129 entries in Pocket Techniques / Topit
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Ball Throw Vanish dropped in tail topit/profonde
1890 264
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die drei Kräfte three chosen cards vanish from deck, arrive in pocket, deck vanishes (in topit type space) and appears in pocket, three selections rise one with corner torn off that visible restores, a card is shot with pistol into candle
Also published here 1910 196
Pockets topit, application for billiard ball or deck of cards
1938 628
Frederick A. Thomson The Meerschaum Mystery production and vanish of several pipes, Arnold Belais pipes
Jan. 1949 497
John A. M. Howie Disposal of the Shell
  • 1. Disposal in a Pocket
  • 2. Disposal by Means of a "Topit" Vanisher
  • 3. Disposal by Sleeving
  • 4. Disposal by Vesting
  • 5. Disposal by Concealment between Shirt Collar and Neck
  • 6. Disposal by Dropping to the Lap
  • 7. Disposal by Mechanical Aid
  • 8. Disposal by Means other than Body Concealments
1955 7
Patrick Page A Few Words About Topit history and introduction
Related to 1966 1
Patrick Page A Few More Words About Topit basic Topit technique
1966 2
Patrick Page To Vanish a Billiard Ball
1966 3
Patrick Page To Switch One Small Object for Another explained with balls as a color change, also as deck switch
1966 4
Patrick Page An Impromptu Vanish of a Glass apparently throwing glass in the air
1966 5
Patrick Page The Perfect Ring Penetration ring on stick, with cigarette and duplicate ring
1966 5
Patrick Page To Vanish a Cigarette Lighter
1966 7
Patrick Page The Pick Up Vanish object dropped on the floor
1966 7
Patrick Page To Vanish a Wine Glass with handkerchief
Also published here 1966 7
Patrick Page The Vanishing Cane in Newspaper
Also published here 1966 8
Patrick Page The Jardine Ellis Ring on Stick
1966 8
George Davenport To Vanish a Deck of Cards
1966 11
George Davenport To Vanish a Coin under a Matchbox
1966 11
George Davenport The Stack of Pence Trick six pennies are changed into six sixpences
1966 12
George Davenport The Vanishing Billiard Ball under a Glass spectator holds a tray, ball covered with glass vanishes
1966 12
George Davenport To Vanish a Full Glass of Whisky
1966 13
Ellison Poland, Tony Anverdi, Aaron Black A Ball and Silk Routine billiard ball appears in center of silk, travels around, penetrates handkerchief, changes color, balances on edge of silk, vanishes
1969 19
Ger Copper Fancy Change giant coin changes to card case, deck removed and case vanishes
1970 5
Scotty York, Ed Brown The "Blue Phantom," Close-Up copper and silver coins, with cone and die
1975 23
Karl Fulves Notes By Fulves (1) into left hand Tenkai palm
(2) simplification
(3) into topit
Inspired by May 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Dai Vernon Cold Deck Exchange Deck switch with Topit
1975 225
Topit-Change using a Topit
1977 34
Brian Sinclair The Cards Across
Sep. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Dick Turpin Turpin's Turnip heads tails game under a hat, eventually a turnip and a full glass of liquid appears, see also "The Modern Magic Manual"
Related to Sep. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Bob Fitch Topit Again & Again on topit work
1980 1
Bob Fitch Vanishes vanishing a ball or an object with the topit
  • I. Direct Toss
  • II. Indirect Toss
  • Variations
  • III. Indirect Drop
  • IV. Direct Pirouette Vanish
  • V. Reverse Slide Vanish
  • VI. Direct Purse Toss
  • VII. Paper Cup Toss
  • VIII. Silk Covered Toss for Secret Objects
  • IX. Silk-Cover Toss for Direct Objects
  • X. Tube Cover
  • XI. Extra
1980 2
Bob Fitch Productions - Steals - Loads stealing from the topit, with applications
  • XII-A. Direct Steal
    • 1) Egg on fan
    • 2) Invisible deck
    • 3) Cups & Balls
    • 4) Dye Tube
    • 5) Produce scissors
    • 6) Balloon to Dove
    • 7) Flames from Hands
    • 8) Fishbowl production
    • 9) Fountain of Silks
  • XII-B. Indirect Steal
    • 1) Rabbit and Tray
    • 2) Molding a Rabbit
1980 5
Bob Fitch Color-Changing Canes - Fantasies Changes & Transpositions - 1)
1980 6
Bob Fitch Color-Changing Ball Changes & Transpositions - 2)
1980 6
