225 entries in Silk & Handkerchief / Transformation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Handkerchief cut up, burnt, and finally found in a Candle with assistant
1876 249
The Magic Laundry borrowed handkerchiefs are "washed" in water tub and magically dried
1876 258
The Black Velvet Banner three cards are shot with pistol on velvet cloth, they appear stuck on it, flap silk
1889 196
The Card and Smoke Trick borrowed handkerchief on glass, card fired with pistol and pips appear on handkerchief, also smoke appears in glass
variation in which blank card in glass becomes printed
Related to 1889 225
Card Stamp
1889 226
The Velvet Cloth for the Production of Cards three cards are shot with pistol on velvet cloth, they appear stuck on it, flap silk
1890 109
Ein Tuch verwandelt sich in ein Kartenspiel silk to deck of cards
1896 159
Die wandernden Kartenpoints selection in glass, borrowed handkerchief on glass, smoke blown onto glass, pips appear on handkerchief and card is now blank, also smoke appears in glass (chemical)
Jan. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Camill Bihler Tuch- und Papierschnitzel-Kunststück paper cuttings vanish from glass, handkerchief changes into paper cuttings in paper tube and back
Also published here Sep. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Tuchkunststücke silk changes into cut-up silk in hand of spectator, broken and restored fan
Jan. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Entstehung aus dem Nichts! silk to billiard ball, multiplies into six balls, one changes color multiple times
Related to Dec. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Der moderne Phönix handkerchief ends up torn when held by spectator, then to changes into string of pieces tied together, then vanishes and reappears in fruit, then burned and restored
Related to Feb. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Aaron's Schlange two silks change into a fake snake
Related to Feb. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Die diabolische Variation No. 8, four silks of different color, they change into balls in chosen order, hollow glass balls
1899 36
Silk to Real Egg pull
1899 119
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Metamorphose eines Tuches No. 44, silk produced, changes into ribbon, then into small silks, they vanish and reappear inside an egg
1899 120
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Das Schlangenwunder der Wüste No. 45, two silks change into a fake snake
Related to 1899 124
Die Verwandlung eines Tuches in einen Billardball silk of chosen color changes into billiard ball of same color, hollow glass ball
July 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Das geheimnisvolle Gemälde No. 2, white cloth in frame lighted from back, it seems transparent, on command an image appears on cloth, chemical
1900 114
Tuch und Zauberstab No. 12, wand wrapped in newspaper, silk vanishes, newspaper torn apart and silk comes out
1900 135
Mademoiselle Patrice The Changing Handkerchiefs in tube
1902 227
Carl Willmann Tuch und Flasche auf der Wanderschaft silk put into cardboard cylinder changes into bottle and back
Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
How to Change the Wand into a Handkerchief
1903 126
The Wedding Ring and Flag finger ring wrapped in flash paper vanishes, flag changes into flowers, flag with ring inside appears in covered glass
1903 204
A Handkerchief Changed to a Billiard-Ball
1903 277
The Glass Ball, for Changing a Handkerchief to a Billiard-Ball freely chosen colored handkerchief changes into like-colored ball
1903 279
The "Marvellous Metamorphosis" Silver Cylinder nickled tube to switch handkerchief that is pushed inside
1903 320
A Handkerchief Changed to Paper Ribbons
1903 322
Camill Bihler A Handkerchief Transformed into Paper Shavings paper cuttings vanish from glass, handkerchief changes into paper cuttings in paper tube and back
Also published here 1903 323
Joseph Michael Hartz A Couple of Handkerchiefs Turned into a Snake fake snake
  • Hartz's Method
1903 333
Charles Bertram Bertram's Flag Trick tissue paper changes into flags
Related to
  • "Isn't It Wonderful!" (Charles Bertram)
1903 349
Flags and Paper Shavings tissue paper changes into snow storm, then flags produced
1903 351
Flags Converted into Silken Streamers
1903 352
