71 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Location / Spectator locates Card / Spectator finds Performer's Card and vice versa
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Joe Berg Coincidental Location spectator and performer both think of a card, spectator removes two cards, they turn later out to be the two selections
1937 10
Card in Pocket. I performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
1938 253
Stewart Judah The Guessing Game two cards from two decks are put in pockets by performer and spectator and divined by each other, or not (risky)
1938 557
Eugene Bernstein Do It For Me performer chooses card from half the deck and spectator as well, cards are initialed and found by the other one
Related to 1946 14
George G. Kaplan Psychic Sympathy spectator and performer choose and a sign a card from one half each, they find each others cards, duplicate
1948 173
Lu Brent Autographic Minds performer chooses card from half the deck and spectator as well, cards are signed and found by the other one
Related to 1952 23
Lu Brent Unbelievable Coincidence Spectator and magician each think of a card and write it down, each pull out a card from the deck, turns out they find each other's card
1956 5
Lu Brent Autographic Minds Spectator and magician each select and sign a card, lost in the deck, later manage to find each other's signed card
1956 8
Al Koran Double Thought spectator finds performer's card and the other way around, marked deck
Related toVariations 1968 89
Do As I Do With One Nikola Deck No. 510, thought-of card by performer is found by spectator, and selection by spectator found by performer
1972 142
Jerry K. Hartman Crossed Thoughts spectator and magician find each other's cards
1973 67
Jerry K. Hartman Halt One Two Spectator and magician each stops on each other's card
Variations 1973 78
Karl Fulves Quid Pro Quota card chosen from packet, position remembered by spectator counting procedure
  • (A) Lockdown (11-card packet)
  • (B) Futures/Options (10-card packet)
  • (C) Go Fourth (10 cards, faro)
  • (D) Point of View (14 pointer cards)
  • (E) Cue Test
  • (F) First and Ten (spectator finds magicians card and vice versa)
  • (G) Doctor Cue
  • (H) HI Test
  • (I) Xtantra
  • (J) Doctor's Out
  • (K) Outback
Variations 1989 3
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 32
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 18
Jerry K. Hartman Match Point spectator and magician each stops on each other's card
Inspired byAlso published here
  • in "The Linking Ring" September 1983. P. 83.
1991 535
J. W. Sarles After Dark spectator and performer think a card, spectator and performer find each other's card
Related to 1995
Underworld (Issue 2)
J. W. Sarles After Dark different handling, spectator choses and loses card in corner of room, performer as well, both remove a card from spread and they're each other's card
Related to 1995 17
Karl Fulves My Card Isn't deck shuffled, performer thinks of card, spectator cuts it to top, tables it and thinks of new top card and cuts again, performer takes out a card, both are right
Related to 1995 23
Karl Fulves Malefactor number of cards between all Kings and Jacks memorized
Inspired by
  • Moe's Move-a-Card
1995 24
Mark Garetz, Al Koran Persistence of Thought with camera flash unit
Inspired by 1997 12
Karl Fulves After Dark No. 44, spectator locates magician's card and vice versa
2001 100
Mike Porstmann, Leo Behnke Die Nadel im Heuhaufen performer and spectator each choose a card from half the deck, halves exchanged and the cards found with spelling
Inspired by
  • trick in Professional Close-Up (Leo Behnke)
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
Allan Ackerman, Baltazar Fuentes An Ungaffed Ted do as i do type location often done with marked cards, memorized deck
VariationsAlso published here 2002 21
Wayne Dobson Think As I Think
Inspired byRelated to 2002 11
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 2003 21
Liam Montier Aces & Kings spectator and magicians have the four Aces and Kings respectively, one chooses a card from the other's packet, then the selections are found
2005 10
Paul Cummins Tap a Lack one thought-of card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Also published here 2005 36
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Also published here 2006 55
Michael Powers Subtle Princess performer and spectator each select a card from a five-card packet, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Inspired by
  • "People's Princess" (Jon Racherbaumer, GeMiNi online board)
2006 155
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 2007 17
Paul Vigil Diplopia one thought-of (and removed) card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2007 3
Karl Fulves Cross Colors deck separated in colors, unknown black card pocketed by spectator, guessed by spectator, then red card pocketed by performer and guessed by him, both match
Inspired by
  • Number Four in Joe Berg's Private Card Problems
Related to
Prolix (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Eureka deck separated in colors, unknown black card pocketed by spectator, guessed by spectator, then red card pocketed by performer and guessed by him, both match
Related to 2007
Prolix (Issue 3)
Stephen MacRow Brain Fry!
