138 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Number Effects / 10, 9, 8,... Count
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Four Packets of Cards having been Formed face downwards on the Table, to discover the Total Value of the Undermost Cards
Related to 1876 49
Any number of Packets of Cards having been formed face downwards on the Table, to discover the Total Value of the Undermost Cards. with formula for any number of cards
Related to 1890 23
Den Gesamtwert dreier unbekannten Karten zu nennen piles made, sum of three cards named at the end
1896 103
Robert Lenz Das Erraten der Zahl der Points mehrerer Karten piles made by counting up to fifteen from whatever value the first card of each pile is, sum of bottom cards of piles divined
July 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 7)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Erraten des Gesamtwertes der untersten Karten von 4 Kartenhäufchen value of card is complemented until ten by dealing cards, repeated four times and amount of rest is divined
1930 68
Simple Addition No. 8, three piles made using the values of three selections, performer is handed the rest of the deck and then names the total of the three selections
1935 10
Coincidence Extraordinary piles are made, number of cards in a pile is divined, mathematical
Related to 1937 187
Audley Walsh, Hal Haber Infallible Prediction dealing procedure, no-touch
Related to 1938 15
Orville Wayne Meyer, Peter Warlock Again the Infallible Prediction three more handlings (two by Meyer, one by Warlock)
Inspired byAlso published here 1939 45
Royal Card Discovery piles are made, card is divined, mathematical
Related to 1941 217
Bob Hummer Fantastric single card location, back turned for procedure, secret 10/9/8 count to find indicator card
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941 (ca.) 1
Bob Hummer And Now an Improvement single card location, back turned for procedure, variation in the secret 10/9/8 count to always get a matching card
Also published here 1941 (ca.) 2
E. J. Moore Prophetic Card Discovery a bit disguised
1942 215
Harold J. Kelly Magic by Telephone single card location, back turned for procedure, secret 10/9/8 count to find indicator card, over phone
Inspired by
  • R. W. Hull's "Detective Card Trick" in "Testament of R. W. Hull".
Related to
June 1946 226
Figures Don't Lie piles made, all gathered except three, total of bottom cards of those three pile is divined
1946 43
Doc Roberts Prediction
1946 57
Ultra Card Divination 34. position, ten backwards count
1948 35
A Test of Will two cards chosen from two decks turn out to be the same
1949 56
John Scarne Mathematical Finder No. 30, mathematical, piles of cards formed by counting to ten
Related to 1950 55
Bert Allerton, Henry Christ Allerchrist Card Trick No. 63, Mathematical
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1950 114
John Scarne, Frank Garcia Automatic Pencil Writing No. 151, pencil lead is crumpled in paper ball. Card is selected and its name appears on the crumpled paper.
1950 294
Warner Perry, Edward Dart, John Scarne Einstein and the Magician No. 154, novel and unorthodox prediction of a playing card using a substitution cipher.
1950 301
Paul Rosini A Guess That Is Right card counted to after selection and addition procedure, it is predicted
Variations 1950 60
Paul Rosini Repeating a Good Guess card counted to after selection and addition procedure, it is predicted, variation
Inspired by 1950 61
Stewart James Mike and Ike spectator removes any number card mates, puts any two cards on top and then counts twice the value of the mates on top, all is placed on deck, performer removes some cards behind his back and deals them out on the table, then he finds the mates, the selections and the amount of cards placed onto them
  • Variation (using two different-colored decks)
1954 1
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ein Kartentrick aus New York
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 1)
A Baffling Prediction forming four piles using the number ten, then count down the sum of the cards to the 40th card to match prediction
Variations 1956 7
Henry Christ Henry Christ's Improvement same as A Baffling Prediction, but with a selection controlled to the 40th position, and the count is done backwards from ten
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1956 8
Alexander F. Kraus Sum Total Kruskal count procedure, challenge of having the face-up cards add up to 52, posed as a problem
Variations Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Alexander F. Kraus Sum Total Kruskal count procedure, at the end all face-up cards add up to 52, solution to the problem
Inspired by Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Tom Ransom Sum More Kruskal count procedure, at the end all face-up cards add up to 52
Inspired byRelated to Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Max Katz Sum More Kruskal count procedure, at the end all face-up cards add up to 52
Inspired by Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Ken Beale Natural Scent single card location, back turned for procedure, secret 10/9/8 count to find indicator card, combined with 26th location
Inspired by Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Dr. Ben B. Braude Number-Card spectator notes numbers on four slips, those used for backwards count
Also published here Dec. 1970 387
Stephen A. Sparks Cosmic Computer three cards are selected and its values completed to a total of ten, card at sum of three cards is revealed
Magick (Issue 6)
Gene Nielsen More Than Coincidence spectator deals through Si Stebbins, counting, if count matches value, he stops, this card named by performer
Jan. 1971 394
Stephen Minch The Force of Fate tarot card is named before the dealing starts, with Minor Arcana
1974 23
Harry Lorayne Prediction