An Illustration of Free Trade Principles elaborate routine with silk and egg
Related toAlso published here 1903 418
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVI. Trifolium
  • 1. Das verwandelte Kartenspiel (deck changes to silk, shell placed in shell)
  • 2. Das Tuch in der Kerzenflamme (silk appears in flame of a candle)
  • 3. Das plötzlich erscheinende Seidentuch (silk appears)
  • 4. Seidentüchlein auf Reisen (silk vanishes and appears knotted between two others, with glass tube)
  • 5. Die magischen Knoten (knotted silks unknot)
1903 164
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XXIV. Ein magisches Mirakel
  • 1. Die Puppentücher (silks change into ribbon)
  • 2. Eine gelungene Reparatur (ribbon vanishes and appears as normal silk in a glass)
  • 3. Der Flüchtling (silk placed back inside glass, both vanish unter handkerchief)
  • 4. Wiederkunft (glass filled with red wine appears under handkerchief)
  • 5. Farbenwechsel (red wine changes into white wine)
  • 6. Der unsichtbare Abfluss (liquid vanishes from bottle)
  • 7. Pariser Zuckerbäckerei (bran placed inside glass, changes into candy)
1903 209
Das magische Kartentuch deck thrown against handkerchief, selected cards cling to it
June 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 6)
A Silk Handkerchief Changed into a Flag bare handed
Also published here 1911 576
A Silk Handkerchief Changed into a Flag
Also published here 1911 23
Edward Bagshawe Vice Versa blue silk is put into red paper tube and then rolled up in some paper, when unwrapped the tube is blue and silk is read
1924 24
Oswald Rae The Evolution of the Union Jack flags on stave change and vanish
1926 51
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vom Faden Ariadnes zur roten Fahne. No. 3, thread turns into silk and silk into flag
1926 17
Oswald Rae Handkerchief to Watch to pocket watch
1927 7
Laurie Ireland Silks to Streamers, or A Color Change two silks change into four streamers in hand, pull
1931 3
Tom Sellers The Floral Banner "A pretty opening effect", flowers on silk become real
1935 11
Charles T. Jordan The Spectral Seamstress name of person is magically sewn on handkerchief
Also published here June 1936
The Jinx (Issue 21)
Theodore Annemann A Simplified Five Card Problem Variation combining "A Simplified Five Card Problem" (Genii November 1936) with card silk
Dec. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 27)
Anthony Ross Card Silk Routine corner torn off selection, becomes blank, white silk has card on it, printed corner still fits
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1937)
Pack of Cards Changed to a Silk Foulard gaffed
1937 57
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Transformo billiard ball into handkerchief, balloon as billiard ball
1937 52
Faust Ein Originaltrick von Faust egg changes into silk
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 3&4)
Karl Germain, Joseph Ovette Germaine's Butterfly Trick handkerchiefs transform into large silk butterfly
1940 21
An Eggs-traordinary Eggs-planation fake explanation, ends with real egg
Variations 1941 394
Matches to Silk
The Jinx (Issue 123)
Harry Bertall Boules et Foulards three different colored balls are placed inside a box, one of three silks with corresponding colors is selected and changes to ball, silk is found inside the box
Oct. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 10)
10 - Patriotic Silks using Two-Way Paper Cone (page 86)
1942 90
Handkerchief to Billiard Ball hollow ball
1942 331
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Magic Imprint card signed on back, card in glass covered with signed handkerchief, card becomes blank and pips appear on handkerchief, also smoke appears in glass
Related toVariations 1942 11
The Mystic Ribbons paper ribbons to silk
1943 323
Kolmar Silken Switch
Inspired by July 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 39)
Receptacle for Dye Tube
Feb. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 54)
Bob Hanko Flash light cigarette transforms into a silk with a flash
Mar. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 56)
Phil J. Flad, Jr. Lota Bowl combined with change bag, silks are wrung out over lota bowl, transform into Union Jack
Oct. 1944 76
Warner Perry Ball to Silk
July 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 87)
L. Hopple, Ed. Prendergast Aladdin's Lamp handkerchief turns into lighted lamp
