Lucky, Lucky, Lucky prime principle force, small packet counted to named number until selection appears, as bar bet
Inspired byVariations 2004 70
Steve Beam Odd Man In with blank cards, as a bar bet trick
Inspired by 2004 73
Lewis Jones Son of the 21 Card Trick three piles
2004 100
Doug Canning, Steve Beam Double Digit Inflation using the Tent Prediction as a two-way out
Inspired by 2004 135
Lewis Jones The Scorpion chosen card to card case, lap switch
2004 139
Lewis Jones Recount card travels face-up into deck
Inspired by
  • David Acer and Jay Sankey's "Count on It" in "Crossroads" 2000.
2004 145
Lewis Jones Omega False Count
2004 146
Lewis Jones Dai-O named card is only odd card, limited choice
2004 175
Phil Ogden RAM Deck - Random Access Memory Deck expansion of Lewis Jones Memory Deck, with logical system
Inspired by
  • Lewis Jones' "Memory Deck" in "Cardiograms"
2004 230
Lewis Jones Mnemonia method to quickly memorize some cards
2004 232
Eric Mead (reviewer) Seventh Heaven by Lewis Jones June 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 6)
David Regal (reviewer) Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces by Lewis Jones Dec. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 12)
Juan Tamariz All of a Kind matching the cards, three random cards are turned over in the deck and then mates of unseen selection are found reversed
Related toVariations 2004 94
Peter Duffie Orbital Stack cyclical deck with irregular suits (upset suits, Lewis Jones)
  • Simplex Orbital Stack
2005 58
Peter Duffie Magnum Stack cyclical deck with irregular suits (upset suits, Lewis Jones)
  • Simplex Magnum Stack
2005 60
Jim Steinmeyer The Lesser Dictionary Test book test over the phone, numbers and counting
Related to 2006 12
Lewis Jones Rack and Bled second phase with updated handling from the routine in Ahead of the Pack
Related toAlso published here 2006 90
Steve Beam Lewis Jones chapter intro on Lewis Jones
2006 137
Lewis Jones KHAN I performer can name card at chosen position, pseudo memory
2006 138
Lewis Jones KHAN II prediction of a card at chosen number
2006 140
Lewis Jones KHAN III helper only has to remember two cards
2006 141
Lewis Jones The Director's Cut cutting named number from deck
Inspired by
  • James McKnight's "Fast Counting the Cards" in Joe Berg's "The Berg Book"
2006 143
Lewis Jones Blindsight spectator covers eyes of performer, cards are selected from deck and performer is able to name them
2006 145
Lewis Jones Yes Men five people either lie or tell the truth, one has a watch hidden, spectator finds watch by asking questions, liar's paradox
2006 146
Lewis Jones Anything Goes spectator selects a card by using his birthdate, questions are asked and performer locates card
2006 147
Lewis Jones Value for Money betting game trick, dealing through cards and naming values in a row, every hit costs a dollar, spectator has some hits and performer has none
Inspired by
  • Tom Bowyer's "The Frequent Miracle" in "The Sphinx" Vol. 39, Nr. 3. P. 67. 1940.
