77 entries in Can
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann Tin Can Trickster
Sep. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 148)
Joseph Ovette The Waterless Tube water in can changes to ribbon streamers, then baby chicken appear
1944 6
Dr. Raymond V. Stone (RAMO) The Invisible Mischievous Genii flatten tin can
1945 264
Tommy Windsor The Dribble Beer Can hole in beer can to annoy friends
Jan. 1956
The New Phoenix (Issue 335)
Bob Schmidt Atomic Raction big silk appears in can
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Lane Bateman Old Glory Be! production of silks and a beer can from a can
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Ali Bongo Fruit Salad two in the hand with miniature fruits, can of fruit salad as climax
1966 31
C. "Cajano" Baumgartner Gezogene Karte im Glas chosen card penetrates can and appears visibly inside a glass
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 6)
Gene Nielsen Canned! prediction of a state, a number and a date, in tin can mailed in advance, prediction written and on cassette
July 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 20)
Roy Johnson The Spotted Can presentation for Jack Hughes' "The Polka Dot Barrel" / "Can Can Polka", poem
Also published here 1971 49
Roy Johnson The Spotted Can presentation for Jack Hughes' "The Polka Dot Barrel" / "Can Can Polka", poem
Also published here Mar. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 52)
Steve Spillman The Eye-Popping Pop Top pull top from beer can on pencil
Also published here 1972
Magick (Issue 45)
Steve Spillman The Eye-Popping Pop Top pop top on pencil, à la ring on stick
Also published here 1973 51
Larry Jennings The Coin and Beer Can signed coin travels into can, impromptu
1976 1
Karl Fulves Sealed Empty sealed can turns out to be empty
Related to 1976
Interlocutor (Issue 12)
Beer Can Routine bottomless beer can for cup and three balls (rolled-up bills) routine
1977 139
Stephen Minch Cups and Flies balls change into plastic flies one by one, plastic spider final load and bug aerosol can
1977 53
Paul Harris, Looy Simonoff UnCanny chop cup routine with can which is resealed at the end
Related toVariations 1978 10
George B. Anderson Introduction and Routine intro on pendulums and routine where filled can is found amount empty cans with a pendulum
1980 3
Michael Ammar This'll "Flip" You Out! broken and restored flip-top from can
VariationsAlso published here 1980 7
Mary Wolf A Little Bit of Coke (a-Cola) "two in the hand..." with miniature cans, then miniature bottle, normal bottle and coins appear
1980 131
Steve Spillman The Eye Popping Pop Top pull top from beer can on pencil
Also published here 1980 52
Steve Beam Can You Spare a Dime dime transforms into miniature coke can
1982 37
Bob Follmer The Orange Chop chop cup with juice can
1982 54
(Klingl) Rice Vanish Can covered with handkerchief
1982 87
Al Mann Discobolus various animation ideas using a jumping disc
  • The jumping spoon
  • The cascading dominoes
  • The spirits ring a bell
  • The expanding beer cans
1982 12
Michael Ammar Beenie Weenie chop cup routine with can which is resealed at the end
Inspired by 1983 36
John Kennedy Inexhaustible Soda Can can emptied several times, ganga/lota with can, can reseals itself, opened again and it is full again, no switch, glass with two walls
1983 23
"Magic" Christian Stelzel Instant Chop Cup with bottomless spray can, becomes real spray can as climax
1983 32
Richard Bartram, Jr. Popped Top! broken and restored flip-top from can
Inspired by 1985 18
Jay Sankey Canned Applause applause is collected in can and can be heard, little hands come out of can
1986 53
Karrell Fox "Dry Paint" sight-gag, paint can dumped into audience, red ribbon
1986 90
Terry Seabrooke Mind Reading Can selected card is divined with a can by other spectator
1986 93
Steve Beam Floating Trash levitation of a trash can
Related toAlso published here
  • Steve Beam's "Levitation of a Trash Can" in Melton Francis' "Magic for the Complete Idiot"
1987 285
Brad Reeder Breather gag, lysol sprayed in performer's mouth
1987 322
David Harkey Without a Wrinkle crushed can unwrinkels itself
Apr. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 4)
Simon Lovell Can Can Magician crush soda can under foot instantaneously
1989 87
John Riggs Can-Can comedy routine, soda can changes brand six times in a bag, sucker element
Inspired by
  • Jerry Johnson's "In the Bag" in "The Linking Ring" February 1989
1989 505
Patrick Page The Biro Can empty can without top, coin tossed in and rattles, then beer poured out, tube gimmick
Also published here 1990 11
Michael Ammar This'll Flip You Out broken and restored flip-top from can
