Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
Inertia Sleeving | 1876 | |||||||
Hugo Schröder | Die verschwindende Münze | July 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 7)
Coin Sleeving | 1899 | |||||||
Louis F. Christianer | Two Coin Moves | 1923 | ||||||
Sleeving from Back of Left Hand | 1935 | |||||||
, Chris Carven | Spinning Coin into the Air | 1935 | ||||||
Modification of the French Drop | 1935 | |||||||
A Change for a Small Coin | 1938 | |||||||
William H. McCaffrey, S.S. Blodgett | The Penny and the Dime | 1938 | ||||||
Joe Berg | Vanishing Coin | 1941 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Sleeving Technique | 1942 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Two Ideas | 1942 | ||||||
Laurie Ireland, John Ramsay | The Toss Up Vanish | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Kick Vanish | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Throw Vanish | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Wack Vanish | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Wrist Turn Over | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Sleeve Holder | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Sleeve Bogey | 1942 | ||||||
Paul Morris | Paul Morris' Coin Vanish | 1943 | ||||||
Sleeving of a Coin | Sep. 1943 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 1 No. 4)
William S. Houghton | Sleeve-Pull Sleeving | 1943 | ||||||
Laurie Ireland | Ireland's Favorite Coin Routine | 1944 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1944)
Jay Marshall | Foo | Feb. 1944 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 54)
George Starke | Sleeving as an Art | Mar. 1945 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 2 No. 10)
George Starke | The Magical Transfer of a Coin from one Hand to the Other | Mar. 1945 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 2 No. 10)
George Starke | Sleeving as an Art | July 1945 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 2)
Edward Victor | A Further Changing Coin Effect | 1946 | ||||||
Audley Walsh | Sleever | Nov. 1947 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 138)
Delayed Action Sleeving | 1947 | |||||||
The "Pumpkin Seed" Vanish | 1947 | |||||||
Through the Table | 1947 | |||||||
The Catapult | 1947 | |||||||
Frank Garcia | Visbo-Coin-Go | Mar. 1947 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 4 No. 10)
Jean Hugard | Heads I Win, Tails You Lose | July 1947 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 5 No. 2)
Dr. Ben B. Braude | De-Sleever | Dec. 1948 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 166)
Arthur H. Buckley | Sleeving | 1948 | ||||||
Arthur H. Buckley | A Short Routine In Which Sleeving Plays The Major Part | 1948 | ||||||
The Bounce Vanish | 1948 | |||||||
Harry Lorayne | "Jerk-Back" Palm Improved | Aug. 1949 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 7 No. 3)
"Senator" Clarke Crandall | Some Gags by Senator Crandall as given to Don Alan | 1950 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1950)
Gerald R. Blount | Tombé | Nov. 1950 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 216)
Milbourne Christopher | Invisible Passage | Oct. 1950 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 8 No. 5)
Milbourne Christopher | Coin Steal | Oct. 1950 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 8 No. 5)
Paul Rosini | Hold My Wrist | 1950 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | Sleeving - An Art - First in a Series of Lessons | Aug. 1951 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 9 No. 3)
Ross Bertram | Sleeving - An Art - Second in a Series of Lessons | Sep. 1951 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 9 No. 4)
Ross Bertram | A Trio of Vanishes | 1952 | ||||||
Milton Kort | Half Dollar to Quarter | 1952 | ||||||
The Charmed Coin | 1952 | |||||||
Jimmy Buffaloe | The Impromptu Mint | 1952 | ||||||
J. B. Bobo | Some Observations on the Subject | 1952 | ||||||
