161 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Appearance & Production / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Faire tirer une carte et la retrouver sur un paquet chosen card found on top of designated packet, four packets, palmed card replaced
Related to 1786 120
Eugene Bosco The Sand Frame
1889 171
Professor Field Professor Field's Card Frame pieces shot with pistol on the frame
1889 172
The Card in the Candle card appears on top of candle
1889 239
The Improved Card Drawer "To produce Two Cards in succession from an Empty Drawer", with routine suggestions, including having the spectator decide whether the two selections should appear in the box face-to-face or back-two-back
1890 118
Kartenfang in der Luft catching cards at end of wand
1896 185
Die Diogenes-Laterne card appears in small lantern
Related to 1896 189
Mysteriöses Glaskästchen card appears in transparent glass case
1896 200
Ei- und Kartenvermehrung egg and card apparently ripped in two and they double
Sep. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Clement de Lion Ein neuer Kartenfang idea about having five selections appear from the air
Feb. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 2)
John Hamley Cards from behind Knee clipped behind trouser
1903 55
Carl Willmann Der Kartenpokal card appears in glass container with glass lid
Apr. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 4)
John Hamley The Bottle and Card Trick card shot with pistol on clear bottle, appears at top
1904 58
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Der verschwundene König card vanishes in deck, then rises (= is pulled from) from behind another single card
Also published here 1910 186
Theodore Annemann Twentieth Century Cards selection is hole-punched and appears between 2 other punched and threaded cards, see page 99 for improvement by R.M. Jamison
July 1935
The Jinx (Issue 10)
Theodore Annemann Wanted - A Card Routine Without Cards! invisible deck presentation for any named card to pocket, no method
Related to Sep. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 12)
Eddie Joseph The Spirit Crochet selection is placed inside box with needle and thread, chosen symbol is found woven on the card
1940 ca. 10
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Diminishing Cards fan of giant cards produced from under spectator's coat
1942 19
Eddie Joseph The Shower of Cards cards produced from cup
1942 36
Jean Hugard Hey! Presto! selection appears in a glass held by performer
Jan. 1944 35
Harry "Roz-On" Rosenblum The Sand Frame technical improvement for the sand frame
Nov. 1944 82
Hans "Severus" Ernst Die aetherischen Karten empty case is pierced with knife, selections appear inside
Inspired by
  • Lloyd W. Chambers "The ethereal cards"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Bert Douglas The Invisible Card Routine named card appears, card index in magazine
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Jean Hugard The Duck Climax cards are produced from spectator's jacket and eventually a living duck as a climax
Apr. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Eddie Joseph Playing Cards from Sleeve from spectator's sleeve
1950 54
Al Leech An Unscrupulous Deal chosen card is dealt apparently from nowhere, second deal
1952 28
Eugene Gloye Century Card Trick. Cute with Audience Participation with a folding card (with rubber pieces, folded in thirds), card appears between two handkerchiefs
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Eugene Gloye Card and Candle card appears on candle, with a folding card (with rubber pieces, folded in thirds)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Ted Danson The Seance Card Trick Mini card matching selection appears in previously empty matchbox
Also published here 1953 27
Cy Endfield Two To Divine card appears between sandwich cards in hand
Related toVariations 1955 10
Edward Marlo Bold Steal - Third Handling selection between Aces
1957 10
Edward Marlo Between the Aces
1957 51
Arthur Monroe Hart Throbs Ace of Hearts and Kings lost in the deck, Kings appear and Ace in between, life guards story
Dec. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 20)
R. Sid Spocane II The Royal Lovers four of a kind appear one by one between sandwich cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1967 86
Dr. James Nuzzo The Magic Split single card splits into two selections when turned face up
1968 68
Jules Lenier Which Pile? comment on routine in Decremps, chosen card found on top of designated packet, four packets, palmed card replaced
Related to Aug. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 24)
Fred Lowe Card in Glass glass is put on deck, handkerchief over it, glass lifted and selection is in glass
1972 64
Theo "Okito" Bamberg A Suggestion for the Contemporary Performer Transposition Extraordinary with a Houlette on a rod instead of special table
Inspired by 1973 50
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Okito Card Star chosen cards appear at the ends of a star
Related to 1973 71
Roland "Oro" Irion Eine Münzen Routine für Salon + Bühne six card repeat, using coins
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Teleportation signed selection appears in a card frame and eventually changes into second signed selection
Related to 1974 18
Karl Fulves Royal Blue in red-backed packet four Aces appear one by one, they have different backs
Inspired by 1976
Epilogue (Issue Special No 5)
Alan Shaxon The Invisible Card and Envelopes An invisible though of card is put in an invisible envelope and sealed in an empty visible envelope. Envelope and correct card appear.