Variations 1977 141
Harry Lorayne Prediction Expanded with four-of-a-kind revelation
Inspired by 1977 143
Peter Wilker Ergänzen wir auf 10 counting values up to ten, numbers added to find card, intro to topic
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 2)
Orville Wayne Meyer Die unfehlbare Vorhersage
Also published here 1977
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 2)
Frederick Braue Ein Ehetest with two decks, both end up at same card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 2)
Dr. Ben B. Braude Number Card spectator notes numbers on four slips, those used for backwards count
Also published here 1977
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 2)
Peter Wilker Die vergessene Vorhersage gag, blank card at position, blank prediction
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 2)
Larry Becker Four Told four times ten backwards count, horoscope reading with those cards, card found at total of four cards is predicted in envelope
1978 5
Bob Hummer Fantastric single card location, back turned for procedure, 10/9/8 count with more succesfull match
Also published here 1980 26
Terry LaGerould Lost And Found backwards count as prediction, "Countdown Force"
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1985 560
Untitled Mathematical Effect piles made according to values, after some gathering and counting the top card of a packet is known
1985 19
Larry Jennings Twisting The Plot disguised
Variations 1986 7
Larry Jennings Plotting The Twist Aces as Ace production
1986 39
Dai Vernon Affinities piles are made, values of top cards of some packets are used to divine value of a remaining packet, mathematical
Related toVariations 1988 131
Harry Lorayne The Detective Card two routines, second one uses Automatic Placement
1990 145
Roy Walton The Plot Thickens selection appears at sum of three values after dealing piles, faro
Inspired byVariations Aug. 1991
Profile (Issue 3)
R. Paul Wilson Randall Flag calculation with three cards used to count to selection
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 1991
Profile (Issue 4)
Charles J. Pecor, David Solomon Cyborg! card location with reverse count, with comedy prop, telescopic pen with plug
Also published here 1991 21
Terry LaGerould Countdown Force backwards count
Related to Oct. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Charles J. Pecor, David Solomon Cyborg! card location with reverse count, with comedy prop, telescopic pen with plug
Also published here 1992 21
Charles T. Jordan Chief Card Trick
Related to Aug. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Tom Daugherty Triskaidekaphobia
Mar. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Vicente Canuto, Richard Vollmer La Cuenta Atrás deck cut into for piles, automatic placement using cross sum of cut packet
1993 64
Vicente Canuto 3.- La Base 10 values of three cards are added up to ten, total leads to selection
1993 356
Richard Vollmer Right to it
June 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 6)
Kevin Moran Minus Math hiding the math
Related to Oct. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 10)
Alain Gesbert The French Prediction backwards count as prediction, "Countdown Force", two Tarot cards predicted written on third card
Inspired by May 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 11)
Richard Vollmer Mystical Countdown mathematical, one selection by spectator, one by magician
Inspired byVariations Feb. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 2)
Richard Vollmer, Norman Houghton LIII-Kelihood small packet is counted and card remembered at number in remainder, then 10, 9, 8 count to find card
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1995 155
R. Paul Wilson Randall Flagg calculation with three cards used to count to selection
Also published here 1995 53
Richard Vollmer Right-To-It Location faro placement
Inspired byVariations Sep. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 9)
Richard Vollmer Pretty Close To A Miracle
Inspired byRelated to May 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 5)
Richard Vollmer Strike A Match
Nov. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 11)
Larry Jennings Der prophetische Zuschauer selection appears at sum of four values after dealing piles
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Richard Vollmer, Henry Christ, Martin Gardner Numerology three numbers lead to discovery of freely chosen card, faro placement
Related toVariations 1998 700
Ellis Stanyon To Name the Total Value of Several Chosen Cards No. 11
Variations 1999 62
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note streamlined handling
Inspired by 1999 62
Tom Frame The Final Countdown
Inspired by Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Marty Kane Nightmare Poker card to complete Royal Flush found with counting procedure
Inspired by 1999 87
Bob Karlbach Auto Dial four packets made according to card values, eventually the spectator's phone number shows up
Also published here Nov. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Justin Higham Triple Clairvoyance dressed up presentation
2001 14
Sam Schwartz Number, Please No. 23, prediction counted to, remaining cards form spectator's phone number
2001 37
Dialing the Future No. 45, four cards chosen by dealing to first four digits of phone number, they are predicted or the Aces
2001 65
Marty Kane Fraps on Craps
Inspired byVariations 2002 78
Tomas Blomberg Lucky-14 spectator finds the four Aces using three previously selected cards
Also published here 2002 26
Karl Fulves Two Timed
2003 297
Lewis Jones Value for Money betting game trick, dealing through cards and naming values in a row, every hit costs a dollar, spectator has some hits and performer has none
Inspired by
  • Tom Bowyer's "The Frequent Miracle" in "The Sphinx" Vol. 39, Nr. 3. P. 67. 1940.
