Box Container (Hennig style)
101 entries in
Cards / Effect Themes / Traveling / Card(s) to impossible Location / Box Container (Hennig style)
Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
Stuart P. Cramer | J'Espionne | July 1966 |
The New Jinx
(Vol. 5 No. 51)
Scotty York | The Astrology Deck | 1980 | ||||||
Timothy Wenk | A Good Case | 1982 | ||||||
Dan O'Donoghue | Miracle Card to Box | 1983 | ||||||
John Kennedy | Signed Card in Canister | 1983 | ||||||
José Carroll | The Card-Culator | 1983 | ||||||
Father Cyprian | Vlad to See You! | 1984 |
(Issue 12)
Father Cyprian, Jeff Busby | Further Ideas with the Flash Fold | 1984 |
(Issue 12)
Roberto Giobbi | The Joker Folds Up | Feb. 1984 |
(Vol. 8 No. 4)
Roberto Giobbi | Jolly Joker | 1985 ca. | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | Joker Power | 1987 | ||||||
Jamy Ian Swiss | Kiss of the Big Apple | 1987 | ||||||
Steve Beam | Christmas Special | 1988 |
The Trapdoor — Volume One
(Issue 21)
Scotty York | The Card in Watch (with Watch Works Transposition) | 1988 | ||||||
Jamy Ian Swiss | Kiss of the Big Apple | 1988 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Karte in Schachtel | 1988 | ||||||
John Bannon | Real Secrets | 1989 | ||||||
John Bannon | Terrorist Card Vanish | 1990 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Karte in Schachtel | 1990 | ||||||
Jamy Ian Swiss | Kiss of the Big Apple | 1990 | ||||||
José Carroll | The Card-Calculator | 1991 | ||||||
John Bannon | Real Secrets | 1991 | ||||||
Eric DeCamps | Imp.r.e.s.sive Card Revelation | May/June 1991 |
The Magic Menu
(Vol. 1 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova | Signed Folded Card in Box | 1992 | ||||||
Scotty York | The Signed Card in the Watch (With Watch Works Transposition) | 1993 | ||||||
Chris Hurlbert | Card to Compact Powder Container | Mar./Apr. 1993 |
The Magic Menu
(Vol. 3 No. 16)
Scotty York | The Signed Card in the Watch (With Watch Works Transposition) | May/June 1993 |
The Magic Menu
(Vol. 3 No. 17)
Scott Wells | A Perfect Match | Nov./Dec. 1993 |
The Magic Menu
(Vol. 4 No. 20)
Paul Gertner | The Card in the Candy Box | 1994 | ||||||
Paul Gertner | The Headache Trick | 1994 | ||||||
Christian M. Thurnes | Karte in Ringkästchen | Nov. 1994 |
(Vol. 19 No. 1)
Timothy Wenk | Folded Card to Card Case | 1994 | ||||||
Gary Kurtz | The Folded Card in Cardcase | 1995 | ||||||
Tommy Wonder | The Card in the Ringbox | 1996 | ||||||
Paul Green | Mission Impossible | Nov./Dec. 1997 |
The Magic Menu
(Vol. 8 No. 44)
Chris "Doc" Dixon | Trip to the Clip | 1997 | ||||||
Manuel Muerte | Großvaters Zigarren | 1998 | ||||||
Eric T. Dockery | No Camera Trickery | 1999 |
(Issue 10)
Jamy Ian Swiss | Folded card in container finesse | 1999 |
(Issue 10)
Bob King | Mystery Box | 2000 | ||||||
Jerry Mentzer | Thoughts on the Pecking Bird | 2000 | ||||||
Nathan Kranzo | Cap Pocket or #@%$# Revisited | 2001 | ||||||
Jamy Ian Swiss | Kiss of the Big Apple | 2002 | ||||||
Jamy Ian Swiss | A Curiously Strong Card Trick | 2002 | ||||||
Andrew J. Pinard | Poor Man's Nest of Boxes | Autumn 2002 |
The Magic Menu
(Vol. 11 No. 64)
Roberto Giobbi | The Joker Folds Up | 2003 | ||||||
Fred Kaps | Fred Kaps Presentation & Method | 2003 | ||||||
Robert Cassidy | The Goblet Switch | 2003 | ||||||
Robert Cassidy | The Pocket Watch Premonition | 2004 | ||||||
"Joro" Bruno Hennig | Die Faltkarte in der Dose | 2004 | ||||||