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1976 12
Karl Fulves Generation jokers duplicate cards put between them, posed as a problem
Related to 1976
Interlocutor (Issue 14)
Karrell Fox Silkard Production Jack Chanin's T.V. Production with cards
1976 151
Tan Hock Chuan A Useful Card Frame Playing card appears in empty picture frame
1977 6
Ken Krenzel Instant Appearance more a pop-out
1978 148
Paul Harris Special Handling #2 - The Lay Down splitting tabled card for Open Travelers
1978 30
Olaf Spell Das unsichtbare Kartenspiel three named cards are produced from pockets, index for 36 cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 2)
Card in the Candle card appears on top of a candle, two versions
1978/76 83
Appearing Card in the Houlette
1978/76 94
Card in the Houlette card appears in houlette
1978/76 96
The Card Plate cards appear on or on side of a plate
1978/76 107
Card on the Bottle card appears on borrowed bottle
1978/76 116
Woody Landers Open Faced Sandwich card appears visually between sandwich cards
1979 81
Richard Kaufman The Crystal Ball card appears on blank card in stages (Apparition)
Related to 1979 178
Karl Fulves Frameworks card case frame (like purse frame), aces appear and vanish
1979 88
Karrell Fox Kornagraphic Kards two tiny cards appear from between a King and Queen
1979 109
Edward Marlo The Appearance two selections appear on top and bottom, using card clip
1980 105
Edward Marlo Count Conjuring five cards, three selections appear one by one, indifferent cards vanish
1980 153
Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Fantasy Aces Aces appear on table
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 19
Richard Kaufman Apparition card appears on blank card in stages
1981 153
Ben Harris Free-Fall-Aces Aces appear on table
Inspired by 1981 45
Jack Hughes Ghost Glass card appears in reversed glassed on tray, covered by handkerchief
1981 59
Derek Dingle Apparition Too blank card progressively transforms into picture card
Related to 1982 23
Marconick Card Case Revisited deck cased and rubbed over hand, selection appears, slit in case
Variations 1982 45
Karl Fulves Card Production from Bills two cards are produced from four bills
1982 28
Meir Yedid The Invisible Poker Hand invisible poker hand is dealt, which suddenly appears, with Slingshot Snap Out
Related toAlso published here 1982 60
Karl Fulves Opposite Illusion aces produced between jokers one by one, without method
1983 4
Paul Harris Language of the Cards cards divined via layout of Seven of Hearts, Ten of Spades on table with other cards, indifferent card transforms into three selections
1983 15
Ron Bauer Three for the Price of One Switch one card changes into three cards
1983 19
Karl Fulves Sand Trap ideas posed as a problem:
  • small packet counted, quarter card appears within packet, on next count half card, and so on until full card
  • also in reverse as vanish
  • cannibals
  • quarters assemble and restore
  • progressive unprinting (Sam Schwartz)
Variations 1983 39
Michael Powers Signed Card Appears in card case, using Power Case
  • Variation
Variations 1983 84
Simon Aronson Simon Aronson's Idea signed card appears in card case, using Power Case
Inspired by 1983 85
John Goss Das Band läuft instructions for trick are on tape and listend to, using an invisible deck, freely chosen card becomes visible
Also published here
  • Magic Info, Nov.-Dez. 1981
Apr. 1983
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Alan Shaxon Die unsichtbaren Karten und Umschläge An invisible though of card is put in an invisible envelope and sealed in an empty visible envelope. Envelope and correct card appear.
