101 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Traveling / Card(s) to impossible Location / Box Container (Hennig style)
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Stuart P. Cramer J'Espionne signed card to box, spy presentation
July 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 51)
Scotty York The Astrology Deck Henning's card to Box, handling for switch
1980 8
Timothy Wenk A Good Case card to card case, folded
Variations 1982 274
Dan O'Donoghue Miracle Card to Box folded
1983 45
John Kennedy Signed Card in Canister box in spectator's pocket, signed card appears therein folded
Related to 1983 25
José Carroll The Card-Culator ambitious card, card to number, stop trick, card folded to calculator
Also published here 1983 10
Father Cyprian Vlad to See You! folded card to little box with garlic and dracula patter
Arcane (Issue 12)
Father Cyprian, Jeff Busby Further Ideas with the Flash Fold
Arcane (Issue 12)
Roberto Giobbi The Joker Folds Up Joker signed by spectator changes into named card, Joker then found folded in box under glass
VariationsAlso published here Feb. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Roberto Giobbi Jolly Joker Joker signed by spectator changes into named card, Joker then found folded in box under glass
Also published here 1985 ca. 3
Roberto Giobbi Joker Power Joker signed by spectator changes into named card, Joker then found folded in box under glass
Also published here 1987 29
Jamy Ian Swiss Kiss of the Big Apple folded card in apple-shaped metal container, additional items drop out during dump
Also published here 1987 1
Steve Beam Christmas Special lights on christmas tree reveal chosen card, signed card is then found in present under the tree
Related to 1988 360
Scotty York The Card in Watch (with Watch Works Transposition) folded card in pocket watch, watch works in zipper purse, credit information of signed coin into pocket watch
Also published here 1988 8
Jamy Ian Swiss Kiss of the Big Apple folded card in apple-shaped metal container, additional items drop out during dump
Also published here 1988 13
Alexander de Cova Karte in Schachtel signed folded card in box after apparently wrong count-down trick
Related to 1988 4
John Bannon Real Secrets card to card box, then folded to small box
1989 1
John Bannon Terrorist Card Vanish combining "Homing Card" with folded card in box
Inspired by 1990 50
Alexander de Cova Karte in Schachtel "Signed Folded Card in Box", Slap Trick, then card to box
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1990 9
Jamy Ian Swiss Kiss of the Big Apple folded card in apple-shaped metal container, additional items drop out during dump
Also published here 1990 15
José Carroll The Card-Calculator ambitious card, card to number, stop trick, card folded to calculator
Also published here 1991 47
John Bannon Real Secrets card to card box, then folded to small box
1991 141
Eric DeCamps Imp.r.e.s.sive Card Revelation card appears folded in Aspirin tin
Variations May/June 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova Signed Folded Card in Box one card stabbed in paper back, second card folded in box
Inspired by 1992 111
Scotty York The Signed Card in the Watch (With Watch Works Transposition) in pocket watch, watch works in zipper purse, including history of signed coin into pocket watch
Also published here 1993 31
Chris Hurlbert Card to Compact Powder Container folded
Inspired by Mar./Apr. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 16)
Scotty York The Signed Card in the Watch (With Watch Works Transposition) in pocket watch, watch works in zipper purse, including history of signed coin into pocket watch
Also published here May/June 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 17)
Scott Wells A Perfect Match card to matchbox
Nov./Dec. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 20)
Paul Gertner The Card in the Candy Box
1994 131
Paul Gertner The Headache Trick aspirin tin put on table, card to case announced, instead the tin comes out of case and card is folded inside it
1994 137
Christian M. Thurnes Karte in Ringkästchen using Kong Case
Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Timothy Wenk Folded Card to Card Case
1994 8
Gary Kurtz The Folded Card in Cardcase
Related toVariations 1995 9
Tommy Wonder The Card in the Ringbox folded, convincing shuttle pass
1996 141
Paul Green Mission Impossible signed card small business card briefcase
Nov./Dec. 1997
The Magic Menu (Vol. 8 No. 44)
Chris "Doc" Dixon Trip to the Clip folded card on top of bills, held with a bill clip
1997 9
Manuel Muerte Großvaters Zigarren card under cigar case, then card to mouth, then card folded into cigar case
1998 2
Eric T. Dockery No Camera Trickery three phases, a “No Camera Trickery” sign is torn and restored in flash of fire, a camera is produced, a signed card vanishes and reappears folded inside camera
