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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Paul LePaul A Reverse Card Routine
Variations 1949 183
Bert Allerton, Henry Christ Allerchrist Card Trick No. 63, Mathematical
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1950 114
Bert Allerton Transcendence biddle trick, stolen card is forced to a second spectator
VariationsAlso published here 1958 27
Roy Walton Oil and Queens transformation kicker
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1969 15
Henry Christ Tally-Ho! spelling using words on card case
Variations 1971 115
Frank Garcia, Father Cyprian Out-Of-Town Kings
Variations 1973 180
Bruce Cervon Fast Flush royal flush production, pivot revelation, five methods
  • Fast Flush Finish
Variations 1976 45
Terry LaGerould "No Memory" Magic Square
May 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Terry LaGerould Pseudometry
Variations Dec. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Harry Lorayne, Terry LaGerould The Best Gosh Darn Impromptu Linking Card Effect You'll Ever See! full routine
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 149
Terry LaGerould Linking Card Ending
1979 155
Terry LaGerould Kinky-Pinky deck balanced upright on fingers while card rises
Also published here 1979 66
Terry LaGerould Streaker tabled spread of ten cards, when spectator runs finger along, force card is dragged with finger
  • The Streaker Principle
  • Performance
1979 69
Terry LaGerould Blind Peek peek method for one spectator
Also published here 1979 72
Father Cyprian Swindle Cut Aces Aces lost and cut to by magician
Related toVariations 1980 10
Terry LaGerould Minus Mustache featuring the mustaches of the king pictures
Mar. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Daryl Martinez Rising Crime Kings put on four piles which are assembled, Kings appear on top
Related toVariations 1982 24
Terry LaGerould "Cigarette Cards" down under deal with packets
Aug. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Harry Lorayne Terry Lagerould mini bio
1982 140
Terry LaGerould Fanta-Spread key card placement after domino spread turnover
1982 141
Terry LaGerould Calling Card magicians names a card and cuts to it, repeated
1982 144
Terry LaGerould Pseud-O-Mem spectator names his card, magician its position
1982 147
Terry LaGerould Gone With The Wind stand-up deck vanish except selection
1982 331
Terry LaGerould The Nickel Knows spelling using words on coin leads to all Fives, using a coin
Inspired by 1982 334
Terry LaGerould Super Scam naming missing card with nice convincer
Feb. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Tahoe File by Bruce Florek (written by Terry LaGerould) Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Terry LaGerould Piano Concerto piano card trick variation with 4 queen kicker
1984 93
Terry LaGerould Looker turning the head of a lady used for mating effect
Variations 1984 85
Terry LaGerould Calling Card magicians names a card and cuts to it
1985 112
Harry Lorayne Terry Lagerould mini bio
1985 559
Terry LaGerould Lost And Found backwards count as prediction, "Countdown Force"
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1985 560
Terry LaGerould Relationships deck of cards and dice are used to force letters A and D, Ace of Diamonds is found
Variations 1985 563
Harry Lorayne Relationships Plus deck of cards and dice are used to force letters A and D, Ace of Diamonds is found along with other Aces
Inspired byRelated to 1985 565
David Britland Twisted Sister two Queens pushed perpendicularly through two other cards, their orientation and head orientation changes
Inspired byAlso published here 1986 13
David Britland Die verdrehten Schwestern two Queens pushed perpendicularly through two other cards, their orientation and head orientation changes
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 2)
Terry LaGerould Card in Shoe
Oct. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 10)
Terry LaGerould Penetrating Reds not exactly Daley Effect
May 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 5)
Jon Racherbaumer Spectator Card to Wallet Himber wallet
Inspired by
  • Terry LaGerould handling
1990 118
Terry LaGerould Countdown Force backwards count
