215 entries in Bill / Traveling / Impossible Location / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ein papierener Phönix bill travels from under handkerchief into a matchbox, then it is placed inside an envelope and burnt only to reappear inside second signed envelope
1922 38
Tom Sellers Treasury Note and Confetti bill is burned by "accident", reproduced from confetti
1927 15
E. D. Wolff Transient Money bill into nest of envelopes, thumb tip
May 1935
The Jinx (Issue 8)
Jacob Steisal The Itinerant Dollar bill to anything multiple times, erasing last digit
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1935/36)
Geoff Sandersons Security! bill into ring box in wool that's sealed in a glass
Sep. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 36)
Billy O'Connor The Bill in the Envelope burned bill reappears in empty envelope, number checked
1937 29
Jean Hugard c. Preparing a Duplicate Bill bill with same serial number, or mis-reading serial number
1937 6
A Borrowed Bill Passed Between Two Cards two chosen cards are encircled with rubber bands crosswise and put in envelope, bill travels between them
1937 44
Bill Passed Inside A Playing Card pre-loaded duplicate bill
1937 44
L. A. Winter A Bill Is Burnt performer's bill in one glass, spectator's in another, performer burns his bill, spectator's bill is then the performer's bill and the spectator's is produced from elsewhere
Also published here
  • The Magic Wand, Dec. 1934
1937 46
Borrowed Bill Vanished and Found in Spectator's Hand bill is burned in envelope and travels into watch held by spectator
1937 47
The Bill In The Candle
  • a,
  • b.
  • c. Mechanical Candle, Stage Version
1937 48
A Bill and an Egg bill found inside egg
  • a. (gaffed wand)
  • b.
1937 51
A Life Saver and a Bill bill with noted number travels inside roll of life saver candy
1937 53
Two Bills From One using fold in previous item to switch out two borrowed bills which then travel to some location
1937 57
Bluey-Bluey The Bill in the Envelope burned in envelope, reproduced from spectator's sleeve
1938 774
Carl Brema Dollar Bill and Tube Trick Bill Tube
1938 781
Bruce Elliott, Theodore Annemann Not for the Meek bill to roll of life savers, gaffed knife
Nov. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 150)
U. F. Grant "Million Dollar" Bill Mystery two bills are torn, one half of each vanish and appear in envelope
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1943 112
The Life Safer bill to life safer package used as pull
1943 122
Tom Sellers The "T.S." Knife to load an envelope
1943 11
Tom Sellers Note in Beer Bottle
1943 14
Tom Sellers Borrowed Note in Candle gimmicked knife
1943 16
Lu Brent Bill to Magazine - Letter to Bruce Elliott bill travels between two pages of chosen book or magazine
July 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 64)
Theodore Annemann Controlled Currency two bills placed inside envelopes, serial number reading and other travels into box
1944 235
Herman L. Weber Namreh's "Electrick" handkerchief and bill are shot into a light bulb, apparatus
1945 337
Laurie Ireland A Dollar Bill in Candle Effect in chosen candle
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
George G. Kaplan The Brema Tube and Bill loading the tube while showing it
1948 263
Arthur H. Buckley Borrowed Money bill vanishes from envelope, reappears in nest of envelopes, serial number noted (3 made to 8 from consecutive numbers)
1948 78
Terry Lynn Torn Corner Method bill travels to envelope
1948 80
Don Greenwood Bill and Nest of Envelopes signed bill vanishes from purse and appears in nest of envelopes
Aug. 1948 455
George Blake Imp-Ossible bill travels from under handkerchief into a bill tube
Related to Dec. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 192)
George Blake Imp-Aled Brema bill tube with holes, threaded on a needle, bill travels inside
Related to Dec. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 193)
U. F. Grant The Bill, Egg and Walnut bill travels into nest of egg and walnut, duplicate bill made by cutting two bills in half and joining them together with one half switched
Mar. 1949 6
Don Tanner A Bill Restoration And Transposition borrowed dollar bill burns in a flash and appears in previously empty envelope
Apr. 1949 9
Dr. Ben B. Braude Balloon Buster card in on of selected balloon, for magicians, three stooges (!)