Bob Fitch Small to Jumbo Coin Changes & Transpositions - 3)
1980 6
Bob Fitch Undersilk Changes & Transpositions - 4)
object transforms underneath silk, topit application
1980 6
Bob Fitch Direct Toss Changes & Transpositions - 5)
object transforms in hands, topit application
1980 7
Bob Fitch Direct Toss using Opposite Hand Changes & Transpositions - 6)
object transforms in hands, topit application
1980 7
Bob Fitch The ring, egg, orange & grapefruit trick "Extras - Variations - 1)"
short note
1980 7
Bob Fitch Wand from purse-frame "Extras - Variations - 2)"
short note
1980 7
Bob Fitch Spell-bound "Extras - Variations - 3)"
short note
1980 7
Bob Fitch Similar "Extras - Variations - 4)"
short note, object vanishes under cover of waving a fan of cards
1980 7
Bob Fitch Tube Color-Change "Extras - Variations - 5)"
ball changes in tube
1980 7
Bob Fitch Squash is a natural "Extras - Variations - 6)"
no details
1980 7
Bob Fitch Turn L "Extras - Variations - 7)"
short note on stealing something from topit
1980 7
Bob Fitch 2 Wrapped Glasses, 1 Coin & 2 Oranges "Extras - Variations - 8)"
coin and orange transpose
1980 7
Bob Fitch Heads or Tails "Extras - Variations - 9)"
1980 7
Bob Fitch Torn & Restored Paper "Extras - Variations - 10)"
short note
1980 7
Bob Fitch Drop an object on the floor (coin) "Extras - Variations - 11)"
1980 7
Bob Fitch Block Off String "Extras - Variations - 12)"
block vanishes
1980 7
Bob Fitch Another Pirouette Vanish (Indirect) "Extras - Variations - 13)"
1980 8
Bob Fitch Special Load or Unload Move "Extras - Variations - 14)"
  • A) Rabbit from Hat
  • B) Small, Medium & Large size Chinese Coins
  • C) Card in Lemon (based on Derek Dingle idea)
1980 8
Bob Fitch Other Thoughts "Extras - Variations - 15)"
1980 9
Bob Fitch The Vanishing Candle "Extras - Variations - 16)"
1980 9
Bob Fitch Billiard Balls "Extras - Variations - 17)"
1980 9
John Fealey Sleeve-Topit as "Fieley", idea / magician's joke, use sleeve as topit
Aug. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Mike Caveney Bag-It objects vanish in a paper bag, concept
1982 12
Michael Ammar Flash Coins three coins appear from flame of lighter, then lighter changes into fourth coin, topit
Also published here 1983 11
Joaquín Navajas Aplicaciones para el Pase "La Catapulta" using the Catapult for sleeving, lapping and the Topit
1. Enmangue
2. Descarga en el Regazo
3. Descarga al "Topit"
Also published here 1985 57
Steve Dusheck On to the Vest invisible vest under jacket, left side for vanishing and right side for loading
  • Adjustments to the Vest
  • Adjusting the Production Vest
  • Topit adjustments
1985 2
Topit Work references
1985 6
Steve Dusheck Another Production (Or Vanish) using Dusheck Vest, with handkerchief
1985 8
Steve Dusheck Jumbo Coin Vanish with topit
Inspired by
  • The Topit Book, Michael Ammar, p. 23
1985 14
Steve Dusheck Safety Pin or Knife Switch with topit
1985 16
Bob Fitch, Michael Ammar Bouncing Ball Vanish Variation topit
1986 35
Michael Ammar Lighter Vanish topit
1986 36
Fred Kaps The Topit Vanisher thoughts on the topit
1986 10
Fred Kaps The Tie-Topit slit in striped tie design
1986 14
John V. Hope Trouser Pocket Topit see title
Related to June 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Salverio Piacente Dice Twice two-dice switch, ends clean via improvised topit
Oct. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Paul Hallas NFCF Bag 2 several billets are selected from a bag, one is divined and others are blank
1990 26
Michael Ammar Propelled Topiting as other object is thrown from hand to hand
1991 179
Bob Fitch, Michael Ammar Bouncing Ball Vanish Variation topit
1991 211
Michael Ammar Lighter Vanish topit
1991 212
Don Nielsen, Karl Fulves Impromptu Topit further comments on its use
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Impromptu Topit credit information
Verbatim (Issue 9)
Patrick Page Das Topit
Related to 1993 29
Don Nielsen Impromptu Topit shirt in inside jacket pocket configuration, gag to produce the Zombie gimmick
Related to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 6)
Tommy Wonder The Tails Topit construction
1996 197
Michael Kaminskas Playful Penny coin grows and shrinks in stages
1996 57