Related to Oct. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
John Bannon Playing The Nines four Nines found with counting, Countdown Force
Inspired by Nov. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Bob Stencel, Terry LaGerould Age of Reason 4&4
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 274
Terry LaGerould Acknowledgements
1992 4
Terry LaGerould Foreword
1992 10
Terry LaGerould Your Aces Are Marked Triumph with Ace kicker
1992 13
Terry LaGerould Flip-Flop Shuffle tabled slop shuffle
1992 14
Terry LaGerould Beware Of Strangers cards travel upwards through table one by one to join leader Ace
1992 18
Terry LaGerould Gamblin' Shenanigans tabled packet face up
1992 22
Terry LaGerould Simplified Talazac Top Change
1992 29
Terry LaGerould Merry-go-round Aces Aces lost in deck, they come back to top
1992 33
Terry LaGerould Nail-nick Rick Aces lost, then all at once taken from pocket
1992 35
Terry LaGerould Piecemeal D'Amico Shift
Inspired by 1992 35
Terry LaGerould Lesson in Larceny fake bottom and center demo
Also published here 1992 40
Terry LaGerould Las Vegas Final Exam Matching the Cards with Aces and Kings, then Aces cut to by magician
Variations 1992 49
Terry LaGerould Gambler's Palm card vanishes in the hand (tent vanish) and reappears
1992 59
Larry Jennings, Terry LaGerould Center Double Lift card spun out
1992 59
Terry LaGerould The Man from New York
Variations 1992 63
Terry LaGerould Coney Island Caper biddle trick, performer apparently eats card
Inspired byVariations 1992 69
Terry LaGerould Make a Wish three cards under spectator's hand, one of them signed, four Queens change into Threes, Queens under spectator's hand and signed card in pocket
1992 76
Terry LaGerould Modified Elmsley Count showing both sides
1992 77
Terry LaGerould The Acapulco Jumping Beans Aces jump up and down in deck and from pile to pile
1992 82
Terry LaGerould Ten-carat Diamond - No Refund Ace through Five
1992 89
Terry LaGerould Psychic Pickpocket one of five cards thought of (the highest one), those places in spectator's wallet, it vanishes and reappears in performer's pocket, biddle trick
Related toAlso published here 1992 93
Terry LaGerould Roly-poly three blue-backed Jokers and one red-backed Joker, red one turns over, then backs change, Bizarre Twist phase
1992 98
Terry LaGerould The Suicidal Gunslinger Aces turn over one by one, three change to Kings, Aces found reversed in deck with fourth King between them, Maxi-Twist
Inspired by
  • "If ATFUS You Don't Succeed...Stahl!" (Mike Ludiker, Magic Manuscript, Aug.-Sep. 1981)
1992 105
Terry LaGerould Bill Collectors two Fives are sandwiched between three Jacks, they vanish and come out of performer's pockets, more traveling and sandwich phases
1992 111
Terry LaGerould Blind Date two Queens and Kings change positions, then all change to Queens, Kings from pocket
1992 118
Jon Racherbaumer On the Impromptu Card Link credit information
Related to Mar. 1992
Swipe (Issue 4)
Terry LaGerould Psychic Pickpocket one of five cards thought of (the highest one), those places in spectator's wallet, it vanishes and reappears in performer's pocket, biddle trick
Also published here Apr. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Michael Weber (reviewer) Terry LaGerould's Pasteboard Presentations by Terry LaGerould (written by Wayne Whiting) Apr. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Bob Stencel, Terry LaGerould Age Of Reason 4&4
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Terry LaGerould Spectator guesses better one ahead
Sep. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 9)
Terry LaGerould Before Reason 4&4, Oil & Queens
Inspired by Jan. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Alain Gesbert The French Prediction backwards count as prediction, "Countdown Force", two Tarot cards predicted written on third card
Inspired by May 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 11)
Darwin Ortiz Pickup on South Street from Wallet to Wallet, Mullica
Related to 1995 70
Terry LaGerould Lesson in Larceny fake bottom and center demo
Also published here 1995 66
Aldo Colombini Mouse Trap Ace of Spades and card representing cheese end up in sandwich, cheese card then has holes in it (like Swiss cheese)
