103 entries in Cards / Sleights / Pop-out Productions / Revelations without "pop"
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Tom Sellers Tips
1931 16
Laurie Ireland Slap Appearance card appears face up on top
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1934)
Tom Sellers Flip Flap top half hurtles away and selection is seen face up
1939 9
Here I Is
Early Marlo (Issue Marlo's Discoveries)
Neal Elias Card From Center
Also published here 1946 7
Pop-Up Card
1948 171
Martin Gardner Hand to Hand two card location, similar to Hofzinser's two card catch, deck half face up, half face down
Also published here Nov. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 163)
Edward Marlo Drop Out Production deck held in end grip, bottom card drops into waiting left hand
1953 18
Matt Schulien One Hand Discovery (One Card) Charlier cut, then fingers drag out a card from center which flips face up onto the top of the deck
1959 26
Nate Leipzig, Charlie Miller Leipzig's Card Production Variation card clings to hand
Also published here 1961 62
Brian Glover Elimination - Revelation card revelation, from eight cards, flourish
Sep. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 383)
Derek Dingle, Walter E. Cummings, Eddie Fechter F.C.D. Aces sliding production
Related toVariations July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Ron Ferris Fall Out Move card(s) fall on table from incomplete faro shuffled deck
Related to
  • Linking Ring (May 1970)
Also published here
Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Center Spin Cut
Also published here 1972 41
Gene Castillon Gourmet Slide Aces
  • FDC Discovery Method #1
  • FDC Discovery Method #2
  • FDC Discovery Method #3
  • FDC Discovery Method #4
Inspired by May 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Roger Smith Faro Flip Out incomplete Faro, deck is shaken and only selection falls from deck
Variations 1974
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Roger Smith Faro Flip Pit Effect #1 incomplete Faro, deck is shaken and only selection falls from deck, routine
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Right-Angle Location flourish location in which card ends up perpendicular in deck
1975 234
Philip T. Goldstein The Spin Location cards thrown on the table, right card is removed
1976 6
Paul Harris Open Revelation aces or selection appear one by one between two one-handed fans
Variations 1976 26
Paul Harris Revised Revelation Aces produced on table from two one-handed fans
Inspired byVariations 1977 30
Ken Krenzel, Joe Fisher The Eerie Spin-Out plus variation by Harry Lorayne, see references for credits
Related toVariations 1978 140
Ken Krenzel Instant Appearance more a pop-out
1978 148
Steve Beam You're Joking removing jokers from face-down deck
Also published here 1978 15
Edward Marlo Marlo Throw Cut similar to Reinhard Müllers Three Card Throw, here used for the same purpose
1979 342
Harry Lorayne, Ken Krenzel Cardcase Spin-Out on top of the card case
Inspired by 1979 132
Richard Kaufman Tilt Center Pull-Out apparently pulling card out from center
1979 12
Richard Kaufman, Jon Racherbaumer Swivelleroo Plus flourish cut around swivel action, credit information
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 28
Richard Kaufman Modified Swivelleroo Plus
Related to 1979 118
Steve Beam You're Joking removing jokers from face-down deck
Also published here 1980 5
Al Smith Perpetual Ginsberg four Ace production using the poke action
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1980 14
David Austin Spin Out from center, tabled
Inspired by Oct. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Daryl Martinez, Karl Fulves Center Spin-Out Cut Variation in-the-hands method
1982 37
Al Smith Production Move
Related to Nov. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Reinhard Müller A Simple Reverse Variation as a single card revelation
Inspired by May 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Bruce Cervon, Juan Tamariz Pivot Production also with double card and as a change
1984 63
Walter E. Cummings Faro Location/Display using incomplete faro
1985 329
Frederick Braue The Educated Thumb selection is found by riffling down one-handed and pulling out selection with thumb
1985 1
Emile Clifton Slide-Out apparently tossing card out of center of deck, really from bottom
Dec. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Gordon Bruce Spread Revelation card slides magically out of the hand-spread
Nov. 1987
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Father Cyprian, Darwin Ortiz Revelation
1988 93
Bruce Cervon Pivot Production two interlaced halves, card spins out
1988 147
Ron Ferris Fall Out Move card(s) fall on table from incomplete faro shuffled deck
Also published here 1988 161
Martin Lewis Card Spin
1989 468
Scott Robinson, Steve Beam The Flop one card production, card ends up in middle, with a fan
1989 531
Frank Garcia Riding the Aces Production
Related to 1989 87
Bruce Cervon Trick Applications for the Free-Turn Pass - As An Ace Production appears face-up on top
1990 140
Ken Krenzel The Eerie Spin-Out
1990 116
Jack Birnman Guardians red queens put in center and appear again
1991 728
Gordon Bruce Spread Revelation card slides magically out of the hand-spread
Opus (Vol. 3 No. Opus Selection)
Edward Marlo Finessed Changing Card Card "rises" and changes
1993 101
Jerry Mentzer Fan Reverse Revelation
Inspired by 1993 49
Vicente Canuto 1.- Lanzamiento del Paquete Inferior a Distancia packet shoots to other hand, as a production
1993 303
Vicente Canuto 3.- Aparición Uno, Dos, Tres production of a card using a double undercut
1993 305
Vicente Canuto 4.- Por Volteo de Paquetes production of a card using a double undercut