Michael Kaminskas Hitting the Bottle bottle is produced then coin in bottle, as a climax bottle vanishes
1996 81
Mike Gallo Purse-A-Veerance purse vanishes and coins remain, version without topit
1997 1240
Christian Scherer Einzelne Karten ins Topit befördern
  • 1. Eine (oder mehrere) Karte(n) vom Spiel ins Topit befördern (to topit one or several cards from the deck)
  • 2. Eine (oder mehrere) Karte(n) von einem kleinen Paket ins Topit befördern (to topit one or several cards from a small packet)
    • 2.1 Mehrere Karten in eine verwandeln (transform several cards into one card)
  • 3. Eine von zwei (als eine Karte vorgezeigt) Karte ins Topit befördern (topit one of two cards, which are held as one card)
    • 3.1 Sichtbare Verwandlung (visual transformation)
    • 3.2 Verzögerte Verwandlung (delayed transformation)
1997 91
Joe Mogar The Big Pocket not exactly a topit
1997 203
Alexander de Cova Frack, Weste und noch viel mehr... clothing for stage manipulation
  • "Neuralgische" Punkte im Frack
  • Paddings
  • Das Topit
  • Das Nackenband
1998 52
Karl Fulves Topit Switch
Charlatan (Issue 3)
John Cornelius Passages passage from outside jacket pocket to topit with applications
2001 13
John Cornelius On the Tip of my Tongue card to mouth when performer turns around, topit tunnel
2001 13
John Cornelius A Toast full glass appears in hand when the performer turns around, bar effect
2001 14
John Cornelius Instant Travelers one palm, topit
2001 15
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Three Powers three chosen cards vanish from deck, arrive in pocket, deck vanishes (in topit type space) and appears in pocket, three selections rise one with corner torn off that visible restores, a card is shot with pistol into candle
Also published here 2002 146
Christian Scherer Der angehende Zauberkünstler oder der kleine weisse Ball routine with purse frame and little ball, ball appears from frame and vanishes under handkerchief, reproduced from frame again, wand appears and eventually ball and frame disappear
Variations 2002 12
Christian Scherer Tube Switch
2002 25
Axel Hecklau Das A-H-Selzerschneiden different methods
2004 47
Alexander de Cova Cups & Balls Loading Technique topit tunnel used to get final load into other hand without going into pocket
Also published here 2004 13
Tom Stone The shell as Topit
Also published here 2007 8
Alexander de Cova Cups & Balls Loading topit tunnel used to get final load into other hand without going into pocket
Also published here 2008 11
Miguel Ángel Gea La Esencia II complex routine, four coins change into silver coins and one silver coin changes into copper inside coin box, matrix with four cards, coin travel to and from box and change into jumbo, Chinese, small and copper coin
  • Fase I: Prólogo - Bajo el influjo de la Esencia II
  • Fast II: Tele-transportación de la esencia
    • Primer viaje
    • Segundo viaje
    • Tercer viaje
  • Fase III: La libertad de la esencia
    • Primer escape: el chasquido
    • Segundo escape: el desdoblamiento
    • Tercer escape: homenaje a los polvos mágicos
    • Clímax: monedas en dirección contraria
  • Fase IV: El túnel de las esencias
    • Desapariciones
    • Apariciones
  • Fase V: Catarsis final
    • Primera transformación
    • Segunda transformación
    • Tercera transformación
    • Cuarta transformación
2009 101
Miguel Ángel Gea La Esencia III complex coin routine, four different coins, coins are transformed, torn, folded, changed into different material and sizes, made to cut a card or used as eraser, jumbo coins sequence
  • Fase I: Física esencial
  • Fase II: La representación de la esencia
  • Fase III: Las diferentes caras de la esencia
  • Fase IV: La esencia mimética
    • Primera desaparición/aparición
    • Segunda desaparición/aparición
    • Tercera desaparición/aparición
    • Cuarta desaparición/aparición
    • Quinta desaparición/aparición
    • Transformación (de plata a cobre)
    • Disminución
2009 187
Miguel Ángel Gea Topit de camisa bohemio topit design with shirt over trousers
2009 190
Miguel Ángel Gea Pintaje de moneda gigante con topit color change of jumbo coin
2009 205
