90 entries in Knife & Paddle / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Le couteau qui tient tout seul dans la main The knife that holds all alone in the hand
1786 201
Deux moyens de manger un couteau Two ways to eat a knife
1786 207
Der unverwundbare Zauberkünstler knife or nail through arm or hand, different gaffs
Sep. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Ein Wunder der Fakire apple on hand of spectator, performer cuts it in two halves with a knife or sword without harming the hand
Jan. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 5)
A Cup of Tea on the Point of a Knife puzzle
1902 302
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, illusion "Das Mädchen mit dem goldenen Haar", knife throwing
Apr. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 4)
A. J. Eine neue Methode, um eine beliebig grosse Münze oder eine Kartenecke in ein Brot zu bringen ungaffed knife with item stuck to its blade that should be loaded into bread
June 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Das Kartenmesser knife for loading a card into a fruit, bread, ...
July 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Penknife Transformation with silk, switches out gaffed one for examinable one
1940 ca. 134
Eddie Joseph Suspensamus bowl with rice suspends on knife
Related to 1941
The Jinx (Issue 129)
Bruce Elliott, Theodore Annemann Not for the Meek bill to roll of life savers, gaffed knife
Nov. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 150)
Dorny The Musical Knife knife makes sound, gag finish
1941 16
Tom Sellers The "T.S." Knife to load an envelope
1943 11
Tom Sellers Borrowed Note in Candle gimmicked knife
1943 16
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the Great Ballantin, Jean Hugard and Fred Braue, Orson Welles, a bingo fraud, Bill Gresham gives some tips on knife throwing
July 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 40)
Tom Fitzgerald A Cute Betcha penknife sticked in top of door arch falls directly in a bottle
Apr. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 59)
Jack Yeager The Hook Knife similar to a hook coin
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Cross of Knives special way to hold two knives, bar bet
1949 7
Rotating Knife knife and fork as spinning wheel on the table, to find selection
1949 8
Stirring Stick Movies figure is drawn on stirring stick, to make easy optical animation
1949 28
Al Baker The Bill in the Borrowed Lemon gaffed knife
Also published here 1951 83
To Change One Knife for Another switch
1952 18
Nate Leipzig Nate Leipzig's Grindstone shown by Joe Scott, knife grinder with a plate on table's edge
Related to 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 324)
John F. Mangan Color Changing Knife Finale
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Bert Allerton Swallowing A Knife
1958 12
Dr. Stanley Jaks (2) The Billet Knife loading a billet in an envelope
Related toAlso published here 1958 87
Neville Sackville (3) The Billet Knife loading a billet in an envelope
1958 88
Tony Corinda (4) The Impromptu Billet Knife loading a billet in an envelope
1958 88
Dr. Stanley Jaks Omar's Prophecies treatise on the one-ahead triple prediction, sheets labeled with A, B & C
  • Part II (replacing force with known data)
  • Part III (on the selection of people, apparently random)
  • Part IV (staging the routine)
  • Part V (staging for Brainwave)
  • Part VI (handling for the Billet Knife)
  • Part VII (handling for Chuck Smith's M-T Pad)
Related toVariations 1960 1
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die unglaubliche Voraussage Jaks Billet Knife, loading a billet in an envelope
Related to 1961 103
Lewis Ganson Paddle Parade measurements of a paddle and the paddle move
1967 122
Charles D. Smith Leipzig's Grindstone knife grinder with a plate
Related to 1969 97
J. "Rink" van Rinkhuyzen, Somerset Maugham Grand Guignol thumb is cut with a knife until the performer bleeds, wound is healed
Variations 1969 126
Eddie Joseph Indian Rice Stabbing Illusion first one cup of rice fills six cups, then glass jar of rice clings to stick or knife
Related to 1969 225
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny A Visit From Space coin vanishes in water and starts to bubble, knife is placed inside and glass with water can be liftet with knife, then water vanishes in tube (Liquidair)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
E. Leslie May Spotting the Spot card stab with paper-knife, the card found is blank and the value is now on the paper-knife
Jan. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Rudolf Braunmüller Magische Scherze und Gags various gags with balloon, butter/knife/bread, bill in cigarette, cigarette, coins
Mar. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Move No. 2 - "The Flourish" through-the-fist
Also published here 1980 51
R. D. Merrill The Switch of knives
1981 16
Alfred Lee Cohen The Shrinking Knife optical illusion of shrinking knife
1981 55
Stephen Tucker Exhibit 'A' four objects in box and also names written on paper, knife is selected and blood is found on blade, murder presentation
Variations 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #2 (Xmas))
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks' Incredible Prediction billet knife handling
  • The Double Envelope Method
Related to 1984 10
Al Mann Note: The Billet Knives history of billet knives, different models
1984 13
Juan Tamariz Mas Ideas con Navajas various ideas, linking knives, magnet holder, change of unprepared knives, knife-monte,...