Also published here 1983 7
Paul Harris Slider four cards placed on table, four other cards appear underneath them (doubles)
May 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Jerry Sadowitz C.N.D. four royal flush cards change to aces, single card becomes royal flush
Inspired by 1984 35
Stephen Tucker The inner limits Producing selection from behind a card/box using backpalming (pretty standard techniques)
1984 19
Meir Yedid Born Again double backer is split into two cards which produce another card (baby)
1985 293
Jon Racherbaumer Holy Point of Arrivel I visual
1985/93 70
Don England, Richard Kaufman Holy Point of Arrivel II visual
1985/93 73
Ricardo Baccarini Materialization Mental card appears under paper
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Mark Sicher Double Image using Mirror, based on Paul Harris' "Twilight Zone"
July 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 7)
Ken Krenzel Cul-de-Sac card vanishes and reappears when pushed perpendicular through two cards, visual, with ungaffed alternative
VariationsAlso published here 1990 154
Meir Yedid Unsichtbarer Pokerspieler invisible poker hand is dealt, which suddenly appears, with Slingshot Snap Out
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 8
Jerry K. Hartman Image Maker blank card changes to selection, in steps, selection is found blank as kicker
Related to 1991 646
Vanni Bossi The Scooping Glass chosen card appears in glass, which is moved along tabled spread
Also published here 1992 14
Harry Levine The Menace four cards vanish one by one and reappear again
1992 748
Meir Yedid Invisible Poker Hand invisible poker hand is dealt, which suddenly appears, with Slingshot Snap Out
Related toAlso published here 1993 7
Eddie Fechter Two Card Revelation deck cut in half, face cards change into selections, a la "Sleeve Aces"
1993 41
Helge Thun Indeed a 4-Ace Trick last ace appears on table
Variations Nov. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 11)
Alan Shaxon Die unsichtbare Karte und Umschläge An invisible though of card is put in an invisible envelope and sealed in an empty visible envelope. Envelope and correct card appear.
Also published here 1994 6
Ted Lesley Herald from the Invisible Realms an invisible though of card is put in an invisible envelope and sealed in an empty visible envelope, including sticker with named number, Teleport Envelope
Related to 1994 196
Dominique Duvivier Alexandra selection lost in deck, two previously and separately face-down Kings are turned over and selection appears visually between them
June 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 10)
R. Paul Wilson Zulu Sandwich three cards appear one by one between isolated sandwich
1995 7
Darwin Ortiz Beat the Dealer short blackjack routine, an additional Seven appears between the performer's two Sevens to make twenty-one
Inspired by
  • "Blackjack Puzzler" (Johnny Piatt, Hugard's Magic Monthly, June 1956, p. 441)
1995 146
Gary Kurtz The Invisible Cards and Envelopes named invisible card put in invisible envelope is put in real envelope and becomes visible there, one of 36, named number is also on envelope
Inspired by
  • "The Invisible Cards and Envelopes" (Alan Shaxon, Practical Sorcery)
1995 1
Vanni Bossi Suction Cup chosen card appears in glass, which is moved along tabled spread
Also published here 1995 1047
Jerry K. Hartman Tabled card production lower card of double is separated on table, producing it in plain sight (with misdirection)
1995 113
Tommy Wonder Recalcitrant box reappears around deck and changes place with cards
  • Phase One: The Vanish of the Case
  • Phase Two: The Case Returns
  • Phase Three: The Transposition
  • Phase Four: The Case Comes Back Again!
1996 139
Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Fantasy Aces Aces appear on table
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Dan Block One-Card Poker two cards become five - a royal flush
July 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 7)
Gary Kurtz The Invisible Cards and Envelopes named invisible card put in invisible envelope is put in real envelope and becomes visible there, named number is also on envelope
  • First Version - Forcing the Suit
  • Second Version - Fifty-Two Possibilities
Inspired by 1996 1
Ken Krenzel The Eclipse Production aces appear reversed in face down spread without cover
Related to 1997 128
Peter Duffie The Apparition Magician has four Kings, spectator has four Jumbo Kings. Selection appears amongst the Kings, jumbo version of selection appears amongst the jumbo Kings in their hands.
