28 entries in Watch / Appearance & Production
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Watch Target pistol shot on target, where watch appears mechanically
Variations 1876 220
The new Watch and Card Target pistol shot on target, where card appears minus corner, then corner as well, watch appears there too
Inspired byRelated to 1890 403
Gegenstände aus dem Weltausstellungs-Cylinder, dem Tamburin, dem Tuch etc. production items, table clocks
  • Standuhren
Mar. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Carl L. Curiel Die mysteriöse Uhrenscheibe watch appears on disc/target
Nov. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Chung Ling Soo Robinson's Uhrtrick borrowed watch vanishes, then appears again with handkerchief assistance
Feb. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Oswald Rae Watch Production Stand production of several pocket watches, manipulation style with shells and stand
1927 5
Oswald Rae Production from a Handkerchief several pocket watches are produced from handkerchief, nesting type watches
1927 6
Oswald Rae Patter and Presentation for Production of 4 Watches at Fingertips humorous patter for pocket watches routine, nesting type
1927 7
Oswald Rae Instantaneous Production of Six Watches on a Slender Wand six pocket watches appear on wand, nesting type
1927 8
Oswald Rae Some Suggestions on pocket watch routines, nesting type gimmick
  • Vanish a Quantity of Watches
  • Vanish of Watches from the Finger Tips
  • Instantaneous Production of Watches
  • Production of One or Two Watches from an Envelope
  • Vanish from an Envelope
  • Watches from Lemon
  • Watches Produced or Vanishes by Cloth Bag
1927 11
Lu Brent Watch - Ho!! Pocket watch manipulation routine, production of pocket watches, uses black art stand, glove gimmick
1932 29
Dr. Edward G. Ervin One-Hand Watch Production thin imitation watches from edge grip, see previous item
1937 25
Dr. Henry R. Evans The Watch, Glass and Handkerchief watch, glass and handkerchief disappear and appear again one by one in a tophat
1945 232
Fay Smith Routine for the Ireland Multiplying Watches pocket watches, manipulation
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Jochen Zmeck Tuchtrio mit Gag watch appears between silks
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 3)
Jochen Zmeck Meine Tuchtrio-Eröffnung handkerchief opening routine, cigarette to silk, silk is split into two, silk vanishes from tube and watch appears knotted between two silks
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 5)
John Kennedy Watch coin vanishes and reappears beneath tables napkin, changes into wrist watch
1983 43
Richard W. Levin Watch Out coin put in silk, it vanishes, sucker repeat in which spectators see the false transfer but it reappears in silk, watch appears in silk as finale
Also published here Aug. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 8)
Steve Beam Clocking In watch appears on arm
1992 764
Alan Nguyen Invisibility Watch spectator mimes selecting and returning a card reversed in an imaginary deck, deck becomes real and chosen card is reversed, a watch appears on performer's wrist (he had previously called attention to his "invisible watch")
Labyrinth (Issue 4)
Richard W. Levin Watch Out coin put in silk, it vanishes, sucker repeat in which spectators see the false transfer but it reappears in silk, watch appears in silk as finale
Also published here 1999 182
T. Nelson Night Watch pocket watch is on fingers, two bracelets are put over it and watch becomes invisible, then another watch appears
Discoverie (Issue 3)
Alan Wakeling Switzerland watch appears in hand, vanishes from silk, reappears in pocket, vanishes again, reappears in cigarette case, cane vanishes in hat and alarm clock appears in hat
  • Notes (Jim Steinmeyer)
Sep. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 9)
John Gaughan The Watch and Card Target
  • The Chamber of Secrets
pistol shot on target, where card appears minus corner, then corner as well, watch appears there too
Related to Feb. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 2)
John Gaughan Hora Grandiosa
  • Chamber of Secrets
pocket watches are produced and put in a fram, they change into a giant alarm clock
Aug. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 8)
Motoki Kaido The TIME on Matrix Matrix with surprise watch production under a card as the ending
Variations 2021 67
Motoki Kaido Watch the Watch Producing coins from air, suddenly produce watch that was on the magician's wrist at the start
Inspired by 2021 210
Pedro Lacerda A Couple of Seconds performer's wrist watch appears while the deck is cut
2023 152