Also published here 1984 54
Steve Dusheck Safety Pin or Knife Switch with topit
1985 16
Barrie Richardson Blowout filled glass jar of rice clings to knife
Also published here Nov. 1986
Magick (Issue 380)
Messer three impromptu magic items and gags with knives
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Ken Allen Glass Suspension knife poked into handkerchief-covered glass causes glass to suspend on knife
Also published here 1987 4
Richard Kaufman Introduction - A Conversation with Ron Wilson interview, with details on opening tables with the color changing knife, Ultramental, The Chinese Sticks, The Multiplying Bottles
1987 11
Max Giebe "So geht das!" card placed inside card box, performer mimes to tear corner of card and corner appears on a paddle, corner missing on card inside card box, card is then restored
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 4&5)
Pino Pan Das Seemannsmesser knife puzzle routine, opening and closing knife, "Taschenfeitel"
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Ken Allen, Karl Fulves No Strings No. 41, knife poked into handkerchief-covered glass causes glass to suspend on knife
Related toAlso published here 1988 119
Rocco Silano The Sicilian Defense plastic cap from toy pistol is stabbed with knife and explodes (skill demo)
1990 115
Rocco Silano Explosive Impact plastic explosive cap for toy gun is tossed up and stabbed in midair with a pocket knife, the cap explodes
Mar. 1990
The Minotaur (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Griff Nr. 2 - Der Ziergriff through-the-fist
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Dan Harlan Deviled Egg spectator's blood travel into egg, spectator is cut with a knife
Sep. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Martin Gardner Gardner's Magnetized Knife secretly magnetized knife used for paper clip vanish/travel effects
Apr. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Chris "Doc" Dixon Hard Headed knife tapped in hair resulting in a hard metallic sound, too much hairspray joke
1996 1190
Dave Arch Place Setting instruction game with spoon, knife and fork, divination where each ends up
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Cuts Like A Knife two stick magnets, repelling poles suddenly attract with knife in between
Underworld (Issue 7)
Rudolf Braunmüller Kurz-Tricks & Tips
  • paddle tricks
  • storing props
  • fixing bent cards
  • magic wax alternative
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 4 & 5)
Simon Lovell The Murder Mystery four objects in box and also names written on paper, knife is selected and blood is found on blade, murder presentation
Inspired by 2000 31
Simon Lovell The Texas Chainthumb Massare or Grand Guignol Revisited thumb is cut with a knife until the performer bleeds, wound is healed
Inspired by 2000 135
Al Baker The Bill in the Borrowed Lemon gaffed knife
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Jeff McBride Flashing Knives two knives are hit onto each other and spark
2003 61
Jeff McBride, Michael Marlin Alchemy of the Elements routine with fire, knives, hourglass and some of the previously described items
2003 69
Luke Jermay A Dangerous Opener two paper tubes, one is selected and crushed under the other one is a knife
Related to 2004 18
Karl Fulves Knifed "Problems"
large blade comes out of small Swiss army knife, posed as a problem
2004 379
Ron Frost Sticky Words Word divination, words on a paddle keeps changing
2004 140
Barrie Richardson The Astonishing Rice Jar Suspension filled glass jar of rice clings to knife
Also published here 2005 196
Tom Stone Brutus’ Gift knife of chosen color is stuck in magician's back with dramatic presentation, mechanical solution with five knife cases
Related toAlso published here 2007 2
Arturo de Ascanio Handling the Knife as a Cigarette
2008 57
Arturo de Ascanio How to Tell the Sides of Knife apart by Feel
2008 61
Arturo de Ascanio Telling Two Knives apart by Feel
2008 62
Arturo de Ascanio The Quick Switch with jacket
2008 63
Lewis Ganson A. Switching two dissimilar Knives
2008 68
Arturo de Ascanio, David "Fu Manchu" Bamberg B. Switching Two Knives with One Matching Side
  • a) Switching a Gimmicked Knife or an Ordinary One
    • I. The Pick and Drop Switch (Fu Manchu)
    • II. Sleeving into the Left Sleeve (Fu Manchu)
    • III. Propelling the Knife inside the Right Sleeve
  • b) Switching an Ordinary Knife for a Gimmicked One
2008 68
Arturo de Ascanio Holdouts for knives
2008 106
Arturo de Ascanio A Holder for Miniature Knives
2008 108
Arturo de Ascanio A Knife Holder
2008 110
Tom Stone Brutus's Gift knife of chosen color is stuck in magician's back with dramatic presentation, mechanical solution with five knife cases
Also published here 2011 33
Martin Gardner Jumping Skeleton Key on Martin Gardner's Skeleton Key, and knife that jumps out of handle when the performer handles it (Magic Christian), also with nail file, credit information
Prolix (Issue 9)
David Ben The Weeping Knife
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 10)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Incredible Prediction loading a billet in an envelope
Also published here 2014 162
Roberto Giobbi Cutting Edge Magic impaled envelope as intrigue object
Hidden Agenda (Issue June 23)
Christoph Borer Der Brief prediction of a chosen CD, cigar and position of a knife in a blade holder
Related to 2018 74
Roberto Mansilla Anexo - René Lavand y Sus Navajas on René Lavand's color changing knife routine
2019 114
Dee Christopher The Devil's Cut spectator guesses color of the knife in the spectator's hand three times
Mar. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 3)
Max Malini Weeping Coin/Weeping Cane water drops from cane, same method for weeping coin
  • Weeping Cane (or Knife like David Ben)
Related to 2022 199
Dámaso Fernández Dámaso Palm method to palm a pocketknife
2022 22