123 entries in Food / Candy
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin, The Shower of Sweets sweets appear on plate from loading bag with handkerchief, another loading bag from Robert-Houdin
Related to 1876 251
Sweets from Wand gaffed wand to produced sweets
1876 253
Die Bonbondüte paper cone rolled, marked by spectator and filled with confetti, confetti changes into sweets
Jan. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Carl Willmann Die magische Bonbondüte watch and handkerchief borrowed and put in a box, then both reappear in a paper packet along with candy
Sep. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Joseph Michael Hartz The Glass with Mirror Partition appearing candy, silk transformation, removing partition, methods for turning glass around, as servante
  • Different Forms of the Glass
  • Illustrations of its Uses
1903 42
The Shower of Sweets (Improved Method) shower of bonbons falls from handkerchief
Related to 1903 344
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli VII. Seltsam, seltsam, sonderbar!
  • 1. Das Loch im Taschentuch (hole is cut in handkerchief and restored)
  • 2. Das verschwindende Geldstück (coin disappears under glass, and appears again)
  • 3. Katalepsie eines Taschentuchs (Silk balances on corner)
  • 4. Das Taschentuch als Zuckerbäcker (candy production from silk)
1903 107
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XXIV. Ein magisches Mirakel
  • 1. Die Puppentücher (silks change into ribbon)
  • 2. Eine gelungene Reparatur (ribbon vanishes and appears as normal silk in a glass)
  • 3. Der Flüchtling (silk placed back inside glass, both vanish unter handkerchief)
  • 4. Wiederkunft (glass filled with red wine appears under handkerchief)
  • 5. Farbenwechsel (red wine changes into white wine)
  • 6. Der unsichtbare Abfluss (liquid vanishes from bottle)
  • 7. Pariser Zuckerbäckerei (bran placed inside glass, changes into candy)
1903 209
Stewart James The Candy King Miraskill with candies
Variations Sep. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 24)
A Life Saver and a Bill bill with noted number travels inside roll of life saver candy
1937 53
Lloyd W. Chambers Candy-Confetti Cylinder confetti placed in cylinder changes into candy
1941 8
Lloyd W. Chambers Confetti to Candy tumbler of confetti changed to candy
1941 22
Paul Morris A Life Saver life saver turns into coins, and is produced from the air
May 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Laurie Ireland Drink Your Milk milk pitcher routine, milk to candy
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Laurie Ireland Candy from the Air production box, candy
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Inhale This! with benzedrine inhaler, spectator drops amount of different colored candies in the inhaler and performer knows how many from each color
Mar. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 122)
Abril Lamarque Santa Claus Returns! drawing of Santa Claus in a large frame, hole is torn in picture and huge amount of candies etc are produced
Dec. 1947 373
Jean Hugard Flowers and Candy - An Opening Act flowers and candy production from handkerchief
Jan. 1948 383
Paul Rosini The Life Saver Trick name of selection appears printed on life saver candy, index of five candies to allow free choice among five cards
1950 8
John D. Pomeroy Trick or Treat trick for Halloween, making candies appear
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Robert A. Nelson Life Savers with an ESP Flavor bag with different flavored Life Savor candies, spectator takes one and eats it, performer divines taste
1961 11
Irv Weiner Food for thought using Playing Card Bonbons, two cards are selected and match cards of selected candy, clear forcing bag with candy bag
Oct. 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Allessandro Good Deed Container candy produced from cannister
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Roy Baker Jack & The Chocolate Bean Stalk Kid's trick, storytelling about Jack and the Bean Stalk, produce shower of candy/M&Ms at the end
1968 74
Heinz "Durox" Rüegg 3 Tricks several brief descriptions
  • vanishing candy (Läkerol)
  • vanishing egg (with thumb tip)
  • sequence for professor's nightmare
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 5)
Steve Spillman Sugar Daddy paddle as candy stick "sugar daddy", coins and stuff start to appear and stick on it
Also published here Jan. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 44)
Steve Spillman Sugar Daddy paddle as candy stick "sugar daddy", coins and stuff start to appear and stick on it
Also published here 1973 67