Delayed Action Sleeving | 1952 | |||||||
Improved Method | 1952 | |||||||
The "Pumpkin Seed" Vanish | 1952 | |||||||
Ross Bertram | Reverse "Pumpkin Seed" Vanish | 1952 | ||||||
The Catapult | 1952 | |||||||
Stewart Judah | Judah Method | 1952 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | A Unique Sleeving Move | 1952 | ||||||
J. A. Bowling | The Throw | 1952 | ||||||
Milton Kort | Kort Method | 1952 | ||||||
Kirk Stiles | Kirk Stiles Method | 1952 | ||||||
Milton Kort | A Method of Sleeving One of Several Coins | 1952 | ||||||
Dr. E. M. Roberts | Dr. E. M. Roberts' Method | 1952 | ||||||
, Dr. E. M. Roberts | Loading | 1952 | ||||||
Switching | 1952 | |||||||
The Sleeve Pocket | 1952 | |||||||
Penetration | 1952 | |||||||
Migration | 1952 | |||||||
Dr. E. M. Roberts | Transposition | 1952 | ||||||
Tenkai Ishida | Devaluation | 1952 | ||||||
Inflation | 1952 | |||||||
Transformation | 1952 | |||||||
Variation | 1952 | |||||||
Al Saal, Milton Kort | Dime and Penny for the Wiseacre | 1952 | ||||||
Paul Rosini | A Novel Vanish and Reproduction | 1952 | ||||||
Milton Kort | The Vagabond Coins | 1952 | ||||||
Dr. E. M. Roberts | Splitting the Atom | 1952 | ||||||
Dr. E. M. Roberts | Change for a Dollar | 1952 | ||||||
Dr. E. M. Roberts | The Stratosphere Quarters | 1952 | ||||||
Dr. E. M. Roberts | The World's Fastest Coin Vanish and Reproduction | 1952 | ||||||
Kirk Stiles | Die to Dime | 1952 | ||||||
Stewart James, Milton Kort | Almost a Transposition | 1952 | ||||||
Milton Kort, Robert Ungewitter | Third Version | 1952 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | Fourth Method | 1952 | ||||||
C. James McLemore | Guess Which Hand | 1952 | ||||||
Thomas H. Bearden | The Curious Nickel | 1952 | ||||||
Royal H. Brin, Jr. | Rapid Transit | 1952 | ||||||
Milton Kort | The Three Coin Trick | 1952 | ||||||
Sleeving Technique | 1953 | |||||||
Eddie Joseph | Where is It? | 1954 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Further Ideas | 1957 | ||||||
Allessandro | Penny and Nickel Transposition | 1957 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1957)
Jerry Andrus | Roll, Up Your Sleeve | 1957 | ||||||
Bobby Bernard | Sleeving | 1958 | ||||||
Gerald Kosky | Koin Kwickie | Jan. 1965 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 394)
Harry Lorayne | Cointrol | 1967 | ||||||
Propelled Sleeve Switch | 1967 | |||||||
Pumpkin Seed Vanish | 1967 | |||||||
John Benzais | A Simple Vanish | 1967 | ||||||
John Benzais | Sleeving from Back Clip | 1967 | ||||||
Ken De Courcy | Coin Sleeving Technique | 1967 | ||||||
Steve Belchou | Sleeving with Handkerchief | Mar. 1967 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 2 No. 5)
Bob Ostin | The "Sky Hooks" Routine | 1968 | ||||||
David Berglas | Switching One Object For Another | 1969 | ||||||
David Berglas, Henri De Manche | The De Manche Switch Used In conjunction With Sleeving | 1969 | ||||||
David Berglas | The Vanish Of the Stack Of Pence | 1969 | ||||||
David Berglas | Sleeving Coins For 'The Coins In Glass' | 1969 | ||||||
Juan Tamariz | Inflación Monetaria | 1969 | ||||||
Drop Sleeving | 1969 | |||||||
Pumpkin Seed Sleeving | 1969 | |||||||
Juan Tamariz | Sleeving of a tabled coin | 1969 | ||||||
Hideo Kato | Under Your Hand | Oct. 1970 |
(Vol. 1 No. 33)
Arthur Finley | Sleeve-A-Coin | Dec. 1971 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 7 No. 2)
Pumpkin Seed Sleeving | 1972 | |||||||
Derek Dingle | Two Coppers | July 1972 |
(Issue 15 (Part 2))
Derek Dingle | The Bounce Change | July 1972 |
(Issue 15 (Part 2))
Dai Vernon | Vernon's Sleeving Wrinkle | 1972 | ||||||
Arthur Finley | Finley's Effects: 5) Coin Gag | 1972 | ||||||
Patrick Page | 1. Spellbound Climax | 1974 | ||||||
Patrick Page | Sleeving a Coin | 1974 | ||||||
Jerry Andrus | Coin Up Sleeve | 1974 | ||||||
Tenkai Ishida | Devaluation | 1974 | ||||||
Fred Robinson | Edge Spinners | May 1975 |
(Vol. 1 No. 9)
Scotty York | Coin Sleeving | 1975 | ||||||
