81 entries in Cards / Sleights / Controls / Single Card Controls / Faro Controls / Incomplete Faro
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Edward Marlo The Incomplete Faro definition and basic peek procedure
1964 5
Bruce Cervon Confused Incomplete deck spread in IF Condition
Also published here Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Edward Marlo Incomplete Double Peek Control two cards, one after the other
Related to 1968 17
Edward Marlo IF Glimpse after incomplete faro peek
Related to Winter 1969
Hierophant (Issue 2)
Edward Marlo The I F Fingertip Peek incomplete faro at fingertips, controlled to twenty-six or twenty-seven from top, see also page 85 for further notes
1970 75
Roger Smith Faro Illuminator Setup
  • Faro Shuffler's Column #4
control with incomplete faro peek
Nov. 1970
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Harry Lorayne Faro Quickie & Follow-Up two face up cards find selection peeked at, followed by challenge location with nail nick
1971 254
Roger Smith Some Random Thoughts on the Incomplete Faro Peek
Dec. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Tom Batchelor The Unfinished Shuffle Control selection tossed into incomplete faro shuffle with cards standing on their side, cards pushed together and jog established
1971 5
Karl Fulves Riffle Shuffle Control selection made in incomplete riffle shuffle condition, controlled to twenty-six or known position
Related toVariations Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Karl Fulves Sneak Sandwich Incomplete Faro peeked card is sandwiched
1973 102
Roger Smith The Fabulous Faro Finder incomplete Faro Shuffle and half stripped out again, one card sticks out which is an Ace, repeated to produce all Aces
Variations 1974
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Roger Smith The Faro Plunger or The Offset Incomplete Faro Technique incomplete Faro to make a selection, after shuffle four Aces are reversed in the deck, Aces are out jogged and pushed through the deck, three random cards are injogged now, repeated until selection remains
Variations 1974
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Roger Smith Smith's Hudson' Marlo (SHM #1) reversed card ends up next to selection after a shuffle
Inspired by
  • Edward Marlo's "Hudson's Marlo" in "The Linking Ring" June, 1968.
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Roger Smith SHM Control #1 placing a reversed card after incomplete Faro to further now position of card
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Roger Smith SHM Control #2 using reversed card in combination with Incomplete Faro, chosen card ends up on top
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Roger Smith SHM Control Effect #3 reversed card turns out to be selection
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Roger Smith Faro Flip Out incomplete Faro, deck is shaken and only selection falls from deck
Variations 1974
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Roger Smith Faro Flip Pit Effect #1 incomplete Faro, deck is shaken and only selection falls from deck, routine
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Roger Smith Faro Flip Out Index Card Steal chosen card is stolen behind index card, from Incomplete Faro position
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
John Miller, Edward Marlo Incomplete Faro Location
1975 79
John F. Mendoza Simple Shotgun breakless handling
Inspired byAlso published here 1975 172
Karl Fulves Three Tricks: Paradyne Principle faro control with fanned incomplete faro deck
July 1975
Epilogue (Issue 24)
Anton York Spring Control extension to control the selection
Inspired by 1975
Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Karl Fulves Pharo Here incomplete faro position, stopped at card controlled
  • The Placement
  • The Revelation
1975 102
Roger Smith The IF Cover Up Control #1 key card placed in break in originally lower half of IF peek, faro brings it next to selection
Inspired byRelated to 1975 2
Roger Smith The IF Cover Up Control #2 key card placed in break in originally lower half of IF peek, faro brings it next to selection
  • Handling A
  • Handling B
  • Handling B - A Variation (two selections)
1975 3
Roger Smith IF Cover Up Control #3 same with corner short key
1975 5
Roger Smith The IF Cover Up Control #4 with a block instead of single key card, using a block version of cover up cut
1975 5
Roger Smith The IF Drop Control key card placed one faro away from selection with running cut procedure after IF peek
1975 7
Roger Smith Offset Faro Controls and Techniques IF controls in which the halves are not equal but there is a block left on top of lower half
  • Offset Faro Control #1
  • Offset Faro Control #2
1975 9
Roger Smith Improved Fabulous Faro Finders card peeked at in IF condition, chosen card sticks out a bit after stripping the top half out
Inspired by 1975 15
Edward Marlo Insertion Type using Secret Incomplete Faro Condition
1976 297
Edward Marlo Incomplete Faro Location standard procedure
1977 216
Edward Marlo Optional Center Card Transfer peek from incomplete faro position, selection transferred in lower half
  • Option 1 (controlling card without break)
  • Option 2 (controlling card with break)
  • Option 3 (corner crimp)
  • Option 4 (crimping different corner)
  • Option 5 (angle jogging card)
