292 entries in Coin / Sleights / Sleeving
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Inertia Sleeving
Related to 1876 183
Hugo Schröder Die verschwindende Münze Pumpkin Seed Sleeving/Vanish
Related to
  • Willmann's Salon-Magie, p. 101, 1885
July 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Coin Sleeving brief, as vanish
1899 143
Louis F. Christianer Two Coin Moves
  • coin placed on fist, hand waved over it, it changes (sleeve clean-up)
  • coin sleeving from left fist as right hand rubs it
1923 14
Sleeving from Back of Left Hand
1935 48
, Chris Carven Spinning Coin into the Air sleeve vanish, with variations
1935 49
Modification of the French Drop sleeving while doing a french drop
1935 49
A Change for a Small Coin sleeving
1938 672
William H. McCaffrey, S.S. Blodgett The Penny and the Dime one of two coins vanish
1938 678
Joe Berg Vanishing Coin sleeving technique to be used when sitting
Also published here 1941 8
Edward Marlo Sleeving Technique
1942 11
Edward Marlo Two Ideas hooked coin in sleeve, pocket ditch for complete vanish
1942 19
Laurie Ireland, John Ramsay The Toss Up Vanish
1942 22
Eddie Joseph The Kick Vanish coin kicked into sleeve during head or tails toss
1942 12
Eddie Joseph The Throw Vanish coin thrown in other hand, really directly into sleeve
1942 14
Eddie Joseph The Wack Vanish coin apparently whacked from left first finger, held in right-hand edge type grip, openly placed in sleeve
Related to 1942 15
Eddie Joseph The Wrist Turn Over keeping a coin on wrist under sleeve and turning hand over
1942 40
Eddie Joseph The Sleeve Holder small pocket near opening of sleeve to keep coin from falling out
1942 44
Eddie Joseph The Sleeve Bogey routine with sleeve as fake explanation for coin vanish, coin ends up in spectator's sleeve
1942 73
Paul Morris Paul Morris' Coin Vanish to back palm and sleeve
1943 151
Sleeving of a Coin
Sep. 1943 14
William S. Houghton Sleeve-Pull Sleeving coin loaded in sleeve while pulling sleeve back to seem fair
1943 44
Laurie Ireland Ireland's Favorite Coin Routine continuous coin production
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1944)
Jay Marshall Foo pochette in sleeve for sleeving a coin
Feb. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 54)
George Starke Sleeving as an Art Part I
  • To sleeve a coin from the right hand up the right sleeve
  • Retrieving the sleeved coin
  • Using the right sleeve for a switch
Related to Mar. 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 10)
George Starke The Magical Transfer of a Coin from one Hand to the Other
Mar. 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 10)
George Starke Sleeving as an Art Part II
  • Emil Jarrow & Paul Morris (Sphinx, 1937/1938)
  • One-Handed Sleeving
Related to July 1945 136
Edward Victor A Further Changing Coin Effect half Dollar changes into Penny and back
  • Note on sleeving the coin
1946 40
Audley Walsh Sleever practical sleeving technique
Nov. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 138)
Delayed Action Sleeving
1947 76
The "Pumpkin Seed" Vanish
1947 77
Through the Table coin on table, spectator presses performer's hand on top and it penetrates table, with a misdirection sleeving
1947 81
The Catapult inertia sleeving
1947 84
Frank Garcia Visbo-Coin-Go snap vanish with sleeving
Mar. 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Jean Hugard Heads I Win, Tails You Lose coin appears and vanishes, under pretext of tossing a coin
July 1947 336
Dr. Ben B. Braude De-Sleever coin on half of the deck is sleeved while other half is put on top
Dec. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 166)
Arthur H. Buckley Sleeving some methods briefly explained
1948 47
Arthur H. Buckley A Short Routine In Which Sleeving Plays The Major Part quarter changes into half dollar and back, with alternative switch, inertia sleeving for transformation
1948 47
The Bounce Vanish from one to five coins, coins bounce back into tossing hand, optional sleeving
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1948 52
Harry Lorayne "Jerk-Back" Palm Improved coin touches left palm and secretly jumps into sleeve