Related to 2008 182
Nick Trost ESP Double Thought with ESP cards
Inspired by 2009 569
Al Koran, Roberto Giobbi One-Deck Do-as-I-Do miscalling
Related to 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue July 26)
Pit Hartling Tal Cual performer and spectator each think of a card, they locate each other's cards
Also published here 2010
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 13)
Darwin Ortiz Sorcerer's Apprentice spectator and performer locate each other's cards
Related toVariations 2012 277
Patrick G. Redford Card Counter performer divines card, then spectator does so with multiple cards
Also published here
  • “Card Counter” (Patrick G. Redford, Square 2010, n. p.)
2014 99
Jerry K. Hartman Crossed Thoughts deck shuffled, spectator chooses a card as performer deals through cards, then a second card is freely thought of and writes it on the back of the first selection, performer does same procedure afterwards and the selection matches the spectator's thought of card written on the back and vice versa
Sep. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 9)
Karl Fulves Club Double with Ace through Ten of Clubs in a row, performer writes both cards on billet upside down in reverse order
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Pit Hartling Thought Exchange performer and spectator each glimpse a card in one half, they locate each other's cards, half stack
Inspired byRelated to 2016 70
Pit Hartling Just Like That performer and spectator each think of a card, they locate each other's cards
VariationsAlso published here 2016 112
Ondřej Pšenička Diplopia on Steroids Diplopia done with Butterfly Cards, magician and spectator each pick of a card, then find each other's card, uses Butterfly cards
Inspired by 2017 82
Robert Ramirez Casting the Spell No. 1, performer and spectator each select a card, one spells to the other
2017 3
Matt Baker Casablanca spectator names card, then removes a card an pockets it, performer as well, spectator has predicted performer's selection with previously named card and performer divines spectator's card
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2019 31
Matt Baker Location Sensing Device Magician locates spectator's card, and vice versa
Inspired by 2019 40
Helder Guimarães Synchronicity "An Act of Pure Luck"
  • First and Second Phase: spectator and performer each select a card from half the deck and find each other's cards, spectator via Tantalizer
  • Third Phase: cards at chosen position in both halves match, then whole deck is mated
Inspired by 2019 432
Jon Racherbaumer The Blind Leading the Blind
  • Exhumations
performer finds spectator's touched selection while spectator finds performer's thought-of selection
Inspired by Nov. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 11)
Michał Kociołek Synch performer and spectator each have half the deck, shuffle it and cut it into four piles, both remember a card from one pile and assemble the packets, the halves are exchanged and dealt, both stop at each others cards
Inspired by 2021 8
Moritz Mueller Just the Two of Us
  • Den Weg nach Hause finden
  • Ein Sonderfall
2021 44
Ryan Goh Double Thot spectator finds performer's card and vice versa
Inspired byRelated to 2021 59
Paul Cummins Tap A Lack one thought-of card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2022 415
John Carey Cut Off Point
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2010
2022 926
Paul Vigil Diplopia one thought-of (and removed) card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Inspired byAlso published here 2022 1076
John Carey Sub-Conscious
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2012
2022 1096
Joshua Jay Think As I Think spectator and performer each think of a card and find each other's card
Also published here 2022 1250
Joshua Jay Think as I Think spectator and performer each think of a card and find each other's card
Also published here 2022 60
Scott Baird Tap-a-Stack one selected card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Inspired by Jan. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Michał Kociołek Synergic one selected card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa, no faces looked at by performer other than his selection
  • with slight variation by Scott Baird
Inspired by
  • "Kismet" (The Classic Magic of Michael Vincent, DVD, 2009)
Jan. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 1)
John Carey Empowered spectator peeks a card, performer thinks of one, performer places his card on table, then spectator names his guess for performer's card, performer takes out spectator's card, both shown
  • A Note from Scott
Inspired by Jan. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Iain Moran Magician's Nephew performer and spectator cut to each other's card
Inspired byAlso published here
  • on DVD Zen Magic
Mar. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Matt Baker Casablanca spectator names card, then removes a card an pockets it, performer as well, spectator has predicted performer's selection with previously named card and performer divines spectator's card
Also published here 2023 9
Tony Chang Lusting For Do As I Do performer and spectator each have half the deck, a card from the center is selected by each and lost, after two packet exchanges the cards rise to the top
June 2024
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Wilson Issue)
Francesco Fontanelli Think As I Do performer and spectator each think of a card and lose it, they locate each other's cards, impromptu
Inspired by 2024 17
Allan Ackerman, Baltazar Fuentes An Ungaffed Ted do as i do type location often done with marked cards, memorized deck
Also published here 2024 171
Paul Vigil Diplopia one thought-of (and removed) card by performer and one by spectator, performer finds spectator's card and vice versa
Also published here 2024 166
Joshua Jay Think as I Think performer and spectator each name a card, they locate each other's cards
Related toAlso published here 2024 167
Joshua Jay A New Deck Order Ending ending in new deck order with Particle Stack, spectator and performer deal a half into four piles under the guise of finding each other's selections
2024 45
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 2024 19