2006 148
Karl Fulves Learning To Count three cards chosen one by one and cards counted on them until sixteen is reached, starting with the chosen card's value, Aces are next to chosen card and at sum of all values
Inspired byVariations 2007
Prolix (Issue 3)
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2008 59
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2008 241
Terry LaGerould LaGerould Countdown Force countdown with number from one to ten, credit information
Related to 2008 276
Lennart Green Numerology 13-3-1 three piles made with counting procedure, three numbers added to count to predicted card
  • An Alternate Ending (involving down/under deal)
Variations 2008 24
Lennart Green Numerology 13 + 13 two packet version
Inspired by 2008 28
Dai Vernon, Richard Vollmer, Roberto Giobbi The Cards Knew piles are made, values of top cards of some packets are used to divine value of a remaining packet, mathematical
Inspired by 2008 49
Karl Fulves U-Neek thirteen-card packet is cut and then dealt, only one value will be at its numerical position
Prolix (Issue 6)
Roberto Giobbi Las cartas lo sabían various packets are formed and spectator selects any four, when top cards are added they equal the amount of cards of the packets which were not selected
Inspired by 2009
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Terry LaGerould Countdown Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2009 378
Karl Fulves Fourbidden
Inspired by 2010
Xtra Credit (Issue 7)
Richard Vollmer, Henry Christ, Martin Gardner Numerology three numbers lead to discovery of freely chosen card
Related toAlso published here 2010 88
Nick Trost Black Jack Coincidence backwards count from ten to named number, same number used to count to selection, repeated, chosen cards are the two black Jacks, rest of cards are red, using Terry LaGerould's Countdown Force
Inspired by 2011 588
Nick Trost The Magic Phone Number Trick I spectator's phone number appears, using Terry LaGerould's Countdown Force
Inspired by 2011 589
Nick Trost The Magic Phone Number Trick II spectator's phone number appears, using Terry LaGerould's Countdown Force
2011 592
Tomas Blomberg Lucky 14 spectator finds the four Aces using three previously selected cards
VariationsAlso published here May 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 5)
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2013 634
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2013 635
Nick Trost Cabalistic Countdown three numbers lead to discovery of freely chosen card, using Karl Fulves's "Riffle Shuffle Control"
Inspired by 2013 683
Nick Trost Four For The Money four selections in four packets are cut to and lost, they are found with LaGerould/Mendoza's "Backwards Count Force"
Inspired by 2013 688
Nick Trost Four Dice and Two Mates four dice used for backwards count to get to a predicted card
2013 721
Nick Trost Cards and Dice-ceptions I three pairs of dice, numbers rolled and counted to backwards with LaGerould's Backwards Count Force, four Kings found
Inspired byVariations 2013 735
Nick Trost Cards and Dice-ceptions II spectator chooses three cards that match predictions, four Aces kicker, LaGerould's Backwards Count Force
Inspired by 2013 736
Nick Trost Coincidence by Design I LaGerould's Backward Countdown Force leads to five matching symbols
Inspired by
  • "A Reading" (John Mendoza, The Mendoza Series of Personal Instruction, 1979)
2013 830
Nick Trost Coincidence by Design II LaGerould's Backward Countdown Force leads to five matching symbols
Inspired by 2013 832
Nick Trost Coincidence by Design III LaGerould's Backward Countdown Force leads to five matching symbols
Inspired by 2013 834
The Cowboy Secret number of cards left after long dealing procedure is the same as value of a card on table
2014 14
Tomas Blomberg Lucky 14 spectator finds the four Aces using three previously selected cards
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2014 117
Nick Trost Divining the Total of Bottom Cards sum of bottom cards of three piles is divined
2015 1219