Mar. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 224)
Ned Rutledge "Your Money Back" signed bill is burnt in envelope and appears again in bill tube
Feb. 1951 750
Karrell Fox Light's Out card to lightbulb, missing corner matches
1954 18
Allessandro The Demon Dollar signed bill is placed inside an envelope and burnt, then it bill is found in sealed envelope in performer's pocket
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Dr. Spencer Thornton The Fantastic Bill Transposition bill vanishes from handkerchief and appears inside envelope, using Corinda Billet Pencil
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Jack Yeager Dollar Bill in Balloon as John Yeager, torn corner proof
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Tom Sellers Note and the Jar bill travels into sealed jar
1960 14
Bruce Elliott ZIP bill to lighter
Dec. 1960
The New Phoenix (Issue 352)
Eugene Gloye Balled Bill bill into plastic golf ball
Sep. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 361)
Max Malini Bills, Lemon and Egg bill in lemon and bill in egg, bills vanish from handkerchief, with wand
Related toAlso published here 1962 33
Ace Gorham A Nest of Boxes Routine bill to nest of boxes
May 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Daumenspitze various brief ideas using a thumb tip
  • Eine Zigarettenverwandlung
  • Inflation - Deflation
  • Der wasserdichte Geldschein
  • Verbrannter Geldschein
  • Der Geldschein als Likörglas
  • Geldscheintrick
  • Würfelzucker-Fabrikation
  • Tuchwanderung
  • Geld und Seidenband
  • Die Geldverlosung
  • Die verschwundene Karte
  • Die verschwundene Zigarette
  • Gelöste Knoten
  • Geldschein im Ei
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 1)
Harry Lorayne Double Billemma borrowed bill is torn, one half travels somewhere, then bill is restored
1967 58
Lewis Ganson The Bill Tube folded bill vanishes from under handkerchief and appears in locked tube
1967 267
Arnold De Seiver Arnold De Seiver's Routine bill tube routine
Inspired by 1967 272
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia Billete en el Pan bill vanishes from handkerchief and appears inside bread
1967 49
Bob Ostin Impossible Coin Plates marked coin appears between two plates, held together with rubber bands
1968 76
Joseph M. White CATnips several ideas for bill in soft boiled egg
Mar. 1968
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 71)
Joseph M. White Let George Do It marked bill travels to box, paper is cut with silhouette of George Washington
1969 76
Ellison Poland The Bill In The Barrels nest of barrels, flash bill
  • First Method
  • Second Method
Inspired by
  • version in MUM, Dec. 1960
1969 195
Robert "Bob" J. Gunther The Diabolo Bill! signed bill is burnt and appears in sealed tube
Magick (Issue 31)
Vincent Sabatino Bill-Tube Presentation from silk to bill tube
1972 271
Billy McComb U.K. ... "Not in the Polo Mints" - U.S.A. ... "Bill in the Lifesavers"
1972 113
Vic Perry, Al Koran The Man Called Al Koran apparently by Al Koran, two bills are torn, one half of each vanish and appear in envelope
Related to 1974
Magick (Issue 100)
U. F. Grant Bill in Nest of Envelopes
Related to Winter 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 10th Folio (Part Two))
Dollar Matches box of matches shown, dollar bill rolled to tube, matches poured out, bill vanishes and reappears from match box
1975 97
Scotty York, Chuck Smith The Fabulous Red Snapper bill ends up in a snapper
1975 29
Val Le-Val Bill in Balloon comedy routine in which bill is burned and appears in one of three balloon
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Warren Stephens Borrowed Bill and Pen borrowed bill inside pen
1977 147
Al Mann Other Uses for the Photon Shield Sealed Envelope for card or bill to envelope
1977 6
Gene Marvin Man from the 21st Century story, bill in tube travels back in cash register, bill tube
Magick (Issue 192)
Al Mann The Baffling Bills - Materialization of Matter two bills are torn, one half of each vanish and appear in box, Arca system
Inspired by
  • Willane's "The Baffling Notes" in "Abra" #841, March 10th 1962.
