65 entries in Silk & Handkerchief / Knot Effects / Sympathetic Silks
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Oswald Rae Sympathetic Silks brief description, two sets of three handkerchiefs, second phase, named color unties
1929 1
Joe Berg The Phantom Knots three knotted silks on one side, three loose silks on other side, knots travel across, slit in sleeve of assistant
1930 32
Laurie Ireland Ireland's Traveling Knot knot travels from performer's silk to spectator's (single) silk, using Ideal Color Change dye tube
1931 26
Edward Proudlock Proudlock's Version of the Sympathetic Silks with six handkerchiefs, three different colors
1936 11
Edward Proudlock Some Suggested "Patter"
1936 25
Edward Victor, G. W. Hunter The "Super" Sympathetic Silks silks hanging from a rod, using a chair and a table, silk fall on their own
1937 46
Oscar Weigle Twin Sympathy second set of silks unties and ties in sympathy with another set
1939 59
Harlan Tarbell The Sympathetic Silks
Also published here 1941 378
Another Counting Version false count for sympathetic silks
1941 380
Using a Chair Display for Counting Silks
1941 381
Al Baker The Sympathetic Silks "Streamline Version", four silks
Also published here 1941 66
5 - Sympathetic Silks using Two-Way Paper Cone (page 86)
1942 87
Keith Clark Silks Supreme silk produced, knot effects, silk becomes two, then three, then six and up to eighteen or more
  • As the Spectator Sees It
  • Properties
  • Preparation
  • Presentation
    • 1. A Striking Experiment
    • 2. The "Naughty" Knots
    • 3. Squeegie, Squeegie!
    • 4. The Fourth Dimension
    • 5. Another Silk Appears
    • 6. The Conjurer Counts - And Counts Again!
    • 7. The Sympathetic Silks
    • 8. The Multiplication Finale
1942 1
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz Knot Transposition two silks, one knotted, transposition
1943 302
Al Baker Sympathetic Silks
Variations 1945 347
Tony Lopilato Sympathetic Silks six silks
1948 99
Harold G. Beaumont The Sympathetic Ropes three tied ropes are put in one hat, three separate ropes in another, then the other set is knotted
1952 80
Charlie Edwards Dissolving Knots
Also published here 1954 83
Ken Brooke Knot-Out knotting for setting up unknotting in sympathetic silks
  • The Reef Knot
  • To Upset the Knot
1956 27
Ken Brooke The Sympathetic Silks
1956 30
Ken Brooke The False Count for Sympathetic Silks
1956 31
Marconick Sympathetic Silks
Related to 1967 124
Eddie Joseph My Sympathetic Silks four silks
1969 220
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Note - 5) No. 247-5, cryptic
1972 62
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Sympathetic Silk Move No. 614, switch move
1972 171
Astus Les Foulards Goldin Goldin silks, described by Roger Jaquet
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 3)
Marconick Sympathetic Silks with production of object as climax
Related toAlso published here 1976 12
Lewis Ganson Introduction effect description, requirements,preparation, to hide the knots, set-up, performance
1977 2
Lewis Ganson Stage One - The Pick-Up from a chair, hiding the knots
1977 7
Lewis Ganson Stage Two - The Count
1977 8
Lewis Ganson Stage Three - Tying the Silks
1977 9
Lewis Ganson Stage Four - The Secret Untying
1977 10
Lewis Ganson Stage Five - The Sympathetic Tying
1977 12
Lewis Ganson Stage Six - The Sympathetic Untying rubber band
1977 12
Lewis Ganson The Climax
1977 13
Lewis Ganson Notes 1. The Reef or Square Knot
2. Rubber Bands
3. A Different Set-Up
1977 14
Howard Huntington Sympathetic Silks blendo finale
1978 152
Tony Slydini Slydini's Sympathetic Silks
1979 70
Marconick Les foulards sympathiques with production of object as climax
Also published here 1979 4
Ken Brooke Knot-Out knotting method for Sympathetic Silks
Also published here 1980 79
Harry Baron Der Goldin'sche Tüchertrick
Also published here
  • Magic Info, May/June 1976
Nov. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Sympathetic Silks (1937)
1985 25
Karl Fulves Sympathetic Silks chapter intro
1988 76
Harlan Tarbell Sympathetic Silks No. 30
Also published here 1988 80
Charlie Edwards Edwards' Schmelzende Knoten
Also published here Feb. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Arturo de Ascanio Nuevo Desanudamiento de Pañuelos version for Goldin Silks
Also published here
  • "A.M.A." N° 12, 1959.
1992 130
Marconick Goldin-Tücher (Sympathetic Silks)
Also published here 1992 27
Alexander de Cova Master Silk Routine
Inspired byVariations 1997 1
Billy McComb At Homb with McComb - Sympathetic Silks
1997 19
Alexander de Cova Improved Master Silk Routine
  • Die verbesserte Variante
Inspired byVariations 1998 11
Ken Brooke Knoten-Beseitigung knotting method for Sympathetic Silks
Also published here 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova Master Silks further improvement, extra corners
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2002 32
Al Baker The Sympathetic Silks "Streamline Version", four silks
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Ron Bauer Four Squares and a Knot sympathetic silks with only four silks and one knot, observation test presentation
2003 2
Ron Bauer Some History... credit information
2003 11
Ron Bauer A Sympathetic Count false count with silks already knotted
2003 12
Ron Bauer A Sympathetic Knot
2003 14
Alexander de Cova Master Silks Routine further improvement, extra corners
Also published here 2004 25
Alexander de Cova Master Silks Routine further improvement, extra corners
Also published here 2006 32
Alexander de Cova Der Meister-Tuchtrick latest version
2011 8
Kazu Katayama Sympatico Silks
  • Tokyo Workshop
using handkerchief ball gaff, credit information
  • Making the Knots
July 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 7)
Alexander de Cova Master Silks discussion of various methods and approaches
  • Das Al Baker Prinzip
    • Das Aufnehmen der Tücher
  • Der Joe Berg Stand
  • Die Sache mit dem Stuhl
  • Das Entknoten der Tücher
    • Manuelles Entknoten
    • Entknoten mit Gimmick
    • Die zweite Variante
    • Ein besseres Gimmick
Inspired byRelated to 2016 24
Ignacio López El Misterio de los Pañuelos Simpáticos three phases, with a glass
Also published here 2018 37
Ignacio López Sympathetic Silks three phases, with a glass
Also published here 2019 16
Jonathan Neal Cause and Effect
  • Secrets Within Secrets
all silks end up knotted in a row, switch using the table
Feb. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 2)