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 1949 571
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Some Gags by Senator Crandall as given to Don Alan
  • doll house cleanup set for restaurant / bar work
  • bulldog clip in sleeve, to produce a coin anytime
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Gerald R. Blount Tombé
Nov. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 216)
Milbourne Christopher Invisible Passage coin travels from hand to hand while spectators hold sleeves, duplicate coin, with variations, see p. 718 for credits
  • With Borrowed Money
  • Under Cover (Charlie Nagle)
  • The Sleeved Coin
  • A Choice of Objects
Related to Oct. 1950 711
Milbourne Christopher Coin Steal while showing how to hold sleeve, coin is stolen from closed fist and dropped into sleeve of same arm
Oct. 1950 711
Paul Rosini Hold My Wrist coin vanishes while spectator holds both wrists of the performer, reappears on spectator's shoulder
1950 13
Ross Bertram Sleeving - An Art - First in a Series of Lessons
  • From the Palm Proper
  • To Retrieve the Coin
Also published here Aug. 1951 823
Ross Bertram Sleeving - An Art - Second in a Series of Lessons
  • Sleeving from the Clenched Fist
Also published here Sep. 1951 842
Ross Bertram A Trio of Vanishes three methods, last one with sleeving
1952 46
Milton Kort Half Dollar to Quarter
1952 73
The Charmed Coin coin to candy
1952 75
Jimmy Buffaloe The Impromptu Mint coin transforms under a card
1952 82
J. B. Bobo Some Observations on the Subject remarks on sleeving
1952 99
Delayed Action Sleeving
1952 100
Improved Method on the extreme fingertips
1952 101
The "Pumpkin Seed" Vanish squeeze method
Variations 1952 101
Ross Bertram Reverse "Pumpkin Seed" Vanish squeeze method
1952 102
The Catapult
Related to 1952 102
Stewart Judah Judah Method while grasping the wrist
1952 103
Ross Bertram A Unique Sleeving Move
1952 103
J. A. Bowling The Throw
1952 104
Milton Kort Kort Method
1952 105
Kirk Stiles Kirk Stiles Method
1952 106
Milton Kort A Method of Sleeving One of Several Coins
1952 107
Dr. E. M. Roberts Dr. E. M. Roberts' Method one handed flick
Related toVariations 1952 107
, Dr. E. M. Roberts Loading four methods of loading a coin into the sleeve
1952 111
Switching switching coins by sleeving
1952 112
The Sleeve Pocket
1952 112
Penetration coin through table
1952 113
Migration two methods
1952 114
Dr. E. M. Roberts Transposition two coins transpose while wrapped into two silks
1952 115
Tenkai Ishida Devaluation half dollar to quarter
VariationsAlso published here 1952 117
Inflation quarter to half dollar
1952 118
Transformation nickel to half dollar
1952 118
Variation concept for transforming a coin to a small object
1952 119
Al Saal, Milton Kort Dime and Penny for the Wiseacre one of two coins vanishes, designed as magician fooler
1952 120
Paul Rosini A Novel Vanish and Reproduction with pencil
Related to 1952 121
Milton Kort The Vagabond Coins four coins across
1952 121
Dr. E. M. Roberts Splitting the Atom half dollar to two quarters and reverse (wax)
1952 123
Dr. E. M. Roberts Change for a Dollar two half dollars to one dollar bill
1952 124
Dr. E. M. Roberts The Stratosphere Quarters four coins vanish and reappear
1952 124
Dr. E. M. Roberts The World's Fastest Coin Vanish and Reproduction
1952 125
Kirk Stiles Die to Dime coin to small object
1952 127
Stewart James, Milton Kort Almost a Transposition transposition of dime and penny, as a kicker the dime transforms into two nickels
Related toVariations 1952 127
Milton Kort, Robert Ungewitter Third Version
1952 128
Ross Bertram Fourth Method three phases, two coins transpose, travel and vanish
1952 132
C. James McLemore Guess Which Hand spectator guesses in which hand the performer hides a coin, six phases
1952 134
Thomas H. Bearden The Curious Nickel coin travels from hand to hand, appears and vanishes with the aid of a rabbit foot
1952 142
Royal H. Brin, Jr. Rapid Transit
1952 149
Milton Kort The Three Coin Trick three coins vanish one by one and appear again, the last one in the spectator's pocket, three methods
1952 184
Sleeving Technique Sleeving by moving hand backwards
1953 18