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Milbourne Christopher Cigarette to Foulard cigarette changes to large handkerchief
July 1946 232
Hen Fetsch Rice Silks or Beer milk is poured in bottle changes into rice silks or beer
1946 8
Hen Fetsch Flower Silk milk poured in cup turns into bouquet of flowers, then cup changes into silk
1946 9
Hen Fetsch Undercover Soaft Soap idea, washing routine with panties and handkerchiefs
1946 22
Laurie Ireland A Checker Mystery handkerchief transformation in tube, checkers production
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
John Hamilton Bloomin' Silk silk is produced and vanished several times, then it turns into a rose
Also published here Oct. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 136)
Frank Cruse Silken Silver coin changes to silk
1948 77
Don Greenwood Billiard Ball Moves
  • I. Vanishing Knot and Ball Productions
  • II. Billiard Ball Visibly Changed Into a Silk Handkerchief
Sep. 1948 463
Milbourne Christopher Silk Surprise sucker handkerchief vanish, changes to large silk instead
Oct. 1949 589
Dick Piser Piser's Flaming Boutonniere handkerchief changes into boutonniere in a flash
Related to Nov. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 242)
Bob Fisher The Melting Silk handkerchief in fist changes to liquid
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Laurie Ireland Golf Ball to Silk shell
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Dick Piser In a Flash ball is wrapped in paper, paper is lighted with a match and changes into a silk
July 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 312)
Karrell Fox Where's the Bunny? handkerchief with rabbit printed on it vanishes from bag an appears in hat but without image, instead real rabbit is found in hat
1954 1
Lewis Ganson, Jack Hughes Accessories additional ideas to incorporate into sponge ball routines
  • Rubber Production Fruit
  • Sponge Ball to Bunny
  • Geometric Designs
  • Handkerchief Colour Changing Tube
  • Handkerchief Pull
  • Sponge Ball to Silk
1954 119
Hans E. Trixer Silken Canary canary is thrown up and changes into a silk in apparently midair
1954 180
Billy McComb An Act for a Lazy Magician complete act
  • Ring on Stick
  • Card through Handkerchief
  • Anti-Gravity Glasses
  • Bill in Cigarette
  • Transformation of Handkerchief ("The End" appears)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Eugene Gloye Magic Weaving - A Change Bag Quicke spools change into silks
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Alfred Schilling, Hans-Gerhard Stumpf Unser Lichtertrick candles in box change into silks
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 5)
Leonard Austin Patriotic Frame country is selected and flag changes into iconic figure of chosen country
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
John Hamilton Bloomin' Silk silk is produced and vanished several times, then it turns into a rose
Also published here 1956 225
Otto "Sasso" Lutz Das versilberte Seidentuch silk turns into coins, with wand
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 2)
William G. Barcroft A Sunday School Trick several silks change into one big silk cross, inside bag
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Bert Allerton Impromptu Handkerchief Routine
1958 44
C. James Rainho Red White & Blue Fantasy silks change to flag, flag vanishes and appears on flag pole
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Charlie Miller, David Devant A Lesson in Magic with assistant, one claims to teach "handkerchief to lemon", handkerchief changes to small pieces, to ribbon, then to lemon, handkerchief inside, center cut out of two handkerchiefs, mismade handkerchief restoration, handkerchief to liquid, restored handkerchiefs reappear
1961 41
Maurice Blackman Rabbit to Silk
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Maurice Blackman The End rabbit placed inside banner, vanishes and picture of rabbit appears on banner
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Lu Brent Glove to Hank glove turns into handkerchief
Mar. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 355)
Paul "Mr. Nobody" Schwab Eine Eröffnungskombination playing cards change to silk, silk to, ball and ball to flowers
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Paul "Mr. Nobody" Schwab Chemische Magie silk changes into selected color