Román García Topit Card Transfer card put in side jacket pocket is placed back on top of deck through topit path
2010 26
Alexander de Cova Cups & Balls Loading topit tunnel used to get final load into other hand without going into pocket
Also published here 2010 22
Tom Stone The Shell as Topit
Also published here 2011 113
Alexander de Cova Geheime Taschenladung final loads handling, using topit
2011 11
Patrick Page Topit
  • Topit Technique
  • The Left Arm
  • The Right Arm
  • The Right Arm, Part Two
  • The Toss
  • The Visible Switch
  • The Hidden Switch
  • The Deck Switch (1)
  • The Deck Switch (2)
  • The Card Stab Switch
  • And One More Switch
  • Another Version
  • Other Applications of a Handkerchief
Related to 2011 268
Patrick Page To Vanish a Wine Glass with handkerchief
Also published here 2011 276
Patrick Page Vanishing Cane in Newspaper
Also published here 2011 278
Todd Lamanske Hands-Off Deck Switch Deck switch, uses jacket pocket and topit
Variations 2012 38
John Born Pocket Change Uses jacket pocket and topit too
Inspired by 2012 39
Alexander de Cova Das unsichtbare TOPIT – ein Mythos wird wahr "The invisible Topit"
  • Schritt 1: Der Taschenschlitz
  • Schritt 2: Der Beutel
  • Schritt 3: Die Abdeckung
Also published here Oct. 2012 9
Christian Scherer Die magischen Steine von Stonehenge matrix with stone under two postcards, bigger stone appears as a climax
Inspired byAlso published here 2014 23
Christian Scherer Die Kraft des Qi two in the hand one in the pocket with Baoding Balls, then a big ball appears just to vanish under a handkerchief
2014 60
Christian Scherer Das Gold der Leprachauns pot of coins is produced from a small rainbow, coins are hung invisibly in the air and travel from hand to hand, eventually the pot disappears under a handkerchief
Inspired by 2014 110
Christian Scherer Das Amulett von Mary I little round charm appears from purse frame, it disappears under silk, with the aid of a wand and in the hands, to just reappear always back in the purse frame, eventually the purse frame vanishes
Inspired byAlso published here 2014 143
Christian Scherer Die fehlende Seite travelers routine, using topit
Also published here 2014 306
Alexander de Cova Das unsichtbare Topit "The invisible Topit"
  • Schritt 1: Der Taschenschlitz
  • Schritt 2: Der Beutel
  • Schritt 3: Die Abdeckung
Also published here 2015 264
Alexander de Cova Becherspiel Load topit tunnel used to get final load into other hand without going into pocket
Also published here 2015 266
Joaquín Matas La Sal de Kaps Kaps salt pour routine
2016 299
Christian Scherer Jumbo Coin to Normal Coin visual transformation
2019 20
Christian Scherer Stahlhartes Déjà-Vu three steel balls are removed from a box, penetrate a transparent silk one by one and then they vanish just to be found in the box again
Inspired by
  • Lou Serrano's "Steel Ball Routine"
2019 3
Joaquín Navajas Aplicaciones para el pase de La catapulta using The Catapult for sleeving, lapping and the Topit
1. Enmangue
2. Descarga en el regazo
3. Descarga al "Topit"
Also published here 2019 60
Alexander de Cova The Invisible Topit
  • Notizen

  • The Slit in the Jacket
  • The Topit Bag
  • The Cover
  • The Finished Topit
  • Handling
May 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 5)
Christian Scherer Süchtig nach Baumnüssen walnuts appear, vanish and travel to glas under tube, then walnuts vanish again and jumbo walnut appears, using nutcracker and toy squirrel
Inspired by 2020 3
John Graham The Lemon Bookend: The Lemon Vanishes
  • Topit Vanish
  • Topit Vanish 2
  • The Conceptual Vanish
Related to 2021 273
Ricardo Rodriguez ¡Ven Gabino! stand-up bottle production, with handkerchief
2021 193
Christian Scherer The Magic Stones of Stonehenge matrix with stone under two postcards, bigger stone appears as a climax
Inspired byAlso published here 2024 77
Christian Scherer Mary's Charm little round charm appears from purse frame, it disappears under silk, with the aid of a wand and in the hands, to just reappear always back in the purse frame, eventually the purse frame vanishes
Inspired byAlso published here 2024 91
Christian Scherer The Missing Page travelers routine, using topit
Also published here 2024 319