261 entries in Coin / Sleights / Matrix Moves
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Yank Hoe Laydown Steal
1909 252
Eddie Joseph The Coverage Vanish one-handed vanish under two cards on table
1942 20
Eddie Joseph The Cover Exchange switch on table with card
1942 27
Eddie Joseph The Vicious Triangle monte routine with three coins under cards
1942 99
Dai Vernon Special One-Hand Cop apparently covering a playing card, stealing it, matrix move
1945 3
Arthur H. Buckley, John Northern Hilliard Two Playing Cards, Four Half Dollars and a Handkerchief
Inspired by
  • Hilliard trick in Stanyon's "Magic", Dec 1904
1948 89
Ross Bertram Slide Move with backs of fingers
Related toAlso published here 1951
Stars of Magic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Al Saal The Al Saal Stratagem move to transfer a coin
Inspired by 1952 198
Shell Pickup Under a Card
1952 283
Sliding Steal
Feb. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 249)
James Drilling Coin Steal secret pick up
1953 108
Sliding Steal
1966 384
Coin Concealment showing both sides of card while hiding coin
Related to 1966 415
Mexican Turnover While Hiding Coin coin underneath tabled card remains hidden
1968 51
Jack Avis Check Cop Move coin steal
May 1968 177
Jack Avis Tip & Load Move
May 1968 177
Derek Dingle Pick-up Move
1970 3
Al Schneider Pick up Move
1971 21
Derek Dingle, Al Schneider Pickup Move
Variations 1971 43
Derek Dingle Variation on Bertram's Steal
1971 44
Don Nielsen Nielsen's Idea Sarles move as loading move under card
Inspired by Nov. 1972 572
Al Schneider Coin Steal
1973 81
Al Schneider Pick-up Move
1973 85
Al Schneider Transfer Pickup stealing a coin in the action of putting a card on it
1974 4
Al Schneider Transfer Deposit lay down of a secretly hidden coin under a card
1974 5
Al Schneider Schneider Pickup Move
Also published here 1974 6
Al Schneider Twirl Load load coin under card, while twisting the card one-handed
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1975 20
Matrix Steal during layout
1975-1978 ca. 3
Paul Harris Coin Steal
Also published here 1976 13
Matrix Load loading palmed coin under card as it is picked up
1976 36
Harvey Rosenthal Money Trap producing a coin from between two cards, many displays
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #1)
Steve Saunders Dragging Under Thumb card tragged under thumb, cannot be too large, also for shooting it under a bridged card on next page
1977 5
Steal under Card one-handed, as card is placed on coin
1977 197
Frank Paglia Shovel Coin Shuffle (shuttle?) two coins and two cards, see also Bilis' "Close-Up French Style" (1976) according to page 136
Variations Aug. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Frank Paglia Pivot Change with cards
Aug. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Tenkai Ishida Coin And Playing Card how to hide a coin behind a playing card
1978 171
Bobby Bernard Production in the Air coin appears under card, no table required
1978 14
John F. Mendoza Simplified Pick-Up Move
1978 73
Coin Load under Card
1978 121
Howard Schwarzman Coin Vanish with a playing card
1978 68
Coin Load under Card
1978 22
Gordon Bruce Mexican Turnover with Coin coin hidden under card(s)
Related to May 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 5)
Clip Steal
1979 75
Paul Harris Pick-Up & Display
1979 108
Jean Faré Vanish with Playing Card coin scooped up with card and it slides into other hand
Related toAlso published here 1979 82
Earl Nelson Coin Load under Card slid under as card is picked up
Also published here 1979 89
Al Schneider Twirl Load load coin under card, while twisting the card one-handed
1980 72
Scoop & Turnover
1980 13
Ross Bertram Card Turnover with hidden Coin
1980 11
Dan Fleshman Flipdown Steal
Also published here 1980 69
Al Schneider, Derek Dingle Pick-Up Move without credits
1980 25
Steve Dusheck Coin/Card gaff in which a thin coin is attached to a strip at the back of a card
Also published here 1980 ca. 6
