137 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Think a Card / Princess Card Trick (Five Cards)
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Henry Hardin The Princess Card Trick (First Method), one of four thought of, performer places one in his pocket and it's the though-of card
1909 80
The Princess Card Trick (Second Method) double-ended cards
1909 82
The Princess Card Trick "The Prince's Card Trick" in index
1909 82
Jack Merlin Telepathy Card Trick in pocket, hiding extra cards in pocket
1927/28 19
Mind Reading one of five cards thought of, all pocketed, performer removes all except selection
1928 26
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vorausbestimmung einer gemerkten Spielkarte one of six card is selected, performer puts card in pocket and puts five on table, card in pocket turns out to be the selection
1930 62
Victor Farelli Four From Five Leaves One
1933 96
The Princess Trick Perfected
1934 64
Theodore Annemann The Five Card Thought Effect
1934 17
Henry Hardin The Princess Card Trick
1937 339
Sam Leo Horowitz The Knock-Out Card Trick one of five cards thought-of, one removed, shown missing, Mexican turnover, double facers, two handlings
Related to 1937 52
Joe Berg An Unbelievable Prediction one of five cards thought of, performer writes a prediction and removes one of the cards, both put in pocket, other four cards lost in deck, selection is missing from deck and prediction and card in pocket match
1937 7
Sam Leo Horowitz The Princess Trick with three cards, double facers
Related to 1938 445
Theodore Annemann The Princess Trick
1938 538
The Princess Card Trick
1940 272
Psycho-Intelligence card is put in pocket
1940 328
Stanley Collins, Dr. Lazlo Rothbart Thoughts O.K. prepared (double indices) and ungaffed method for princess card trick
The Jinx (Issue 86)
Henry Hardin The Dissolving Card one of five
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Joseph Ovette Different Princess Card Trick with Jumbo cards, to pocket
1940 17
A Baffling Discovery 1 out of 5
1941 234
Walter B. Gibson The Twin Princess
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 126)
Theodore DeLand Double Ender Princess Trick brief mention
The Jinx (Issue 126)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Princess Card Trick: Stripper Version
1941 25
Edward Marlo Third Rosini
1942 12
Walter B. Gibson The Twin Princess
Also published here 1944 284
Edward Marlo The Vanishing Card: I. Vanishing Thought one of six
1947 34
George G. Kaplan The Princess Card Trick with repeat phase, divided-card gaffs
1948 158
Dai Vernon Mental Card Miracle card is put in pocket
Related toVariations 1949
Stars of Magic (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Harlan Tarbell 3 - Fantus Cards spectator thinks three of the five cards (instead of just one), using envelopes with Phantom Sticker
1954 136
Don Alan It Can't Be... three phase routine
  • Aces on table, spectator thinks of Ace, Ace pocketed, it's thought Ace, other aces are also
found in pocket, cards on table are indifferent cards
  • McDonalds Aces, spectator sits on fourth packet
  • four Aces in performers pocket change places with four indifferent cards in spectators pocket
Related to 1956 12
Tony Corinda (6) Another Version of the Princess Card Trick Ghost Deck, with handkerchief
1958 48
Edward Marlo Card Man's Mentalism Ace through Five (or more) are shown, one thought of, performer removes one and tables it, it is shown to be the selection
Inspired byRelated to 1960 27
Dai Vernon Five Card Mental Selection one card of five cards divined and placed in pocket
1962 54
Nate Leipzig Princess Card Trick
1963 180
Paul Siegel Fourthought several cards shown and one remembered, cards places behind back and one card is placed inside pocket, selection is missing and eventually removed from pocket
Mar. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 47)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Princess Trick four phases, using duplicates
Variations 1968 93
Eddie Fields 5-Card Ad Infinitum Routine divination of thought-of selection from five cards, three phases
Also published here 1968 89
Dai Vernon Thought Card from Pocket