Patrick Page The Shower of Sweets sweets are produced from handkerchief
1974 18
Faucett Ross Candy Bowl Presentation Bowl filled with confetti becomes bowl filled with candy
1975 66
Scotty York Modernized Cap and Pence
Also published here Jan. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 1)
John Fealey Po£o gag at store, bill is found inside Polo Mints / Lifesaver
The Talon (Issue 6)
Scotty York The Modernized Cap and Pence with Lifesaver mints
Also published here 1980 20
Steve Spillman Sugar Daddy paddle as candy stick "sugar daddy", coins and stuff start to appear and stick on it
Also published here 1980 54
Kennedy Smith Smarty Cube hole in tray, cube in box put on top, colored spots fall through hole (smarties), cube is now black, black hole presentation
1982 7
John Fealey Polo 2 "Po£o", joke for paying in a shop, pound note is found in a roll of Polo mints, half is torn and changes into a coin
Jan. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Len Belcher Professor Hoffmann's Zylinder transparent tube stands on table, silks put inside, covered with another tube, silks change to sweets
Also published here
  • The Magic Wand #253, ca. 1958
Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Alan Shaxon Potted Chance different colored cups, bag with silks, children get candies in the remaining cup is money
Also published here 1986 22
Rocco Silano Coins and Kisses four coins vanish with wave of wand, then candy kisses appear in hand
1990 26
Moshe Botwinick Tic-Tac Tell three different tic-tac containers with different flavors, spectator selects eats one candy and performer divines it
Dec. 1991
Magick (Issue 465)
Jim Steinmeyer The Jelly Bean Jar
  • Conjuring
number of jelly beans in jar predicted
Variations July 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Martin Gardner Blow Up marshmallow grows to twice the size in vacuum and then instantly collapses again
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Ali Bongo Pick-A-Pencil / Pick-A-Lollipop bunch of pencils, all removed but one, prediction
Also published here 1994 3
Alan Shaxon Versiegeltes Glück different colored cups, bag with silks, children get candies in the remaining cup is money
Also published here 1994 35
Steve Dusheck Pezazz lighter transforms into Pez dispenser
1994 72
Kennichi Kuroki Cotton Candy sugar poured in hat, wooden stick moved around in it and cotton candy appears on it
Dec. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Michael Kaminskas Candy Caper m&m bag is torn open and sealed again
1996 94
Rajneesh Madhok Melts in Your Mind prediction of one of five imaginary M&M's
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Henry Lewis Tic-Tactic multi-colored tic-tacs in dispenser, one chosen, color matches prediction
June 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Andrew Mayne Razor-Blades & Barbed-Wire Lifesavers candies are swallowed and pulled out again knotted on bubble gum, needle swallow type
1998 36
Steve Bedwell Ferrero Rocher Anyone? "balls from mouth"
1998 ca. 8
David Regal Sweet Tooth Spectator selects candy from a stack of cards, prediction is a bag of that selected candy in an envelope
1999 218
Russ Peak Tip of the Tongue performer eats M&Ms with eyes closed and divines colors
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 14)
Chad Long Mint Busters candy cane is transformed into ball, then flat mint
Also published here 2000 2
Chris Wardle Smartie Pants cards with name of sweets, one chosen, sweet predicted in paper bag, multiple out counting force (à la Red Card)
2000 3
Nathan Kranzo Breath Freshener Gag quick visual effect where pack of breath mints changes into breath freshener spray, gimmick
2001 6
Chad Long Mint Busters candy cane is transformed into ball, then flat mint
Also published here July 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Nathan Kranzo Palm Burst wrapped candy penetrates hand, as finale only candy penetrates leaving wrapping behind
Sep./Oct. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 3)
David Berglas Hot Foil tin foil becomes hot in spectator's hand, candy wrapper
Also published here 2002 487
David Berglas Creating Mysteries Off the Stage on linking two Life Savers / Polo Mints, predicting which gush spring spouts next
2002 549
Ben Harris Creative Tac Tics tic tacs poured into hand vanish, milk pitcher with tic tac
Apr. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 4)
Don Alan Comedy Egg Can - First Method: Original Don Alan Version egg cracked into can, card held on top, turned upside down over head of kid, card slid out, in the end candy appears in can