Related to 1978 14
Edward Marlo The Center Card Transfer into the Left Palm after incomplete faro peek
1978 19
Martin A. Nash Faro Flam apparently IF Control is used
1979 404
Karl Fulves That's Impossible! card appears at chosen number (chosen by cut-off packet), using a variation of Fulves'
1980 37
Roger Smith "Tip of the Iceberg" selection pivots out of deck in Incomplete Faro Condition
1980 34
Edward Marlo I-F Control Fake-Out puzzle magicians that follow the control
Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Ken Krenzel Get-Ready For "Wind Tunnel" using Incomplete Faro Peek
Inspired by May 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 5)
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Half-Faro Glimpse card peeked at in incomplete faro condition is glimpsed during waterfall
1982 190
Tom Craven Incomplete Faro Jog Control
Related to 1982 193
Frank Simon Incomplete Faro Transfer card pulled into other half
1983 86
Stephen Tucker The Incomplete Deck behind his back, aspectator puts a card reversed in the middle of the deck, this card is spelled and the selection is found
Apr. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Edward Marlo New Approach I.F. Control nine approaches, one or two selections, sometimes using twenty-six memorized cards
Related to 1988 154
Edward Marlo The Incomplete Faro intro
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Sep. 1963
1988 18
Edward Marlo The Incomplete Location
1988 19
Edward Marlo Incomplete Faro Control control to center, then with faro to top
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Dec. 1964
1988 114
Edward Marlo Off-Center Control incomplete faro control without starting with a perfect cut
1988 117
Juan Tamariz Incomplete Faro Peek card peeked at and selected in lower half
1989/91 160
Edward Marlo Incomplete Faro Transfer card peeked at in upper half is transfered to lower half
Also published here
  • The Gen, Oct. 1960, p. 130
1989/91 161
Chris Power Fernkontrolle card peeked in incomplete faro condition, upper half removed and performer knows position of selection
1990 33
Edward Marlo Incomplete Faro Control brief
1992 117
Jon Racherbaumer, Edward Marlo Glimpse of Another Side credit discussion of "The Dr. Nuzzo Peek"
Related to 1993
The Olram File (Issue 16)
Dave Oestreicher Interlaced Control card pushed in other half
1995 1060
Edward Marlo Incomplete Faro Placement
1995 295
Edward Marlo The Incomplete Faro
  • Incomplete-Faro Double Control
Apr. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 8)
R. Paul Wilson Incomplete Inslow pseudo Incomplete Faro Control, actually a riffle force
1997 15
Bruce Cervon The Confused Incomplete Faro Control deck spread in IF Condition
Related toAlso published here 1998 130
Edward Marlo The Incomplete Faro Control placing a noted card at a specific location
1998 689
John F. Mendoza Simple Shotgun breakless handling
Also published here 1999 25
Harry Lorayne The Unique Peek Marlo's Incomplete-Faro Control, controlling to twenty-seventh position, spelling application
2001 169
John Cornelius Peeping Tom glimpsing key card during faro cascade
Related to 2001 31
Karl Fulves Riffle Shuffle Control RSC
one or two cards chosen from incomplete riffle shuffle
2003 85
Marvin Leventhal The Suction Cut using incomplete faro
2006 225
Bruce Cervon Face Up Count card found by counting face up indicator card, incomplete faro control
2007 11
Bruce Cervon confused incomplete deck spread in IF Condition
Related to 2007 15
Bruce Cervon Faro Finder peek with incomplete faro
2007 37
Larry Jennings, Bruce Cervon Face up Add Method 2
2007 37
Tyler Wilson Ah, Very Near Sloth Control gag method to get control of a card after an incomplete faro control
2008 18
Edward Marlo, Don Weber IFC Transfer transferring card from top half to bottom half, brief
Secret Agenda (Issue July 29)
Tom Gagnon Faroed Spread Pass with deck in Incomplete Faro Condition
  • Two Card Control
Inspired by 2011 11
Edward Marlo, John Born Incomplete Faro Control Variation
2012 49
Jesús Duque Control por Faro incomplete faro control, with variations, "carta corta natural"
Inspired by
  • William Zavis in "Gen" November, 1971.
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 22)
Nick Trost No-Clue Eliminator chosen card ends up as last card in anti-faro elimination procedure, Karl Fulves's "Riffle Shuffle Control" meets Oracle
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Aug./Sep. 1979
2013 679
Tom Gagnon ZigZag Incomplete Faro Pass tabled light-reft spread pass with deck in incomplete faro condition
2019 131
Ed McGowan, B.J. Bueno The McGowan-Bueno Peek incomplete faro control, card peeked from upper half which is then stripped out with selection secretly in-jogged, can be glimpsed
June 2022
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Florida Issue Part One)
Scott Baird The FUJ Shuffle "Faro Utility Jog"
card peeked in incomplete faro condition, water fall square-up, then card can be glimpsed and controlled, with Si Stebbins application idea
Related toVariations Jan. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Incomplete Faro Control
Oct. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Scott Baird Peeked Key Triumph Control face-up/face-down incomplete faro condition
Nov. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 11)