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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Roy Walton Oil and Queens transformation kicker
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1969 15
David Berglas Ad Infinitum total of three three-digit numbers is predicted
Related toVariationsAlso published here Jan. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Punx Abenteuer auf dem Fischmarkt presentation for Jastrow Illusion, with two fish
Related to 1977 50
Michael Ammar The Vanishing Glass stemmed glass vanishes under silk handkerchief
VariationsAlso published here 1981 29
Peter Wilker Eröffnung des Zauberschlössli Grenchen on the magic club house Zaubertürmli in Grenchen, Roberto Furegati, Peter Wilker, Pino Pan, Roberto Giobbi, Orsani, Andreas Glocker, José Mercier, Sveroni, Erino, Christoph Borer, Ernst Lüthy
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 6)
Steve Bryan Steve Bryan Writes... five cards are torn in halves, phrase is spelled and spectator is allowed to say where the cards are changed, after each spelled word on top of the halves are the matching parts, spelling "Will the cards match"
Related to 1986
Gimmick (Issue 4)
Larry Becker "Will The Cards Match" ESP-style order matching with five torn-in-half cards
Variations May 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Ron Wilson Double Restoration Rope with a loop
Related toAlso published here 1987 128
Sveroni Vorwort
1991 8
Sveroni Tricord intro for Professor's Nightmare, rope is cut once, suddenly performer holds three ropes with the same length
1991 9
Sveroni Marcollectors
1991 11
Sveroni Reverso selection turns over in deck
1991 13
Sveroni Reverso Move half pass while spreading cards on the table
1991 13
Sveroni Das Zweikartenspiel two card transposition, with monte theme, duplicate
1991 15
Sveroni Ein guter Tropfen glass vanishes under handkerchief, then flowers appear
Inspired by 1991 19
Sveroni Tele-Asse two selections from a normal deck are divined with four jumbo aces, aces with matching suit turn over, then they change into selection
Also published here 1991 22
Sveroni Double Lift with jumbo cards, without the deck
1991 25
Sveroni Ein simples Problem backs of six card change into blue and back to red
1991 27
Sveroni Romeo und Julia card is torn and performer and spectator sign their name on each half, then the performer's name jump to the other card and back
1991 32
Sveroni Der radfahrende Joker und die Münze joker on card vanishes, then complete card, then a card shrinks and a coin transforms into a jumbo coin
1991 37
, Sveroni Rub-A-Dub-Dub with variations, as a transformation and transformation of a coin under a card
1991 38
Michael Close, Larry West A Visit from Rocco using giant bills
Variations 1993 20
Alex Elmsley Dazzle packet with jokers, backs change color multiple times
Related toVariations 1994 463
Alexander de Cova Bill in Edding bill to marker pen, finger tip
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1994 114
Sveroni Vorwort
1995 8
Sveroni Hoppla! flashy location of a card, four cards are sprung on table, selection remains, with variation of Christian Scherer
1995 9
Sveroni Magic Ara balloon bird finds selection, deck in case
1995 13
Sveroni Das ängstliche As four jumbo aces turn into four ace of clubs, spades, diamonds, ace of hearts eventually is found on performer's back
1995 16
Sveroni Seilzerschneiden à la Sveroni: Zwei täuschende Methoden cut and restored rope sequences
  • 1. Mit einer Zusatzschlaufe (with a loop)
  • 2. Mit einem Zusatzstück (with an extra piece)
Related to 1995 20
Sveroni Das Tuch in der Taschenlampe spectator holds flashlight and performer holds a handkerchief, suddenly flashlight stops working and handkerchief transforms into battery, silk is found in flashlight
1995 25
Sveroni Der letzte Kartentrick spectator remembers a card at his thought of number and cuts the deck, performer tries to cut the deck that the card is back at the same position, card is then found in performer's pocket
1995 28
Christian Scherer, Sveroni King Koin Matrix coin matrix, then pictures of cards vanish and indices are found engraved on coins
1995 3
Christian Scherer, Sveroni Hol(e)y King! coin penetrates card, card with hole and blank and index found engraved on coin
1995 22
Steve Mayhew, Lennart Green Unusual Location a la Lennart Green, right hand quickly grabs selection
Related to 1999 1
Sveroni Alles Ablenkung oder was? humorous vanish of a handkerchief, then handkerchief vanishes from hand and is found knotted to other silk
2002 27
Sveroni Gelöscht first faces then backs of four playing cards vanish, with jumbo cards
2002 30