2006 148
Lewis Jones In Control two packets of five cards, word is spelled and spectator can chose where to transfer cards, cards always match
Inspired byRelated to 2006 152
Lewis Jones The Wheel of Fortune selection is found using a watch, using Bob King's idea of comparing the differences of performer's and spectator's watches
2006 154
Lewis Jones, Don Wyatt Through the Looking Glass chosen card turns out to be only reversed card on a picture with a deck spread face up
Inspired by 2006 156
Lewis Jones Discounted Deal card is formed by using down under deals / Matsuyama Principle, it's the card missing in the deck
2006 71
Lewis Jones Birthday Squared easy magic square which includes exact birthday of a person, with variations
Inspired by 2006 111
Bob Farmer One Face South
  • Flim-FlamMagic
card chosen with open prediction procedure, same card is only face-down card in a picture of face-up spread with one face-down card
Variations May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Peter Duffie Lewis Jones mini bio
2006 96
Lewis Jones Book of Words
Inspired by
  • "Autome" (Max Maven, VideoMind Vol. 1)
2006 96
Lewis Jones Pokerface spectator stabs card into deck, five cards taken from there, then sucker element as selection is apparently discarded
Inspired by
  • "Near Miss" (Steve Pressley)
2006 100
Jon Racherbaumer Clubbed 21
Inspired by 2007 75
Lewis Jones Son of the 21 Card Trick
2007 84
Jerry K. Hartman He Whose Half Lasts magician deals deck face down haphazardly into two piles numerous times, each time eliminating one of the piles based on what the spectator answers regarding his card’s identity, down to single card which is his card
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2007 346
Steve Beam The Magic of Lewis Jones chapter intro
2010 129
Lewis Jones Ding Dong system for memorizing cards
2010 130
Lewis Jones Ding Dong Effect five selected cards are divined
2010 131
Lewis Jones The Return of Mental Monte
Inspired by 2010 132
Lewis Jones, Chan Canasta Canastrick reworking of Chan Canasta's "A Miracle Discovery"
Inspired by 2010 133
Lewis Jones Color Fast spectator chooses all losing color, performer winning color, kind of small packet OOTW
2010 135
Lewis Jones, Jerry K. Hartman Sorted apparently performer sorts deck in colors and suits to find selection
Inspired by 2010 138
Lewis Jones Known Aim stooge
2010 142
Lewis Jones, Marty Kane Long Division after elimination process by spectator card is located
Inspired by 2010 143
Lewis Jones Polygram
Related to 2010 145
Lewis Jones The Mystery of the Sealed Room coin travels into card box
2010 147
Lewis Jones The Force counting force for 5 objects
2010 149
Lewis Jones Make My Day date chosen with cards, card in diary at that date matches prediction
2010 150
Lewis Jones Double Under/Down Deal
2010 175
Rich Aviles Pocket Protectors free selection is predicted with two cards (value and suit)
Inspired byRelated to 2010 20
Karl Fulves Pre-Existing Conditions "Order From Disorder"
memorizing a string of suits
  • The System
  • The Classic Code
  • After Eight Kings
  • The Suit System
  • The System in Brief
  • No Memory Required (removing cards in required order)
  • Real Memory
  • The Cipher for Value
Related to 2010
Xtra Credit (Issue 5)
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Force by Lewis Jones Nov. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 11)
Jon Racherbaumer Humma-Humma-Hummer Hummer's Mathematical Monte variation with three cards
Inspired by Mar. 2011
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #54 on Joe Rindfleisch, Lewis Jones, Charlie Randall
2012 x
Steve Beam Facade version of Lewis Jones effect where questions are asked and the true or false answers are spelt/dealt into piles on the table, ultimately producing a royal flush.
Related to 2015 72
The Magic of Lewis Jones Introduction to the chapter on the magic of Lewis Jones.
2015 133
Lewis Jones You Think, I Think The magician reads the spectator's mind. Then, the spectator reads the magician's mind.
2015 134
Lewis Jones A Word in Your Ear book test using a dictionary
Related to 2015 136
Lewis Jones What Kind of Card are You? The magician places a card to represent a spectator in his pocket. The spectator uses random numbers of cards to generate a playing card. The magician removes that card from his pocket.
Related to
  • "Look, No Cards" (Lewis Jones, The Book of Revelations, 2011)
2015 138
Lewis Jones Pocketless Magician pockets two cards. Spectator names any card. Magician removes the two cards - one matches the value and the other the suit of the named card.
Related to 2015 140
Lewis Jones Stargazer Magician writes a prediction. Spectator answers questions as he deals cards for each letter in the answer. At the conclusion, the last card matches the written prediction.
Related toVariations 2015 142
Lewis Jones Stargazer - The Alpha Version Magician writes a prediction. Spectator answers questions and deals one card for each letter in the answer. The last card matches the prediction.
Related to 2015 144
Doug Canning Nearsighted Stargazer
Inspired by 2015 146
Steve Beam Farsighted Stargazer Magician removes a card to serve as a prediction. Spectator answers questions and deals one card for each letter in the answer. The last card matches the prediction.