Related to
1978 9
Michael O'Rady One for the Money bill and quarter borrowed, two cards selected, money vanishes an reappears rubberbanded and between two selections in wallet
1979 38
Teleportation No. 28, two bills torn, one half of each travels into envelope
Related to 1979 42
Roy Johnson Cash Stab bill burned in envelope, card stab in paper bag, bill found inside card
  • Burned Bank Note
  • The Card Stab
  • The Routine
Inspired by
  • Milbourne Christopher routine in Hugard's Magic Monthly
1979 52
Danny Korem The UDT and the Bill and Envelopes Routine bill in envelope mixed with other envelopes, burned, from wallet, pendulum holdout
1980 35
Michael Ammar Signed Bill in Lightbulb
Also published here 1980 21
Ken Brooke Routine for the Padlocked Bill Tube borrowed marked bill travels from under handkerchief to locked bill tube
Also published here 1980 100
Ken Brooke Another Routine for the Locking Bill Tube marked bill is folded and rubber-banded and put in glass with silk on top, travels into bill tube
1980 103
Ken De Courcy The Wander-Combo card chosen and put in envelope, borrowed bill also put in envelope, borrowed finger ring in handkerchief, ring penetrates onto wand, wand broken and bill and card are rolled-up inside
1980 48
Roy Johnson Die Rakete! bill travels into fireworks rocket, elaborate presentation
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Feature 3, 1979
1980 32
Al Mann One Hundred Clams signed bill is burned and appears restored in an envelope, Al Koran Wallet
1981 21
Terri Rogers Spondulics two bills torn, one half of each travels into envelope
Inspired byRelated to 1981
The Talon (Issue 7)
Lewis Ganson Der Geldschein und die Tuchröhre bill travels from under silk into bill tube
Also published here
  • The Gen, Apr. 1960
Oct. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Horace Spencer More Recollections of Horace Spencer bill travels from envelope back into till of bar (cheating the bar out of the bill)
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 3)
William Goldman The Magic Coin bill travels to envelope, with torn corner, coin vanish and production intermezzo
Also published here Mar. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Eugene Burger Signed Bill in Matchbox seated at table
Also published here 1982 74
Michael Weber 20th Century Ten borrowed $10 bill appears stapled between two $1 bills
1983 34
Edward Marlo Bill, Egg, and Glass bill vanishes and reappears under paper-covered glass, egg appears, vanishes, bill reappears in egg
Arcane (Issue 9)
Stephen Tucker Wild two bills are torn, one half of each vanish and appear in envelope and pen
Inspired byRelated to Nov. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 31)
Ali Bongo Bill in Pumpkin... or Can of Beans or Block of Ice... or Almost Anything! cryptic description, bill is burnt and appears somewhere else
1983 5
Thursday Night Group O-pen Sez-a-me bill into pen that it was signed with
Oct. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Al Bertini Al Bertini's Geistesblitze: Irrlicht signed bill to matchbox, loading mechanism
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 45 No. 2)
Al Bertini Al Bertini's Geistesblitze: Das Geheimnis der Bubuschka bill to nest of Matryoshka dolls
Related to 1984
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 45 No. 5)
David Ben How Sweet It Is! bill in sugar packet
Apr. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Roger Klause Bill, Book, and Candle bill is accidentaly set on fire, prelude to bill traveling effect, two handlings
Winter 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 34, 35 & 36)