Sveroni Der Geldschein im Filzstift signed bill travels to marker which is held by spectator
Related to 2002 32
Sveroni Unerwarteter Transfer performer's signature on coin travels to coin with spectator's signature
Also published here 2002 40
Christian Scherer, Sveroni Money Splitting bill is split in two, gag for magicians
2002 54
Sveroni Vorwort
2006 5
Sveroni Poker Dream triple prediction (city, amount of money, card) on post-its, names of spectators are noted on the papers
Variations 2006 7
Sveroni Verdrehte Voraussage B'Wave variation with jumbo cards
2006 13
Sveroni Sveronis Bank Night with four different colored little bags, bag with red silk wins money, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
2006 16
Sveroni, Christian Scherer Das letzte Kümmelblättchen monte theme with jumbo cards, card turns over, as a climax backs change color
Inspired by
  • Helmut Schmiedeberg's "Mondo Monte"
2006 18
Sveroni, Christian Scherer Three as Four Display with jumbo cards
2006 19
Sveroni Artistic Cards Homing Card with jumbo cards
2006 25
Sveroni False Display hiding surfaces, with jumbo cards
2006 31
Sveroni Sveronis grandioses Gedankenlesen humorous off-beat prediction of a named number
2006 33
Sveroni Notlösung flashy production of selection, card apparently shot from center of the deck into other hand
Related to 2006 36
Sveroni Vorwort
2008 5
Sveroni Das Ritual spectator's scribbling is heated up and transforms into name of selection, friXion pen
Inspired by
  • Mathieu Bich's "Sympathel Ink"
2008 7
Sveroni Das Ritual mit Sternzeichen spectator's scribbling is heated up and transforms into his zodiac sign, friXion pen
2008 12
Sveroni Das Ritual mit Visitenkarten adaptation of Das Ritual for close up, with business cards
2008 12
Sveroni Der Frauenschwarm oil and queens variation
Inspired by 2008 13
Sveroni Money Printer bills on jumbo blank cards, four blank cards change into cards with bills of different value on them several times
Inspired by 2008 16
Sveroni, Christian Scherer Dies ist reine Magie five jumbo cards are torn in halves, phrase is spelled and spectator is allowed to say where the cards are changed, after each spelled word on top of the halves are the matching parts, using Howard Adams' Ramasee Principle
Inspired byRelated to 2008 21
Sveroni Vorwort
2009 5
Sveroni Instant Tee tea travels to covered mug, then tee and water is mixed just to vanish and from the mug falls confetti
Inspired by
  • David Williamson's "Saline Solution"
2009 7
Sveroni Tee Recycling tea bag is destroyed and all parts put in little envelope where tea bag is served, thread is ignited and it transforms back to tea bag, envelope is empty and torn and restores as a climax
Related to 2009 10
Sveroni Simply Clever prediction of selected tea bag flavor
2009 13
Sveroni Ach, so geht das! torn and restored paper with fake explanation
2009 17
Sveroni Tele-Asse two selections from a normal deck are divined with four jumbo aces, aces with matching suit turn over, then they change into selection
Also published here 2009 20
Sveroni Double Lift with jumbo cards
2009 23
Sveroni Unerwarteter Transfer performer's signature on coin travels to coin with spectator's signature
Also published here 2009 25
Sveroni Die Kunst der Ablenkung sponge balls routine, two in the hands element, color change of balls
2009 28
Larry West, Michael Close, Christian Scherer, Sveroni Spielschulden / Am Bankschalter with giant bills
Inspired by 2009 32
Sveroni Vorwort
2013 5
Sveroni Nano Tee shortened version of Tee Recycling, thread is ignited and turns into tea bag, then tea bag changes to bill
Related to 2013 7
Sveroni Zero Prinzip total of three three-digit numbers is predicted
Related to 2013 11
Sveroni Doppelte Münzenvorhersage selection of coins, two events are predicted, with post-it pad and names written on predictions
Inspired by 2013 14
Sveroni Kompromiss faces and backs of four jumbo cards change
2013 19
Sveroni Spezielles Zählen all alike count, for jumbo cards
2013 20
Sveroni Schnippen four duplicate aces change into different four aces, then they turn over by themselves, jumbo cards
2013 22
Sveroni Optisches Vorzählen all alike count with jumbo cards, similar to a flushtration count
2013 23
Sveroni Homing Card à la Sveroni card to pocket routine, three phases with fake expanation
2013 29
Sveroni Profiler card divination over phone
Inspired by
  • "Von Mensch zu Mensch" in "Magigramm", September, 1988
2013 36
Christian Scherer, Sveroni Fischerlatein fish on cardboard change size with scale, magic trick based on Jastrow optical Illusion, medal on chain vanishes
Inspired by
  • Toru Suzuki's "Sakkaku Scale" in Richard Kaufman's "Tenyoism - Volume Two", p. 843.
Related to
2019 3