Eddie Joseph Where is It? coin slapped on table travels to other hand
1954 21
Edward Marlo Further Ideas on the Paperfold ideas "Flip Move Coin Fold", complete vanish ideas
1957 10
Allessandro Penny and Nickel Transposition hand to hand
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Jerry Andrus Roll, Up Your Sleeve coin rolls into sleeve on table
1957 8
Bobby Bernard Sleeving brief
1. One Hand Coin Vanish
2. Pawrus Coin
3. Bar Top Vanish
4. Coin Change on Spectators Hand
5. 6 Coins Across
Also published here 1958 7
Gerald Kosky Koin Kwickie coin appears
Jan. 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 394)
Harry Lorayne Cointrol borrowed penny changes to quarter, quarter vanishes, reappears, changes back to penny
Related toAlso published here 1967 83
Propelled Sleeve Switch
1967 84
Pumpkin Seed Vanish
1967 84
John Benzais A Simple Vanish on handkerchief
1967 39
John Benzais Sleeving from Back Clip
1967 44
Ken De Courcy Coin Sleeving Technique
1967 198
Steve Belchou Sleeving with Handkerchief
Mar. 1967 89
Bob Ostin The "Sky Hooks" Routine coin is put on invisible sky hook where it also becomes invisible, then it appears again and finally changes into a die
1968 1
David Berglas Switching One Object For Another for cigarettes, nuts, knives, paddles, safety pins, coins etc.
1969 205
David Berglas, Henri De Manche The De Manche Switch Used In conjunction With Sleeving
Related to 1969 209
David Berglas The Vanish Of the Stack Of Pence for the cap and pence trick
1969 212
David Berglas Sleeving Coins For 'The Coins In Glass'
1969 214
Juan Tamariz Inflación Monetaria coin grows by rubbing, hands otherwise empty
Inspired by 1969 23
Drop Sleeving
1969 65
Pumpkin Seed Sleeving as a vanish
1969 67
Juan Tamariz Sleeving of a tabled coin
1969 73
Hideo Kato Under Your Hand penny on table vanishes, sleeving method
Oct. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 33)
Arthur Finley Sleeve-A-Coin coin vanish and reproduction, coin dropped in sleeve when pen is removed from inside pocket
Also published here Dec. 1971 472
Pumpkin Seed Sleeving
1972 165
Derek Dingle Two Coppers penny changes to giant penny, back to normal, then to micro penny
Related toVariations July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Derek Dingle The Bounce Change
Variations July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Dai Vernon Vernon's Sleeving Wrinkle No. 40, sleeving as hand moves up to cigar, probably Dr. Roberts's method
Related to 1972 15
Arthur Finley Finley's Effects: 5) Coin Gag No. 701-5, coin dropped in sleeve when pen is removed from inside pocket
Also published here 1972 189
Patrick Page 1. Spellbound Climax jumbo coin climax
1974 1
Patrick Page Sleeving a Coin squeeze sleeving
1974 39
Jerry Andrus Coin Up Sleeve tabled, coin rolls into sleeve
1974 15
Tenkai Ishida Devaluation half Dollar on back of hand changes into Quarter
Also published here 1974 84
Fred Robinson Edge Spinners bar bets and flourishes with coins
  • Finger Flicker, coin spinning
  • Thumb It, coin spinning with two hands
  • Tri-Van, sleeving technique while coin spins
  • Bottoms Up, coin spins on reversed tumbler
  • Nicked, how to hear on which side a coin lands on
  • Off Balance, coin lands always on the same side
  • Smash and Grab, spun coin vanishes by hitting a match box on it
  • For Two Pins, coin spins held by two pins
  • Skittled, coin is knocked over with an other coin
May 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Scotty York Coin Sleeving similar to the one in Derek Dingle's routine
Related to 1975 4
Scotty York Triple Change Spellbound brass to silver, copper and back to brass
1975 11
Scotty York Coins To Glass four coins
1975 27
Gerald Kosky Penetrating Coins three pennies and three crowns assemble in one hand, through table type
1975 106
Harvey Rosenthal Misdirection Vanish sleeving from closed hand
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #1)
Tony Slydini Sleeving
1976 22
Tony Slydini The Sleeving Switch
1976 22
Sleeving inertia type
  • First Method
  • Second Method
1976 104
Sleeve Coin Switch
1976 105
After the French Drop sleeving clean-up
1976 105
Squeeze Vanish pumpkin seed sleeving
1976 105