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 6)
Rolf Mayr Die Farbe der Liebe ist rot cane wrapped in paper transforms to handkerchief in named color, psychological force
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 25 No. 4)
Will Starr Stronger Than Dirt the word dirt vanishes from handkerchief, only holes of letters remain, then handkerchief is intact again
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Lu Brent Two Tricks
  • ashes of burnt ribbon change into flower (Ireland's "Match To Flower")
  • idea for "Sock Finish" by De Lage (silk changes to sock)
  • Bill Frazee's no-fake egg bag
June 1968 187
Gen. Franklin M. Davis Flowers of Fatima Silk transform to bouquet of flowers
1968 68
Tony Cole Cremation Silk loose thread is given to spectator, silk changes to more thread, becomes silk again in spectator's hand
Jan. 1969 236
John Brown John Brown's Instant Silk silk changes to dove
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
William Humphries Off Beat Ideas various ideas
  • flag appears on wand
  • Gravity Glass
  • Anti Gravico
  • vase and cord
  • Milk Pitcher
  • orange silk changes into lemon
  • Bang Gun
  • Magic Con Block & Coin Slide
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Roy Johnson The Spotted Can presentation for Jack Hughes' "The Polka Dot Barrel" / "Can Can Polka", poem
Also published here 1971 49
Pavel Discolora a chip changes from red to white under a silk, the silk ends up with a red circle, featuring a display sequence for the silk
1971 12
Roy Johnson The Spotted Can presentation for Jack Hughes' "The Polka Dot Barrel" / "Can Can Polka", poem
Also published here Mar. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 52)
Jean de Merry Le Foulard Bonsoir idea using the Davenport silk, Words appear
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 4)
Billy McComb A Face-Lifting on the "Goodnight Banner" writing on handkerchief falls off as ribbon
1972 125
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Color Changing Candle colors of handkerchief and candle transpose, apparatus
1973 76
Jochen Zmeck Die Tuch Cigarette burning cigarette changes into silk
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 2)
Jochen Zmeck Meine Tuchtrio-Eröffnung handkerchief opening routine, cigarette to silk, silk is split into two, silk vanishes from tube and watch appears knotted between two silks
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 5)
Patrick Page Dyeing a Handkerchief in paper tube
Related to 1974 15
Patrick Page The Changing Bag handkerchiefs turn into flag
1974 62
T. Nelson Downs, An Eggs-traordinary Eggs-planation Added ruse by Downs
Inspired by 1975 172
Jan Torell A Giant Card to Silk card to silk, then more handkerchiefs and cards are produced
Variations 1975 13
Jan Torell Card Frame card in frame / houlette changes into silk
1975 19
Jan Torell Quick Colour Change of a Silk
1975 20
Charlie Miller Eine Moderne Version von Alexander's Schlangentuch borrowed handkerchief transforms into different shapes, then travels into lemon
Also published here
  • Genii
June 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Charles T. Jordan The Spectral Seamstress name of person is magically sewn on handkerchief
Also published here 1975 243
David Berglas My Appearing Cane Finale - A Novel Appearing Cane Presentation handkerchief thrown in air changes to cane
1976 22
Jerry Mentzer Matchbook to Silk
1976 1
Jochen Zmeck Tuch zu Blumenstrauß silk changes to spring flower bouquet
1978 13
Jochen Zmeck Der Blumenbanner vase with flowers depicted on silk, silk folded up and spring flower bouquet removed, vase on silk now empty
1978 16
Don Tanner Silks two different-colored silks transpose in two cloth bags, then they change into two fruits
1978 10
Don Tanner Silks & Liquids milk poured in cloth bag, silk comes out, silk changes color, then silk changes to a filled glass in bag
Also published here 1978 11
Gaëtan Bloom Hank to Egg Exposed without fake egg
Also published here July 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Karrell Fox Banner-Bit confetti thrown in empty cloth banner, name appears
1979 198
Karrell Fox Nova-Cane cane transforms into silk with name of next performer
1979 199
Lu Brent Zigaretten-Metamorphose cigarette to silk