Related to 2015 147
Steve Beam Blinded Stargazer Magician removes a card to serve as a prediction. Spectator answers questions and deals one card for each letter in the answer. The last card matches the prediction.
Related to 2015 149
Rich Aviles Pocket Protectors The magician pockets two cards to serve as a prediction. Spectator calls out any card. Magician shows one of the predictions has the same value and the other the same suit as the mentally selected card.
Related to 2015 156
Steve Beam 3726 Four people think of a value and then a suit. The magician names each of them.
Related to 2015 162
Steve Beam The Magic of Lewis Jones Introduction to Lewis Jones chapter
2015 69
Lewis Jones A Card in Mind Magician locates a mentally selected card.
Related to 2015 70
Lewis Jones Point Blank Magician locates a mentally selected card using a blank-both-sides deck of cards.
Related to 2015 71
Lewis Jones Second Thoughts Magician devines a thought-of card while spectator holds the deck.
Related to 2015 74
Lewis Jones Box Number The magician uses the spectator's name and some cards determined by her name to arrive at a card the magician earlier predicted.
Related to 2015 77
Steve Beam Fabrication The magician uses the spectator's name and some cards determined by her name to arrive at a card the magician earlier (and openly) predicted.
Related to 2015 78
Steve Beam Pat Hand The magician uses the spectator's name and some cards determined by his name to arrive at a royal flush.
Related to 2015 81
Lewis Jones MatsuNOma Principle Procedure which allows you to perform the petal force by Mitsunobu Matsuyama without a down-under deal.
Related to 2015 81
Lewis Jones Sweeter Cider
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 120
Lewis Jones Give Me Five
Also published here
  • Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces, 2000
2015 292
Lewis Jones Pattern Principle for remembering red-black-color sequences, brief
2016 20
Pepe Lirrojo, Lewis Jones Tus Cartas Deseadas - Localización named quartet is found on top of four packets, when they are removed, second named quartet is found
Inspired by
  • Lewis Jones' "Aces in a Hurry"
2016 24
Lewis Jones Strangers on a Train three-handed game, spectators make decisions about cutting and mixing, yet the performer receives a Royal Flush
Apr. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 4)
Jon Racherbaumer Hummer Job Hummer's Mathematical Monte variation with three cards, chosen one named after all cards are put back in the deck
Inspired by May 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 5)
Lewis Jones Octal deck cut in four packets and spectator can chose a pile and then top or bottom card
2018 56
Lewis Jones, Steve Beam Faux Chance divination of card, as a bet
Inspired by
  • Lewis Jones' "No Chance" in "Top Deck" 2016
2018 248
Lewis Jones Pattern Principle for remembering red-black-color sequences
Related to 2019 300
Steve Beam Lewis Jones chapter intro
2020 259
Lewis Jones The Bookmark Force
2020 261
Lewis Jones Brain Scan thought of card out of five cards is divined
2020 262
Lewis Jones Birthday Girl chosen month and card are divined
2020 264
Lewis Jones iOOTW
2020 266
Lewis Jones Multi-Cuts
  • Top-and-bottom Control
  • Full-deck Control
  • Face-up Control
  • OOTW Special
2020 269
Lewis Jones Personal Best cutting four packets, top cards equal birth year of spectator, with reverse faros
2020 271
Lewis Jones I in the Sky spelling several words to find selection, GPS presentation
2020 273
Lewis Jones Phishing password protection presentation, spelling to find card
2020 275
Lewis Jones Hi Tiddly I Thai apparently picture of King changes
Also published here
  • Lewis Jones' "Hi Tiddly I Thai" in "Imp Romp 2" 1994.
2020 278
Lewis Jones Wish List spectator choses a gift, several things are spelled and chosen card and gift are predicted
Related to
  • Lewis Jones' "Wish List" in "As if by Magic" 2017.
2020 282
Francis Menotti (reviewer) Seventh Heaven by Lewis Jones Aug. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 8)