Karl Fulves Coin Sleeving with Card
1977 50
Harry Lorayne Complete Vanish and Reproduction dropping coin in sleeve as pen is taken out of inside pocket
1977 162
Harry Lorayne Cointrolle borrowed penny changes to quarter, quarter vanishes, reappears, changes back to penny
Also published here July 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Pumpkin Seed Vanish
July 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Ross Bertram A Trio of Vanishes three vanishes, last with sleeve
1978 17
Ross Bertram From the Palm Proper
Also published here 1978 122
Ross Bertram Sleeving from the Clenched Fist
Also published here 1978 123
Ross Bertram The Toss-Back from the Fingertips
1978 123
Ross Bertram From Left Palm to Right Sleeve
1978 124
Ross Bertram As a Transformation sleeving
1978 124
Ross Bertram Off-the-Table Method
1978 124
Ross Bertram The Drop
1978 125
Ross Bertram The Pumpkin Seed Vanish
1978 125
Ross Bertram The Reverse Pumpkin Seed into other sleeve
1978 126
Ross Bertram The Finger-Snap
1978 126
Ross Bertram Toss from Left Fingers to Right Sleeve
1978 127
Ross Bertram From the Closed Hand
1978 127
Ken Krenzel, Derek Dingle, Karl Fulves Slow Motion III slow motion coin vanish, coin shrink when reproduced
Inspired by 1978 1094
Joe Berg Vanishing Coin sleeving technique to be used when sitting
Also published here Mar. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Ron Hicks Where Did That Coin Go signed coin vanishes and appears in wallet, repeated
1978 20
Ron Hicks One Handed Slide Lap lap or sleeve
1978 24
Karl Fulves Hoax Coin complete coin vanish, then reproduction, sleeving into spectator's sleeve, see p. 1328 for credit claim by Howard Schwarzman
The Chronicles (Issue 22)
Sol Stone Soft Sleeve sleeving technique, with change/switch as example
Feb. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Sol Stone One-Hand Spectator Sleeve Change
1981 98
Tony Slydini Automatic Sleeving
Related to 1981 177
Richard Kaufman Sleeved Coin Cut Coin penetrates deck
Related to 1981 223
Steve Dobson Sleeving Technique
1981 85
Tom Gagnon Flee Flicker sleeving a coin during pickup move
1981 111
Derek Dingle The Bounce Change for a non-sleeve handling see reference
Related to 1982 166
Sol Stone A Beautiful Vanish or Change sleeving technique, with change/switch as example
Feb. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Pumpkin Seed Sleeving
July 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Steve Beam The Complete Coin Vanish Attachment sleeving for shirt sleeves
1982 12
Bobby Bernard Bobby Bernard on "Sleeving"
  • On Sleeving in General
  • "Classic" Sleeving
  • As a Coin Change
  • Circular Sleeving
1982 54
Bobby Bernard The Hook Coin: Its Value in Sleeving
1982 70
Justin Higham E.Z.4.U. coin vanish
Oct. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 18)
Ross Bertram Toss from Left Fingers to Right Sleeve
1983 4
Jumbo Coin Sleeving three inch coin
1983 16
Coin Sleeving Credits Bobo
1983 16
Coin Sleeving Technique
Related to 1983 22
Coin Sleeving technique Shoot up sleeve
1983 28
Derek Dingle, ? Olson, John V. Hope Bounce Change Sleeving variation on Hope and Olson's "Flick Change"
1984 41
Sol Stone Soft Sleeve brief
1984 116
Walter B. Gibson Anmerkungen zum "Ärmeln" article about sleeving
Also published here
  • The Conjurors' Magazine, July 1947
May 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Emil Jarrow Side Throw also for his tobacco trick
May 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Horace Goldin Sweep Sleeving coin picked up from other hand and swept into sleeve
May 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Pumpkin Seed Sleeving
May 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Spinning Vanish coin spins on table, apparently picked up but sleeved
May 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Carl Brema Brema Sleeving from back palm
May 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Al Rhine, John Calvert Coin Snap Sleeving
May 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
David Roth Sleeving Method One Sleeving clean up for a vanish
1985 43
David Roth Sleeving Method Two Sleeving clean up for a vanish
1985 43