Martin Lewis Bill in Card bill vanishes, appears sealed inside playing card
1985 55
Marvyn Roy Omega-Four...One-Man Mental Act routine with four phases
  • named card is written on blank card in the deck
  • number divination, then signed bill travels to sealed card case
  • selected cards are named, memory stunt
  • spectator looks at ping pong ball and names a card, card appears inside case
Inspired by Sep. 1985
Magick (Issue 357)
Karl Fulves X Marks the Spot No. 12, one of four bills vanish and reappears at spot in house chosen by spectator
1985 25
Eric DeCamps Slate of Hand card chosen, name of it appears on one of two ungimmicked small slates, card itself travels between slates
1985 26
Stewart Judah Phoenix aus der Asche two bills are torn, one half of each vanish and appear in envelope
Inspired by July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Ron Hadley Two Quick Routines with the Matchbox Load
  • Card to Matchbox
  • Bill to Matchbox
May 1985 13
Steve Dusheck Wine & Dine account of an impromptu performance, torn and restored dollar bill, it then changes and travels into a wine bottle, posed as a problem
Related to
  • Jack Chanin's "Rip-It"
May 1985 19
Terry Seabrooke Burnt Note In Wallet with fire insurance, envelope in wallet
Related toVariations 1986 49
Steve Bryan Steve Bryan Wrties... bill to bill tube, with handkerchief
Gimmick (Issue 2)
Richard Sanders Richard Sanders bill vanishes and appears in cap of pen which was lying on the table
Gimmick (Issue 7)
Ron Wilson Flight of the Phoenix finger ring appears around borrowed bill in nest of boxes
Also published here
  • in "Genii" April, 1977
1987 122
Michael Weber Under Cover Transposition signed bill transposes with paper match, signed bill appears stapled inside matchbook
Also published here 1987 5
Thomas Hierling Bill in Balloondoggy
1988 25
Terri Rogers Currency Cuts
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 78
Terri Rogers Gelschein-Schwindel
Inspired byAlso published here July 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 4 & 5)
U. F. Grant "Millionen Dollar" Geldschein Mysterium two bills are torn, one half of each vanish and appear in envelope
Also published here July 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 4 & 5)
Jim Sisti Transmutation signed bill travels to coin purse, using bill switch technique
Also published here Sep./Oct. 1990
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Michael Ammar Signed Bill in Light Bulb
Also published here 1991 193
John Carney Calligraphic Cash signed bill changes place with ink cartridge from ball-point pen
1991 241
Michael Weber Undercover Transposition signed bill transpose with paper matches and is stapled to its cover
Also published here 1991 96
Michael Weber 20th-Century Ten borrowed $10 bill appears stapled between two $1 bills
1991 125
Alexander de Cova Russian Delivery bill to nest of Matryoshka dolls
Related toAlso published here Nov./Dec. 1991
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Roger Klause Going South stealing bill out of envelope with slit for Terry Seabrooke's bill to wallet
Related to 1991 137
Alexander de Cova Die Scheinwanderung borrowed bill travels between two tied sheets
1991 9
Mark Phillips Pegasus Bill To Envelope bill to envelope in wallet, with fingertip
Inspired by Oct. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Chuck Hickok The Three T's (Telesthesia, Telepathy, and Teleportation) spectator divines serial number, bill is burnt and found restored in box, bill duplication method
Inspired by
  • Bob Christenson'r routine in "Vibrations" #136.