Steve Dusheck Coin/Card gaff in which a thin coin is attached to a strip at the back of a card
Also published here 1980 ca. 4
Timothy Wenk Sliding Move coin is slides under card with sweeping motion cover
Oct. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 10)
David Arthur Coin Steal
1981 236
Al Schneider Pickup Move
Related to 1981 240
Keith Breen Join the Club two coins under two cards, one travels over to other, featuring a pick-up load
1981 14
Al Schneider Pick-Up Move
1981 14
Coin Steal
1981 56
Paul Gertner Scoop
1981 15
Earl Nelson Loading Sequence coin loaded under card as it is lifted
Related to 1981 16
Matrix Load as card is removed from one coin another is loaded
1981 105
Ben Harris Han Ping Chien with Scooped Coins two coins scooped up with a card and tossed back on table
1981 105
Tom Gagnon New Theory Pickup Move
Inspired by 1981 95
Tom Gagnon Snap Over Display
1981 100
Tom Gagnon The Pickup and Displacement Move one-handed pick-up and transfer into Tenkai Pinch
VariationsAlso published here 1981 103
Tom Gagnon Open Procedure Load loading Tenkai/Goshman pinched coin under card
Related to 1981 109
Tom Gagnon Flee Flicker sleeving a coin during pickup move
1981 111
Derek Dingle, Al Schneider The PickUp Move
1982 190
Derek Dingle Variation on Bertram's Steal
1982 191
Derek Dingle PickUp Move Hand to Hand Transfer
1982 193
Ross Bertram Card Snap Over
1982 194
Derek Dingle, Al Schneider Pick-Up Move
1982 79
Bob Farmer, Al Schneider Pick-Up Move Variation as a transfer steal
Apr. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 4)
John Cornelius Coin-Card Shade showing both sides of card while hiding a coin
Apr. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Tom Gagnon New Theory Pick-Up Move
Apr. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Paul Hallas Coincealment card in hand is turned over while coin is hidden
Jan. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Stephen Tucker, Gordon Bruce Coin Switch with playing card, coin is scooped with card and switch when card is turned over
Apr. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 12)
One-Ahead Steal
1982 57
Curtis Kam Pick-up Move Variation coin slided in finger palm
1982 40
Paul Taylor Retention Scoop coin apparently scooped up and put in other hand
Related to 1982 42
Frank Paglia Shovel Coin Shuffle
1982 44
Michael Rubinstein Coin Load and Steal from a Card
Also published here 1982 23
Pick-Up Move
1982 41
Michael Rubinstein Card Ping Chien with playing card
1982 103
Paul Gertner Scoop Exchange
1983 51
Jean Faré Shovel Move coin is scooped up with card and put in other hand
Apr. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Bertram Shade Move hiding coin under tabled card when it is turned over with second card
1983 126
David Arthur Coin Steal as coin is covered with card
1983 31
Frank Paglia Load Move
1983 33
Coin Steal as card is put on top
1983 95
Derek Dingle, Al Schneider Pick-up Move
1983 98
Card Turnover with Coin underneath
1983 99
Jean Faré Shovel Move coin is scooped up with card and put in other hand
1983 102
Tom Gagnon The Scoop-Displacement Coin Vanish coin is scooped up with card and put in left hand, vanishes, empty hands, using Ed Marlo's "Scoop Move"
1984 83
Tom Gagnon The Scoop-Displacement Coin Change coin is scooped up with playing card and put in left hand where it changes, back clip
1984 88
Edward Marlo Two-Coin Pick-Up Move
Jan. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Patrick Snowden Snowden Clink click pass using playing card
1984 70
Paul Gertner Scoop
1984 22
Earl Nelson Loading Sequence coin loaded under card as it is lifted
1984 23
Peter Duffie, Edward Marlo The "Tip In" Coin Vanish coin scooped up with card and apparently slid into other hand
Related to 1984 5
Paul Gertner Scoop
1984 18
Earl Nelson Loading Sequence coin loaded under card as it is lifted
1984 19
Gordon Bruce Matrix Steal tabled coin scooped up, both turned over and apparently tabled
1984 43
