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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Paul Harris Flip-Flop-Plop monte throw with halves
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1976 21
Larry Becker The 35 Millimiracle blank paper in film container transforms into a bill
Variations 1978 84
Ron Hadley Matchbox Load folded card or other item is loaded into matchbox
Related toVariations May 1985 12
Johnny "J.J." Johnston Editorial Helge Thun, Blackpool, Richard Kaufman
May 1991
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Helge Thun Matchbox Trilogy three loading methods
Related toAlso published here July 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 7)
Helge Thun Mercury Fold Version
July 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 7)
Helge Thun Indeed a 4-Ace Trick last ace appears on table
Variations Nov. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 11)
Helge Thun Rollmops bill vanishes and is found in case wrapped around signed selection
1995 97
Jerry K. Hartman A Thunderful Ace Trick Aces produced one at a time, fourth one appearing on table with the others
Inspired by 1995 111
Helge Thun TesaBill bill signed and corner torn off, it becomes blank paper, bill now in tape dispenser, signature pulled off (letraline)
1996 22
Helge Thun Captain Hooks Kartentrick one hand in pocket, selection appears folded on performer's index finger in pocket, switch or topit-to-pocket-tunnel
Also published here 1996 155
Helge Thun Folded Card Switch as it is removed from finger, like thimble
1996 158
Rainer Pfeiffer, Helge Thun, Manuel Muerte The Fruit Cups two-cup routine with two different colored balls
1998 35
Thomas Fraps, Helge Thun Instant Camera Card deck is used as an instant camera card, blank card (picture) turns into selected card
Related toAlso published here 1998 48
Helge Thun Providence '93 signed card changes a couple of time into another card (and back). Climax: Card appears folded under performer's watch.
1998 56
Helge Thun Bombshell card travels inside a matchbox
Also published here 1998 62
Andreas Affeldt, Helge Thun Loading method for Bombshell (Matchbox) under cover of the jacket
1998 64
Helge Thun Loading method for Bombshell (Matchbox) impromptu
1998 65
Helge Thun Loading method for Bombshell (Matchbox) impromptu, divided into several steps
1998 66
Helge Thun Double-Bind signed card appears folded in quarters in a box, folded card is wrapped in a rubber band
1998 73
Thomas Fraps, Helge Thun If Worse Comes To Worse performer finds two selected and one thought-of card, one way from face (pips)
Variations 1998 88
Helge Thun The Flip-Flap Flourish top card swirls through fingers and back onto the deck
1998 104
Helge Thun Action Fan Palm card is palmed while closing the fan
Also published here 1998 108
Guy Hollingworth Methods of controlling & palming. Four: Bent Cop several applications, good angles compared to gambler's cop
Related toVariations 1999 143
Michael Close (reviewer) The Book by Thomas Fraps, Helge Thun, Jörg Willich Jan. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Helge Thun Captain Hook's Card Trick one hand in pocket, selection appears folded on performer's index finger in pocket, switch or topit-to-pocket-tunnel
Also published here 2000 150
Helge Thun Folded Card Switch as it is removed from finger, like thimble
2000 154
Helge Thun Bulkoki 20 bill changes into 100, 20 is found in case wrapped around signed selection
Also published here 2000 158
Jörg Alexander Weber Dreimal Unmöglich three-card challenge location, one thought-of from a section
Inspired by 2000 42
Helge Thun Vorwort
2000 2
Helge Thun, Thomas Fraps Instant Camera Card deck is used as an instant camera card, blank card (picture) turns into selected card
Also published here 2000 3
Helge Thun Die Fächerflieger "(oder: D'As fliegt mir nur so zu)"
three Aces spin out of fan in left hand and are inserted into fan one by one, last one appears in fan
Also published here 2000 7
Helge Thun Captain Hooks Kartentrick one hand in pocket, selection appears folded on performer's index finger in pocket, switch or topit-to-pocket-tunnel
Also published here 2000 9
Helge Thun Folded Card Switch as it is removed from finger, like thimble
2000 11
Helge Thun Rollmops 20 bill changes into 100, 20 is found in case wrapped around signed selection
VariationsAlso published here 2000 13
Helge Thun Der Trickfilm film changes into bill in film canister, then canister is filled with coins
Inspired by 2000 17
Helge Thun GEIL chalk paddle routine
2000 20
Helge Thun Easy Chop Cups and Balls one of the three cups is a chop cup
2000 25
Helge Thun Nachwort
2000 32
Helge Thun The Flying Fingers three Aces spin out of fan in left hand and are inserted into fan one by one, last one appears in fan
Also published here Aug. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 8)
Helge Thun Effekt/Prinzip on different signed duplicates methods
2000 3
Helge Thun Das Geheimnis in zwei (Ab)Sätzen summary of Duplikat principle
2000 4
Helge Thun Die Unterschriften principle of obtaining duplicate signed card when having a four-of-a-kind signed
Also published here 2000 5
Helge Thun Königsparade named King is reversed in packet with four Kings and has X on back
Also published here 2000 6
Helge Thun Die freie Wahl two black Kings, one suit is forced
Also published here 2000 8
Helge Thun AngeEckt signed card is torn and pieces vanish minus one corner, restored card found reversed in deck, repeat with full restoration
Also published here 2000 13
Helge Thun Um die Ecke gebracht extension of previous routine in which card travels to an impossible location
Also published here 2000 19
Helge Thun Lückenbüßer visual restoration of the final corner after a torn & restored effect with visible signature, on the deck, hinged corner gaff
Also published here 2000 20