1991 35
Larry Becker Monte Crispo signed bill in one of three envelopes, two are burnt, apparently mistake and bill appears in insurance envelope, with variation using a paper shredder
  • Author's Note: Shred a Few Tears of Joy & Sorrow
Inspired by
  • Larry Becker's "Monte Inferno" in "Mentalism for Magicians"
Related to
1992 39
Larry Becker The Diffusion Principle fabricating bills with same serial number, bill travels from purse to block of Lucite
1992 235
Alexander de Cova Russian Delivery bill to nest of Matryoshka dolls
Also published here 1992 8
David Hudspath Thanks for the Tip signed bill in purse, other bill transform into signed bill and latter is found in a second purse
Dec. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Alexander de Cova Russian Delivery bill to nest of Matryoshka dolls
Also published here 1993 10
Harry Anderson Dybbuk bill burnt in envelope appears between two slates, corner matches, numbers add up to last four digits of serial number, message appears on slates
1993 45
Harry Anderson Buffalo Bill two bills are torn, one half of each are burnt and appear inside envelope
Related toVariations 1993 143
Alexander de Cova Russian Delivery bill to nest of Matryoshka dolls
Also published here 1993 10
Bob Farmer, William Goldman The Little Man Who Was There
  • Flim-Flam
"The Chicago Bar Scam" via Bill Goldman, bet to make signed bill appear in cash register
Related to Apr. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Alexander de Cova Bill in Edding bill to marker pen, finger tip
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1994 114
Paul Gertner The $100 Card in Wallet into envelope, with bill
1994 157
Paul Gertner Time is Money "(The $20 Bill in Hourglass)"
1994 162
Gene Anderson, Dan Harlan Penned In dollar bill changes into piece of paper and will be found in pen, held by spectator
Mar. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Jerry Mentzer Dollar Bill and Sugar Packet sugar from sugar packet vanishes and reappers in hand, bill travels into sugar packet
1994 55
Steve Dusheck Keys and Cash dollar bill placed in clear plastic case under handkerchief, vanishes and appears elsewhere
1994 103
Marberger Stuart Nikolaus-Produktion bill travels into large present, santa clause comes out of present and has gift with bill
July 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 4 & 5)
Alexander de Cova Bill In Edding bill to marker pen, finger tip
Also published here 1994 23
Jim Steinmeyer Chinese Food
  • Conjuring
take-away box with raw rice and fortune cookie, half of borrowed dollar bill, rice and crushed cookie dumped in paper bag, rice is back in box and the half bill in restored cookie
Dec. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Mike Bornstein New Improved Comedy Bill in Snake Can signed bill
1994 3
T. C. Churchwell Bill Flight bill to bill tube
Mar. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova Bill in Edding bill to marker pen, finger tip
Also published here 1995 19
Roy Johnson Aufgespießt bill burned in envelope, card stab in paper bag, bill found inside card
  • Der verbrannte Geldschein
  • Das Kartenstechen
  • Das Laden der Karte
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Jim Steinmeyer, Marvyn Roy Marvyn Roy's Bill In The Light Bulb
  • Conjuring
Feb. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Michael Kaminskas Magic Pills signed bill to metal tin
Also published here 1996 77
Joel Givens Tubular Bills bill travels to a straw, missing corner, bill transforms into wrapper
Also published here 1996 1166
Bram Charles Mintal Photography bill travels into roll of film canister, torn of corner
Mar. 1996
The Minotaur (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Helge Thun TesaBill bill signed and corner torn off, it becomes blank paper, bill now in tape dispenser, signature pulled off (letraline)
1996 22
Ken Brooke Meine Tuchröhren-Routine borrowed marked bill travels from under handkerchief to locked bill tube
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 4 & 5)
William Goldman Die Zaubermünze bill travels to envelope, with torn corner, coin vanish and production intermezzo
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 4 & 5)
George Schindler Nested Dolls folded bill bill to nest of Matryoshka dolls
Related toAlso published here Mar./Apr. 1996
The Magic Menu (Vol. 6 No. 34)
Richard Sanders Cramped signed bill vanishes and appears inside cap of marker
May/June 1996
The Magic Menu (Vol. 6 No. 35)
Dean Dill Bill to Sugar Packet signed
1997 31
Chris "Doc" Dixon Change For The Bartender torn bill changes to coins, bill ends up in gumball machine, corner matches