Earl Nelson Coin Load under Card slid under as card is picked up
Also published here 1984 45
Edward Marlo Tip Move coin apparently slides from card into hand
1984 46
Matrix Coin Steal slide on table
1985 40
Kick Vanish kicking under card
1985 41
Scoop-Up Vanish coin scooped up with card and apparently slid in hand
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Card Revolve turning card over while hiding coin
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Stewart Judah Slide-Back Display showing both sides of card while hiding coin, see also end notes
Related to 1985
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Tom Gagnon Retroflex Switch visual switch of tabled coin with aid of playing card, tabled spellbound
Related toVariations 1985
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Tom Gagnon Offspring Han Ping Chien coin added from underneath card as coin(s) from other hand are thrown on table
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Eric DeCamps Slide Steal to get one ahead in matrix
1985 6
Eric DeCamps Coin Vanish stolen out of fist when brushing a card over hand
1985 7
Karl Fulves Phantom Downs sleights with card and coin, involving Downs palm and theory of "phantom moves"
1985 28
Karl Fulves Mexican Snap Mexican Turnover while hiding a coin under card(s), mentioned is also possibility of sleeving the coin, see also p. 55 for reference
Related to 1985 45
Karl Fulves Unmoving Mexican Mexican Turnover while hiding a coin under card(s)
1985 46
Karl Fulves Fly Over coin hidden under card, flicked under left hand with card when card is turned over with right hand
1985 49
Karl Fulves Banker Broker four Aces on table, copper and silver coin placed under each, silver coins gather
1985 79
Kick Move
Gimmick (Issue 6)
Derek Dingle, Al Schneider Pick-Up Move
1987 81
Joe Givan Inertia Loading Move coin under hand dragged under object with inertia
1987 9
Alfonso Pepe Three Matrix "Moves"
Dec. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 12)
Tom Gagnon The Scoop
1988 394
Tom Gagnon The Slider coin travels to other coin, two cards, slider move
1988 397
Ross Bertram Card Snap Over
1989 50
Jean Faré, David Williamson Shovel Move variation
1989 52
Al Schneider Twirl Load load coin under card, while twisting the card one-handed
1989 491
Ken Krenzel The Hollow Card using Double-Card Gimmick to hide coins
Inspired by 1990 36
Shigeo Takagi Coin Vanish with Card coin stolen out of hand under card
Also published here 1990 62
Paul Gertner Scoop
1990 ca. 5
Earl Nelson Loading Sequence coin loaded under card as it is lifted
1990 ca. 6
Al Schneider Pick-up Move
Apr. 1991
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 1)
David Arthur Coin Steal as coin is covered with card
June 1991
The Minotaur (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Al Schneider, Derek Dingle Pick-Up Move without credit
June 1991
The Minotaur (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Al Schneider, Derek Dingle Pickup Move without credit
1991 14
The Robbery coin is clipped from table, under cover of a card
1991 17
David Roth, Michael Rubinstein Thumb Base Slide to load coin under card
1993 32
Shigeo Takagi Coin Vanish with Card coin stolen out of hand under card
Also published here Dec. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Coin Transfer under Cards from one hand to the other, both holding a card
1994 45
Derek Dingle, Al Schneider Pickup Move
1994 46
Paul Gertner Taking Shell Off under card in Matrix routine
1994 49
The Turnover card turned over and coin loaded from fingertip rest
1994 51
The Scoop coin scooped up with card and after turning card over coin from other side slides off
1994 52
Derek Dingle, Al Schneider Pick Up Move brief
1994 77
Coin Vanish with Card
1994 171
The Adding Move adding a coin while showing the coin under a card
1994 18
Ross Bertram Coin Steal
1995 1089
Earl Nelson Coin Load under card
1995 1091
David Acer The Overload coin loaded under card as tabled card is turned over