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Patrick Page Emcee Bit comedy presentation for Sitta's Leopard Silk
1980 10
Ken De Courcy The Card Banner pips of cards appear on banner, as ending to "The World's Fastest Card Trick"
1980 14
Don Tanner Foulards milk poured in cloth bag, silk comes out, silk changes color
Also published here 1981
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 2)
Don Tanner, Jean de Merry Pois Leopard Silk with change bag
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 2)
Don Tanner, Jean de Merry Finale message change in bag
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 2)
Kennedy Smith Rubik's Handkerchief rubik's cube spots appear on handkerchief
1982 34
Gene "Phantini" Grant Tuch-Ballon-Blumen silk transforms into balloon, it is inflated and burst and flower bouquet appears
Also published here
  • Genii, Aug. 1956
Apr. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Marconick Flash Fan to Silk christmas decorated fan changes into silk
Also published here 1982 34
Michael Ammar Topitized Silk to Egg
1983 99
Pavel Loch-Blendo knots in handkerchiefs are removed, handkerchiefs with holes are placed in paper tube and transform into one big handkerchief with lots of holes
1983 11
Kling-Klang egg in tumbler changes to silk while held in spectator's hand
Also published here
  • in "Magicana" in "Genii" 1968.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 4)
Marconick Blitzverwandlung eines Fächers in ein Seidentuch christmas decorated fan changes into silk
Also published here 1983 40
Len Belcher Professor Hoffmann's Zylinder transparent tube stands on table, silks put inside, covered with another tube, silks change to sweets
Also published here
  • The Magic Wand #253, ca. 1958
Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Meir Yedid Loaded Silk to Cane clever handling for handkerchief to appearing cane
1986 23
Karl Fulves Liquid to Silk red silk arranged in glass to look like red juice
1987 3
Loyal Burke, Patrick Page The Go-Kum Pull special design, also to change color of handkerchief and other possibilities
Also published here 1987 21
Kazuyuki Hase Metamorph-Rose rose transforms in red and green silk
1988 20
Juan Tamariz The Card Printed on the Handkerchief
1988 25
Cigarette to Silk visual transformation
1988 38
Liquid to Silk colored silk in glass looks like liquid
1988 10
Karrell Fox A "Pack O' Silk" full pack of cigarettes, silk vanishes from paper, cigarettes changes into silk inside case
1988 106
Roy Kissell The Arkay Silk Fold guaranteeing that design on silk appears the right way for cane to silk
1988 138
Thomas Hierling Casanova Revisited silk changes into small paper flower, split into two flowers
Inspired by 1988 12
Fantasio Kerze zu Tuch mit klarer Handhabung candle transforms into silk
1988 12
Fantasio Kerze zu Tuch zu Stock candle transforms into handkerchief and later into cane
1988 37
Patrick Page, Loyal Burke Das Go-Kum Ei special design, also to change color of handkerchief and other possibilities
Also published here Oct. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 1)
Channing Pollock Das Rosentuch flower on jacket turns to silk, rolling technique
1989 12
Gianni Mattiolo Some Things with a Metal Cane
  • Flash Vanish
  • Flash Cane to Silk
June 1989
Opus (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Alexander de Cova, Jan Torell Blitz-Kartenverwandlung jumbo card (or sign, menu, ...) visually transforms into silk, ends clean
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 29
Jean Garance Rose verwandelt sich in ein Seidentuch rose from jacket turns into handkerchief, method to roll handkerchief
1990 3
Jean Garance Eine Seidentücher-Routine handkerchief routine
  • color change
  • cut and restored
  • Twentieth Century Silks
  • Blendo
  • production of object / animal
1990 29
Michael Ammar Silk to Egg
1991 183
Alexander de Cova 2. Das Kartentuch picture of cards appears on silk
Also published here Nov./Dec. 1991
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Karrell Fox A Mouse in the House mouse from handkerchief becomes cotton stuffed mouse
1991 27
Alexander de Cova, Jan Torell Blitzkarten-Verwandlung jumbo card (or sign, menu, ...) visually transforms into silk, ends clean
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 15
Steven Hamilton Silk and Sponge "Professional Routines"