Also published here 1991 89
Patrick Page Die Biro-Dose empty can without top, coin tossed in and rattles, then beer poured out, tube gimmick
Also published here Nov. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 3)
David Harkey Put It on My Tab finger ring links onto tab of empty soda can, tearing tab off for more phases, tab is restored to can as finale
1991 109
David Harkey Spinner sticker put on card, deck spread around a can, imaginary spin the bottle game, card that the can points to is card with sticker
Inspired by
  • "Spin the Bottle" (David Harkey, Linking Ring, April 1987)
  • "Spin the Bottle" (David Harkey, Genii, Oct. 1988)
1991 163
The Hindu Disappearing Grain grain disappears from can
1993 113
Steve Dusheck Mini Can Prediction one of four mini soda cans chosen and predicted
1993 91
Ray Kosby The Picnic Trick can is opened and restored
1994 6
John Scarne Brazil Bet betting that the large brazil nuts are on top in can
Related to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 10)
Steve Dusheck Rattle Cans monte type game with three cans, one of which rattles
1994 90
Robert Parrish The Die Box routined for adults, two cat food cans as final loads from hat
1995 8
Jim Steinmeyer, Paul Harris, Looy Simonoff Uncanny chop cup routine with can which is resealed at the end
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Las Vegas Close-Up)
Paul Harris, Eric Mead Fizz Master two cans, one is shaken, "pressure" travels to other can which spurts when opened
Variations 1996 63
Jim Steinmeyer, Orson Welles Dowsing and Divining
  • Conjuring
dowsing for water with several Foo Cans in a row (Orson Welles)
Nov. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Chad Long Spray Paint ball bearing in can is silenced at will
1997 4
Roy Johnson Dosen-tration blade through can in box, compressible can
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 2)
Jefferson Boylston Balancing Soda Can soda can balanced on its edge
Variations July 1998
Onyx (Issue 4)
Mark Aspiazu On Edge (Presentation For The Balancing Soda Can) soda can balanced on its edge
Inspired by July 1998
Onyx (Issue 4)
Christian Ehret Canned Coin coin penetrates into can even though it is too small to fit through the opening
Sep. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Simon Lovell Two Pieces of Silliness - Cancan "Silly Stunt Number Two"
can is crushed flat in two seconds
2000 132
Martin Lewis Cheap Cup chop cup using peas can, two final loads
July/Aug. 2000
The Magic Menu (Vol. 10 No. 60)
Mike Bent Snake Can Routine snake can has a spider instead of a snake inside, then a snake
Mar. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Eric Mead Fizz Master Roulette six cans, one shaken up, roulette presentation
Inspired by Apr. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones The coin can coin into can
  • Variant 1 (with the prop)
  • Variant 2 (with no props)
2002 259
Camile Ghastine Key Chain Reaction tab from soda can penetrates onto, off and back onto key chain ring
Also published here May 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 9)
Al Bertini Erdnüsse finger ring travels into sealed can of peanuts
2004 11
Barrie Richardson The Ambiguous Coffee Can two-sided can for two-way out, e.g. for Premonition
Also published here
  • Club 71, Winter 1999
2005 39
Bob Ostin Cheers! name of chosen card appears on bottom of can
2005 46
Jack Parker Can Can Coin Coin dropped into partially filled soda can penetrates out of the can
2007 137
Daniel Risman Glass-Bottle-Can glass changes into a can in multiplying bottle routine
Also published here 2009 17
Stéphane Bourgoin Silly String of Death Russian roulette routine with spray cans of silly string
Jan. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 1)
Daniel Risman Glass-Bottle-Can glass changes into a can in multiplying bottle routine
Also published here 2011 57
Ray Mertz R. M. Dice Stacking Routine done with a can, jumbo die gag and billiard ball load
2012 161
Jim Steinmeyer Tin-Can Telephone
  • Conjuring
verbal force of Nine of Hearts, card is found in tin can phone
Related toAlso published here June 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 6)
Vanni Bossi With Your Peanuts card folded to can of peanuts, reel
2016 33
Vanni Bossi Peanut Prediction number of peanuts in can guessed by spectator, number written on bottom of can
2016 36
Jim Steinmeyer A Tin Can Phone verbal force of Nine of Hearts, card is found in tin can phone
Also published here 2019 4
Nathan Kranzo A Free Kiss production from shoe of air freshener and Hershey's kisses
Inspired by 2020 152
Camile Ghastine Key Chain Reaction tab from soda can penetrates onto, off and back onto key chain ring
Also published here 2022 190