64 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Traveling / Matrix / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Wandering Sixpence coin traveling from underneath one card to another, two sticky coins
1876 181
Yank Hoe The Sympathetic Coins corners of handkerchief assembly, shell
Related to 1938 689
T.J. Crawford Migratory Coins coins on corners of black cloth, with two postcards
Variations 1938 705
Tom Sellers Coins and Paper matrix type assembly for stage presentation
1942 17
Solomon Stein Miracle Monte three cards on three coins, monte presentation, coins travel under one card
Nov. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 22)
Ronald B. Edwards A 2.00$ Trick coin assembly with magazines, last coin found in magazine
Variations Oct. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 240)
Eddie Joseph On the Square with stamps on coins and envelopes
1952 21
George Sands, Mallory Van Slyker Birds of a Feather four coins assemble in corners of handkerchief
Also published here 1954 148
Mallory Van Slyker, George Sands Birds of a Feather four coins assemble in corners of handkerchief
VariationsAlso published here Nov. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 320)
Ronald B. Edwards General Assembly coin assembly with magazines, last coin found in magazine, revised version
Inspired by Mar. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 355)
Milton Kort Kort's 4th Sympathetic Coins, on handkerchief with four cardboard covers, copper transformation kicker
Also published here Apr. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Milton Kort Kort's Fourth Sympathetic Coins, on handkerchief with four cardboard covers, copper transformation kicker
Also published here 1966 382
Stewart Judah The Coins and the Matchbooks coins travel around underneath matchbooks
Also published here 1966 452
Jack Avis All Fair Mygratory Coins four coins & three cards
Also published here May 1968 177
Harvey Rosenthal Perfect Coin Assembly four coins assemble under a corner of a handkerchief
  • Alternate Handling of the Last Coin
  • Second Alternate Handling of the Last Coin
Inspired byVariations 1973
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Bob Read The Business For the Four Coin Assembly sound effect
Sep. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Harvey Rosenthal Banish nickel and penny on table, covered with hands, one travels across, repeat, then chosen coin travels table, then both covered with card, one travels across, two coins joined with thread
Related toVariations 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #2)
Ray Mertz Jumbo Cards and Coins cups and balls type routine with three coins and cards, jumbo coin finale
1977 42
Jim Cozzens, Roger Smith The Under Cover Coins four coins folded into corners of laid-out handkerchief, they assembly one by one in one corner
1977 11
Tan Hock Chuan Astral Coin Coin travels from under one card to another card
1977 39
Aldo Colombini Sympathetic Okito four coins assemble in one corner, with Okito box and jumbo card
1978 22
Karl Fulves Rebound copper underneath one card, silver under another, the coins transpose, coin travel together under one card in repeat phase
Related toVariations 1978 1110
Mike Bornstein Triangle Angle matrix type effect with coins and a dollar bill
Also published here Mar. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Ray Mertz, Dai Vernon Cards & Coins Ala Cups & Balls Vernon's routine with jumbo cards and coins
Oct. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Keith Breen Join the Club two coins under two cards, one travels over to other, featuring a pick-up load
1981 14
Michael Rubinstein International Coin Flight three different coins under three cards, travel to hand one by one, then under one card, then back to under three cards
1982 113
Michael Ammar, Paul Harris Michael's Proposition final phase for a matrix type routine, last card ends up under spectator's hand
Also published here 1984 75
Robert Bengel Bill Matrix jumbo finale, for credit update see pages 1164, 1199
Oct. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Danny Korem Third Beat Matrix complex routine with three copper, three silver coins and six cards
1985 38
Karl Fulves Voyager Ace to Four on table, coin travels from card to card
1985 99
Karl Fulves Ho Ho Coins No. 8, coins gather under credit cards, posed as a problem
Inspired by 1985 116
Stewart Judah Münzen und Streichholzheftchen coins travel around underneath matchbooks
Also published here July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Peter Duffie Captured Coin Assembly coins travel from coin box to under cards
1987 40
Ben Harris 4 Corners four coins appear in four corners of close-up mat while hands make large wave motions