Scotty York | Triple Change Spellbound | 1975 | ||||||
Scotty York | Coins To Glass | 1975 | ||||||
Gerald Kosky | Penetrating Coins | 1975 | ||||||
Harvey Rosenthal | Misdirection Vanish | 1976 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #1)
Tony Slydini | Sleeving | 1976 | ||||||
Tony Slydini | The Sleeving Switch | 1976 | ||||||
Sleeving | 1976 | |||||||
Sleeve Coin Switch | 1976 | |||||||
After the French Drop | 1976 | |||||||
Squeeze Vanish | 1976 | |||||||
Karl Fulves | Coin Sleeving with Card | 1977 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Complete Vanish and Reproduction | 1977 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Cointrolle | July 1977 |
(Vol. 4 No. 3)
Pumpkin Seed Vanish | July 1977 |
(Vol. 4 No. 3)
Ross Bertram | A Trio of Vanishes | 1978 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | From the Palm Proper | 1978 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | Sleeving from the Clenched Fist | 1978 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | The Toss-Back from the Fingertips | 1978 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | From Left Palm to Right Sleeve | 1978 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | As a Transformation | 1978 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | Off-the-Table Method | 1978 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | The Drop | 1978 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | The Pumpkin Seed Vanish | 1978 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | The Reverse Pumpkin Seed | 1978 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | The Finger-Snap | 1978 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | Toss from Left Fingers to Right Sleeve | 1978 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | From the Closed Hand | 1978 | ||||||
Ken Krenzel, Derek Dingle, Karl Fulves | Slow Motion III | 1978 |
The Chronicles
(Issue 3)
Joe Berg | Vanishing Coin | Mar. 1978 |
(Vol. 5 No. 1)
Ron Hicks | Where Did That Coin Go | 1978 | ||||||
Ron Hicks | One Handed Slide Lap | 1978 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Hoax Coin | 1979 |
The Chronicles
(Issue 22)
Sol Stone | Soft Sleeve | Feb. 1980 |
(Vol. 3 No. 2)
Sol Stone | One-Hand Spectator Sleeve Change | 1981 | ||||||
Tony Slydini | Automatic Sleeving | 1981 | ||||||
Richard Kaufman | Sleeved Coin Cut | 1981 | ||||||
Steve Dobson | Sleeving Technique | 1981 | ||||||
Tom Gagnon | Flee Flicker | 1981 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | The Bounce Change | 1982 | ||||||
Sol Stone | A Beautiful Vanish or Change | Feb. 1982 |
(Vol. 5 No. 2)
Pumpkin Seed Sleeving | July 1982 |
(Vol. 5 No. 7)
Steve Beam | The Complete Coin Vanish Attachment | 1982 | ||||||
Bobby Bernard | Bobby Bernard on "Sleeving" | 1982 | ||||||
Bobby Bernard | The Hook Coin: Its Value in Sleeving | 1982 | ||||||
Justin Higham | E.Z.4.U. | Oct. 1982 |
(Vol. 2 No. 18)
Ross Bertram | Toss from Left Fingers to Right Sleeve | 1983 | ||||||
Jumbo Coin Sleeving | 1983 | |||||||
Coin Sleeving | 1983 | |||||||
Coin Sleeving Technique | 1983 | |||||||
Coin Sleeving technique | 1983 | |||||||
Derek Dingle, ? Olson, John V. Hope | Bounce Change Sleeving | 1984 | ||||||
Sol Stone | Soft Sleeve | 1984 | ||||||
Walter B. Gibson | Anmerkungen zum "Ärmeln" | May 1984 |
(Vol. 11 No. 1)
Emil Jarrow | Side Throw | May 1984 |
(Vol. 11 No. 1)
Horace Goldin | Sweep Sleeving | May 1984 |
(Vol. 11 No. 1)
Pumpkin Seed Sleeving | May 1984 |
(Vol. 11 No. 1)
Spinning Vanish | May 1984 |
(Vol. 11 No. 1)
Carl Brema | Brema Sleeving | May 1984 |
(Vol. 11 No. 1)
Al Rhine, John Calvert | Coin Snap Sleeving | May 1984 |
(Vol. 11 No. 1)
David Roth | Sleeving Method One | 1985 | ||||||
David Roth | Sleeving Method Two | 1985 | ||||||
Coin Transformation | 1985 | |||||||
Joaquín Navajas | Wiped Clean Vanish | 1985 | ||||||
Joaquín Navajas | Aplicaciones para el Pase "La Catapulta" | 1985 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Mexican Snap | 1985 |