Related to 1970 10
Roy Walton Pocket Princess
Related toAlso published here Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Sam Leo Horowitz 3-Card Princess as finale in last phase the other two vanish, see also p. 476
Related to Autumn 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 5th Folio)
Princess Card Trick
1972 30
Dai Vernon Vernon's Princess Card Trick No. 100, duplicates in pocket and double deal for vanish
1972 30
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Note - 3) No. 244-3, sounds like a selection is shown to be missing from a packet, perhaps for Vernon's "Mental Card Miracle"
Related to 1972 61
Princess Card Trick Using One Duplicate No. 584
Related to 1972 163
Edward Marlo Fair on All Points bluff
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Gerald Kosky More of the Pocket Princess four cards removed from pocket change into Queens as kicker
1975 63
Ken Krenzel The Princess
1978 91
Philip T. Goldstein Calculated Theft from envelope to other envelope
1978 5
Philip T. Goldstein Calculated Theft from envelope to other envelope
1978 4
Karl Fulves A Scanner Darkly any four cards, one is agreed upon by three spectators, they all note position of the card in packet one by one, then it is divined, application to Hofzinser Ace Problem
Related to 1978 21
Theodore Annemann The Princess Trick
1978 84
Karl Fulves Scanner Count any four cards, one is agreed upon by three spectators, they all note position of the card in packet one by one, then it is divined
Related toVariations Sep. 1979
The Talon (Issue 5)
Paul Swinford The Princess Trick Revisited using two spectators, double index cards
Arcane (Issue 2)
Greg Otto Muffled one of nine cards is though of, it vanishes and reappears face up in packet
Apr. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Calculated Theft from envelope to other envelope
1982 10
Thomas Alan Waters Daisection thought of card is put in pocket, inspired by Vernon
Related to 1982
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Karl Fulves Mechanical Cards notes on the history of, among others,
  • Princess Card Trick
  • Mene Tekel Deck
  • Svengali
  • Monte Cristo Cards
  • Ever Ready Forcing Pack
  • Brainwave
1982 29
Edward Marlo Non-Saliva Vanish
1983 40
Nick Trost Symbolique princess card trick with ESP card, repetition and then performer finds all cards with same symbol as selection
  • ESP-Princess
  • Princess Repeat
  • Seeing Stars
Also published here
  • Nick Trost's "Symbolique" in Mickey Hades "ESP-Session with Nick Trost" 1971
1983 20
Bruce Cervon The Fifth Card
Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Frederick Braue One-in-Four makes use of "Slydini Ace Move"
1985 19
David Britland Royal Decree spectator finds out of which King the performer is thinking
1986 40
Fred Kaps The Princess Card Trick with four Queens, using quartet gimmick
1986 17
John Bannon Cinderella
1986 26
David Regal A Regal Princess thumb punch
1987 227
Larry Jennings The Little Princess four aces, thought of ace is placed in pocket
Related to 1988 38
Larry Jennings Princess in Waiting thought of card of five cards is placed in pocket
1988 45
Edward Marlo Marlo's Princess (Second Method) six methods, other four cards change to Aces as kicker in a method
Related toAlso published here 1988 87
Edward Marlo After the Princess
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Oct. 1964
1988 99
Roy Walton Pocket Princess
Also published here 1988 96
Arturo de Ascanio Mentalism by Elimination ("That Trick") extensive treatment on the effect
  • Origins and Stories
  • Effect, patter and presentation
  • General ideas about performance
  • Performance
  • Concealing manouvres for the thought-of care
  • Tricks for rehearsing the trick
Also published here 1989 1
Jon Racherbaumer Of the Psychic Princess Presentation comment and distinction of both effects titled "Princess Card Trick"
1990 35
Jon Racherbaumer Polish Princess Card Trick credit information, four methods
Inspired by 1990 178
Patrick Page Princess Quatro
Also published here 1990 77
Patrick Page Princess Quatro
Also published here Dec. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 4 & 5)