Nick Trost Christ Meets Gilbreath spectator riffle shuffles once, then backwards count procedure to arrive at a predicted card
Inspired by 2015 1290
Nick Trost Prediction and Coincidence three cards chosen, then three piles made with backwards count procedure, sum counted to predicted Queen, other Queens found at bottom of three piles
Also published here
  • "The Prediction and Location of Four Matching Card" (Nick Trost, The New Tops, Feb. 1970)
2015 1297
Roy Walton Cellar Plot spectator finds the four Royal Flush using counting procedure with other selected cards
  • Aces Version
Inspired by 2016 40
Terry LaGerould Countdown Force with counting backwards with a number up to twelve
2017 98
Harry Lorayne Lost And Found backwards count as prediction, "Countdown Force", with Royal Flush revelation
Inspired by 2017 101
Nick Trost Royal Roundup, Revisited four cards counted to with thought-of numbers, they lead to all four Kings, Queens and Jacks, Terry LaGerould's Backwards Count Force
Inspired by 2017 1383
Nick Trost Countdown to Blackjacks four Jacks found, then Aces as well, Terry LaGerould's Backwards Count Force
2017 1393
Nick Trost Pontoon in Purgatory, Repeated blackjacks found, stack and backwards count force
Inspired by
  • "Pontoon in Purgatory" (Stephen Tucker, Abracadabra No. 2486, Sep. 18, 1993)
2017 1394
Nick Trost An ESP Reading ESP matching with Terry LaGerould's Countdown Force, to find five matching symbols
2017 1569
Dan Fleshman Marked / Invisible Two decks, spectator deals through one deck face up, leaving one card face down. Face down card matches reversed card in the other deck, inspired by trick from Todd Lamanske
Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Giancarlo Scalia Triangulation several packets are formed with one reversed card on top, spectator selects some and adds up values, total leads to selection in the deck
Related to 2020 220
Tomas Blomberg Fits For Kings
  • Exhumations (Jon Racherbaumer)
spectator finds the four Kings using three previously selected cards
Also published here July 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 7)
Ryan Murray Mirrored a selection and its mate are located with fair procedure, using natural stripper properties in standard decks
2021 66
Jon Racherbaumer Counting on Lothar
  • Exhumations
card lost, three backwards counts done, cards added to count to selections, Natural Card
Related to May 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 5)
Bob Farmer Phone Number Prediction using the last four digits of the spectator’s phone number, the magician counts down to a predicted card
2022 1
Bob Farmer The Math of the Ten Count Force
2022 3
Bob Farmer Phone Number Location using the last four digits of the spectator’s phone number, the magician counts down to a selected card
2022 4
Bob Farmer Duplex Countdown version with only two countdowns instead of four
2022 5
Bob Farmer Marked for a Countdown fair procedure for countdown to a prediction
Also published here
  • The Bammo Film-Flam CONglomeration, 2021, p. 193
2022 6
Bob Farmer The Ten Count Force credit information
  • Audley V. Walsh & Hal Haber
  • Orville Meyer
  • Henry Christ
  • John Scarne
  • Martin Gardner
  • Nick Trost
  • Terry Lagerould
2022 10
Bert Allerton, Henry Christ Allerchrist Card Trick brief
Also published here 2022 12
Bob Farmer The Christ Countdown credit information
  • Henry Christ
  • John Scarne
  • Martin Gardner
  • Nick Trost
  • Terry Lagerould
2022 12
Jon Racherbaumer Numbskull's Number Game
  • Exhumations
card located with value of performer's supposed selection
  • Alternative Approach
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 4)
Bob Karlbach Ring a Bell?
  • Exhumations (Jon Racherbaumer)
four packets made according to card values, eventually the spectator's phone number shows up
Also published here Nov. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 11)
Jon Racherbaumer Mine Finds Yours
  • Exhumations
card located with value of performer's supposed selection
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 8)