S-C — Contemporary Money Magic
(Issue 3)
Karl Fulves | Getaway IV | 1985 |
S-C — Contemporary Money Magic
(Issue 4)
Karl Fulves | Dime n' Penny | 1985 |
S-C — Contemporary Money Magic
(Issue 5)
Karl Fulves | Evaporation | 1985 |
S-C — Contemporary Money Magic
(Issue 5)
Peter Duffie | Box Switch | 1987 | ||||||
Peter Duffie | Sleeveless | 1987 | ||||||
Procedures for the Vanish of the Coin | 1988 | |||||||
Gary Kurtz | Jumbo Coin Vanish | 1988 | ||||||
Ross Bertram | Aus der Palmage | Apr. 1988 |
(Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram | Ärmeln aus der geschlossenen Faust | Apr. 1988 |
(Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram | Aus dem linken Handteller in den rechten Ärmel | Apr. 1988 |
(Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram | Das Durchsteck-Verschwinden | Apr. 1988 |
(Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram | Vom Tisch herab | Apr. 1988 |
(Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram | Wurf aus linker Hand in rechten Ärmel | Apr. 1988 |
(Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram | Das Kirschkern-Verschwinden | Apr. 1988 |
(Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram | Das umgekehrte Kirschkern-Verschwinden | Apr. 1988 |
(Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram | Das Wurf-Verschwinden | Apr. 1988 |
(Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram | Das Fingerschnippen | Apr. 1988 |
(Vol. 13 No. 4)
Ross Bertram | Wurf von den linken Fingerspitzen in den rechten Ärmel | Apr. 1988 |
(Vol. 13 No. 4)
Hiroshi Sawa | Drop Sleeve | 1988 | ||||||
Sol Stone | Soft Sleeving | Sep. 1989 |
(Vol. 12 No. 9)
Inertia Sleeving | 1989 |
(Vol. 8 No. 11)
John V. Hope, Robert Olsen | Hot Silver | 1989 | ||||||
Gary Kurtz | Toss/Return Sleeve | 1989 | ||||||
Gary Kurtz | Delay Action Sleeve | 1989 | ||||||
Gary Kurtz | The Inertia Sleeve | 1989 | ||||||
Gary Kurtz | A coin vanish | 1989 | ||||||
Gary Kurtz | Jumbo Coin | 1990 | ||||||
Rocco Silano | Basic Sleeving Techniques: The Vanish and Recovery | 1990 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | Bounce Change | 1991 | ||||||
Sol Stone | No Propellant | Mar. 1992 |
(Vol. 15 No. 3)
Fred C. Baumann | Snap Sleeving | July 1992 |
(Vol. 15 No. 7)
Derek Dingle | Bounce Change | Dec. 1992 |
The Minotaur
(Vol. 4 No. 4)
Gary Kurtz | Toss Return Sleeve | Dec. 1992 |
The Minotaur
(Vol. 4 No. 4)
David Berglas | Das Ärmeln | 1992 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | Bounce Change | 1994 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | The Bounce-Back Sleeving Move | Sep. 1995 |
(Vol. 18 No. 9)
Karl Fulves | Shell Game | 1995 |
(Issue 2)
Harry Lorayne | Cointrol | Nov. 1996 |
(Vol. 19 No. 11)
Michael Kaminskas | Tap it Vanish | 1996 | ||||||
Sol Stone | Soft Sleeve | 1996 | ||||||
Jack Miller | Coin of the Realm | 1997 |
(Issue 6)
Sol Stone | Soft Sleeve | Mar. 1997 |
(Vol. 6 No. 7)
Sol Stone | Soft Sleeve | 1997 | ||||||
Delayed Action Sleeving | 1998 | |||||||
Dr. E. M. Roberts, Walter "Sonny" Day | Flick Sleeving Handling | 1998 | ||||||
Aurelio Paviato | Lateral Sleeving | July 1999 |
(Vol. 8 No. 11)
Chuck Smith | Sleeving Techniques | 2000 | ||||||
Dr. E. M. Roberts | Sleeving Technique | 2000 | ||||||
Barry Price | Instant Coin Change | 2000 | ||||||
Sleeving technique | 2001 | |||||||
Rune Klan | Sleeve Slide | Sep. 2002 |
(Vol. 12 No. 1)
David Ben | Gravity Sleeving | 2003 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Die Technik des Ärmelns | 2003 | ||||||
Sol Stone | Soft Sleeve | 2003 | ||||||
Shoot Ogawa, Akira Fujii | Slip Slidin' Away | Dec. 2003 |
(Vol. 66 No. 12)
Daniel Garcia | Thumb Touch | June 2003 |
(Vol. 12 No. 10)
Bobby Bernard | Sleeving a Coin | 2005 | ||||||
Miguel Ángel Gea | The Coin that Turns into Skin | 2005 (ca.) | ||||||
Miguel Ángel Gea | Coins for Blind People | 2005 (ca.) | ||||||
Miguel Ángel Gea | Hole Stretched to Infinite | 2005 (ca.) |