Arturo de Ascanio Mentalismo por Eliminación ("El Juego Ese") extensive treatment on the effect
Also published here 1992 102
Edward Marlo On Vernon's "Mental Card Miracle"
Inspired by Sep. 1993
The Olram File (Issue 13)
Patrick Page Prinzessin Numero Vier with queens, three removed and selected queen ends up in different pocket
Also published here 1993 27
Karl Fulves, Jesse Demaline Numeration Ace through Six given to spectator, one chosen, performer has packet behind back and gives back five, chosen one is missing, posed as a problem
Verbatim (Issue 10)
Jon Racherbaumer Who Kissed The Frog? credit information
Nov. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 3)
James Swain Anastasia one of five cards thought of, vanishes and reappears in pocket
Inspired by 1996 152
Larry Jennings Card to Pocket Princess
  • Version One
  • Version Two
1997 82
Larry Jennings The '65 Card Staggerer sleightly different effect
  • Version One
  • Version Two
1997 85
Dai Vernon, William Goodwin, Larry Jennings Reconstructing the Professor's Princess
  • Method One (Dai Vernon)
  • Method Two (Larry Jennings)
  • Method Three (Dai Vernon and Larry Jennings)
  • Method Four (Dai Vernon, Larry Jennings and William Goodwin)
1997 88
Philip T. Goldstein Calculated Theft from envelope to other envelope
1997 7
Aaron Fisher The Princess five cards, thought of is divined others change to aces
Inspired by 1997 1306
Edward Marlo Pre-Princess other four cards change to Aces as kicker
Related to Feb. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Eddie Fields Five-Card Ad Infinitum divination of thought-of selection from five cards, three phases
Also published here 1997 50
Bruce Cervon The Fifth Card
1998 45
Harry Lorayne Lucky Seven one of seven cards thought of and placed in pocket by performer, rest in wallet
1998 173
Bob King Princess for Magicians five cards, one thought of, all cards put in pocket, performer removes four, last one is selection
1998 11
David Regal Unlimited Edition Examinable version of Limited Edition by Larry Jennings and Gordon Bean
1999 116
Theodore DeLand The Phantom Card Trick No. 8, five cards shown fan, three remembered by spectators, two removed from under handkerchief and rest vanishes, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Variations 1999 128
Theodore DeLand Improved Phantom Cards No. 9, same effects but backs can be shown, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Inspired byVariations 1999 128
Ellis Stanyon Phantom with Ordinary Cards No. 10, ungaffed version, pseudo duplicates and palming
Inspired by 1999 130
Burling Hull The Vanishing Card No. 15, "Ghost Card", five cards fanned with Joker at front, one thought-of except Joker, all placed in hat, all cards removed and shown on both side, selection has vanished
Variations 1999 132
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note details on handling, alternative gaffs with corners stuck on
Inspired by 1999 133
Burling Hull The Card Problem No. 24, fake indices
Related to 1999 139
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note credit information
Related to 1999 140
Ellis Stanyon The Yogi Wonder No. 25
1999 140
Ellis Stanyon, Henry Hardin The Princess Card Trick No. 26, ungaffed, two methods
Variations 1999 141
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note further handling and ideas
Inspired by 1999 141
Brother John Hamman Dracula and the Handmaidens Jack of Spades and six red spot cards shown, red card thought of, it becomes a double blank card and is predicted on the Jack of Spades
Inspired by
  • "Limited Edition" (Gordon Bean, Larry Jennings, marketed)
Jan. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 1)
R. Paul Wilson Archaic Spares five cards out-jogged in face-up spread, spectator thinks of one, they are removed and put in spectator's pocket, chosen one travels reversed into deck
1999 41
Reinhard Müller Prinzess one of several cards thought-of, performer places one aside, it's the thought-of card
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
Terry LaGerould It's All in Your Mind spectator thinks of highest card in five-card packet, then vanishes from another five-card packet, then all other cards vanish except selection from packet
