36 entries in Silk & Handkerchief / Blendo
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Blendo two silks pushed through tube, they change into bigger silk with both colors
Jan. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster, To Vanish Four Handkerchiefs Simultaneously dummy with four small silks sewn together blendo-like to fake existence of all four
Also published here 1903 287
Edward Victor Dyeing By Wireless white silks inside matchboxes change colors when placed on freely-selected colored plates
1940 ca. 83
Tom Sellers Blendo
1942 11
Dr. Milton Bridges Blending of the Colors blendo to flag
1943 317
Frank Ducrot The Perfection Flag Trick blendo to flag
1943 320
Tom Sellers The Patriotic Vial mini blendo with tissue paper inside small bottle
1943 20
Leslie P. Guest My Blendo Load silks put in box, blendo
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Laurie Ireland Method for an Unprepared Blendo
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Milbourne Christopher Milbourne Christopher's Column on the Blendo
  • Two Silk Blendo
  • Variations for M.C.'S
  • Card Blendo
  • Bead Tip
July 1946 232
Hen Fetsch Fetsch's Grandpopper ideas with Popper
  • Popper Silk
  • Three Silk Popper
  • Popper Blendo
  • Popper Color Change
  • Popper Expanding Silk
  • Popper Card Silk
  • Popper Cig to Silk
  • Popper Gloves to Flower
  • Popper Gloves to Silk
  • Popper Flash Silk
  • Popper Flash Flowers
Inspired by Dec. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 166)
Karrell Fox Cardician Blendo three card silks with wrong cards change into large silk with selection
Variations 1960 14
Marconick Streamer Blendo
Also published here 1967 130
Marconick Two Way Blendo
Also published here 1967 136
Jerry Mentzer Cards - Silks - Blendo threefold screen made from jumbo playing cards folded into triangle, silks produced, they change into giant silk with cards on them, Booth's Blendo
1976 3
Jochen Zmeck Blendo leicht three silks become one with image, in-the-hands
1977 5
Jochen Zmeck Blendo mit Röhre roll-up tube used to produce three silks (Horster's "Ora"), then blendo effect without the tube
1977 6
Jochen Zmeck Freihand-Blendo three silks are produced, then blendo
1977 7
Howard Huntington Sympathetic Silks blendo finale
1978 152
Len Belcher Halbierte Doppelschublade blendo in divided drawer box
Also published here
  • Len Belcher's "Double Drawbox"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 4)
Pavel Loch-Blendo knots in handkerchiefs are removed, handkerchiefs with holes are placed in paper tube and transform into one big handkerchief with lots of holes
1983 11
Karrell Fox A Blending of Ideas silks with slogans change into silk with company logo, trade show blendo
1988 132
Peter Wilker Oktoblendo Blendo with silks and with paper
  • Der Austausch der Tücher
  • Der Austausch der Papiere
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Jean Garance Eine Seidentücher-Routine handkerchief routine
  • color change
  • cut and restored
  • Twentieth Century Silks
  • Blendo
  • production of object / animal
1990 29
Ali Bongo Bongo Blendo
Also published here 1991 23
Marconick Verwandlung in zwei Richtungen
Also published here 1992 33
Marconick Fahnenverwandlung
Also published here 1992 35
Ali Bongo Bongo Blendo
Also published here 1994 4
Karrell Fox The Unfinished Palette mismade silks, blendo type effect in which small colored silks are merged with color palette on big silk
1995 72
Karrell Fox Over The Rainbow Blendo blendo without props
1995 126
Karrell Fox Cardician Blendo Revisited two card silks with wrong cards change into large silk with selection
Inspired by 1995 147
Karrell Fox Blendo Trio blendo presentation ideas with printed silks
1995 150
Jay Scott Berry Rainbow Eclipse four colored silk strips appear, then they change into a rainbow streamer, using Eclipse Tip
1995 11
Mont Dutson Teachings of the Medicine Wheel medicine wheel appears with four different-colored ribbons, they are taken off and changed into a four-colored ribbon
2003 215
Dave Campbell A Blend of Silk 'n' Tumblers three tumblers on a tray with a different-colored silk each, outer silks jump in center one and become one large silk
2004 397
Alberto de Figueiredo Los pañuelos y la caja routine with two children where handkerchiefs should travel to box, several handkerchiefs turn into a big one, using break-away fan and comedy wand, Clatter Box
2019 109