silk vanishes, appear in rolled-up bill, changes into sponge ball which splits in two, sponge routine
Also published here Aug. 1992
Profile (Issue 9)
Mila Trnka Das Geschockte Tuch silk visually appears from top of wand (pulled inside), then candle changes into silk in paper, lit candle removed from pocket
Also published here
  • Prager Zaubereien
Sep. 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Alexander de Cova Flash Transformation jumbo card (or sign, menu, ...) visually transforms into silk, ends clean
Also published here Feb. 1992
Opus (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Alexander de Cova 2. Das Kartentuch picture of cards appears on silk
Also published here 1992 6
Ali Bongo Silk to Rose silk is transformed into head of rose, then it is attached to stem
1994 5
Theo Doré Geburtstagskind tricks for the birthday child where name of kid makes an appearance
  • Geburtstagstrick Nr. 1
  • Geburtstagstrick Nr. 2
  • Geburtstagstrick Nr. 3
July 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 4 & 5)
Karrell Fox Traffic-Trick black and white traffic light on silk becomes colorful, teaching about traffic safety
1995 78
Fantasio Der Challenger Stock cane to handkerchief, with challenger preparation
1995 9
Fantasio Akrobatischer, farbwechselnder Stock silk on cane jumps into a hat, cane changes color and then transforms into silk
1995 15
Pavel Rose zu Tuch rose on jacket transforms into silk
1995 30
Jay Scott Berry Orb Warp sponge ball appears, changes into silk streamer and back, sponge vanishes, using Diamond Tip
1995 14
Jay Scott Berry Lunar Eclipse sponge ball appears, changes to silk, silk changes color and changes back into matching sponge back, ball vanishes, using Diamond Tip
1995 17
Yuji Yamamoto Tuch zum Stock handkerchief to cane, preparation for cane
1996 4
Yuji Yamamoto Noch eine Zugabe handkerchief appears in flash, and changes into cane
1996 7
Kazu Katayama Silk Socks "A Magical Journey In The Year 2001, With Professor Kazoo"
silk changes to sock, described in comic form
Feb. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 6)
Tom Osborne Sonne und Mond two different-colored silks, center circles transpose
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova Ball zu Tuch ball visually changes to silk
Also published here 1998 78
Gene Elmo Ein magisches Foto card signed on back, rolled up, silk pushed through, silk has card image printed on it and card is now blank
Inspired by 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Stanley Best Silk Squeeze glass with milk covered with red silk, white silk appears and vanishes, in glass is now shot glass with white silk inside, lead-in for Chanin's TV Production
1999 11
Val Le-Val "X" Marks the Spot handkerchief with cross on it, the cross appears on back of selected card, then travels back to handkerchief, heat sensitive
Inspired by
  • "Mark of the Pirate" (Joe Gattis, marketed)
2000 29
Hiroyuki Sakai Wand Mystery black wand changes color to red, then changes into a silk, yellow wand is produced, changes back to black, vanishes
July 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 7)
Christian Scherer Locked Room Mystery handkerchief in locked tube is found have blood on it, murder story presentation
2002 23
John Willmann The Willmann Egg mechanical silk to egg transformation
2002 17
Gaëtan Bloom Silk to Egg - Eleventh Method: The Gaëtan Bloom Treatment without fake egg
Also published here 2002 201
Adrian Plate, Smashed Egg to Silk egg wrapped in paper and broken, now silk in paper
Related to
  • "The Disappearing Egg" (Wehman Brothers, New Book of 150 Parlor Tricks and Games, 1939, p. 1)
2002 205
Egg, Handkerchief, and Onion egg produced, then changed to silk, silk changes color, back to egg, then to an onion
Also published here
  • Professor Hoffmann, Tricks with Handkerchiefs, 1893, p. 329
2002 214
Marlin Perry Eggs to Silk
Also published here
  • Practical Magic, p. 46
2002 215
Robertson Keene Egg and Flag tissues burned, flag produced from ashes, changes to egg, egg broken, flag produced from broken egg
Also published here
  • More Novel Notions, p. 44
2002 282
Edwin Hooper Eggs-tra-ordinary silk put in glass and covered, silk removed and changed to egg, silk back in glass, repeat, then silk in glass changed into third egg
Also published here
  • Edwin Hooper, Edwin's Magic Finale, 1991, p. 275
2002 285
An Illustration of Free Trade Principles elaborate routine with silk and egg