1995 70
Edward Marlo Laydown Steal as cards are placed on coins
Also published here 1995 214
Edward Marlo Coin Slide Vanish coin slides from card into hand
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1995 217
Edward Marlo Coin Add coin clipped between edges of cards that are use to flip tabled card over
1995 218
Al Schneider, Derek Dingle Pick-Up Move
1995 5
Paul Cummins The Revolve Load
1996 26
Paul Harris Coin Steal
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue The Magic of Paul Harris)
Lee Asher Startling Last-Coin Matrix visual disappearance for last coin
Nov. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 11)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Matrix Treatment
1997 64
Al Schneider, Derek Dingle Pick-up Move
1997 11
Both-Sides Display fingers pull back hidden coin
1997 13
False Transfer with Card
1997 15
Coin Steal as card is snapped on tabled coin
1998 74
Ross Bertram Betram Snap Over
1998 75
Derek Dingle, Al Schneider Dingle/Schneider Pick-up Move
1998 78
Ken Simmons Show and Hide Move brief, turning card in hand over while hiding coin
Also published here Jan. 1998
Onyx (Issue 2)
Ken Simmons Show & Hide Move turning card in hand over while hiding coin
Also published here Apr. 1998
Onyx (Issue 3)
Al Schneider Matrix Coin Steal
1999 147
David Stone Turnover Load same as Schneider's Twirl Load
Related to 1999 46
Al Schneider The Al Schneider Transfer Move steal
Mar. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 3)
Al Schneider The Al Schneider Pick-Up Move
Mar. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 3)
Shigeo Takagi Coin Vanish with Card card stolen out of hand when fist is stroked with card
July 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Reed McClintock Three with CSB three different coins travel under tabled cross of two cards, then transpose in hand and travel back to under cards and purse
Inspired by 2002 1
Reed McClintock International Fantasy Coins from different countries vanish and reappear under card; card becomes selection.
2002 1
Reed McClintock The International Dissolve coins from different countries vanish and reappear under card
Inspired by 2002 7
Spread Add-On
2002 2
Pick-Up Move
2002 3
Turnover & Display showing both sides of card while hiding coin
2002 3
Mike Gallo Shake Add-On
2002 4
Jack Avis Scoop Switch coin scooped up with card and dumped into other hand
Also published here
  • Abra
July 2002
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Paul Harris Coin Steal
Also published here May 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 9)
Paul Gertner Scoop
2003 4
Earl Nelson Loading Sequence coin loaded under card as it is lifted
2003 5
Ross Bertram Discourse on a Move moving the coin on the table under the heel of the hand, credit information, also as steal under card
Mar. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 3)
Jean Faré Vanish with Playing Card coin scooped up with card and it slides into other hand
Also published here 2003 88
Earl Nelson Coin Load under Card slid under as card is picked up
Also published here 2003 94
Jack Avis Four Coins under Cards - Opening Steal
2006 203
Shigeo Takagi The Steal
2006 183
Coin under Card Load
2006 184
Slide Steal
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Inertia Card Load hand secretly flicks coin under a card
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Frank Paglia Pivot Change with cards
2007 110
Al Schneider, Derek Dingle Pick-up Move
2007 113
Enzo Lorenzo Desaparición Enzo coin under card vanishes, pickup move variation
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Bernard Bilis Falso depósito de Bernard Bilis using a card
2009 109
Miguel Ángel Gea, Bernard Bilis Variante de Gea del falso depósito de Bernard Bilis using a card
2009 110
Miguel Ángel Gea Caverna a la carta #1 coin load under card
2009 278
Ross Bertram Robo de Ross Bertram with backs of fingers
2009 281
Miguel Ángel Gea Caverna a la carta #2 coin load under card