Variations 1997 87
Vanni Bossi The Card in the Glass chosen card appears in glass, which is moved along tabled spread
1998 731
Joshua Jay Matchbox Restoration Matchbox gimmick used to restore torn card, vanish, produce or shrink a card
Also published here 1998 42
Joshua Jay Matchbox Restoration Matchbox gimmick used to restore torn card, vanish, produce or shrink a card
Also published here 1999 119
David Regal Ace in the Hole Ace of Spades pulled out of and vanished into a "black hole" (black paper circle), card grows and shrinks in the process
1999 80
R. Sid Spocane II Die königlichen Liebhaber four of a kind appear one by one between sandwich cards
Also published here 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Lost, Stolen, Strayed - A King card vanishes in deck, then rises (= is pulled from) from behind another single card
Also published here 2002 137
Roberto Giobbi Mirror of the Mind
  • The Genii Session
identity of card is reflected in mirror from blank card
  • The Card in the Mirror of the Mind
Also published here Sep. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 9)
Peter McLanachan The LSD Joker three selections lost in deck, Joker tabled face down, two cards are pulled out of single tabled Joker one by one, Joker transforms into third selection
Jan. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Jeff McBride Cards from the Mouth
2003 6
William Goodwin The Queens four queens disappear and reappear one at a time on top of deck
Variations July 2004
The Penumbra (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Hofzinser's Ghost spectator finds only three Aces in deck, fourth one is invisible, it can be heard, changes into selection
2004 360
Wayne Dobson Invisible named card appears folded in invisible purse frame, one of thirteen, with verbal suit force
2004 16
Scott Robinson The Willies card vanishes and reappears when pushed perpendicular through two cards, visual
Inspired by 2006 169
Jack Parker Appearance on Table card held upright and covered by hand
June 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 6)
Justin Higham Biddle Appearance face-up card appears to be thrown onto the table from thin air
Related to 2008 27
Tyler Wilson Occam's Edge openly edgemarked card vanishes, appears, travels, ...
  • Base Line Vanish
  • Single Handedly
  • Emerge
  • Move It Or Lose It
  • This Little Pigment
  • Shrinkage
  • Tiger Bomb
Also published here 2009 9
Tyler Wilson Occam's Edge openly edgemarked card vanishes, appears, travels, ...
  • Base Line Vanish
  • Single Handedly
  • Emerge
  • Move It Or Lose It
  • This Little Pigment
  • Shrinkage
  • Tiger Bomb
Also published here 2009 1
Karl Fulves Leadership "Unexplained"
deck cased except one card, this single card becomes ten cards, then up to whole deck, posed as a problem
Inspired by
  • John Scarne effect in which named number of cards travel to pocket
Prolix (Issue 6)
Tyler Wilson Occam's Edge openly edgemarked card vanishes, appears, travels, ...
  • Base Line Vanish
  • Single Handedly
  • Emerge
  • Move It Or Lose It
  • This Little Pigment
  • Shrinkage
  • Tiger Bomb
Also published here 2010 33
John Guastaferro, Paul Harris Materialization
Inspired by 2010 22
John Guastaferro Lost & Found selection vanishes from clear plastic sleeve, then reappears inside
Inspired byRelated to 2010 113
Leon Etienne Second Printing card appears from closed case as apparently printed card on case is removed
2010 42
Roberto Giobbi Folded Card to Purse Frame card comes out of purse frame
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 3)
Troy Hooser More Queens Queens vanish one by one, then appear
Inspired by 2010 93
Jack Carpenter Howlin' Wolf Aces Aces lost, one cut to and placed on spectator's hand, it becomes all four after a bit of byplay
Also published here 2011 25
Roberto Giobbi The Card in the Mirror of the Mind identity of card is reflected in mirror from blank card
Related toAlso published here 2012 239
Alexander de Cova The (W)hole Trick signed card appears visibly between two sandwich cards, the top of which has a hole, twirl change
Inspired by
  • "Holes" (Dave Forrest, marketed)
Also published here
Dec. 2012 23
John Guastaferro Playing the Odds idea
Inspired by 2013 55
Tyler Wilson Hot Pocket Card that is "freely" named appears in magician's shirt pocket
Also published here 2013 31
Steven Hamilton Double Deal two cards chosen, they multiply to a number that matches their number, then one packet becomes the four-of-a-kind to match selection, the other packet the full suit