Coin Transformation
Related to 1985 12
Joaquín Navajas Wiped Clean Vanish
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 47
Joaquín Navajas Aplicaciones para el Pase "La Catapulta" using the Catapult for sleeving, lapping and the Topit
1. Enmangue
2. Descarga en el Regazo
3. Descarga al "Topit"
Also published here 1985 57
Karl Fulves Mexican Snap Mexican Turnover while hiding a coin under card(s), mentioned is also possibility of sleeving the coin, see also p. 55 for reference
Related to 1985 45
Karl Fulves Getaway IV sleeving a coin under cover of a dollar bill
1985 69
Karl Fulves Dime n' Penny dime and penny under bill, one vanishes, ungaffed, sleeving
1985 81
Karl Fulves Evaporation coin wrapped in dollar bill vanishes completely
1985 83
Peter Duffie Box Switch one box sleeved
1987 38
Peter Duffie Sleeveless coin dropped from right sleeve into left hand as right hand reaches across
1987 46
Procedures for the Vanish of the Coin several methods including lapping, false transfer, cuff, sleeving, ...
1988 25
Gary Kurtz Jumbo Coin Vanish with handkerchief, sleeve
1988 9
Ross Bertram Aus der Palmage sleeving a coin from palm position
  • Die Wiedergewinnung der Münze
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, 1951/1952
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Ärmeln aus der geschlossenen Faust sleeving from closed fist
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, 1951/1952
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Aus dem linken Handteller in den rechten Ärmel from left palm into right sleeve
  • Als Verwandlung (as transformation)
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, 1951/1952
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Das Durchsteck-Verschwinden sleeving vanish
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, 1951/1952
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Vom Tisch herab coin sleeved as it is picked up from table
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, 1951/1952
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Wurf aus linker Hand in rechten Ärmel
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, 1951/1952
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Das Kirschkern-Verschwinden pumkin seed sleeving
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, 1951/1952
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Das umgekehrte Kirschkern-Verschwinden backwards/reverse pumpkin seed vanish
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, 1951/1952
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Das Wurf-Verschwinden sleeving vanish
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, 1951/1952
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Das Fingerschnippen snap sleeving
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Wurf von den linken Fingerspitzen in den rechten Ärmel
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, 1951/1952
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Hiroshi Sawa Drop Sleeve
1988 28
Sol Stone Soft Sleeving
Sep. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 9)
Inertia Sleeving
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 11)
John V. Hope, Robert Olsen Hot Silver No. 14, marked coin vanishes from handkerchief and reappears in another handkerchief in paper bag, featuring sleeving while wrapping coin
1989 19
Gary Kurtz Toss/Return Sleeve coin tossed into other hand and back
1989 13
Gary Kurtz Delay Action Sleeve
1989 14
Gary Kurtz The Inertia Sleeve
1989 17
Gary Kurtz A coin vanish sleeving with fake back-and-forth tossing
Related to 1989 13
Gary Kurtz Jumbo Coin silk cover
1990 91
Rocco Silano Basic Sleeving Techniques: The Vanish and Recovery described with coin
1990 10
Derek Dingle Bounce Change using sleeve
1991 39
Sol Stone No Propellant
Mar. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Fred C. Baumann Snap Sleeving
July 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 7)
Derek Dingle Bounce Change
Dec. 1992
The Minotaur (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Gary Kurtz Toss Return Sleeve
Dec. 1992
The Minotaur (Vol. 4 No. 4)
David Berglas Das Ärmeln
  • "Es ist in Ärmel!"