  • variation to have card in camera with different colored back, implying spectator’s signature traveled to camera (p. 30)
Labyrinth (Issue 10)
Jamy Ian Swiss Folded card in container finesse items falling from container enhance illusion
Also published here 1999
Labyrinth (Issue 10)
Bob King Mystery Box using the "Keychain Mystery Box" for two routines
  • Super Clean Card to Box
  • Bill Change and Flight
2000 4
Jerry Mentzer Thoughts on the Pecking Bird some ideas
2000 166
Nathan Kranzo Cap Pocket or #@%$# Revisited signed card appears folded and clipped in pen cap of pen that is in inner breast jacket pocket
2001 5
Jamy Ian Swiss Kiss of the Big Apple folded card in apple-shaped metal container, additional items drop out during dump
Also published here 2002 1
Jamy Ian Swiss A Curiously Strong Card Trick folded card to small Altoids tin box
Also published here 2002 9
Andrew J. Pinard Poor Man's Nest of Boxes signed card to nest of boxes, tin boxes
Autumn 2002
The Magic Menu (Vol. 11 No. 64)
Roberto Giobbi The Joker Folds Up Joker signed by spectator changes into named card, Joker then found folded in box under glass
Also published here 2003 1349
Fred Kaps Fred Kaps Presentation & Method for folded card in box
2003 1359
Robert Cassidy The Goblet Switch goblet used to switch a billet, Joro Switch type
2003 22
Robert Cassidy The Pocket Watch Premonition folded prediction inside pocket watch, à la Joro/Kaps
2004 176
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Die Faltkarte in der Dose signed photograph and cap from a pen to box
2004 97
Wonder Man Fred Fan-Tastic spectator removes a group of cards and performer names all but three, second spectator selects a card from different deck which matches one of the remaining cards, one card is divined by calling friend of performer and last one matches prediction in box
  • Das Finden einer Karte durch einen Zuschauer
  • Die telefonische Wiedergabe der Karte
  • Die Vorhersage der letzten Karte
2004 209
Jack Avis Folded Card in Box (Kaps) - An Idea having back signed and card in box folded face-outwards
2006 63
Alexander de Cova Tea Time small tea sieve for dump-out switch of any small item
Also published here 2006 9
Kostya Kimlat Pandora's (Card) Box three selections, one under box, from box comes miniature box and from it miniature prediction that changes into second selection, third one folded in small box
2007 220
Alexander de Cova Teatime small tea sieve for dump-out switch of any small item
Also published here 2007 2
Roberto Giobbi El Arte de la simplificación y Fred Kaps - Segunda parte on Fred Kaps / Joro's card to box
  • La carta en la cajita, de Fred Kaps
Related to 2008
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Jon Allen Destination Box presentation for the marketed "Destination Box"
2009 190
Jon Allen Destination Box for Kids presentation for the marketed "Destination Box"
2009 193
Tyler Wilson Card to Box Commentary rants
2010 41
Andy Nyman Minted two cards peeked at, first one travels under packet of mints on the table, other selection is folded in quarters inside mint packet (Listerine type)
2010 223
Jamy Ian Swiss Kiss of the Big Apple folded card in apple-shaped metal container, additional items drop out during dump
Also published here 2011 15
Jamy Ian Swiss A Curiously Strong Card Trick folded card to small Altoids tin box
Also published here 2011 19
Darwin Ortiz Supercharged Nine-Card Location updated handling
Inspired byRelated to 2012 67
David Gabbay Purse Time signed card appears folded in mesh coin purse, purse seen empty at end, black art
Inspired by
  • "Tea Time" (Alexander de Cova, California Lecture 2006, 2006, p. 9)
2012 42
Tom Crosbie Cubed³ repeated card under box, entire deck under box, then card is found folded inside nest of card cases
2013 103
Alexander de Cova Karte in Schachtel "Signed Folded Card in Box", Slap Trick, then card to box
Also published here 2013 16
Alexander de Cova Clipped Out folded card held with bulldog clip (that can pull it inside) with other items
Related toAlso published here Dec. 2013
Scrapbook (Issue 1)
Caleb Wiles Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal
  • Ringside
signed card chosen and lost, a tiny suitcase used to locate it, card predicted on back of suitcase, selection found folded inside
Inspired by May 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova 30 Jahre Gimmicks und Routinen list of props for folded card to container
Mar. 2014 511
Alexander de Cova Grundsätzliche Gedanken zum Thema thoughts on the "folded card to container" effect
  • Das Markieren der Karte
  • Das Intercessor-Gimmick
  • Jay Sankeys Dupe Signature
  • Das Guy Hollingworth Konzept
  • Mögliche Techniken
  • Mögliche Austauschmethoden
  • Ein Dämon
  • Was ist der Effekt?