Inspired by
  • "Big Deal" (Roy Walton, Abra #1881)
2013 142
Mike Caveney Crystal Card Catch jumbo card appears between two glass sheets under handkerchief cover, apparatus
2013 50
Alexander de Cova The (W)hole Trick signed card appears visibly between two sandwich cards, the top of which has a hole, twirl change
Also published here Feb. 2013
New Avantgarde Magic (Issue Sondererausgabe MMC)
Tyler Wilson Hot Pocket hands-off, spectator empties performer's shirt pocket and writes down name of any card which appears in shirt pocket
Also published here 2014 18
Jack Carpenter Howlin' Wolf Aces Aces lost, one cut to and placed on spectator's hand, it becomes all four after a bit of byplay
Inspired byAlso published here 2014 36
Alexander de Cova The (W)Hole Trick signed card appears visibly between two sandwich cards, the top of which has a hole, twirl change
Inspired by
  • "Holes" (Dave Forrest, marketed)
Also published here
2015 117
Vanni Bossi La Belle Captive chosen card appears in glass, which is moved along tabled spread
Also published here 2016 3
Vanni Bossi Card under Glass Production cards appear under glass several times
Inspired by 2016 6
Vanni Bossi The Case of Mistaken Identity two selections, deck cased, one selection appears on palm, it changes into second selection
Inspired by 2016 84
Giancarlo Scalia Produzione Assi... Da 1 a 4 card produced from the air then card changes into four aces
2016 4
Tomas Blomberg Odd(s) Triumph at the end of an in-the-hands triumph, the selection appears on the spectator's palm à la off-beat
Nov. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 11)
Tyler Wilson Hot Pocket hands-off, spectator empties performer's shirt pocket and writes down name of any card which appears in shirt pocket
Also published here 2017 10
Ryan Plunkett The "Eh, Fuck it" Ace Interlude Magician loses three Aces in the deck, remaining Ace multiplies into four Aces
July 2017
Elixir (Vol. 1 No. 1 (Summer #1))
Bébel The Card Ninja named Ace appears on top and is tabled, other Aces appear on table
Related to Oct. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 10)
Daniel Garcia Portal card visually appears as it is perpendicularly pulled out between two sandwich cards that are bent open
Also published here 2018 4
Jonathan Friedman Royal Flush, Syringe Poker a card appears in a Syringe with paddle move
Inspired by Apr. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 4)
Benjamin Earl Mr Invisible spectator removes card from invisible deck which is put in performer's pocket, it becomes visible there, memorized deck option
2021 55
Jeremiah Zuo Chicago Middler location sequence for three or four selections
  • Three Cards (first selection found, next one appears face-up on table, first changes into third and first one is also suddenly on table)
  • Four Cards (same with fourth selection to case)
Nov. 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Josh Arroyo Productions From Space card appears between two cards as they are moved around on the table
June 2022
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Florida Issue Part One)
Daniel Garcia Portal card visually appears as it is perpendicularly pulled out between two sandwich cards that are bent open, very brief
Also published here Nov. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Jeremiah Zuo 15 Second Time Machine selection is tossed between two Aces and vanishes, then it shoots out between the other two Aces a bit later
Inspired by
  • "The Portal" (Jeremiah Zuo, The Experts at the Breakfast Table, 2014)
Feb. 2022
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Jeremiah Zuo The Playing Card Muscle Pass bottom card of a double shoots out, apparently card materializing between sandwich cards, snap change mechanics
Feb. 2022
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Daniel Garcia Portal card visually appears as it is perpendicularly pulled out between two sandwich cards that are bent open
Also published here 2022 3
Felipe Abreu Palm Prick card pulled out of iPhone screen
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2008
2022 736
John Guastaferro Bermuda three selected cards place on table in triangle configuration, card with a swirl on it appears in its center, other three cards change to blank cards
Inspired by 2023 60
Joshua Jay, Darwin Ortiz Beat the Dealer short blackjack routine, an additional Seven appears between the performer's two Sevens to make twenty-one, from Particle Stack
Inspired by 2024 33