Wonder Man Fred | Fan-Tastic | 2004 | ||||||
Jack Avis | Folded Card in Box (Kaps) - An Idea | 2006 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Tea Time | 2006 | ||||||
Kostya Kimlat | Pandora's (Card) Box | 2007 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Teatime | 2007 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | El Arte de la simplificación y Fred Kaps - Segunda parte | 2008 |
El Manuscrito
(Vol. 1 No. 6)
Jon Allen | Destination Box | 2009 | ||||||
Jon Allen | Destination Box for Kids | 2009 | ||||||
Tyler Wilson | Card to Box Commentary | 2010 | ||||||
Andy Nyman | Minted | 2010 | ||||||
Jamy Ian Swiss | Kiss of the Big Apple | 2011 | ||||||
Jamy Ian Swiss | A Curiously Strong Card Trick | 2011 | ||||||
Darwin Ortiz | Supercharged Nine-Card Location | 2012 | ||||||
David Gabbay | Purse Time | 2012 | ||||||
Tom Crosbie | Cubed³ | 2013 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Karte in Schachtel | 2013 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Clipped Out | Dec. 2013 |
(Issue 1)
Caleb Wiles | Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal | May 2014 |
(Vol. 77 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova | 30 Jahre Gimmicks und Routinen | Mar. 2014 |
New Avantgarde Magic
(Issue 16)
Alexander de Cova | Grundsätzliche Gedanken zum Thema | Mar. 2014 |
New Avantgarde Magic
(Issue 16)
Alexander de Cova | Pringles | Mar. 2014 |
New Avantgarde Magic
(Issue 16)
Alexander de Cova | Der LAGER Switch | Mar. 2014 |
New Avantgarde Magic
(Issue 16)
Alexander de Cova | Clipped Out | Apr. 2014 |
New Avantgarde Magic
(Issue 17)
Alexander de Cova | Ein glasklarer Austausch | Apr. 2014 |
New Avantgarde Magic
(Issue 17)
Alexander de Cova | Die Picasso Karte | Apr. 2014 |
New Avantgarde Magic
(Issue 17)
Alexander de Cova | The Signed Folded Card | May 2014 |
(Issue 11)
Alexander de Cova | Pringles | May 2014 |
(Issue 11)
Alexander de Cova | Gedanken zur Faltkarte | 2015 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Pringles | 2015 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | LAGER Switch | 2015 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Die PICASSO-Karte | 2015 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Cardbox Supreme | 2015 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Eine glasklare Sache | 2015 | ||||||
Vanni Bossi | The Money Card | 2016 | ||||||
Vanni Bossi | With Your Peanuts | 2016 | ||||||
Vanni Bossi | Bottom Feeder | 2016 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Teatime | 2016 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Gefaltete Karte in Schachtel | 2016 | ||||||
Johnny Thompson | Signed Card to Miniature Card Box | 2018 |
The Magic of Johnny Thompson
(Issue 2)
Jason Ladanye | Lucky Charms | 2018 | ||||||
Jamy Ian Swiss | A Curiously Strong Card Trick | 2018 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Die Erdnase Bibel | 2018 | ||||||
Helge Thun | Falteschachtel | 2019 | ||||||
Helder Guimarães | The Psychology of the Secret Switch | 2019 | ||||||
José Carroll | The Cardculator | 2019 | ||||||
Alberto de Figueiredo | La carta a la cajita | 2019 | ||||||
Peter Gröning | Gifted | 2020 | ||||||
Lionel Gallardo | Anécdota sobre el "efecto tubo" con la Mystery Box | 2021 | ||||||
Helge Thun | Doppelt Hält Besser Hoch 3 | 2022 | ||||||
Michael Vincent | Pandora's Paradox | Nov. 2023 |
(Vol. 86 No. 11)
Patrik Kuffs | Kufflydini | Nov. 2023 |
The Hermit
(Vol. 2 No. 11)