65 entries in Light & Fire / Light
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, on fluorescent paint, Prof. Herrmann
Feb. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, recipe for glowing paint, chemical way to ignite candles in a hat, "die dressierte Fliege"
Related to Apr. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Robert Gysel Spirit Light luminous paint on bottom of shoe
1933 1
Howard Warringer The Flashing Fetish flashlight lights on it's own, also when batteries are removed, answers questions
Inspired by
  • "The Flashing Fetish" in "Genii" March, 1938. P. 232.
Mar. 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Syl Reilly Ghostly Card in the Dark card image appears in dark room, luminous paint
1942 373
Syl Reilly Date on a Borrowed Coin date appears as image in dark room, luminous paint
1942 375
Syl Reilly A Selected Word word appears as image in dark room, luminous paint
1942 375
Syl Reilly Spirit Answers word appears as image in dark room, luminous paint
1942 375
Syl Reilly "Ghostlite" in the Dark Seance The Evil Eye, Spooky Lights, Apparitions of Spirit Articles, Ghostly Faces, Ectoplasm, Ghost Materialization, using luminous paint
1942 379
Edward Saint Spirit Lights under Test Conditions seance style, luminous paint
1942 383
Robert A. Nelson Spirit Flashes in the Dark burning balls of red fire
1945 18
Martin Gardner Scissors Sorcery two different colored light bulbs throw different colored shadows, Christmas theme
Dec. 1948 495
U. F. Grant The Spirit House light in doll house goes on and off to answer questions
Jan. 1949 13
Karrell Fox A Highlight gag with light
1954 30
Tony Corinda (10) Spirit Lights small sparks of light, wire wool and battery
1959 281
Dr. William Weyeneth Die rote Birne red light bulb, red writing is invisible, some ideas
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 6)
Marvyn Roy Spook Light small flash light is dropped in a bottle, starts to move
Magick (Issue 14)
Marconick The High Light of the Show light bulb screwed into unconnected socket lights up
Also published here 1973 29
Karl Fulves Chink-a-Chink Ideas puzzle pieces gather and assemble themselves, different versions, no methods given
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #5)
Eric Mason Cubism card is burnt into flash cube
Sep. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Marconick Une idée lumineuse light bulb screwed into unconnected socket lights up
Also published here 1979 26
Stephen Tucker Kodek rising card from case, with
Aug. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Stan Blumenthal Light Source crystal ball starts to glow green
Magick (Issue 293)
Leo Kostka Aura Effect flash cube flashes by concentrating on it
Magick (Issue 296)
Paul Brignall Micky. microphone on radio, cable / wire cut and restored
Feb. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 10)
John Carney Crystal Flash crystal inside handkerchief lights up over selection
1983 52
Fingertip Ghosts No. 20, luminous paint
1983 6
Diabolical Eyes No. 21, light shoots from eyes of medium in dark seance room
1983 7
Luminous Eyes No. 22, eyes on poster glow in the dark, luminous paint
1983 7
Jan Torell Die Ghost-Tube und der besondere Dreh handkerchief production with ghost tube, way to apparently show both sides, with flash light
1984 38
Dick Koornwinder Magicube revisited tip on releasing flash cube as addition to photographic coin routine
1984 12
Michael Ammar Lighter Vanish topit
1986 36
Wayne Kyzer Night Writer prediction, blank card, writing is seen with flashlight, see also p. 264 for additional ideas by Phillip Young
1986 240
Michael Ammar Lighter Vanish topit
1991 212
Karl Fulves Theory Only bet with polarizing light filters
Also published here
  • "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" (G. Zukav, 1979)
Cheat Sheet (Issue 7)
Steve Dusheck Flasher flash cube flashes by itself
1993 105
Martin Gardner Colored Shadows
  • Martin Gardner's Corner
colors of shadows of red and green light bulbs are reversed
Dec. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Sveroni Das Tuch in der Taschenlampe spectator holds flashlight and performer holds a handkerchief, suddenly flashlight stops working and handkerchief transforms into battery, silk is found in flashlight
1995 25
Karl Fulves Glowing Crystals "Unsolved Mysteries"
getting a crystal to glow, posed as a problem
1996 77
Tom Stone D'struction on using D'Light covertly, short one-coin sequence with glowing red light
Also published here Sep. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Mark Garetz, Al Koran Persistence of Thought with camera flash unit
Inspired by 1997 12
Joe Mogar Thimbles Lite thimble glows on command
1997 147
John Talbot A Light Touch removing light from laser pointer on spectator's sleeve, D'Lite
May/June 1998
The Magic Menu (Vol. 8 No. 47)
Nathan Kranzo Bande Du Soleil tan line of wrist watched is moved to different position on arm
  • Afterthoughts
  • Credits
  • Notes
  • More Ideas from the Tan Man
Also published here 2001 2
David Berglas Regulite spectator thinks of an object on the table, then he holds to wires from a lamp and choses a light bulb and when concentrates on his object, the lamp lights up, eventually the object vanishes from the table and is fount inside the light bulb
2002 109
Tom Stone D'Struction on using D'Light covertly, short one-coin sequence with glowing red light
Also published here 2002 1
Peter Rosengren Crystal Card Divination crystal ball wrapped in silk glows over selection, D'Light
2002 1
Jay Sankey Revival Make light bulb held at fingertips suddenly flash brightly
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Amazing Tricks)
Michel Huot D'Christmas Tree red light bulb, light plucked out (D'Light) and tossed back
VariationsAlso published here 2003 16
Arthur Trace Light Flip Switch paintbrush vanishes, two light dots appear, paintbrush is back
Apr. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 4)
Alan Wakeling Scotland uv paint produces glowing assistant, and glowing skull which answers questions with his jaw (talking skull)
  • Notes (Jim Steinmeyer)
Sep. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 9)
Michel Huot D'Christmas Tree red light bulb, light plucked out (D'Light) and tossed back
Also published here Dec. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 12)
Tom Stone Tesla's Knot cut and restored cable
Also published here 2007 2
Tom Stone Voice of the Public joke about the notion that card tricks are not popular, laser dots appearing on performer
Also published here 2007 3
Patrik Kuffs Bank Lite one of four different-colored glow sticks chosen, prediction held behind back
Mar. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 3)
Tom Stone Note 13 sight gag, laser pointers on performer's body when he asks about performing a card trick
Also published here Apr. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 4)
Tom Stone Note 13 sight gag, laser pointers on performer's body when he asks about performing a card trick
Also published here 2009 5
Harold Cataquet Infrared Light & Digital Cameras looking at infrared light sources through a camera or making a phone picture
2009 216
Oliver Meech Bike Light Card appears rolled up in battery compartment mini torchlight that was previously working (D'lite)
2010 12
Tom Stone Tesla's Knot cut and restored cable
Also published here 2011 131
Tom Stone The Voice of the Public joke about the notion that card tricks are not popular, laser dots appearing on performer
Also published here 2011 222
Tim Trono Bending Coin marked coin is bent in performers hand, red glow from hand while it is bent, D'Light
(PDF bonus effect from August 2012)
Aug. 2012
Real Secrets (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Rob Testa Forensic Specialist on wrong card appears name of selection with UV light, then changes into card
2013 46
Michael Stelzer Fusion Ice ice cubes "become" two grey heart-shaped cubes in a glass to match a forced Two of Hearts, d'light glow in glass
May 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 5)
Michael Liptack Bright Box light appears in card case which is blown out, using hidden LED
Also published here
  • MAGIC, July 2006
2022 519