1993 306
Vicente Canuto, Nate Leipzig 6.- Corte Pivotante de Leipzig two ways of producing a card using the twirl cut
  • A) Primera Versión
  • B) Segunda Versión
1993 308
Vicente Canuto 7.- Por Corte o Salto Charlier production using a Charlier Cut
1993 310
Aldo Colombini Alomst by Mistake cut production
Apr. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 4)
Joe Rindfleisch On the Square during riffle shuffle selection is produced reversed in center
Variations 1994 931
Scott Robinson Sliding Scale cards spread, when squared again selection sticks out face up, injogged
Variations 1994 950
Joel Givens Slide Too Sliding Scale, with two cards, one by one
Inspired by 1994 951
Jerry K. Hartman Uppercut Production
1995 99
Dan Block The Thumb Thing card is produced spinning on thumb, from the deck
1995 1053
Richard Kaufman, Jon Racherbaumer Swivelleroo Plus flourish cut around swivel action, produces double
Also published here 1995 12
Aldo Colombini By Mistake packet drops on table during cutting sequence, Ace is on top
1995 10
Stephen Tucker Braue Flourish Production for Two Cards with a transformation
Inspired by 1995 95
Paul Harris Open Revelation (revised) aces appear one by one between two one-handed fans
Inspired by 1996 127
Joel Givens New Way Pop selection appears reversed when deck is riffle shuffled in the hands
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 1152
Steve Mayhew, Lennart Green Unusual Location a la Lennart Green, right hand quickly grabs selection
Related to 1999 1
Nate Leipzig, Charlie Miller Leipzig's Card Production Variation "From Letters Written by Charlie Miller to Faucett Ross", Nov. 20, 1943
card clings to hand
Also published here Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
Card production card is pivoted to top from middle of deck
Labyrinth (Issue 11)
Steve Beam Charlier Cut as a Card Location
2000 68
R. Paul Wilson Emergence card slides magically out of in-the-hand spread
Also published here 2001 5
Reinhard Müller, Harvey Rosenthal Three Card Throw
2002 94
Jack Avis Unfinished Spin Out
Inspired by 2002 79
Elias Ugart Slip and Slide production of face-down selection in center of deck
2002 131
Euan Bingham Productions using Scorpion Change, turning faced deck over
2003 26
Davide Costi Fan Production producing the four aces face up with two face down fans
2004 87
James Swain Classic Pass Cut Aces Production cutting between two Aces
Inspired by Dec. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 12)
R. Paul Wilson Emergence card slides magically out of in-the-hand spread
Also published here 2005 8
R. Paul Wilson The Haunted Card selection slides out of in-the-hands spread
card slides magically out of in-the-hand spread
Also published here Dec. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 12)
Joel Givens Spread Production tabled spread scooped up quickly, selection is left on table
2007 84
Joel Givens New Way Pop selection appears reversed when deck is riffle shuffled in the hands
Also published here 2007 236
Daryl Martinez Hot Shot Cut
2008 43
John Guastaferro, Paul Harris Materialization
Inspired by 2010 22
Pit Hartling Ases el Orden four Ace production, with shuffle elements, being in a certain order at the end, Finding way home procedure
  • Acrobatic Aces
  • Gun Trick
  • Liebenow Card Peeling
Related to 2010
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 14)
Doug Edwards One Card Production inspired by a Frank Garcia Move, deck is hit with other hand and selection shoots out
2013 47
Tom Gagnon Ribbon Spread Cut deck openly cut during flipping over a tabled spread, right at an Ace
2013 51
Salvador Sufrate Aparición Pendulante without table
Also published here 2014
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 27)
Steve Mayhew Double Dribble producing selections while dribbling cards from hand to hand
2014 139
Justin Higham Illogical Revolve-Cut Production
Related to Feb. 2016
Operandi (Issue 1)
Roberto Giobbi Pretty Production
Hidden Agenda (Issue May 13)
Scott Robinson Sliding Scale production of jogged face-up card in deck as vertical spread is squared, multiple ideas/applications:
  • Original Handling (p. 86)
    • Two-Card Production (p. 88)
    • Three-Card Production (p. 88)
  • Modern Handling (p. 89, using Nuzzo move, see reference), also see slight variant on p. 100
    • Four-Card Production (p. 90)
also see application in “Just One Move” (p. 91)
Related to
  • "Palm Reverse" (Jimmy Nuzzo, Art and Ardor at the Card Table, 2003, p. 45) and in The New Tops
2018 86
Scott Robinson Sliding Scale – Modern Handling variant slight variant of “Modern Handling” (p. 89)
2018 100
Steve Dobson Flip Out Flourish tabled, slip cut and turnover
2018 259
Benjamin Earl Production half flipped into other hand and back
2018 263
Justin Higham Rolling-Stock Production Flashy production of card originally on top of the deck
2019 183
John Bannon Bullet Catcher Production Apparently find four of a kind in the deck
2019 187
Vic Trabucco The Flash deck slapped on table, selection is found sticking-out reversed in center
2020 310
Card Production Move from Another Card face-up card on deck is turned and another card appears, can be repeated
July 2021
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Special Duvivier Issue)
Salvador Sufrate Expertalk: Salvador Sufrate on the Eerie Spinout without table
Inspired byAlso published here 2022 389
John Guastaferro Tipping Point four Ace production using the poke action
  • Alternative Endings
    • Royal Flush Kicker
    • Card Change
Inspired by 2023 36
Christian Scherer Another Fancy False Cut in the hands false flourish cut
  • The Fancy False Cut as a Card Production
  • The Fancy False Cut as a Control
Also published here 2024 246