Inspired by
  • Terry Lagerould routine from Australian magic magazine
1995 134
Terry LaGerould Kinky Pinky deck balanced upright on fingers while card rises
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Terry LaGerould Blind Peek peek method for one spectator
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Mac King (reviewer) Baffle Bat by Terry LaGerould Mar. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Mac King (reviewer) Ice Cream Schtick by Terry LaGerould Mar. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Mac King (reviewer) Tahoe File by Terry LaGerould Mar. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Lew R. Brooks Bughouse Poker tabled royal flush production with some preliminary handling, pivot revelation
Inspired by 1998 18
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Celebrity Autographs by Terry LaGerould Mar./Apr. 1998
The Magic Menu (Vol. 8 No. 46)
Michael Close (reviewer) Celebrity Autographs by Terry LaGerould Sep. 1998
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Scott Cram The Sweetest Sound spectator's name is used to locate selection
Inspired by Jan. 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Alex Young (reviewer) Russian Roulette by Terry LaGerould, Don Brandfas Feb. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 2)
Alex Young (reviewer) Wild Mona by Terry LaGerould Feb. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 2)
Terry LaGerould Dedication
2001 1
Terry LaGerould Acknowledgements
2001 2
Terry LaGerould Foreword
2001 5
Terry LaGerould Unexpected four cards chosen face-down, they are center-dealt from face-up deck, then shown to be Aces
2001 6
Terry LaGerould Royal Victory royal flush production, pivot revelation
Inspired byVariations 2001 8
Terry LaGerould Ace Shuttle space shuttle constructed from deck, wings shown to be Aces, previous selection from pocket
2001 12
Terry LaGerould Up the Down Staircase performer cuts to Queens, face-up and face-down packets shuffled together, all one way except Queens
2001 18
Terry LaGerould It's All in Your Mind spectator thinks of highest card in five-card packet, then vanishes from another five-card packet, then all other cards vanish except selection from packet
2001 22
Terry LaGerould The Fool's Count cards counted from top to bottom, rotation
2001 23
Terry LaGerould Stepped-Deck Biddle Steal
2001 24
Terry LaGerould Mental Photography unknown card placed aside, card lost, unknown card placed between black Aces, they become red Aces and unknown card is selection
2001 26
Terry LaGerould The Tell-A-Pathic Gypsies three Queens change to value of selected cards, spectator then cuts to Queens
2001 28
Terry LaGerould Unforgettable Triumph with red/black separation climax
2001 31
Terry LaGerould Cardboard Keyboard spectator cuts deck in four piles, top cards shown, those top cards then change to Aces
Inspired byVariations 2001 34
Terry LaGerould The Traveling Man King between red Queens rubber banded onto half the deck, King travels to between black Queens and back, Visitor
Inspired by 2001 36
Terry LaGerould Cardboard Sobriety Test picture cards and Aces removed, one chosen, eventually the three matching cards are brought from pocket and other cards shown in order
2001 40
Terry LaGerould Jewel Thief weird switch in which a spectator does a down-under deal under the table to switch a sandwiched card
2001 43
Terry LaGerould Instantane-e-Ace-ly spectator cuts deck in four piles, bottom cards shown indifferent, they then change to Aces
2001 45
Terry LaGerould The Illusive Cocktail Gals Queen put on top of four packets, they assemble on top of one packet
Related to 2001 47
Terry LaGerould Cardboard Lie Detector with packet, Nine Card Problem
2001 50
Terry LaGerould Impromptu Invisible Deck named card from a group is shown reversed, bold switch as reversed card is apparently cut to top
2001 52
Terry LaGerould The Incredible Cardboard Acrobat
Inspired by 2001 56
Michael Close (reviewer) Wild Mona by Terry LaGerould, Don Brandfas Feb. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Michael Close (reviewer) Russian Roulette by Terry LaGerould, Don Brandfas Feb. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Michael Close (reviewer) Terry LaGerould's Pasteboard Presentations II by Terry LaGerould (written by Scott Cram) Mar. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 7)