1997 38
Paul Alberstat Always Safe bill travels in condom package in wallet
Apr. 1998
Mind & Magic Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Jimmy Wilson Der Jimmie Wilson Gelschein-Austausch bill folded in quarters and burned openly, "lighter doesn't work" as motivation for switch
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
George Schindler Marked Bill in the Purse with flash bill, to snap-shut purse
Jan./Feb. 1998
The Magic Menu (Vol. 8 No. 45)
Mark Jenest Chap Trick bill vanishes and appears in chapstick tube
Mar. 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 7)
Tim Spinosa Show Me the Money chop cup with rolled-up signed bill, then bill appears inside peppermint
Jan./Feb. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 9 No. 51)
Philip Reed Willmarth, Eugene Burger Signed Bill In Matchbox seated at table
Also published here 2000 47
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Zur Post bill in pen, creating two bills with same number
Related toAlso published here 2000 34
R. Paul Wilson Letter Have It signed bill vanishes and reappears in envelope paper-clipped to a letter
Nov. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Sveroni Der Geldschein im Filzstift signed bill travels to marker which is held by spectator
Related to 2002 32
Jay Ellis Lemon Aid bill in envelope, in lemon is only a note to look in the wallet
2002 264
R. Paul Wilson Blin-Pen piece of signed bill vanishes and appears inside pen
2002 28
Dollar Bill in Egg - First Method: With a Thumb Tip
Also published here
  • Milbourne Christopher, 50 Tricks with a Thumb Tip, 1948, p. 22
2002 263
Max Malini Dollar Bill in Egg - Second Method: The Malini Treatment bill in lemon and bill in egg, bills vanish from handkerchief, with wand
Also published here 2002 263
Joseph Ovette Dollar Bill in Egg - Third Method: Ovette's Version
Also published here
  • "Bill, Lemon, and Egg" (Eggstraordinary Ways of Eggshibiting with Eggs, p. 28)
2002 265
David Ben Just Another Packet Trick destroyed bill in sugar packet
2003 6
David Ben Restoration Theatre bill in envelope is burned and restored from the ashes
2003 109
Alexander de Cova Der Stamperltrick bill travels to shot glass covered with paper
Also published here 2003 18
Christoph Borer Bill in Envelope bill to envelope, serial number verification, creating two bills with same number
Also published here 2003 15
Ted Lesley, Eckhard Böttcher Light Bulb Spectacular card and other objects travel inside light bulb, card, bill, liquid etc
2003 15
Jim Sisti Transmutation change purse is set aside, borrowed signed bill changes into another bill, signed bill found in purse, using bill switch technique
Also published here July 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Jim Steinmeyer Fan Mail
  • Conjuring
two bills are torn, one half of each vanish and appear in envelopes, handling with change bag
Inspired by Sep. 2003
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Das Wollknäuel bill burnt and rediscovered in ball of wool, paperclip switch
2004 100
George Schindler Nested Dolls folded bill bill to nest of Matryoshka dolls
Also published here Feb. 2004
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 6)
Christoph Borer Bill in Envelope bill to envelope, serial number verification, creating two bills with same number
Related toAlso published here 2006 21
Jean-Jacques Sanvert The Cheese Stands Alone bill in Mini-Babybel cheese, torn corner, $20 bill is changed into two $10 bills as kicker
Jan. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 1)
John Lovick Chapter 15: Impossible Location Routines intro
2006 207
Jim Sisti Transmutation signed bill changes to dollar bill, signed one found in purse
Also published here 2006 207
Michael Kaminskas Magic Pills signed bill to metal tin
Also published here 2006 209
Adam Rubin Back-Up Plan signed bill to film canister
2006 211
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler The Postman Always Rings Twice bill in pen, creating two bills with same number, with finger tip
Also published here 2006 217
Steve Silverman To Catch a Thief envelope and Fifty dollar bill are in himber wallet, borrowed signed bill changes into Fifty, Fifty is missing from wallet, signed bill in envelope
2006 228
Jamy Ian Swiss Quadradical Currency combination routine with bill changes, torn and restored to mis-made bill, borrowed signed bill to wallet
Inspired by 2006 258
Joel Givens Tubular Bills bill travels to a straw, missing corner, bill transforms into wrapper
Also published here 2007 106