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Don Alan Comedy Egg Can" (Mak Magic)
2002 210
Dave Roper Eggs to Bunny eggs to candy rabbit in large paper cup
Also published here
  • "Eggo" (The Linking Ring, Vol. 31 No. 1, Mar. 1956, p. 74)
2002 226
Andrew J. Pinard Sweet Cents borrowed coin transforms into a penny, grows, vanishes, reappears, shrinks, finally transforms into several dollar-size chocolate coins
May 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 9)
Joshua Jay Marshmallow Magic flash paper at end of tooth pick changes into toasted marshmallow
Also published here June 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 10)
Mike Bent Potter's Peppermint Prediction jelly bean flavor prediction, sucker element
Related to June 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 10)
Ryan Swigert Pez-a-Matic empty Pez dispenser is magically filled with striking vanish
Also published here Dec. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 4)
Ali Bongo Pick-A-Pencil / Pick-A-Lollipop bunch of pencils, all removed but one, prediction
Also published here 2003 3
Gregory Wilson Kissing Up spectator's lip print "kissed" on flash paper, it is burnt and changes into candy kiss
Also published here Apr. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 8)
Jeff McBride Mint Condition card minus a torn-off corner travels folded into listerine mint case
Also published here July 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Nathan Kranzo Ear Candy gummi bear placed in mouth is extracted from ear
Feb. 2004
The Penumbra (Issue 7)
Jay Sankey Bon Bon copper in one hand and silver coin in other hand, they both change into wrapped candy
2004 47
Jay Sankey Electric Candy part of cellophane wrapper torn off and restored
2004 49
Bob Love Warm Fuzzies Up Close Update cards with colors and wrapped colored candies, pair selects each and colors match, PATEO
Inspired by 2004 37
Tyler Wilson Coke Inhabit coin travels into large cola gummy bear
Also published here 2005 22
Tyler Wilson Coke Inhabit coin travels into large cola gummy bear
Also published here 2005 45
Chuck Hickok Application Idea #1: My Favorite Approach to Equivoque
Related to 2005 35
Andrew Baroch The Mintalist chosen number appears on Listerine breath strip
July 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 7)
Giorgio Tarchini The M & M Trick cards with different-colored M&Ms, one chosen, candies in a bag change all to match that color
Variations Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Gene Taylor Fun with M & M's ideas with M&Ms, including making custom prints on them, also multiple out prediction of chosen color
Inspired by Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. Annual 2005)
Tyler Wilson Coke Inhabit coin travels into large cola gummy bear
Also published here 2006 79
Steve Beam Candy From Strangers instruction game using candies, with seven objects
Inspired by 2006 69
Hector Chadwick Sweeties Predict which M&M sweet is left uneaten
Related to 2008 135
Joshua Jay Breathless breath mint disappears twice
2008 46
Oliver Meech Every Flavour Jelly Beans Jelly beans have the flavour that was freely chosen by spectator
2009 62
Shiv Duggal Taste Buds flavor of chosen Revels sweet predicted
2009 126
Oliver Meech Love/Hate Printed words on Love Hearts candy changes
2010 72
Andy Nyman Minted two cards peeked at, first one travels under packet of mints on the table, other selection is folded in quarters inside mint packet (Listerine type)
2010 223
Pete McCabe Eat Me M&M chosen, color predicted via remaining M&M in the bag
May 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 5)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono 4 Square Meals M&Ms laid out in square in bunches and each side counted, then some are eaten but counts remain the same (after redistributing them), layout puzzle
July 2012
Real Secrets (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Jelly Bean Estimator cards with various jelly beans on both sides, spectator turns some over, performer instantly knows sum of all visible jelly beans, repeat, then number is predicted
Related to Nov. 2012
Real Secrets (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Jan Logemann WondeRing (WondeRing, p. 17)
borrowed finger ring into packet of sweets
2013 16
Hector Chadwick Six M&Ms Breakdown on Sweeties routine, magician predicts which M&M spectator chooses out of six colors, explains how this routine avoids the problems mentioned previously
Related to 2014 13
Michael Weber, Tim Trono The Missing Secret piano card trick with candy, performed with an instruction sheet while following along