Jamie Badman Mr. Memory Man missing card named by looking through the rest, then three mates found face down, they're the wrong cards but change into the right ones
Inspired byRelated to 2003 113
Bob Farmer LaGging spectator cuts deck in five piles, top cards shown, those top cards are re-arranged and then change to Royal Flush
Inspired by Dec. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 12)
Dustin Stinett (reviewer) Sessions with Terry Lagerould #1 by Terry LaGerould Jan. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 1)
David Regal (reviewer) "Double Impact" by Terry LaGerould Sep. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 9)
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2008 59
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2008 241
Terry LaGerould LaGerould Countdown Force countdown with number from one to ten, credit information
Related to 2008 276
Grace Ann Morgan Calling The Shot performer cuts to three selections one at a time, also as Ace cutting
Inspired by
  • Terry LaGerould effect
2009 38
Danny Orleans (reviewer) Baffle Bat by Terry LaGerould Jan. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 1)
Terry LaGerould Countdown Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2009 378
Nick Trost Black Jack Coincidence backwards count from ten to named number, same number used to count to selection, repeated, chosen cards are the two black Jacks, rest of cards are red, using Terry LaGerould's Countdown Force
Inspired by 2011 588
Nick Trost The Magic Phone Number Trick I spectator's phone number appears, using Terry LaGerould's Countdown Force
Inspired by 2011 589
Nick Trost The Magic Phone Number Trick II spectator's phone number appears, using Terry LaGerould's Countdown Force
2011 592
Alexander de Cova Meine Handhabung der Linking Cards using only one card, making one loop out of each half
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 2013 13
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2013 634
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
2013 635
Alexander de Cova Verkettete Karten Handhabung using only one card, making one loop out of each half
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 140
Terry LaGerould Countdown Force with counting backwards with a number up to twelve
2017 98
Harry Lorayne Relationships Plus deck of cards used to force letters A and D, Ace of Diamonds is found along with other Aces
Inspired byRelated to 2017 97
Harry Lorayne Lost And Found backwards count as prediction, "Countdown Force", with Royal Flush revelation
Inspired by 2017 101
Nick Trost Royal Roundup, Revisited four cards counted to with thought-of numbers, they lead to all four Kings, Queens and Jacks, Terry LaGerould's Backwards Count Force
Inspired by 2017 1383
Nick Trost Countdown to Blackjacks four Jacks found, then Aces as well, Terry LaGerould's Backwards Count Force
2017 1393
Nick Trost An ESP Reading ESP matching with Terry LaGerould's Countdown Force, to find five matching symbols
2017 1569
Terry LaGerould Countdown Force
Related to Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Harry Lorayne Best Impromptu Linking-Card Effect
Also published here 2018 222
Allan Ackerman, Tony Picasso, Fenik Your Lucky Day spectator names a card, cutting estimation by spectator, he eventually cuts to his named card, then a four packet monte routine is done and the matching three-of-a-kind show up
Inspired byAlso published here 2019 104
Steve Reynolds The T-Town Lesson Matching the Cards with Sevens and Kings, then Sevens cut to by magician, then Aces found as well
Inspired by 2022
Output (Issue 21)
Bob Farmer The Ten Count Force credit information
  • Audley V. Walsh & Hal Haber
  • Orville Meyer
  • Henry Christ
  • John Scarne
  • Martin Gardner
  • Nick Trost
  • Terry Lagerould
2022 10
Bob Farmer The Christ Countdown credit information
  • Henry Christ
  • John Scarne
  • Martin Gardner
  • Nick Trost
  • Terry Lagerould
2022 12
Joshua Jay Prism rainbow deck finale
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2011
2022 1061