  • Die Sache mit der Bildseite
  • Nichts fällt gerne alleine
Also published here Mar. 2014 512
Alexander de Cova Pringles folded card to Pringles tube
Also published here Mar. 2014 526
Alexander de Cova Der LAGER Switch folded card in acrylic box turns out to be later signed selection, featuring switch of folded card while unfolding it
Also published here Mar. 2014 531
Alexander de Cova Clipped Out folded card held with bulldog clip (that can pull it inside) with other items
Also published here Apr. 2014 544
Alexander de Cova Ein glasklarer Austausch folded card under upside-down glass, switched
Also published here Apr. 2014 555
Alexander de Cova Die Picasso Karte odd-backed, folded card in acrylic box turns out to be later signed selection
Also published here Apr. 2014 560
Alexander de Cova The Signed Folded Card thoughts on the "folded card to container" effect
  • What is the effect?
  • Does it always have to be the climax for the Ambitious Card?
  • Fred Kaps and Tommy Wonder
  • Roberto Giobbi's Joker Routine
  • Jon Allen's Destination Box
  • The Clarity Box
  • Dramatic Structure
  • Why Always Playing Cards?
  • Things Don't Like Falling Alone
Also published here May 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 11)
Alexander de Cova Pringles folded card to Pringles tube
Also published here May 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 11)
Alexander de Cova Gedanken zur Faltkarte thoughts on the "folded card to container" effect
  • Das Markieren der Karte
  • Das Intercessor Gimmick
  • Jay Sankeys Unterschriften-Duplikat
  • Das Guy Hollingworth Konzept
  • Mögliche Techniken
  • Austauschmethoden
  • Ein Dämon
  • Was ist eigentlich der Effekt?
  • Die Sache mit der Bildseite
  • Nichts fällt gerne alleine
Also published here 2015 122
Alexander de Cova Pringles folded card to Pringles tube
Also published here 2015 131
Alexander de Cova LAGER Switch folded card in acrylic box turns out to be later signed selection, featuring switch of folded card while unfolding it
Also published here 2015 138
Alexander de Cova Die PICASSO-Karte odd-backed, presentation for previous routine/switch, folded card in acrylic box turns out to be later signed selection
Also published here 2015 143
Alexander de Cova Cardbox Supreme box for folded card to box which allows special switch handling
2015 241
Alexander de Cova Eine glasklare Sache folded card under upside-down glass, switched
Also published here 2015 115
Vanni Bossi The Money Card signed selection found folded in wallet with bills, face-outwards dummy
2016 26
Vanni Bossi With Your Peanuts card folded to can of peanuts, reel
2016 33
Vanni Bossi Bottom Feeder card folded to ring box, no switch
2016 38
Alexander de Cova Teatime small tea sieve for dump-out switch of any small item
  • Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
Also published here 2016 180
Alexander de Cova Gefaltete Karte in Schachtel folded card in box, comments on Fred Kaps's performance
2016 173
Johnny Thompson Signed Card to Miniature Card Box folded, sound gimmick in box
2018 293
Jason Ladanye Lucky Charms die, coin and odd-backed folded card in box, card chosen and signed, die and coin fail to find it but folded card turns out to be signed selection
Inspired by 2018 89
Jamy Ian Swiss A Curiously Strong Card Trick folded card to small Altoids tin box
Also published here 2018 22
Alexander de Cova Die Erdnase Bibel card travels folded inside small Erdnase bible edition, held by paper clip
2018 127
Helge Thun Falteschachtel three cards selected, returned and deck cased, two cards found (cased deck in pocket and one selection quickly extracted, second card travels into pocket) and third one found folded in box
2019 23
Helder Guimarães The Psychology of the Secret Switch "A Question of Identity"
  • The Objects that will be Switched for Each Other Share a Specific Identity
  • The Visible Actions in a Secret Switch Must be Logical
  • If an Action is Not Logical, it Must Not be Visible
  • If Using a Third Entity, Make it invisible
2019 252
José Carroll The Cardculator ambitious card, card to number, stop trick, card folded to calculator
Also published here 2019 130
Alberto de Figueiredo La carta a la cajita using John Kennedy's Mystery Box
2019 245
Peter Gröning Gifted ring box is shaken from card case even though it is too larger, later signed card appears in it
2020 57
Lionel Gallardo Anécdota sobre el "efecto tubo" con la Mystery Box story of performance of card to box
2021 232
Helge Thun Doppelt Hält Besser Hoch 3 three signed cards are found with rubber banded deck in different ways (band effect, transformation, under a box, located in pocked in cased deck, card through silk with rubber-banded case) twice, last card appears folded and rubber-banded in small clear box
2022 21
Michael Vincent Pandora's Paradox Joker signed by spectator changes into named card, Joker then found folded in box under glass
Inspired by Nov. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 11)
Patrik Kuffs Kufflydini comedy routine with named card to fly, then folded to card case
Inspired by Nov. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 11)