Allan Slaight Hodge Podge combination with bill to cigarette gone wrong, instead bill appears later in a box, a chosen card appears on a silk and in an envelope where an I.O.U. note is supposed to be
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, Sep. 1949
2008 29
Roberto Giobbi Corner Switch for a Bill
Related to 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue May 15)
Alexander de Cova Der Stamplertrick bill travels to shot glass covered with paper
Also published here 2010 29
Patrick Page The Burned & Restored Bill in Wallet
2011 175
Jan Logemann Wine-Note (Scheinbar)
bill with corner torn off travels into wine bottle
2013 11
Fritz Alkemade High Roller Coaster serial number of borrowed bill written on coaster, bill vanishes, monte routine with three coasters, bill appears in one of the coasters when ripped open
Nov. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 11)
Gaëtan Bloom Intercessor Subtlety switching matching corner back in at the end
Also published here Feb. 2013 21
Alexander de Cova Boxed signed bill vanishes and reappears inside lighter that is inside a rubber-banded pack of cigarettes
Related toAlso published here Nov. 2013 5
Alexander de Cova Weitere Tipps und Ideen
  • Das Wiedererscheinen des Geldscheins
2013 7
Alexander de Cova Boxed "The Ultimate Signed Bill in Zippo-Lighter"
signed bill vanishes and reappears inside lighter that is inside a rubber-banded pack of cigarettes, optional nest of boxes extension
Also published here Dec. 2013
Scrapbook (Issue 2)
Alan Shaxon Locked Bill Tube bill vanishes under handkerchief and appears inside a bill tube which is inside a puzzle box
2014 107
Noel Qualter Technote taking picture of bill's serial number for verification in bill to impossible location effect
Nov. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 11)
Gaëtan Bloom Intercessor Subtlety switching matching corner back in at the end
Also published here 2015 13
Alexander de Cova Boxed signed bill vanishes and reappears inside lighter that is inside a rubber-banded pack of cigarettes
Also published here 2015 52
Alexander de Cova Inner Sanctum bill travels to inside of a playing card
Inspired by 2015 89
Alexander de Cova Bill in Edding 2015 new finesse
Inspired by 2015 283
Alexander de Cova Russian Delivery bill to nest of Matryoshka dolls
Also published here 2015 57
Andy (The Jerx) Bazillion Dollar Bill Mystery Million Dollar Bill Mystery - one half of a dollar bill teleports into a sealed envelope, the other teleports to France
Inspired by 2016 41
Andy (The Jerx) Toxic Shock Bill vanishes and appears in spectator's vagina
2016 275
Harry Lorayne An Impossible Location
2017 160
Martin Lewis Strongbox
  • Making Magic
borrowed bill travels into locked bill tube
  • The Radioactive Box of Doom
Jan. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 1)
John Carey Your Bill and Your Name bill to matchbox
Sep. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 9)
Alexander de Cova Geldschein in Schnapsglas bill vanishes and reappears in small glass wrapped with a napkin
2017 86
Joshua Jay Cornered Complete torn corner handling for "bill to anywhere"
Sep. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 9)
John Graham Buffalo John combination of Million Dollar Bill Mystery, Barcode Gag, Before Your Eyes prediction on dry-erase board, bill transformation in Himber wallet, Hat Tear, $100 bill switch
Inspired byRelated to 2021 153
Max Malini Bills in Lemon and Egg longer discussion, bill in lemon and bill in egg, two bills vanish from handkerchief, with knife, gaffed wand discounted by Malini's son ("Vernon was a pest.") who gave the real method in 1989
Related to 2022 385
Edward Upthegrove Pez Load borrowed bill to inside Pez dispenser
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2005
2022 454
Doug Brewer Eggity-Bread chop cup with plastic cup and borrowed crumpled up bill, plastic egg appears as final load with bill inside
  • Phase 1: Borrow a Bill
  • Phase 2: Vanishing Sequence
  • Phase 3: Magical Gymnastics
  • Phase 4: One More Time
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2009
2022 854
Cameron Ramsay Party Popper signed bill to party popper
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Aug. 2011
2022 1048
Tom Stone Mittens two signed cards appear inside oven mittens that the performer wears during the effect
Also published here 2024 1
Juan Tamariz A Useful Bill Corner Switch
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Mar 4)
Vanni Bossi Bill in Cigarette Pack bill to sealed cigarette pack
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Sep. 3)