Pit Hartling, Helge Thun A Force one of four packets, magician's choice
2003 38
Jason Latimer Trick Photography deck is used as an instant camera card, wrong card turns into selected card in cellophane
Related to Mar. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 3)
Helge Thun Vorwort
2019 4
Helge Thun Rollmops Reloaded 20 bill changes into 100, 20 is found in case wrapped around signed selection
Inspired by 2019 8
Helge Thun Humor als Täuschung essay on using comedy for deception, applied to previous trick
2019 16
Helge Thun Falteschachtel three cards selected, returned and deck cased, two cards found (cased deck in pocket and one selection quickly extracted, second card travels into pocket) and third one found folded in box
2019 23
Helge Thun Case Fold card folded into quarters, as case is placed from table into pocket
2019 26
Helge Thun Fächerflieger three Aces spin out of fan in left hand and are inserted into fan one by one, last one appears in fan
Also published here 2019 36
Helge Thun Acht Voraus! four signed cards lost and found in different ways, they change into Aces, original cards found in different spots (folded in match box, wallet, case, sealed deck)
2019 40
Helge Thun Flip-Flop-Top
Inspired by 2019 41
Helge Thun Vertical Nerve Trick with cased deck
2019 45
Helge Thun On the Mercury Card Fold comment on speed
2019 48
Helge Thun Misdirection
Apr. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 4)
Helge Thun The Beauty of the Meaningless
June 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 6)
Helge Thun Secrets
Aug. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 8)
Helge Thun Playing Cards
Oct. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 10)
Helge Thun Control
Dec. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 12)
Helge Thun Disappeared
Feb. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 2)
Helge Thun Trust vs. Skepticism
  • Magic Monologue
Apr. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 4)
Helge Thun Audience
  • Magic Monologue
June 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 6)
Helge Thun Miracles
  • Magic Monologue
Aug. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 8)
Helge Thun Vorwort!
2022 5
Helge Thun, Thomas Fraps Instant Camera Card deck is used as an instant camera card, blank card (picture) turns into selected card
Also published here 2022 8
Helge Thun Hände Hoch! on performing stand-up card magic, featuring a fingertip rest position for the deck
2022 15
Helge Thun Doppelt Hält Besser Hoch 3 three signed cards are found with rubber banded deck in different ways (band effect, transformation, under a box, located in pocked in cased deck, card through silk with rubber-banded case) twice, last card appears folded and rubber-banded in small clear box
2022 21
Helge Thun Action Fan Palm card is palmed while closing the fan
Also published here 2022 43
Helge Thun Die Taschen voller Geschenke seven cards selected, six are found in different ways and lost again, then those six cards are removed from different pockets, last card folded in match box
2022 47
Helge Thun Vorwort
2023 7
Helge Thun Die Unterschriften principle of obtaining duplicate signed card when having a four-of-a-kind signed
Also published here 2023 9
Helge Thun Königsparade named King is reversed in packet with four Kings and has X on back
Also published here 2023 12
Helge Thun Freie Wahl two black Kings, one suit is forced
Also published here 2023 14
Helge Thun AngeEckt signed card is torn and pieces vanish minus one corner, restored card found reversed in deck, repeat with full restoration
Inspired by
  • "Torn and Restored Card" (Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic, 1975)
Also published here
2023 18
Helge Thun Um die Ecke gebracht extension of previous routine in which card travels to an impossible location
Also published here 2023 23
Helge Thun Lückenbüßer visual restoration of the final corner after a torn & restored effect with visible signature, on the deck, hinged corner gaff
Also published here 2023 24
Helge Thun Das Tuch des Todes four signed Kings lost in deck, the are found again with the help of a handkerchief, with management of divided cards for subsequent routines
  • Erste Kartenproduktion (card rises from handkerchief-covered deck and floats up)
  • Zweite Kartenproduktion (card through handkerchief with cased deck)
  • Dritte Kartenproduktion (cased deck put in handkerchief, spectator reaches in and locates card)
  • Vierte Kartenproduktion (card appears on face of deck in glass with handkerchief cover)
2023 29
Helge Thun Thuns Todes-Tuch Text rhyming patter for previous routine
2023 44
Helge Thun Karte in Streichholzschachtel - 3 Lademethoden three loading methods for folded signed card in match box
  • Lademethode 1 (im Jackett)
  • Lademethode 2 (Impromptu)
  • Lademethode 3
Also published here 2023 49
Helge Thun Action Fan Palm card is palmed while closing the fan
Also published here 2023 55
Helge Thun Bent Cop Transfer from classic palm to bent cop and back
Inspired by 2023 57
Helge Thun Thuns Tenkai Taschen Taktik one-handed transfer of classic palmed card to Tenkai Palm, then production choreography from inside pocket
2023 61
Helge Thun Duplikat Travellers travelers in which deck travels to pocket, another card appears folded in matchbox and one in another deck that a spectator has been holding from the start
2023 64
Helge Thun Verschachtelt four signed Kings travel folded into matchbox one by one, then matchbox vanishes with a signed King and both reappear inside card case that spectator holds since the beginning
2023 86
Christian Scherer, Helge Thun Explosive Production Handling flashy production of card with string of flash material that is attached to deck and burned, followed by cap bomb gag
Inspired by
  • "Explosiv" (Christian Scherer, DVD Kartenmagie 1)
2023 92