2001 22
Philip T. Goldstein Calculated Theft from envelope to other envelope
2002 8
Al Baker Albakerdabra princess like, using ten divided cards
Also published here
  • marketed 1936
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Karl Fulves Paradox Princess four cards, two cards thought of and found
2003 6
Karl Fulves Ask Him card chosen from 5-card packet divined
2003 35
Henry Hardin Princess Card Trick
2003 63
Karl Fulves No Way Out Aces on table, spectator thinks of Ace, Ace pocketed, it's thought Ace and others change into Jacks
Related toVariations 2003 74
Karl Fulves A No-Gaff Way ungaffed version
Inspired by 2003 75
R. Paul Wilson Princess Card Trick short comment on using the Fan-2-C step gaff, no details
2004 47
Dan Kirsch Return of the Princess princess card trick using two sets of ESP cards
2004 18
Michael Powers Subtle Princess performer and spectator each select a card from a five-card packet, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Inspired by
  • "People's Princess" (Jon Racherbaumer, GeMiNi online board)
2006 155
Chris Wardle The Princess Is Out twelve cards on table, number named to choose a card, it vanishes and is found in wallet
2006 25
Karl Fulves An Easier Princess involving five court cards and spelling the value of the though-of one
Prolix (Issue 5)
Arturo de Ascanio Mentalism by Elimination extensive treatment on the effect
Inspired byAlso published here 2008 116
Edward Marlo The Princess Killer other four cards change to Aces as kicker
Also published here Sep. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 9)
Fred Robinson Mind Reading one of six
2009 206
Patrick Page The PrincESP Card Trick in pocket, two sets
2011 56
Patrick Page Princess Quatro with queens, three removed and selected queen ends up in different pocket
Also published here 2011 59
Wolfgang Moser Werbung à la Carte on business cards and magic with special printed business cards, five routines
  • Effektkarten
  • Visitenkarten Idee #1 (Princess Card trick)
  • Visitenkarten Idee #2 (number prediction with fingers, gag)
  • Visitenkarten Idee #3 (letters sort to words)
  • Visitenkarten Idee #4 (using stickers instead of business cards)
  • Visitenkarten Idee #5 (on flyers)
Also published here 2011 37
Tom Crosbie A Stacked Princess
2013 182
Arthur Trace Pocketed Princess though-of card from five picture cards travels to pocket
2013 106
Robert Cassidy Handling card removed from pocket
2013 52
Harapan Ong The Princess Card Trick Revisited thought-of-card vanishes from packet, reappears in sandwich in deck
2014 77
John Hostler Five Card Mental Leap one of five cards thought-of, performer wants to remove mate from deck, but it is the actual selection now missing from the packet, mate comes from pocket
Also published here 2016 36
Dr. Jacob Daley Mental Card Miracle
Inspired by 2018 133
Wolfgang Moser Royal Princess Princess Card Trick printed on Business cards
Also published here 2018 55
Larry Jennings In Space one of five cards thought of, correct one pocketed, others change to Aces
  • Version One (Ungimmicked)
  • Version Two (Gimmicked) (a bit like fan-2-c gaff)
Inspired by
  • "In Sp-Ace" (Ken Allen, marketed mid-1960s)
Related to
2020 240
Nathan Kranzo Princess of Colour Princess Card trick, ends with chosen card being odd-backed
2021 18
George McBride One for Henry two cards chosen, spectator makes up card with suit of one and value of other, spectator chooses five unknown cards that are pocketed, performer removes all except one which turns out to be selection
2022 46
John Hostler Five Card Mental Leap one of five cards thought-of, performer wants to remove mate from deck, but it is the actual selection now missing from the packet, mate comes from pocket
Also published here 2022 865
Wolfgang Moser Expertalk: Wolfgang Moser on the Princess Card Trick Princess Card Trick printed on Business cards
Also published here 2022 889
Charles Karelis Business Princess playing cards written on business card, writing of thought-of card vanishes
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2011
2022 1067