Inspired by Apr. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Kieron Johnson Cigarettes and Candy cigarette becomes pack of candy, cigarettes in pack change to money
July 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 7)
Harapan Ong Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat kit kat bar appears from deck of cards
2018 190
Kieron Johnson Lolly 2.0 cards with words on them, one chosen, it says lolly, in flash of fire a lolly appears, cards in case also change to lollies
Related to 2018 32
Kieron Johnson Taste the Rainbow spectator guesses color of skittles candy, rest are all another named color
2018 78
Martin Lewis Smartie Pants
  • Making Magic
M&M of one color chosen, it is predicted and rest of M&Ms change to red
Sep. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 9)
Jeff Prace Containmint
  • Left-Handed
container of Tic Tacs is shaken and they change color
Dec. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 12)
Jonathan Friedman Cinnamon-Bear Re-capitation gummibear restoration
May 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 5)
Nathan Kranzo Tic Tac Teleportation three Tic Tacs travel from hand to mouth one by one
Dec. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 12)
Al James This Trick Is A Real Lifesaver life saver candy penetrates off string
2020 150
Nathan Kranzo A Free Kiss production from shoe of air freshener and Hershey's kisses
Inspired by 2020 152
Luis Zavaleta Elena's Candy Separation two types of candies are mixed in clear glasses and separated again, classic bead separation
Jan. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 1)
Nathan Kranzo Tic Tac Vanish Vanishing tic tacs, uses liquid soap
2021 72
Nathan Kranzo Tic Tac Penetration Using reel to make pile of Tic Tacs vanish
2021 83
Joshua Jay EquivoKat snacks and prices are shouted out and noted down by performer, one chosen, price is predicted and snack produced from empty envelope, miswriting
2022 72
Joshua Jay Marshmallow Magic flash paper at end of tooth pick changes into toasted marshmallow
Also published here 2022 88
Ryan Swigert Pez-a-Matic empty Pez dispenser is magically filled with striking vanish
Also published here 2022 148
Gregory Wilson Kissing Up spectator's lip print "kissed" on flash paper, it is burnt and changes into candy kiss
Also published here 2022 183
Jeff McBride Mint Condition card minus a torn-off corner travels folded into listerine mint case
Also published here 2022 203
Donny Orbit Lollipop Coin coin appears inside lollipop wrapping via striking vanish
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2005
2022 453
Edward Upthegrove Pez Load borrowed bill to inside Pez dispenser
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2005
2022 454
Daniel Garcia Tric Tac tic tac shaken in their container, all of them change color, small piece of hand print card (à la DeLand's Fadeaway Card)
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Aug. 2008
2022 770
Vinny DePonto M&M Magic chosen M&M color matches chosen prediction candy
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2009
2022 834
Jeff Prace Chocolatier's Coins Across chocolate coins travel into candy bag one by one, then change into purse with real coins
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2010
2022 944
Jeff Prace Gummy hard lifesaver candy becomes soft and stretchable
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2010
2022 946
Donny Orbit Fireball piece of paper burned in flash, candy appears, then wrapping appears as well
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2011
2022 1010
Brett Bishop Coin Aid coin transposes with powder inside kool-aid packet
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2011
2022 1065
Christopher Wiehl Burst and Reversed starburst candy is unwrapped and put in mouth, magically wrapped again
Mar. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 3)
Matt Baker Crowdsourced Prediction two spectators divide M&Ms freely among themselves, values are assigned according to previously handed out color chart, one spectator wins by a certain amount of points, this result was freely chosen by the spectators at the beginning
Inspired by 2023 13
Gregory Wilson The Coin Con bowl with coins, spectator grabs a bunch which is counted, performer matches the amount, also possible with candy or other objects
Also published here
  • in publication called "10 for Thom"
June 2024
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Wilson Issue)
Jack Carpenter A Very Hot Trick coin produced from flame of lighter, then flame itself is picked up with other hand and changed into candy
  • Additional Thoughts
Variations 2024 64