2009 282
Miguel Ángel Gea, Tom Gagnon Pintaje instantáneo visual switch of tabled coin with aid of playing card, tabled spellbound
Related to 2009 289
Jon Allen, Al Schneider Pick-Up Move Handling
2009 15
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio's Subtlety for Stealing a Coin
Secret Agenda (Issue Dec 6)
Al Schneider Twirl Load load coin under card, while twisting the card one-handed. Two versions, from a deck and with a single card
2011 97
Al Schneider Transfer Pickup stealing a coin in the action of putting a card on it
2011 546
Al Schneider Transfer Deposit lay down of a secretly hidden coin under a card
2011 553
Al Schneider Schneider Pickup Move
2011 556
Ross Bertram Bertram Steal
Feb. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 2)
Turn-and-Flick Acquitment
Feb. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 2)
Dan Fleshman Flipdown Steal
Feb. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Notes applications of Banker-Broker Move
  • wallet loading
  • Out Of This World Clean Up
  • coin steal
Prolix (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo Tip Move coin slides from card into hand apparently
2013 166
Al Schneider, Derek Dingle Schneider Pick-up
2013 170
Ross Bertram Slide Move with backs of fingers
2013 151
Tom Gagnon Pickup and Displacement Move one-handed pick-up and transfer into Tenkai Pinch
Also published here 2013 152
Tom Gagnon Phantom Coin Load from Tenkai Pinch
Related to 2013 155
Tom Gagnon Esoteric Coin Maneuver loading coin under card as it is snapped off table
2013 181
Tom Gagnon Scoop Steal coin stolen between two cards as another is slid apparently on it
2013 184
Tom Gagnon, Edward Marlo Scoop-Up Move Variation coin slides from card into hand
Inspired by 2013 193
Card Revolve turning card over while hiding coin
2013 194
Stewart Judah Slide-Back Display showing both sides of card while hiding coin
2013 195
Tom Gagnon Retroflex Switch visual switch of tabled coin with aid of playing card, tabled spellbound
2013 195
Tom Gagnon Offspring Han Ping Chien coin added from underneath card as coin(s) from other hand are thrown on table
2013 205
Ross Bertram Slide Move with backs of fingers
2013 169
Coin Steal with fingers around card
Jan. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 1)
The Scoop
Jan. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 1)
Coin Load as card is lifted from table
Jan. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 1)
Kainoa Harbottle Edge Flip Move
2017 35
Al Schneider Schneider Twirl Load
Also published here 2018 131
Coin steal steal coin(s) beneath card as another card is set down apparently on top of them
2018 141
Al Schneider Pick-Up Move
2019 133
Tom Gagnon Slow-Mo P&D Move one-handed pick-up and transfer into Tenkai Pinch
Inspired by 2019 423
Standard Loading Move
2019 254
Tony Montovani Montovani Ploy matrix laydown choreography
2020 253
Paul Harris Matrix Steal
2020 253
Michael Rubinstein Semi Back-Palm Card Load
Related to 2020 257
Paul Gertner Scoop Move
2020 257
Edward Marlo Laydown Steal
Also published here 2020 260
Michael Rubinstein No Pick-up Move
2020 261
Michael Rubinstein Double Steal
2020 263
Edward Marlo Scoop Vanish coin slides from card into hand
Also published here 2020 264
Michael Rubinstein Card Lever Load
Also published here 2020 264
Ross Bertram Under Finger Transfer
Also published here 2020 266
Michael Rubinstein Twist Substitution
2020 273
Michael Rubinstein Scoop Switch credit information
Related to 2020 275
Leonard Rangel Twirl Load Variation
Inspired by 2020 438
Carlos Vaquera Laydown Steal without thumb
2020 18
Motoki Kaido KATSUKARE Steal Stealing coin out when placing a card on top of the coin
with backs of fingers
Related to 2021 3
Mike Gallo Double Pick Up Move Picking up two coins at once for Matrix
Related to 2021 54
Al Schneider Schneider Pick Up Move
Also published here 2021 29
Fenik Coin Laydown steal
Sep. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 9)