  • Die Berglas-Schwerkraft-Ärmel-Methode
  • Das Üben
  • Das Wiedererscheinen des Füllers
  • Ärmeltips
    • Ein häufiger Fehler
    • Zu häufiger Gebrauch
Also published here 1992 7
Derek Dingle Bounce Change sleeving
1994 74
Harry Lorayne The Bounce-Back Sleeving Move
Sep. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 9)
Karl Fulves Shell Game for magicians, shell dropped onto coin, coin vanishes
Underworld (Issue 2)
Harry Lorayne Cointrol as a change, sleeving
Related to Nov. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 11)
Michael Kaminskas Tap it Vanish same as Williamsons Striking Vanish, sleeve
1996 82
Sol Stone Soft Sleeve
1996 3
Jack Miller Coin of the Realm coin vanishes from under matchbox in hand, reappears inside
Underworld (Issue 6)
Sol Stone Soft Sleeve
Mar. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Sol Stone Soft Sleeve
1997 1
Delayed Action Sleeving from fingertip rest
1998 32
Dr. E. M. Roberts, Walter "Sonny" Day Flick Sleeving Handling variation in fingering
Inspired by 1998 41
Aurelio Paviato Lateral Sleeving
Inspired by July 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Chuck Smith Sleeving Techniques several tips on sleeving, retrieving sleeved objects and practice methods
2000 16
Dr. E. M. Roberts Sleeving Technique
2000 16
Barry Price Instant Coin Change
Inspired by 2000 74
Sleeving technique coin dropped from sleeve into hand
2001 10
Rune Klan Sleeve Slide complete coin vanish, coin slides from back of hand into sleeve
Related toAlso published here Sep. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
David Ben Gravity Sleeving
2003 83
Alexander de Cova Die Technik des Ärmelns sleeving method
2003 25
Sol Stone Soft Sleeve
2003 2
Shoot Ogawa, Akira Fujii Slip Slidin' Away coin brought on back of hand and it slides into sleeve, with retrieval, see Genii Speaks for credit information
Related to Dec. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 12)
Daniel Garcia Thumb Touch coin on back of spectator's hand, it vanishes when performer waves his hand over it, flick into sleeve, ungaffed Raven
Also published here June 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 10)
Bobby Bernard Sleeving a Coin
2005 96
Miguel Ángel Gea The Coin that Turns into Skin coin slowly vanishes in the hand of spectator, in two steps
  • No Sleeves Variant
2005 (ca.) 8
Miguel Ángel Gea Coins for Blind People a coin becomes blurry and then invisible, invisible coin can still be heard when tapped on a table
  • No Sleeves Variant
2005 (ca.) 10
Miguel Ángel Gea Hole Stretched to Infinite pen through coin, then hole in made bigger until coin is gone
  • No Sleeves Variant
2005 (ca.) 12