1988 13
Mike Bornstein Triangle Angle matrix type effect with coins and a dollar bill
Also published here 1988 34
Dean Dill Four to One four Quarters disappear, a Dollar appears instead
Mar. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 3)
Dean Dill Four to Two four half dollars disappear, two Dollar Bill appears instead
July 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 7)
David Arthur Silver Aces coin jumps from beneath wrong ace to correct ace which transforms into selection
1992 xxi
Chad Long Okito Revers-embly matrix type routine with Okito box in one corner under one of the cards, backfire
Dec. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Hippie Torrales The Three Maidens kind of three coin monte
Apr. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 4)
Paul Cummins Top Billing bills instead of cards
1996 25
Michael Ammar, Paul Harris Michael's Proposition final phase for a matrix type routine, last card ends up under spectator's hand
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Seductions)
Karl Fulves Gold Rush coin travels from inside packet to card, packet with cut-out hole, with additional ideas
1997 40
Bruce Cervon Four Coins and a Card using only one card
1998 168
David Regal Optical Coin Climax Way of revealing jumbo coin under cards as a climax after a Matrix type effect
1999 165
David Neighbors Handkerchief Slow Motion Vanish four coins assemble one by one under the corners of a tabled handkerchief, then they vanish
Sep. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. Special Edition #1)
David Neighbors Handkerchief Slow Motion Reverse Vanish four coins assemble one by one under the corners of a tabled handkerchief, then they vanish
Sep. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. Special Edition #1)
Mike Gallo Visual Coin Assembly matrix type assembly with one business card and a small upside-down glass, shim quarter
2002 1
Dean Dill Fusion Matrix four quarters under cards, three vanish, under fourth card appears a dollar
Also published here May 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 9)
Gaston Quieto Monedas Briza "Breeze Coins", four coins in square formation on table, they vanish one by one and visibly appear again
Also published here Aug. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 12)
Amílkar Riega Bello Cuatro de Oros y Dos de Copas matrix with four coins and two reversed wine glasses
2003 308
Miguel Ángel Gea The Speed of Magic three coins and three cards, coins assemble under one card
2005 (ca.) 14
Jack Avis Migratory Coins the "All Fair" Way with three cards
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 201
Jon Allen Isolated Isosceles three coins and three cards
2009 12
Luis Piedrahita Monedas y Plástico de Embalar four coins appear under a piece of bubble wrap, then the bubble wrap is cut into two pieces and the coins covered with them, very visible matrix
2011 122
Tomoya Horiki Unexpected Assembly (アンエクスペクテッド・アセンブリ) Four coins and two cards, travel from under one card to another
2017 40
Michael Powers Clarke's Third Law using three coins, two cards and a close-up pad circle
Inspired by 2019 253
Motoki Kaido The TIME on Matrix Matrix with surprise watch production under a card as the ending
Variations 2021 67
Motoki Kaido, Chitose The Sympathetic Matrix Matrix with four coins and a handkerchief, coins jump and assemble as handkerchief is dragged slowly across the coins. Backfire sequence in the middle
2021 100
Yu Huihang Matrix in China Four silver coins on table, each covered with card. Suddenly all change to Chinese coins. Includes alternate handling with gaffed coins and no servante.
Related to
  • "Impossible Change" (Shoot Ogawa, Cultural Exchange Vol. 2 DVD, 2003)
  • Contagious Transformation (Luis Olmedo, Pigmalion Download Video, 2020)
2021 25
Chris Kam Cornerer four coins placed on the corners of a handkerchief on the table which are folded over the coins, they assemble in one corner one by one
Inspired by Aug. 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Dean Dill Fusion Matrix four quarters under cards, three vanish, under fourth card appears a dollar
Also published here 2022 78
Gaston Quieto Monedas Briza "Breeze Coins", four coins in square formation on table, they vanish one by one and visibly appear again
Also published here 2022 110
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Blow Coin Assembly coins on top of handkerchief at separate corners and corners folded over coins, each time performer blows the corners fly up to reveal a coin has travelled and eventually travel back to where they started, finally all coins vanish and reappear beneath handkerchief in separate corners
2022 295