Also published here 2002 290
Karl Fulves Riddle In Red five colors written on five pieces of paper, one chosen and wrapped in handkerchief, it becomes blank and color is written onto handkerchief
Discoverie (Issue 8)
Eric Mead When Children Walk With Canes presentation for appearing cane with picture cards
Also published here 2003 11
Jeff McBride Card to Silk
2003 7
Alexander de Cova, Jan Torell Flash Card to Silk jumbo card (or sign, menu, ...) visually transforms into silk, ends clean
Also published here 2004 7
Alexander de Cova Visible Ball to Silk ball visually changes to silk
Also published here 2004 11
David Kaye The Bread Trick Red transform to white handkerchief, white handkerchief change into bread, then change back to red
2005 63
David Kaye Presidential Mis-Made Flag Three silks fuse to form American flag, with comedy routine
2005 77
Eric Mead When Children Walk with Canes presentation for appearing cane with picture cards
Also published here 2006 179
John Moehring Scarf to Cane
Feb. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 2)
Alan Wakeling Persia silks appear, change and fuse in changing fez
  • Notes (Jim Steinmeyer)
Sep. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 9)
Tom Stone Eggs from Bombay combo with silk to egg, eggs under bowl (Benson's Bowl), multiplying eggs
Also published here 2007 7
Tom Stone Eggs from Bombay combo with silk to egg, eggs under bowl (Benson's Bowl), multiplying eggs
Also published here 2011 135
Patrick Page Dyeing the Silks in paper tube
Related to 2011 181
Patrick Page With a Thumb TIp ideas with a thumb tip
  • With a Pencil
  • The Thumb Tip as a Producing Agent
  • For the Platform Act
  • Smaller 'n' Smaller
  • Suddenly Something Happened
2011 205
Patrick Page Sock It handkerchief changes to sock
2011 287
Patrick Page The Flash Box handkerchief in box, box burns and explodes and handkerchief is shown burnt, gag
2011 288
Patrick Page Spots Off comedy presentation for Sitta's Leopard Silk
2011 290
Patrick Page Good Evening words on silk change
2011 299
Steven Hamilton Silk & Sponge silk vanishes, appear in rolled-up bill, changes into sponge ball which splits in two, sponge routine
Also published here 2013 154
Alexander de Cova, Jan Torell Blitz-Kartenverwandlung jumbo card (or sign, menu, ...) visually transforms into silk, ends clean
Also published here 2013 44
Kazu Katayama Hanky-Panky Balls
  • Tokyo Workshop
five red sponge balls produced with top hat, they transform to five knotted red silks
June 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 6)
Kazu Katayama Cup, Ball, Silk, And You
  • Tokyo Workshop
endless ball production with a paper cup, they all change into a silk
Aug. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 8)
Alexander de Cova, Jan Torell Giant Card to Silk jumbo card (or sign, menu, ...) visually transforms into silk, ends clean
Also published here Jan. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 4)
Alexander de Cova, Jan Torell Blitz-Kartenverwandlung jumbo card (or sign, menu, ...) visually transforms into silk, ends clean, card with flap-addition so it can be shown from both sides
Also published here 2015 24
Alexander de Cova Ball zu Tuch ball visually changes to silk
Also published here 2016 191
Alexander de Cova Sichtbares Färben visual silk color change, pull to table
  • Variationen
2016 221
Martin Lewis The Test
  • Making Magic
white dotted silk is put in red box which is put in a paper bag, out comes a white dotted box with a red silk inside, design transposition
May 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 5)
John Guastaferro Silkworm silk produced and changed into sponge ball which is split into two, they change back to a silk which vanishes
Also published here
  • Second Storm, 2005 lecture notes
July 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 7)
Alberto de Figueiredo El dominó child holds white handkerchief, a string and buttons, then a dominoe stone is selected from a plastic bag and string and buttons are found sewn onto handkerchief to match chosen dominoe
2018 101
Jonathan Neal Nomenclature
  • Secrets Within Secrets
torn and restored paper napkin, transforms into white silk at the end
Apr. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 4)
Juno Tuch- und Ball-Metamorphose silk to ball, then back to silk
2022 11